Help me to sort out the error

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
class Image01 extends Frame{ //controlling class
Image rawImage; //ref to raw image file fetched from disk
Image modImage; //ref to modified image
int rawWidth;
int rawHeight;
int[][][] threeDPix;
int[][][] threeDPixMod;
int[] oneDPix;
int inTop; //Inset values for the container object
int inLeft;
double slope;//Controls the slope of the line
String inputData;//Obtained via the TextField
TextField inputField;//Reference to TextField
ImgIntfc02 imageProcessingObject;
public static void main(String[] args)
     Image01 obj = new Image01(); //instantiate this object
obj.repaint(); //render the image
     } //end main
public Image01()
{                                          //constructor
//Get an image from the specified file in the current
Label instructions = new Label(
"Type a slope value and Replot.");
inputField = new TextField("1.0",5);
// directory on the local hard disk.
rawImage =
//Use a MediaTracker object to block until the image
// is loaded or ten seconds has elapsed.
MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
{                                         //because waitForID throws InterruptedException
System.out.println("Load error.");
//end if
catch(InterruptedException e)
this.setVisible(true);//make the Frame visible
rawWidth = rawImage.getWidth(this); //Raw image has been loaded. Establish width and
rawHeight = rawImage.getHeight(this); // height of the raw image.
inTop = this.getInsets().top; //Get and store inset data for the Frame object so
inLeft = this.getInsets().left; // that it can be easily avoided.
//this.setSize(inLeft+rawWidth,inTop+2*rawHeight); //Use the insets and the size of the raw image to
this.setTitle("Copyright 1997, Baldwin"); // establish the overall size of the Frame object.
this.setBackground(Color.yellow); //Make the Frame object twice the height of the
// image so that the raw image and the modified image
// can both be rendered on the Frame object.
int[] oneDPix = new int[rawWidth * rawHeight]; //Declare an array object to receive the pixel
     // representation of the image
//Convert the rawImage to numeric pixel representation
//because grapPixels() throws InterruptedException
//Instantiate a PixelGrabber object specifying
// pix as the array in which to put the numeric
// pixel data.
PixelGrabber pgObj = new PixelGrabber(rawImage,0,0,rawWidth,rawHeight,oneDPix,0,rawWidth);
//Invoke the grabPixels() method on the PixelGrabber
// object to actually convert the image to an array
// of numeric pixel data stored in pix. Also test
// for success in the process.
     if(pgObj.grabPixels() && ((pgObj.getStatus() & ImageObserver.ALLBITS) != 0))
          for(int cnt = 0; cnt < (rawWidth*rawHeight);cnt++)
               oneDPix[cnt] = oneDPix[cnt];
} //end for loop
               threeDPix = convertToThreeDim(oneDPix,imgCols,imgRows);
               int[][][] convertToThreeDim(int[] oneDPix,int imgCols,int imgRows)
//Create the new 3D array to be populated
// with color data.
int[][][] data =
new int[imgRows][imgCols][4];
for(int row = 0;row < imgRows;row++){
//Extract a row of pixel data into a
// temporary array of ints
int[] aRow = new int[imgCols];
for(int col = 0; col < imgCols;col++){
int element = row * imgCols + col;
aRow[col] = oneDPix[element];
}//end for loop on col
//Move the data into the 3D array. Note
// the use of bitwise AND and bitwise right
// shift operations to mask all but the
// correct set of eight bits.
for(int col = 0;col < imgCols;col++){
//Alpha data
data[row][col][0] = (aRow[col] >> 24)
& 0xFF;
//Red data
data[row][col][1] = (aRow[col] >> 16)
& 0xFF;
//Green data
data[row][col][2] = (aRow[col] >> 8)
& 0xFF;
//Blue data
data[row][col][3] = (aRow[col])
& 0xFF;
}//end for loop on col
}//end for loop on row
return data;
}//end convertToThreeDim
threeDPixMod =imageProcessingObject.processImg(threeDPix,imgRows,imgCols);
public int[][][] processImg(
int[][][] threeDPix,
int imgRows,
int imgCols){
//Display some interesting information
System.out.println("Program test");
System.out.println("Width = " + imgCols);
System.out.println("Height = " + imgRows);
//Make a working copy of the 3D array to
// avoid making permanent changes to the
// image data.
int[][][] temp3D =
new int[imgRows][imgCols][4];
for(int row = 0;row < imgRows;row++){
for(int col = 0;col < imgCols;col++){
temp3D[row][col][0] =
temp3D[row][col][1] =
temp3D[row][col][2] =
temp3D[row][col][3] =
}//end inner loop
}//end outer loop
//Get slope value from the TextField
slope = Double.parseDouble(
//Draw a white diagonal line on the image
for(int col = 0;col < imgCols;col++){
int row = (int)(slope*col);
if(row > imgRows -1)break;
//Set values for alpha, red, green, and
// blue colors.
temp3D[row][col][0] = (byte)0xff;
temp3D[row][col][1] = (byte)0xff;
temp3D[row][col][2] = (byte)0xff;
temp3D[row][col][3] = (byte)0xff;
}//end for loop
//Return the modified array of image data.
return temp3D;
}//end processImg
oneDPix = convertToOneDim(
int[] convertToOneDim( int[][][] data,int imgCols,int imgRows){
//Create the 1D array of type int to be
// populated with pixel data, one int value
// per pixel, with four color and alpha bytes
// per int value.
int[] oneDPix = new int[
imgCols * imgRows * 4];
//Move the data into the 1D array. Note the
// use of the bitwise OR operator and the
// bitwise left-shift operators to put the
// four 8-bit bytes into each int.
for(int row = 0,cnt = 0;row < imgRows;row++){
for(int col = 0;col < imgCols;col++){
oneDPix[cnt] = ((data[row][col][0] << 24)
& 0xFF000000)
| ((data[row][col][1] << 16)
& 0x00FF0000)
| ((data[row][col][2] << 8)
& 0x0000FF00)
| ((data[row][col][3])
& 0x000000FF);
}//end for loop on col
}//end for loop on row
return oneDPix;
}//end convertToOneDim
modImg = createImage(
new MemoryImageSource(
//end if statement
     else System.out.println("Pixel grab not successful");
catch(InterruptedException e)
modImage = this.createImage(new MemoryImageSource(rawWidth,rawHeight,pix,0,rawWidth)); //Use the createImage() method to create a new image
// from the array of pixel values.s
this.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() //Anonymous inner-class listener to terminate program
          //anonymous class definition
          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
     System.exit(0);                                              //terminate the program
          }//end windowClosing()
} //end WindowAdapter
);//end addWindowListener
}//end constructor
//Override the paint method to display both the rawImage
// and the modImage on the same Frame object.
public void paint(Graphics g)
          if(modImage != null)
          }//end if
     }//end paint()
}//end Image05 class

You won't get much help with a post like this: no context, no stack trace, no code formatting...

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          * @param args
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                   System.out.println("buf "+bufReader.readLine());Here you are reading a line from the client and printing it.
                   try {
                        while ((ss=bufReader.readLine())!=null) {
                        }Here you are reading more lines from the client and adding it to itself then throwing it away next time around the loop.
                        System.out.println("client message "+ss);... so this can't print anything except 'null'.
                   pw.write("hello");Here you are printing one line to the server. So the server won't ever do anything in the readLine() loop above. Then you are exiting the client without closing the socket or its output stream so the server gets a 'connection reset'.

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    The JRE doesn't include a compiler. You need the SDK.
    javaw is used to run Java applications, not to compile them.

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    I don't post here often, but I attempted to solve your problem. I noticed you weren't using any Maps (assumed you didn't know what they were)
    I would probably recommend using Maps for a problem like this, but I attempted it by glancing at your code and trying to understand what you were doing.
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    //          Created
    //               By
    //                    Lethalwire
    import java.util.*;
    public class Expenses {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Scanner in = new Scanner(;     //Reads data from user
              **     -expenses = Number of Categories
              **     -myCats = Array of Category objects
              **     -keepGoing = if true, program keeps running
              int expenses;
              Category[] myCats;
              boolean keepGoing = true;;
              **     Ask user for the number of categories
              System.out.println("Enter Amt. of expenses:  ");
              expenses = in.nextInt();
              **     initialize the Category array to the correct number of Categories
              myCats = new Category[expenses];
              **     Iterate through the myCats array and get names for each of the objects.
              for(int i = 0; i < myCats.length; i++) {
                   String tempName;
                   System.out.println("Enter name of category: ");
                   tempName =;
                   myCats[i] = new Category(tempName);
              **     while loop tests keepGoing
              **     creates temporary variables :
              **          -tempCatName = takes the user's selected category
              **          -myTempCost = takes the current cost that needs to be added to the selected Category
              **          -exists = Checks to see if tempCatName exists in our array
              **               if !exists, error println is displayed
              **          -tempChar = takes the value of 'y' or 'n' to determine if the program continues
              while(keepGoing) {
                   String tempCatName;
                   double myTempCost;
                   boolean exists = false;
                   String tempChar;
                   System.out.println("Type a category name to add a value to.");
                   tempCatName =;
                   System.out.println("What is the value you would like to add?");
                   myTempCost = in.nextDouble();
                   **     Iterate through the array and try to find the correctly matched object's name.
                   **      If object isn't found, error println is displayed
                   for(int i = 0; i < myCats.length; i++)
                        if( myCats.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tempCatName) ) {
                             exists = true;
                        if (!exists)
                             System.out.println("Category doesn't exist. (mispelled?");
                   **     Prompts the user to continue or not
                   **     Stores value in tempChar
                   **     if tempChar is yes, then program continues
                   **      if tempChar is no, keepGoing is set to false, then the while loop terminates
                   System.out.println("Continue? Enter 'y' for yes, 'n' for no.");
                   tempChar =;
                        if( !tempChar.equalsIgnoreCase("y") )
                             keepGoing = false;
              **     Iterates through the array and gathers the current object's name, and total.
              **     They are then displayed
              for(int i = 0; i < myCats.length; i++)
                   System.out.println( myCats[i].getName() + ":\t\t\t$" + myCats[i].getTotal() );
    **     Cateogry class
    **     Holds an objects name and an ArrayList of double values
    class Category {
         **     -name = variable that keeps track of the current object's name
         **     -prices = ArrayList that adds double values when called for
         private String name;
         private ArrayList<Double> prices;
         **     Constructor takes 1 parameter
         **     Initializes prices
         Category(String n) {
              name = n;
              prices = new ArrayList<Double>();
         **     Returns the current objects name;
         String getName() {
              return name;
         **     Adds val to prices.
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         **     Iterates through the prices arraylist and adds the values up storing them in total
         **     Method returns the total price;
         double getTotal() {
              double total = 0.0;
              for(Double d: prices)
                   total += d;
              return total;

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    Hi Dave, & welcome to the forums!
    It looks like FCP5 will work...
    Macintosh computer with 500MHz or faster PowerPC G4 or G5 processor or any dual G4 or G5 processors,                         512MB of RAM, and AGP Quartz Extreme graphics card;                         HD editing requires a 1GHz or faster PowerPC G4 or G5 and 1GB of RAM
    Mac OS X v10.3.9 or later
    QuickTime 7 or later
    DVD drive for installation
    Free trial???
    Yet I bet there's some real pros over in the FCP forum that could be of better help...
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    C:\JavaPractice>java -version
    java version "1.4.0"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)
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    The name specified is not recognized as an
    internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
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    i might guess that you have j2sdk1.4.0\jre\bin on your PATH, but not j2sdk1.4.0\bin ...

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    Thanks Eric for responding.
    I checked and it does not appear in the Applications folder.
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    Thanks again.

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    Please help me how concatenate all the error messages and send it as out parameter value.

    Agree with Billy, exception handling is not something that is done by passing parameters around.
    PL/SQL, like other languages, provides a suitable exception handling mechanism which, if used properly, works completely fine.  Avoid misuing PL/SQL by trying to implement some other way of handling them.

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    Try to restore get a error 29 - iPhone 3GS - iFixit
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  • How do I sort out the troubles on the console?

    Gmail - [#SAM-621717]: Trial of home intego          15/03/13 10:59 PM
    [#SAM-621717]: Trial of home intego
    2 messages
    Intego Support <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] To: mlkessell@**** Cc: monicakessell02@****
    Hello Monica,
    Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 3:52 AM
    If the accounts are on the same computer, you should not have to use a different e-mail address. If your son's account is not an Administrator account, this may be the issue. Are you able to launch VirusBarrier from your son's account from Applications>Intego?
    Kind Regards,
    John Intego Support Team
    ____________________________________________________________________ Intego Technical Support
    User manuals are available from the 'Help' menu in all Intego software. Keep up-to-date with the latest Mac security information.
    Visit the Intego Mac Security Blog: Follow us on Twitter: @IntegoSecurity
    Facebook: http://www.fa****.com/Intego ____________________________________________________________________
    Monica Kessell <monicakessell02@****>          Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 10:55 PM To: [email protected]
    Yes I am able to do that and the issue that we were having seems to have settled down after the computer crashed and I restarted it by resetting PRAM and repairing the disk. Can you help me understand what to do about the issues that the console in utilities is logging frequently? both before and since the crash yesterday; (see below)
    First issue; An instance 0x10062c110 of class CBX5KeyboardObservationController was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Observation info was leaked, and may even become mistakenly attacked to some other object. set a breakpoint on NSKVODeallocateBreak to stop here in the debugger. Here's the current observation info: .......
    (lots of stuff I don't understand)
    Monica Kessell <monicakessell02@****>
    Gmail - [#SAM-621717]: Trial of home intego          15/03/13 10:59 PM
    Second Issue; barrier.daemon[51] launcht l: Error unloading:com.intego.virusbarrier.bm_controller barrier.daemon[51] launcht l: Error unloading:com.intego.virusbarrier.bm_injector_32 barrier.daemon[51] launcht l: Error unloading:com.intego.virusbarrier.bm_injector_64[1] ([25]Exited with exit code:252 e.WindowServer[95]Fri Mar 15 21:54;39 monica-kessellsimac. local WindowSever[95] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catcherrors as they are logged. d.peruser .501[146] ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: ReportCrash.Self d.peruser .501[146]          ([178])Exited with exit code 255 tions.enabled[186] launchct l : CFURLWriteDataAndPropertiesToResource(/var/db/launchd.db/ failed:-10 d.peruser.501[146] ([179]) Exited with exit code: 1 tions.enabled[186] launchct l : CFURLWriteDataAndPropertiesToResource(/var/db/launchd.db/ failed:-10 es.integomenu[185] objc[185]:ClassIFCrossCompatibleUnicodeString is implemented in both /Library/Intego/Family Protector.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Family Protector Frameworks/Family Protector Foundation.framework/Versions/A/Family ProtectorFoundation and /Library/Intego/ personalbackupd.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Personal Frameworkds/PersonalBackup.framework/Versions/A/PersonalBackup. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined
    and there are more messages like this regarding the Class IFTimeIntervalManager and the Class IFUUID and the Class IFMessanger and the Class IFMessangerClient and the class IFMessangerLion and the class IFMDelayed Messange and the Class IFSnowReply and the Class IFMessagerSnow and the Class IFMessanger and the Class IFMLionReply
    and on and on the messages go
    Can you shed some light on the subject and help me sort out the computer?
    Monica Kessell
    <Emails Edited By Host>

    Here's my latest list of complaints to Intego regarding Family Protector. I thought it should be shared:
    I have been using Family Barrier for a couple of years now, and may I say, it has so many problems that as soon as I can find a better alternative, I'm gone. Until that day, however, I expect some solutions.
    Issue #1: The application is 100% unreliable. The chances of it doing its job on any given day are seriously 50/50. Or worse. This alone renders the program useless. But that's not all.
    Issue #2: It's unbelievably easy to override. Are you seriously unaware that all one has to do is change the date on the computer to one before Family Barrier was installed, it will 100% not do its job. Awesome. This is straight out of Hacking 101, and any program should be able to defend against it. Otherwise, any demo I try download can be made to work forever. While some are, most are not. Get it together, People.
    Of course, making time changes impossible can be done from my end by the keeping admin password unknown to the protected user, but what if the protected user needs admin access? That happens to be my case. Nonetheless, I was willing to block admin access to fix the problem until you could tell me that YOU'VE done your job and taken care of it (you will tell me that, right?). But then I was left with Issue #1 (remember? the one where it only works 50% of the time at best?), so what's the point?
    I thought I'd try reinstalling it again, just for fun. I've done this before and it's worked TEMPORARILY (tell me the truth, would you pay for an application that constantly had to be re-installed so that it would work for a while? the truth, now). Why am I not surprised that now even that simple process is f'ing up. I punch in my name and serial and it won't accept it. Is there no end to the awesomeness? Somehow, I think that there is not.
    It's especially frustrating that there is no support number for me to call, forcing me to have to go through THIS process, which makes your job so much easier and is so much less helpful for your customers) just to get any answers... eventually.

  • Please help me to sort out this issue

    I have two user MAIN_USER and TMP_USER both have DBA,CONNECT,RESOURCE privileges.
    While I am creating the below procedure in MAIN_USER, I am getting the error ‘ORA-00942: table or view does not exist’ in the insert statement line FROM TMP_USER.PROD_MASTER.
              (SELECT *
              FROM     TMP_USER.PROD_MASTER);
    Please help me to sort out this issue.

    If the code works for TMP_USER but not for MAIN_USER, then the privileges are not the same. I'm assuming DBA,CONNECT,RESOURCE are roles. Roles are not the only thing that can be assigned to users. Users can have the same roles, but access to different objects. In this case, it looks like one user has access to the table, and the other doesn't.

  • NI have a Braun Photo Technik slidescan 3600 and it canot make it work with Lion: Is there anybody who sorted out the same problem? thanks

    I have a Braun Photo Technik slidescan 3600 and I cannot make it work with Lion. Is there anybody who sorted out the same problem? thanks

    We sure do have a problem - this is strictly a user to user assistance forum with users helping other users use the iPhoto program as it is - no one here has any ability to change or influnence the desigh or implementation of iPhoto
    try the iPhoto menu ==> provide iPhoto feedback

  • Sort out the invoices based on Sales Org, Dist Channel, Div while printing

    Hi all,
    My User required to run the program - RV60SBAT
    for creating batch job : FR_INVOICING.
    When we check the steps in the job FR_INVOICING we could find 10 steps with different variants.
    On running this job, system will provide the printing of Invoices for different Sales Organizations, Distribution Channel, Division and Invoice Numbers. However this out put is not generating in a sorted manner currently.
    User requirement is to sort out the invoices based on Sales Organizations, Distribution Channel, Division and Invoice Numbers.
    Kindly look into this and help me  how to address/approach this problem.
    Thanking you in advance
    Best Regards

    Assign fields KOMKBV3-VKORG KOMKBV3-VTWEG KOMKBV3-SPART to output type config sort order fields sort field1, sort field2, sort field3 respectively.
    Use user exit include RSNASTZZ and add the following code
    under when '50'.
    Change RSNAST00 job step variant to incluce 50 in the sort field.
    Message was edited by: Sridhar K

  • How can i sort out the N lowiest elements from an 1D array faster than using the build in sort function (1D-array) in Labview?

    I need an algorithm that is based on the same sorting-algorithm that Labview uses (or one that is just as fast) but it only needs to sort out the N lowiest elements (and the N-element output array don't need to be sorted).

    I want all three zeros in the output. You can se the algorithm that I'm looking for as a soft version of Labviews own sort algorithm that only gives you the N (always less then the length of the array) lowiest values as output.If two elements contain the same small value both should be sorted out.

  • Hi Experts , I am currently facing problems while running restricted version copy .. The log says 0 location products copied and that the process has has timed out. the error message is /SAPAPO/MVM_INT_SVC_CO_VER_LCW reported exception in task DP00014, th

    Hi Experts , I am currently facing problems while running restricted version copy in sap apo .. The log says 0 location products copied and that the process has timed out. the error message is " /SAPAPO/MVM_INT_SVC_CO_VER_LCW reported exception in task DP00014 " , then ending in time limit exceeded. could anyone explain why this happens. please note even if the log says 0 location products copied , in reality they have have been partially copied.

    Hi, thank you for your replies, I found out few things about my servlet, and its portability
    and i have few questions, although i marked this topic as answered i guess its ok to post
    I am using javax.servlet.context.tempdir to store my files in that servletcontext temporary directory. But i dont know how to give hyperlink
    of the modified files to the user for them to download the modified files.
    What i am using to get the tempdir i will paste
    File baseurl = (File)this.getServletContext().getAttribute("javax.servlet.context.tempdir");
    baseurl = new File(baseurl.getAbsolutePath()+File.separator+"temp"+File.separator+"files");
    baseurl.mkdirs();so i am storing my files in that temp/files folder and the servlet processes them and modifies them, then how to present them as
    links to the user for download ?
    and as the servlet is multithreaded by nature, if my servlet gets 2 different requests with same file names, i guess one of them will be overwritten
    And i want to create unique directory for each request made to the servlet , so file names dont clash.
    one another thing is that i want my servlet to be executed by my <form action> only, I dont want the user to simply type url and trigger the servlet
    Reply A.S.A.P. please..
    Thanks and regards,
    Mihir Pandya

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