Help me with firmware, please!

I have already updated my firmware for my CD-RW 48A2
But I re installed windows, so I want to know if I should re-update my firmware. I thin so, cause I do not see de 180d specification when, for example, I retrieve the drive info from Nero info tool
Should I re-update my firmware?
Please answers as soon as you can
Could you send me instructions on how to do it?
I am Spanish-spoken, so if you could answer this post in Spanish, I'd be glad. If you just can do it in English, it will be fine as well

I thought so, DVD man, but the fact is that before I formatted my pc, when I used to retrieve my drive info from, let's say, the Nero Info Tool, it displayed my drive with the 180D specification between brackets.
It sayed something like that:
Recorder : Atapi CD-RW 48xMax (180D)
That 180 D specification appeared just once I updated my firmware. Befor that, the Nero Info Tool just displayed something like that:
Recorder Atapi CD-RW 48x
Well, now that I formatted my pc, I see my drive specification alike before formatting my pc and reinstalling Windows XP.
Is there any way to check whether I have the last firmware working?
Since the firmware updating required to copy some files to C:/ and then to run them from my boot disk and I haven't these files in my C: anymore (cause I have formatted my PC), I have some doubts on if the firmware updating is active or not.
Could you understand me? These are quite difficult ideas to express in English for me.
Pablo Muggeri

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    What kind of animations? Are you taking about animated motion backgrounds? Text animations? Or animations as in "cartoons"? Please be more specific.
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    Creative Suite 6
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