Help -- keypressed events

Hi, I have a texfield in which I want the users to enter time in the following format: hh:mm:ss
My problem is, I want the colons to appear automatically when the user is entering hh and mm fields. I tried using the keypressed event but I am not able to make it work very neatly, i mean there is some problem or the other when I try various inputs, try backspace, delete etc.
Anybody got any inputs?

Actually I am using jdk1.3 -- therefore I can't use JFormatted TExtfield.
I went thru the Doc listener api -- u r right, i don't need that.
All i need is a simple code check in my keypressed event handler -- but I am unable to write that.

Similar Messages

  • Keypress Events

    Hi, everybody, it is my first question to you all.
    Does anybody have any function that would capture keypress events, or
    any information that would be helpful in capturing them? For example,
    when a user presses the <down arrow> or F1 key. I am currently using
    the AfterValueChange event to capture keys that display.
    Scott Watters
    Systems Analyst
    Carlson Wagonlit Travel - Minneapolis
    [email protected]

    Hi, Scott.
    Here's the information I found on trapping keystrokes - mostly R3 =
    specific, but that's OK for you. I pulled the following posts off my =
    mailing list archive:
    From: <[email protected]>
    Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 15:57:32 +0800
    Subject: Trapping Certain Keystrokes
    Hi All,
    I have read the manuals, and the online-documentation, but can not seem =
    to find anything about trapping keystrokes other than the Function keys.
    Our application specifically requires us to trap certain keystrokes, =
    such as the navigation keys etc.=20
    Does anybody know which event is raised when a key is pressed?
    Any insight will be appreciated.
    Regards Martin
    From: DEVEAUX Manuel <[email protected]>
    Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 11:43:11 +0200
    Subject: RE: Trapping Certain Keystrokes
    Hi all,
    Actually, I don't think you can trap keystrokes on a UserWindow but on =
    some WidGets (like DataFields), you can set to TRUE the 'Validate on =
    KeyStroke' option in the properties dialog .
    Thus, when the WidGet has the focus and the user send a keystroke, you =
    can trap this event with the 'AfterValueChange' event. If someone knows
    how to trap keystrokes on a UserWindow, I am also interested !
    * Manuel -
    Manuel Deveaux
    Fort=E9 Developer
    Mutuelle Pr=E9viade
    Nancy, FRANCE
    E-Mail : [email protected]
    From: Jean-Paul De Baets <[email protected]>
    Date: Fri, 04 Apr 1997 14:11:58 +0200
    Subject: RE: Trapping Certain Keystrokes -Reply
    This is an enhancement request we also posted several months ago. I =
    think it is announced for Fort=E9 release 3. But I don't know if we =
    will be able to trap ANY keystroke.
    J.P. De Baets
    CAP GEMINI Belgium
    [email protected]
    From: Kerry Bellerose <[email protected]>
    Date: Fri, 04 Apr 1997 13:28:14 +0100
    Subject: Re: Trapping Certain Keystrokes
    Hi Manuel and Martin,
    Unfortunately, for Forte V2.0, Manuel is correct. But Forte has added a
    feature that allows you to trap any keystroke in Forte R3, which is =
    currently in beta.
    If you are a beta site, look in the Forte Release 3 Beta Features manual
    page 169, the window class SetAsFunctionKey method.
    If you are not a beta site and want this functionality in R2,=20
    you would need to do some tricks with menus or data fields, as Manuel =
    From: Lee Wei <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, 7 Apr 97 09:06:23 PDT
    Subject: RE: Trapping Certain Keystrokes -Reply
    I think all of us want to know if we can indeed trap ANY keys.
    The answer is ALMOST, including escape, spacebar, enter, backspace, tab,
    navigational (up,down,left,right,end,home), digits, alpha, numeric =
    keypads, insert, delete.
    But not keys such as left shift, right shift, left Alt, right Alt, left =
    Ctrl, and right Ctrl (Helpful for games...).
    Don't forget that we are talking about release 3.
    Lee Wei
    Hope this helps,
    Dariusz Rakowicz
    [email protected]
    From: owner-forte-users
    Sent: Friday, July 25, 1997 10:46 AM
    To: 'Forte Users Group'
    Subject: Keypress Events
    Hi, everybody, it is my first question to you all.
    Does anybody have any function that would capture keypress events, or
    any information that would be helpful in capturing them? For example,
    when a user presses the <down arrow> or F1 key. I am currently using
    the AfterValueChange event to capture keys that display.
    Scott Watters
    Systems Analyst
    Carlson Wagonlit Travel - Minneapolis
    [email protected]

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    1. Don't know.
    2. Hopefully you have a backup to restore from. Contacts are separate from iTunes, but if you enabled iCloud, then your contacts should be preserved (if you do not use Outlook, Address Book, etc.)

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    Can't be done for TextField. Many devices (example:SE k700i) launch a separate editing screen to change the text in a TextField.

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    I don't know about Raspberry but on desktop it would be primaryStage.close() - does that work?

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    You don't need an Event Structure, a simple State Machine would be more appropriate.
    There are many examples of State Machines within this forum.

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    Thanks greatly

    Hmm... the small screen is a big pain, isn't it!
    Suppose you dynamically filter the list of potential entries based on what has been already entered in the TextField? Something like thisString[] allNames = new String[100];
    String filter = textField.getString().trim().toUpperCase();
    for ( int i = 0; i < allNames.length; i++ )
        if ( allNames.toUpperCase().startsWith(filter))
    choiceGroup.append ( allNames[i], null );
    -- TextField, [i]not TextBox.  TextBox extends Screen, TextField extends Item. ;-)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    On any OS that would typically involve hooking into the OS itself.
    And then manipulating OS resources as well.
    Putting an app into the 'background' is also OS specific.
    Given that the above is all you want to do then java is not an appropriate language choice. C++ would be better.

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    Put all the code that happens on those events into a method. Then call that method from both events.

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    In keyPressed Event Iam calling dispatchEvent on the component passing the ActionEvent as argument.
    Iam expecting that, control should come back to actionPerformed as it happens in awt.
    But, it is not behaving like that. Can u guys figure it out Y??
    Here is my sample code:
    public void CancelButtonPressed () {
    ActionEvent actionEvent = new ActionEvent((Object)CancelButton,
         ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, CStrings.CANCEL);
    CancelButton.dispatchEvent (actionEvent);
    Note: CancelButton is my JButton object instance.
    Iam expecting that after dispatchEvent is called as above java should invoke actionPerformed.
    But it is not.

    I need to construct ActionEvent explicity since actionlisteners are set for the components in one class say A.
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    I hope you got my point.

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    You may want to read the KeyEvent class description in the API documentation.

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    Actually...I thot about it...and you would not even have to do that....if the timer goes off....and the user did not select "yes", then you just call the method that would have been called when "no" was pressed.....simple.

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    <af:clientListener method="myFunctionTosetFocus"
    function myFunctionTosetFocus(event) {
    alert('function called....')
    var keyCodePressed = event.getKeyCode();
    if(keyCodePressed == AdfKeyStroke.ENTER_KEY || keyCodePressed == AdfKeyStroke.TAB_KEY) {
    alert('Do some thing here....')
    I can see both the alert messages when I click on the ENTER key. But I cannot see both the alert messages when I cick on TAB key. The same is working without any problems in firefox.
    Thanks and Regards,
    S R Prasad

    Hi Frank,
    I tried with the event.cancel(). Now I can see the event.cancel() working for ENTER key, But not for the TAB key. I tried with the keyDown event in the clientListener and it is working with out any problems in both IE and firefox.
    It is not working as expected in case of keyUp event, If I set the focus to the next tab in the clientListener code, it is executing the clientListener of the destination component if the clientListener event is keyUp.
    Overall it is wotking as expected with the keyDown, But it is not working for the keyUp and keyPress events. All these are working as expected in firefox.
    Thanks and Regards,
    S R Prasad

  • JTree - How do I fire a valueChange Event from a keyPressed Event?

    I have been stumped trying to figure out how to fire a valueChange event in my JTree from a keyPressed event.
    When a user changes tree node using the mouse a valueChange event fires. In my program the valueChange executes some code that must be done. I want to get my JTree to work, so that if a user is nagivating the tree using the keyboard, the code is only executed if they press the enter key.
    Below is a little demo program of what I am attempting to accomplish. Any suggestions would be greating appriciated.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class SimpleTreeDemo extends JFrame  {
      public SimpleTreeDemo() {
      public static void main(String args[]) {
        JFrame j = new SimpleTreeDemo();
        DefaultMutableTreeNode category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Top of JTree");
        DefaultMutableTreeNode leaf1 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("leaf1");
        DefaultMutableTreeNode leaf2 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("leaf2");
        category.add(leaf1); category.add(leaf2);
        final JTree jtree = new JTree(category);
        boolean bflag = false;
        jtree.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() {
             public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) {
                  if (bflag)
                       // Execute Code
        jtree.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() {
            public void keyTyped(KeyEvent ke) {
            public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) {
                 if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER)
                      bflag = true;
                    // Fire valueChanged here!
            public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke) {
        Container c = j.getContentPane();

    Try this, it works for me.
    // Tree Key Listener
          tree.addKeyListener(new java.awt.event.KeyAdapter() {
             public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
    private void tree_KeyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
          try {
          int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
          // Get the Tree Path
          TreePath selPath = tree.getSelectionPath();
          if (keyCode == e.VK_DELETE) { //KeyCode - 127
             removeSelectedNode(); // Remove the node
          else if (keyCode == e.VK_ADD) { // Key Code - 107
             tree.expandPath(selPath); // Expand the Node
          else if (keyCode == e.VK_SUBTRACT) { // Key Code 109
             tree.collapsePath(selPath); // Collapse the Node
          else if (keyCode == e.VK_ENTER) {
              // What Ever you want to do here
          else {
          } catch (NullPointerException ex) {

  • JButton loses Focus after a KeyPressed Event

    I have a simple form with a few textfields and buttons, everyone of this components has a KeyPressed Event associated, but i pressed a key (ENTER) on a button, it loses the focus and the next button catch it (i have a specified order setted).
    The point is this only happens in the buttons, the textfields and receiving the event don't lose the focus.
    Can someone tell what is wrong ?
    Thank you.

    I tryed to make a minimalist example to post here, but i couldn't reproduce the error, so i went back to try figure out what i missed.
    I commented all the lines where i had button.setEnabled(..) and now works great, still don't know why, but it seems at some point the button loses the focus when is setEnabled(false)this is what i was doing:
    private void LoginOKButtonKeyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {                                         
            if (evt.getKeyCode() == java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_ENTER)
               WorkerLogin worker = new WorkerLogin();
    public class WorkerLogin extends javax.swing.SwingWorker<LoginResposta, Void>
             * Main task. Executed in background thread.
            public LoginResposta doInBackground()
             * Executed in event dispatching thread
            public void done()
                    LoginResposta resposta = get();
    }Edited by: noe.rocha on Feb 14, 2008 9:56 AM

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