Help - JEditorPane drag selected text behavior/problem

Hi All,
I'm working at adding new functionality to the JEditorPane. Everything was going ok, but I noticed this interesting behavior that hopefully there is a solution to.
When you select some text in the JEditorPane with the mouse and then drag the selected text to another location, the text moves just fine. However, depeding on when you drag the text, something interesting happens.
Here is the senerio. While the text is already selected you noticed the cursor blinking.
(1) If you drag the selected text while the blinking cursor IS visible, the cursor will continue to blink after you drag the text to its destination.
(2) If you drag the selected text while the blinking cursor IS NOT visible, the cursor will be invisible after you drag the text to its destination.
So (2) is really the problem. The only way I've been able to get the cursor to start blinking again is to issue a cut, copy or paste method from the JEditorPane object.
Has anyone else found this problem and maybe a solution to it. I've disabled all the extra stuff I extended on the JEditorPane class, but it didn't seem to make a difference.
Justin Circelli

There are several approaches. You can add FocusListener to the drop target or drag source and put your code in focusGained() or focusLost() accordingly.
Another way is to return focus to the drag source if DnD failed as you tried. First check whether mouseReleased(0 is invoked. If it's invoked try to put your code into SwingUtilities.invokeLater()

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    How to disable dragging selected text to web search?

    Hmm, I haven't heard of that before. It's a new tab page with no relation to what you were dragging?
    I wonder whether this might be a feature of one of your extensions. You can review them, and disable/remove any that are nonessential or unrecognized, here:
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Add-ons > Extensions category
    If you disable extensions, usually a link will appear above at least one of them to restart Firefox. You can complete your work on the tab and click one of the links as the last step.
    If that makes no difference, you could test in Firefox's Safe Mode -- that's a standard diagnostic tool to bypass interference by extensions (and some custom settings). More info: [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode]].
    You can restart Firefox in Safe Mode using
    Help > Restart with Add-ons Disabled
    In the dialog, click "Start in Safe Mode" (''not'' Reset)
    Any difference?

  • Drag AP Element Behavior Problem

    I have a draggable ap element (calendardiv) on my page. To my knowledge it is set up correctly. I have created one of these before. For some reason now, when I preview the page in a browser...the ap div location shifts to the right side of the browser when I try to drag the element. As you can see I have a projector screen-type setup where all I want it to do is pull straight down centered in the page. What am I missing so that it stays in the middle rather shifting to the right side when I try to drag it? Code below (areas in bold)...
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Advanced Computers</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        background-color: #333;
        background-image: url(Images/chalkboardbg.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: center top;
        font-family: Calibri;
    #bannerdiv {
        background-image: url(Images/banner.png);
        margin-left: -500px;
    #introimgdiv {
        background-image: url(Images/introimg.png);
        margin-left: -100px;
    #paperdiv {
        background-image: url(Images/paper.png);
        margin-left: 200px;
    #plannerdiv {
        margin-left: 225px;
    #tape1div {
        background-image: url(Images/tape1.png);
        margin-left: 150px;
    #tape2div {
        background-image: url(Images/tape2.png);
        margin-left: 400px;
    #calendardiv {
        margin-left: -400px;
        height: 1050px;
        text-align: center;
    #calbtn {
        height: 50px;
        width: 100px;
        visibility: hidden;
        margin-left: 350px;
        margin-right: 350px;
    #googlecaldiv {
        height: 598px;
        width: 796px;
        border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
        -moz-border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
        -khtml-border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
        background-color: #FFF;
        border-right-width: 2px;
        border-bottom-width: 2px;
        border-left-width: 2px;
        border-right-style: solid;
        border-bottom-style: solid;
        border-left-style: solid;
        border-right-color: #000;
        border-bottom-color: #000;
        border-left-color: #000;
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryEffects.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function MM_effectAppearFade(targetElement, duration, from, to, toggle)
        Spry.Effect.DoFade(targetElement, {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle});
    function MM_scanStyles(obj, prop) { //v9.0
      var inlineStyle = null; var ccProp = prop; var dash = ccProp.indexOf("-");
      while (dash != -1){ccProp = ccProp.substring(0, dash) + ccProp.substring(dash+1,dash+2).toUpperCase() + ccProp.substring(dash+2); dash = ccProp.indexOf("-");}
      inlineStyle = eval("" + ccProp);
      if(inlineStyle) return inlineStyle;
      var ss = document.styleSheets;
      for (var x = 0; x < ss.length; x++) { var rules = ss[x].cssRules;
        for (var y = 0; y < rules.length; y++) { var z = rules[y].style;
          if(z[prop] && (rules[y].selectorText == '*[ID"' + + '"]' || rules[y].selectorText == '#' + {
            return z[prop];
      }  }  }  return "";
    function MM_getProp(obj, prop) { //v8.0
      if (!obj) return ("");
      if (prop == "L") return obj.offsetLeft;
      else if (prop == "T") return obj.offsetTop;
      else if (prop == "W") return obj.offsetWidth;
      else if (prop == "H") return obj.offsetHeight;
      else {
        if (typeof(window.getComputedStyle) == "undefined") {
            if (typeof(obj.currentStyle) == "undefined"){
                if (prop == "P") return MM_scanStyles(obj,"position");
            else if (prop == "Z") return MM_scanStyles(obj,"z-index");
            else if (prop == "V") return MM_scanStyles(obj,"visibility");
            } else {
              if (prop == "P") return obj.currentStyle.position;
            else if (prop == "Z") return obj.currentStyle.zIndex;
            else if (prop == "V") return obj.currentStyle.visibility;
        } else {
            if (prop == "P") return window.getComputedStyle(obj,null).getPropertyValue("position");
          else if (prop == "Z") return window.getComputedStyle(obj,null).getPropertyValue("z-index");
          else if (prop == "V") return window.getComputedStyle(obj,null).getPropertyValue("visibility");
    function MM_dragLayer(objId,x,hL,hT,hW,hH,toFront,dropBack,cU,cD,cL,cR,targL,targT,tol,dropJS,et,d ragJS) { //v9.01
      //Copyright 2005-2006 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC and its licensors. All rights reserved.
      var i,j,aLayer,retVal,curDrag=null,curLeft,curTop,IE=document.all;
      var NS=(!IE&&document.getElementById); if (!IE && !NS) return false;
      retVal = true; if(IE && event) event.returnValue = true;
      if (MM_dragLayer.arguments.length > 1) {
        curDrag = document.getElementById(objId); if (!curDrag) return false;
        if (!document.allLayers) { document.allLayers = new Array();
          with (document){ if (NS) { var spns = getElementsByTagName("span"); var all = getElementsByTagName("div");
            for (i=0;i<spns.length;i++) if (MM_getProp(spns[i],'P')) allLayers[allLayers.length]=spns[i];}
            for (i=0;i<all.length;i++) {
                if (MM_getProp(all[i],'P')) allLayers[allLayers.length]=all[i];
        curDrag.MM_dragOk=true; curDrag.MM_targL=targL; curDrag.MM_targT=targT;
        curDrag.MM_tol=Math.pow(tol,2); curDrag.MM_hLeft=hL; curDrag.MM_hTop=hT;
        curDrag.MM_hWidth=hW; curDrag.MM_hHeight=hH; curDrag.MM_toFront=toFront;
        curDrag.MM_dropBack=dropBack; curDrag.MM_dropJS=dropJS;
        curDrag.MM_everyTime=et; curDrag.MM_dragJS=dragJS;
        curDrag.MM_oldZ = MM_getProp(curDrag,'Z');
        curLeft = MM_getProp(curDrag,'L');
        if (String(curLeft)=="NaN") curLeft=0; curDrag.MM_startL = curLeft;
        curTop = MM_getProp(curDrag,'T');
        if (String(curTop)=="NaN") curTop=0; curDrag.MM_startT = curTop;
        curDrag.MM_bL=(cL<0)?null:curLeft-cL; curDrag.MM_bT=(cU<0)?null:curTop-cU;
        curDrag.MM_bR=(cR<0)?null:curLeft+cR; curDrag.MM_bB=(cD<0)?null:curTop+cD;
        curDrag.MM_LEFTRIGHT=0; curDrag.MM_UPDOWN=0; curDrag.MM_SNAPPED=false; //use in your JS!
        document.onmousedown = MM_dragLayer; document.onmouseup = MM_dragLayer;
        if (NS) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN|Event.MOUSEUP);
        } else {
        var theEvent = ((NS)?objId.type:event.type);
        if (theEvent == 'mousedown') {
          var mouseX = (NS)?objId.pageX : event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
          var mouseY = (NS)?objId.pageY : event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
          var maxDragZ=null; document.MM_maxZ = 0;
          for (i=0; i<document.allLayers.length; i++) { aLayer = document.allLayers[i];
            var aLayerZ = MM_getProp(aLayer,'Z');
            if (aLayerZ > document.MM_maxZ) document.MM_maxZ = aLayerZ;
            var isVisible = (MM_getProp(aLayer,'V')).indexOf('hid') == -1;
            if (aLayer.MM_dragOk != null && isVisible) with (aLayer) {
              var parentL=0; var parentT=0;
              if (NS) { parentLayer = aLayer.parentNode;
                while (parentLayer != null && parentLayer != document && MM_getProp(parentLayer,'P')) {
                  parentL += parseInt(MM_getProp(parentLayer,'L')); parentT += parseInt(MM_getProp(parentLayer,'T'));
                  parentLayer = parentLayer.parentNode;
                  if (parentLayer==document) parentLayer = null;
              } } else if (IE) { parentLayer = aLayer.parentElement;      
                while (parentLayer != null && MM_getProp(parentLayer,'P')) {
                  parentL += MM_getProp(parentLayer,'L'); parentT += MM_getProp(parentLayer,'T');
                  parentLayer = parentLayer.parentElement; } }
              var tmpX=mouseX-((MM_getProp(aLayer,'L'))+parentL+MM_hLeft);
              var tmpY=mouseY-((MM_getProp(aLayer,'T'))+parentT+MM_hTop);
              if (String(tmpX)=="NaN") tmpX=0; if (String(tmpY)=="NaN") tmpY=0;
              var tmpW = MM_hWidth;  if (tmpW <= 0) tmpW += MM_getProp(aLayer,'W');
              var tmpH = MM_hHeight; if (tmpH <= 0) tmpH += MM_getProp(aLayer,'H');
              if ((0 <= tmpX && tmpX < tmpW && 0 <= tmpY && tmpY < tmpH) && (maxDragZ == null
                  || maxDragZ <= aLayerZ)) { curDrag = aLayer; maxDragZ = aLayerZ; } } }
          if (curDrag) {
            document.onmousemove = MM_dragLayer;
            curLeft = MM_getProp(curDrag,'L');
            curTop = MM_getProp(curDrag,'T');
            if (String(curLeft)=="NaN") curLeft=0; if (String(curTop)=="NaN") curTop=0;
            MM_oldX = mouseX - curLeft; MM_oldY = mouseY - curTop;
            document.MM_curDrag = curDrag;  curDrag.MM_SNAPPED=false;
            if(curDrag.MM_toFront) {
              var newZ = parseInt(document.MM_maxZ)+1;
              if (!curDrag.MM_dropBack) document.MM_maxZ++; }
            retVal = false; if(!NS) event.returnValue = false;
        } } else if (theEvent == 'mousemove') {
          if (document.MM_curDrag) with (document.MM_curDrag) {
            var mouseX = (NS)?objId.pageX : event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
            var mouseY = (NS)?objId.pageY : event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
            var newLeft = mouseX-MM_oldX; var newTop  = mouseY-MM_oldY;
            if (MM_bL!=null) newLeft = Math.max(newLeft,MM_bL);
            if (MM_bR!=null) newLeft = Math.min(newLeft,MM_bR);
            if (MM_bT!=null) newTop  = Math.max(newTop ,MM_bT);
            if (MM_bB!=null) newTop  = Math.min(newTop ,MM_bB);
            MM_LEFTRIGHT = newLeft-MM_startL; MM_UPDOWN = newTop-MM_startT;
            if (NS){style.left = newLeft + "px"; = newTop + "px";}
            else {style.pixelLeft = newLeft; style.pixelTop = newTop;}
            if (MM_dragJS) eval(MM_dragJS);
            retVal = false; if(!NS) event.returnValue = false;
        } } else if (theEvent == 'mouseup') {
          document.onmousemove = null;
          if (NS) document.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
          if (NS) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); //for mac NS
          if (document.MM_curDrag) with (document.MM_curDrag) {
            if (typeof MM_targL =='number' && typeof MM_targT == 'number' &&
                 Math.pow(MM_targT-(MM_getProp(document.MM_curDrag,'T')),2))<=MM_tol) {
              if (NS) {style.left = MM_targL + "px"; = MM_targT + "px";}
              else {style.pixelLeft = MM_targL; style.pixelTop = MM_targT;}
              MM_SNAPPED = true; MM_LEFTRIGHT = MM_startL-MM_targL; MM_UPDOWN = MM_startT-MM_targT; }
            if (MM_everyTime || MM_SNAPPED) eval(MM_dropJS);
            if(MM_dropBack) {style.zIndex = MM_oldZ;}
            retVal = false; if(!NS) event.returnValue = false; }
          document.MM_curDrag = null;
        if (NS) document.routeEvent(objId);
      } return retVal;
    <body onload="MM_dragLayer('calendardiv','',375,600,50,400,false,false,0,600,0,0,false,false,0, '',true,'')">
    <div id="bannerdiv"></div>
    <div id="introimgdiv"></div>
    <div id="paperdiv"></div>
    <div id="plannerdiv">
    Weekly Planner<br />
      <div id="TabbedPanels1" class="TabbedPanels">
        <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
          <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Monday</li>
          <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tuesday</li>
          <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Wednesday</li>
          <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Thursday</li>
          <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Friday</li>
        <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
          <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Monday's Content</div>
          <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Tuesday's Content</div>
          <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Wednesday's Content</div>
          <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Thursday's Content</div>
          <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Friday's Content</div>
    <div id="tape1div"></div>
    <div id="tape2div"></div>
    <div id="calendardiv">
      <div class="googlecaldiv" id="googlecaldiv"></div>
    <img src="Assets/screencord.png" width="50" height="400" onmouseout="MM_effectAppearFade('calbtn', 1000, 100, 0, false)" onmouseover="MM_effectAppearFade('calbtn', 1000, 0, 100, false)" /><br />
      <div class="calbtn" id="calbtn"><img src="Images/calendarbtn.png" width="100" height="50" alt="Calendar" /></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var TabbedPanels1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1");

    hollowayolemiss wrote:
    I have a draggable ap element (calendardiv) on my page. To my knowledge it is set up correctly. I have created one of these before. For some reason now, when I preview the page in a browser...the ap div location shifts to the right side of the browser when I try to drag the element. As you can see I have a projector screen-type setup where all I want it to do is pull straight down centered in the page. What am I missing so that it stays in the middle rather shifting to the right side when I try to drag it? Code below (areas in bold)...
    The page is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing.  Dragged absolute positioned divs is not a good way to start out with web design and will only lead you to further problems.  The divs are staying on the page, but they are positioned relative to the page edges. So as resolution changes so does the position of the div, especially since you even have some relative positions based on a percentage width.  If you want something centered on the page, you should first center a relative positioned div with a defined width and a margin attribute set to "margin: 0 auto;".  Then position your content in that and it will always be centered on a page.  This is not possible with absolute positioning.

  • JEditorPane - getting Selected Text or Active Line number

    Is there any predefined method that will give me the current line selected or the line at which the cursor is?
    I am displayed a piece of java code in my JEditorPane, the user can browse through the entire file.. and I need to call an event when a user selects/double clicks a particular module name or based on the current line number where the cursor is. Is there any simple technique to get the line number or the current highlighted text?
    I am relatively new to JEditorPane. Also If you think I shoudl go upon writing an actionListener, a mouse of keyboard... please let me know how to go about it. I keep getting confused.

    In the future, Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum.
    there any simple technique to get the line number Well, a JEditorPane is typically used for displaying HTML. So does a line number make sense when you don't know the contents of the HTML. If you simply have lines of text then you should be using a JTextArea or a JTextPane.
    Check out this posting for a method to return the line number at a give caret postion:
    or the current highlighted text?Read the API. A get??? method will do what you want.

  • Problem with selecting texts

    My iphones note app just started giving me problem today,
    it crashes everytime i try to select texts
    same problem occures when i try to select texts in other apps
    like opera mini and safari
    can someone pls help me with this
    i already tried rebooting and restoring from back up
    any other ideas

    Can you tell if the text is actually going through? If it goes through you will see a check mark next to it if not it will have a clock. I've encountered this infrequently and quite honestly is solved with a battery pull. Power the phone down remove the battery for about a minute then reinstall and power up. Hope this helps.

  • Problem with focus and selecting text in jtextfield

    I have problem with jtexfield. I know that solution will be very simple but I can't figure it out.
    This is simplified version of situation:
    I have a jframe, jtextfield and jbutton. User can put numbers (0-10000) separated with commas to textfield and save those numbers by pressing jbutton.
    When jbutton is pressed I have a validator which checks that jtextfield contains only numbers and commas. If validator sees that there are invalid characters, a messagebox is launched which tells to user whats wrong.
    Now comes the tricky part.
    When user presses ok from messagebox, jtextfield should select the character which validator said was invalid so that user can replace it by pressing a number or comma.
    I have the invalid character, but how can you get the focus to jtextfield and select only the character which was invalid?
    I tried requestFocus(), but it selected whole text in jtextfield and after that command I couldn't set selected text. I tried with commands setSelectionStart(int), setSelectionEnd(int) and select(int,int).
    Then I tried to use Caret and select text with that. It selected the character I wanted, but the focus wasn't really there because it didn't have keyFocus (or something like that).
    Is there a simple way of doing this?

    textField.requestFocusInWindow();;The above should work, although read the API on the select(...) method for the newer recommended approach on how to do selection.
    If you need further help then you need to create a "Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program (SSCCE)",
    that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour, because I can't guess exactly what you are doing based on the information provided.
    Don't forget to use the "Code Formatting Tags",
    so the posted code retains its original formatting.

  • Why selecting text and hitting F1 doesn't go to specific help page anymore?

    Hi. Up until a while ago I was able to, while working on some code,  select a particular actionscript component such as a Class, function or  property and hit the F1 key which would immediately bring up Adobe Help  in my internet browser already showing the page relevant to my  selection. For example, if I had selected the word "MovieClip" in my  code and hit F1, the Adobe Help page describing the MovieClip class  would come up, without me having to navigate to it.
    Now (for some weeks actually), it no longer does that. When I hit F1,  Adobe Help comes up in my browser, but opens at a general menu page  regardless of what text I select, which in fact makes selecting text  before hitting F1 redundant anyways.
    Does anyone know anything about this?
    It was so much more convenient before! Now I have to search for what I'm  looking for every time. I'm learning on my own, so I find myself going  to the Help pages quite often. At the end of the day, it sums up to be a  lot of typing and searching and pages to navigate through. Also, it  seems that navigating through the Adobe Help pages is kind of slow which  just makes it even more of a drag.
    I'd appreciate any information on this, or possibly some help in how to get things back to how they were.

    try to install :

  • Problem selecting text in PDF created by MS Word for Mac 2011

    I'm viewing PDFs in Adobe Digital Editions 4.0, and when I try to select text, the text that actually gets selected is 1-2 lines BELOW where the cursor (I-bar) is located.  This makes highlighting text extremely difficult.  This only seems to happen with PDFs that were created in MS Word for Mac 2011 and viewed in Adobe Digital Editions.
    If I try opening the very same PDF file in Adobe Reader, the cursor highlights text just fine.  If I open it in Preview, it works fine too.  It just won't work when viewing the PDF in Adobe Digital Editions.
    System:  Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite
    I have not been able to find any info on this issue anywhere, and if anyone knows a fix or workaround, I would greatly appreciate the help.

    DHodges wrote:
    Thanks; this last reply came closest to 'solving' the issue. While I selected font sub, it at first had no affect on the document.
    I then went back to prefs and set the compatability dropdown from 'Custom' (where it had defaulted) to 'Word 2004-2007', assuming these docs were created from a recent past Windows.
    I 'Saved As' a Word for Mac " .docm "
    Whoa... the extensions mean something. Your original problem (document shows bold, italic, underline, but tables and other complex formatting are lost) sounds as though the document was being exported as a .RTF, a Rich Text Format file. If you save as a .DOCM, that's a Word Macro Enabled Document. Regular Word 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011 docs are .DOCX. Regular Word 97 through 2004 docs are .DOC. You need to save that document as a .DOCX or a .DOC or you're gonna have problems later.
    - and the documents appear normal (though I had to switch one to 'Portrait' as it for some reason wanted to display in landsacpe.
    Normally you'd have to select page orientation.
    So, poor testing on my part. I have no idea which of the above steps fixed it but I'm guessing the 'Save As' to my version of Word.
    If so, it would appear the 'Compatability' feature was not working at least on these two documents.
    Word's compatibility feature is supposed to ensure that a document you produce is compatible with the target version of Word. If you turn the compatibility stuff on then you will be warned if you are using Word 2007 through 2011 and you use a feature that earlier versions of Word do not have. Microsoft shipped a translator which works with Office 2003 and 2004 and which allows Word 2003 or 2004 to read Word 2007, 2008, 2010, or 2011 documents (.DOCX) and to save them as Word 97 through 2004 documents (.DOC) _as long as they don't have any incompatible features_. Word's compatibility features doesn't do much for .RTFs or for .DOCMs.

  • Problem with selecting text in Adobe Reader XI

    Hi all, I am encountering a problem with Adobe Reader XI and it is very strange I could not find an alike issue on the internet so I guess I have to submit a question with it.
    So here it is, I am using Adobe Reader XI Version 11.0.2, operating system: Windows 7. I do not know it starts from when but it has the problem with selecting text - to be copied in pdf documents. I ensure that the documents are not scanned documents but word-based documents (or whatever you call it, sorry I cannot think of a proper name for it).
    Normally, you will select the text/paragraph you want to copy and the text/paragraph will be highlighted, but the problem in this case that I cannot select the text/paragraph, the blinking pointer (| <-- blinking pointer) will just stays at the same location so I cannot select/highlight anything to be copied. It happens oftenly, not all the time but 90%.
    This is very annoying as my work involves very much with copying text from pdf documents, I have to close the pdf file and then open it again so I can select the text but then after the first copying or second (if I am lucky), the problem happens again. For a few text I have to type it myself, for a paragraph I have to close all opening pdf documents and open again so I could select the paragraph to copy. I ran out of my patience for this, it causes trouble and extra time for me just to copying those texts from pdf documents. Does this problem happen to anyone and do you have a solution for this? I would much appreciate if you could help me out, thank you!

    Yeah,  I totally agree, this is very strange. I have always been using Adobe Reader but this problem only occurred ~three months ago. It must be that some software newly installed I think. But I have no idea.
    About your additional question, after selecting the texts and Ctrl + C, the texts are copied and nothing strange happens. It's just that right after I managed to copy the texts, it takes me a while to be able to select the texts again. For your information, I just tested to select the texts and then pressed Ctrl, the problem happened. And then I tried pressing C and then others letters, it all led to the problem.
    I guess I have to stick with left-clicked + Copy until I/someone figure the source of this problem. Thanks a lot for your help!

  • [JS, CS3] Need help changing tabStop positions of selected text

    Hi all,
    I am writing a script to nudge the tabStop positions of selected text by one point at a time. Sometimes it will be only a tab character selected, and other times it could be several in the paragraph or maybe even the whole story. The problem I am encountering is that when I reference the tabStops as app.selection[0].tabStops it includes ALL the tabStops in the paragraph and NOT just the selected ones. Is there a way to get just the selected tabStops and add a point to their positions? It must be that my referencing is flawed. Thanks for any help.
    Len Swierski

    Hi Len,
    That's not a bad approach, but remember that there may be more tab characters than there are tab stops. I was thinking of getting the location of the selected tab stop relative to the left edge of the text frame (or column, if you're working with multi-column frames) and then comparing it to the location of the tab stop. But I think your approach will work just as well and be quicker.
    Also, remember that when you start moving tab stops around, the index of the tab stop within the tab stops collection can change. If you have tab stop A at 12pt and tab stop B at 16pt, then tab stop A will be item(0) and B will be item (1). But if you move A to 24pt, A will become item(1) and B will be item(0). The index of the tab stop is relative to its location on the tab ruler.

  • Problem regarding Selection Text for a Variable declared in ABAP

    Hello Experts,
    I am new to ABAP development. I have declared a variable in ABAP..Then i went to GOTO>Text Elements> Selection texts.
    Then when i am selecting a date to have dictionary ref, then the text part is changed to "Date in Format YYYYMMSS in 8 C", then i can't customised it any more. But i want to display the text as "START DATE"..but while running. it's displaying "DATE" only.... How i can get rid of this situation?
    Another problem : the limitations for th text in selection text is upto 33 charcaters by default..How can i change that so that i can accomodate as many characters i want.
    Please help...I got stuck here for long time

    In the selection texts, don't use the check box to use the dictionary reference. So that you can declare your own text here.
    If any text symbol is already declared and now if you want to increase the text, by default the maximum length is assigned.
    So simply delete and insert the text symbol again. It will work.
    For the selection texts, if you want to use more length, then use as below.
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 4(60) text-020.
    Here the text-020 will come in the selection screen for the above check box.

  • Drag n Drop selected Text from Safari, chrome not working on indesign CC

    In CS6 If we drag drop any selected text from any app on layout it work but in indesign cc it is working only with some app like TextEdit, notes etc. I knew that very few people have such use case but same is also not working from one of my cocoa app.
    while  debugging if i drop content from TextEdit and Notes app on some sample app I found that TextEdit & Notes App registered for this Extra Pasteboard type "com.adobe.indesign-import-ustl" and "com.adobe.indesign-import-styl" where as chrome and safari are not. similarly my app is registered only for "NSPasteboardTypeString" type. Is this is the limitation or bug of indesign?

    Similar bug(#3710667) was exist in CC before 9.2.2 update as you can see in release notes of 9.2.2(CC last update) here. before fix simple selected text drag & drop did not work from any application except TextEdit .I have also spent hours before this update to find out bug I used ClipBoardViewer sample App to find out current Drop flavour and its content it may help you and before fix I find some workAround first is add flavour in your drop which Indesign understand even if you are not adding any data for that flavour so that you start receiving couldAcceptType() and under this call parse your actual data from PasteBoard and remove all data from pasteBoard so that another next helper will not consume it. as you mention even after adding text flavour your couldAcceptType() not hit so may be this WorkAround not work for you but it worked for me.
    second is just a finding  i.e before doing drag and drop on indesign create one new document (from Indesign UI not programmatically ) save it on disk close it and reopen it after it every drag & drop will start working work .

  • Pls Help! Drag and Drop problem, identical symbols acting differently - same code! WHY?

    In the attached file, I have a series of symbols that have a drag and drop command to change colour at different sections of a bullseye, and that are also text editable (html).
    However, some of the symbols get stuck and will not be moved after moving once or at all, and some get stuck once their text has been edited.
    I have poured over the code and it appears to be the same for each symbol - can anyone explain as to why this is happening?
    I also cannot now edit the text properly on the ipad (it is really fiddly to change between different symbols to edit their text -- is there maybe a better way to do this? A button to change between symbols to then edit their text, can you help with this too?)
    File here:

    Hi, I think I undertsand what you mean now, so the code is as below, btu I am not sure what a handler is? but some of my risks still get stuck once the text has been changed on them:
    // Use for loop for attr
    // deleted  yepnope since you load with scropt loading
    // added pos for each symbol so we can replace them there.
    document.ontouchmove = function(e) {
    var risk = ;
    var Pos = [
    var myText = ; 
    for (i=0;i<risk.length;i++){
    // apply the draggable JQuery UI plugin to the MyDraggableSymbol symbol on your stage
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for risk3_orange similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk1').$("Risk1").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).unbind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk2 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk2').$("Risk2").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk3 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk3').$("Risk3").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk4 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk4').$("Risk4").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk5 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk5').$("Risk5").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk6 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk6').$("Risk6").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk7 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk7').$("Risk7").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk8 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk8').$("Risk8").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk9 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk9').$("Risk9").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk10 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk10').$("Risk10").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk11 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk11').$("Risk11").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk12 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk12').$("Risk12").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk13 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk13').$("Risk13").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk14 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk14').$("Risk14").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk15 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk15').$("Risk15").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    drag: function(e,ui)
    //adding for Risk16 similarly add for other symbols
    sym.getSymbol('Risk16').$("Risk16").bind('click tap',function(ev) {
    }).bind('dblclick tap',function(ev) {
    for (i=0;i<risk.length;i++){
    But is still doesn't work,
    Subject: Re:  Pls Help! Drag and Drop problem, identical symbols acting differently - same code! WHY?

  • ComboBox Problem to change the size of selected text in JTextPane.

    hi 2 all!
    I have a problem in combo box actions, when i change the item in the combo its set is not set at that time but that action is performed when next action is taken, i have used combobox.setAction(new StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction(" click", 12);) command to set the size of the selected text
    Plz suggest the solution also if possible,plz provide some code for this
    Action action1 = new StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction(
                                                 "double click", 12);
                                       Action action2 = new StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction(
                                                 "double click", 14);
                                       Action action3 = new StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction(
                                                 "double click", 18);
    s2 = (String) cb7.getSelectedItem();
                                       if (s2.equals("Small")) {
                                                      } else
                                       if (s2.equals("Medium")) {
                                                                          } else if (s2.equals("Large")) {
                                            // e1.setSource(cb7);
    when i chooze any combobox item then according to that item i set the Action on ComboBox but that action is not working properly on the selected text in the JTextPane..means selected text in JText Pane is not changes its Size according to the comboBox selected ITEM.
    PLZ plzzzzzzzzzz help me:((.i will be thankfull to u.
    thanx in advance..

    this code is not working properly according to the action i set on comboBox.Thats correct, the setAction() method is used to invoke an existing Action on the combo box, not create a new Action.
    What you need to do is have a single action that uses the information from the item that was selected to build a dynamic Action to change the font. Something like:
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         JComboBox comboBox = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
         int fontSize = Integer.parseInt( comboBox.getSelectedItem().toString() );
         Action fontAction = new StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction("size", fontSize);

  • I udate my os to 10.6.7 and since then my Pages have color problems. The text is not visible (white on white background) it does'nt help to change the text color nor background color. Pls help

    I udate my os to 10.6.7 and since then my Pages have color problems. The text is not visible (white on white background) it does'nt help to change the text color nor background color. I just download the recent trail version of Iworks and install it. The first document I opened it was ok. When I open the second one the problem appear again and stayed. Pls help

    This behavior was described many times.
    In every occurrence,the operating system was an uncompleted one resulting of the use of Software Update to update the operating system to 10.6.2, 10.6.3, 10.6.4, 10.6.5, 10.6.6, 10.6.7.
    In such cases, the solace was to apply a combo updater.
    As you are using 10.6.7, download and apply the combo 10.6.7 :
    After that, run Software Update which will urge you to apply :
    Snow Leopard Font Update
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 29 mai 2011 21:15:58
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.7
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

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