Help Required in a Design

HI ,
I need to do a Design and being a Beginner I am confused as to what approach I should take.
I need to pull data from a Oracle database(Another Application) and query SAP table wrt to data pulled from Oracle and based on the data from SAP the data should be updated into the Oracle Database.
This has to happen on a daily basis at 7 am.
Should I go for a BPM or could it be done in a interface.
Request for a design approch.

If you have multiple messages involved you should go for a BPM, and to run a BPM at certain time there are couple of blogs.
<b>Schedule BPM</b>
<b>Scheduling the file adapter</b>
steps in BPM
1. Receive data from either of the above 2 processes
2. Receive data from Oracle DB
3. Send sync. call to SAP to update DB and receive the response.
4. Send the SAP response to Oracle DB using JDBC receiver

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    Can you please what would be the requirements to be considered towards the databse design for application developer ?
    thanks heaps !!!!

    Mohamed ELAzab wrote:
    regarding that the number of execution is the main thing that affects the performance i said that already above " the application executed it 30 000" but you didn't read my answer correctly. I did not respond to that "answer" of yours as it was not part of your posting that I responded too. In your response, which I quoted, talked about non-sharable SQL retrieving 20 rows and after 3 years it retrieving a million rows. This has no bearing on whether the SQL is sharable or not.
    I don't agree with you regarding that the design is not being done regarding considering the performance bottlenecks.So you decide on what the bottlenecks are up front, and then use these as database design considerations? I fail to see any logic or merit in such an approach.
    i want to let you know that we in the telecoms environment have many problems in our databases because the people who designed those applications didn't take performance in consideration.I understand too well - and it is not that they did not take performance into consideration when designing the database, it is because the design is just plain wrong from the start.
    You do not need to consider amount of memory available, number and speed of CPUs, bandwidth and speed of the I/O system, in order to design a database. These have no relevance at all during the design phase. Especially as the h/w that will run the design in production in a year's time can be drastically different from the h/w that will be used today.
    No, instead you use a proper and correct design methodology and data modeling approach. Why? Because such a design by its very nature will make optimal use of h/w resources and will provide data integrity, scalability and performance.
    Again i think design of the database application must take database performance bottlenecks in consideration like application which doesn't use bind variables if they took into consideration to avoid that it will help the DBA in the future but unfortunately most people doesn't do that. And as I said - using bind variables or not has absolutely nothing to do with the basic question asked in this thread: "+what are the requirements of database design+".
    How does using/not using bind variables influence the design of a table? Determine whether an entity is in 3NF? What the unique identidiers are for an entity? These are the design considerations for a database.. not bind variables.
    Yes, SQLs not using bind variables can cause performance problems. Not paying the electricity bill can cause a power outage for the database server. So what? These issues have no relevance to database design.

  • Help needed with Report Design

    Hi All,
    Here is the requirement.
    Period Type(holds 2 values) : Payment and Vested.
    we have field 'Total Days' which is calculated based on "User Selected" Period Type.
    For example, When Period Type is Payment,
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    I simply did as i got a tip on FB to do
    quote from adobe themselves on facebook "Adobe Illustrator You might also want to try asking on our forums as there are many people that can help there as well!"
    sry if it was wrong of me, simply thought there might be someone nice out there to give a helping hand
    Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 13:41:48 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help needed with a design!
        Re: Help needed with a design!
        created by in Illustrator - View the full discussion
    This really isn't the place to ask for free services.
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  • Help required on search help

    In my requirement I have a table for which a search help needs to be designed. The product hierarchy has 8 levels. To identify the correct product hierarchy, search help will be used by the user to select the level of product hierarchy and to navigate to next level of product hierarchy.
    Please give me some idea to design this.

    You have to use collective search help.
    A collective search help describes an input help process in which the
    user can choose one of several alternative search paths. Each
    alternative search path corresponds to an elementary search help, i.e. a
    collective search help contains several elementary search helps.
    Both elementary search helps and other collective search helps can be
    included in a collective search help. if a collective search help
    contains other collective search helps, they are resolved down to the
    level of the elementary search helps when the input help is called.
    Like an elementary search help, a collective search help has an
    interface of import and export parameters. The data is exchanged between
    the screen template and the parameters of the elementary search helps
    contained in it using this interface. The parameters of the search helps
    included in a collective search help must be assigned to the parameters
    of the collective search help.
    During the input help process, the collective search help only controls
    the user's selection of the required search path. The rest of the dialog
    and data collection is controlled by the selected elementary search
    help. If selection of the required elementary search help should be made
    flexible (e.g. with context-specific definition of the set of available
    search paths), the collective search help must be assigned a search help
    Hope now you can design accordingly and i think this helps you.
    Rama Chary.Pammi.

  • XSLT mapping Help Required.

    XSLT mapping Help Required.
    Hi Experts,
    I am New to XSLT Mapping. I am practising the below Example:
    InputXML File:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="Persons111.xsl"?>
    <ns0:MT_XSLT_Source xmlns:ns0="">
    <Street>2nd Main</Street>
    </Address> </Person>
    XSL StyleSheet File:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ns0=""
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <Title> <xsl:value-of select="ns0:MT_XSLT_Source/Person/Gender"/> </Title>
    <Name> <xsl:value-of select="concat(concat(ns0:MT_XSLT_Source/Person/FirstName,' '), ns0:MT_XSLT_Source/Person/LastName)"/>
    <Street> <xsl:value-of select="concat(concat(ns0:Mt_XSLT_Source/Person/Address/Houseno,' '),
    ns0:Mt_XSLT_Source/Person/Address/Street)"/> </Street>
    <City> <xsl:value-of select="ns0:Mt_XSLT_Source/Person/Address/City"/> </City>
    The Desired Output shuold be:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns1:MT_XSLT_Target xmlns:ns1="">
    <Name>Anshul Chowdhary</Name>
    <Street>83/b 2nd Main</Street>
    I have refered the xsl in xml and i am getting the below Oupt in a Single line like this:
    Anshul Chowdhary Male 2nd Main 83/b Mysore
    I am Unable to display in Target XML Fomrat as shown above. Please check and do the needful.

    I have used below for testing.
    Input xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="Persons111.xsl"?>
    <ns0:MT_XSLT_Source xmlns:ns0="">
    <Street>2nd Main</Street>
    </Address> </Person>
    xsl code:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?> 
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ns0="" 
        <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/> 
        <xsl:template match="/"> 
                <Title> <xsl:value-of select="ns0:MT_XSLT_Source/Person/Gender"/> </Title> 
                <Name> <xsl:value-of select="concat(concat(ns0:MT_XSLT_Source/Person/FirstName,' '), ns0:MT_XSLT_Source/Person/LastName)"/> 
                <Street> <xsl:value-of select="concat(concat(/ns0:MT_XSLT_Source/Person/Address/Houseno,' '), 
                    /ns0:MT_XSLT_Source/Person/Address/Street)"/> </Street> 
                <City> <xsl:value-of select="/ns0:MT_XSLT_Source/Person/Address/City"/> </City> 
    For testing in PI ,change the extension from .txt to .xsl and zip it and upload into PI as an imported archive .

  • Urgent help required: Query regarding LC Variables

    Hi All
    Sometime earlier I was working on a performance issue raised by a customer. It was shell script that was taking almost 8-9 hrs to complete. During my research I came across a fact that there were some variables which were not set, the LC variables were impacting the sort funnel operations because of which the script was taking a long time to execute.
    I asked them to export the following commands, after which the program went on smoothly and finished in a couple of mins:
    export LC_COLLATE=en_US.ISO8859-1
    export LC_MESSAGES=C
    export LC_MONETARY=en_US.ISO8859-1
    export LC_MONETARY=en_US.ISO8859-1
    export HZ=100
    export LC_CTYPE=en_US.ISO8859-1
    export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
    Later I did recover that setting the LC_COLLATE to C, is not helping and the program was again taking a lot of time. Few questions that I want to ask are:
    1. Can someone please tell me, what each of these variable mean and how these values make a difference.
    2. When I exported LC_COLLATE=en_US.ISO8859-1, it worked fine, but when i tried with the defalut value LC_COLLATE=C, then why the program didnt work.
    As this issue is still going on, hence I would request All to provide their valuable inputs and let me know as much as possible.
    Appreciate your help in this regard.
    Hi All
    A new development in this regard. The customer has send us a screen shot in which they were trying to export the locale variable using the commands which I have pasted above. I can see in the screen shot that while exporting LC_COLLATE and LC_TYPE, they get a message that ""ksh: export: couldn't set locale correctly"".
    Request everyone to please give their inputs as it's a bit urgent.
    Thanks for all the help in advance.
    Some help required please...
    Edited by: amitsinhaengg on Jul 22, 2009 2:03 AM
    Edited by: amitsinhaengg on Jul 22, 2009 2:06 AM

    Controls the behavior of character handling functions.
    Specifies date and time formats, including month names, days of the week, and common full and abbreviated representations.
    Specifies monetary formats, including the currency symbol for the locale, thousands separator, sign position, the number of fractional digits, and so forth.
    Specifies the decimal delimiter (or radix character), the thousands separator, and the grouping.
    Specifies a collation order and regular expression definition for the locale.
    Specifies the language in which the localized messages are written, and affirmative and negative responses of the locale (yes and no strings and expressions).
    You can use command
    # locale -k LC_CTYPE
    to see more detail about each type.

  • Help required - Sales order item is partially delivered but the item grayed

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    Item 1 confirmed qty 1 and delivered qty is 1
    Item 2 confirmed qty 10 and delivered qty 10
    Item 3 confirmed qty 1 and delivered qty is 1
    Now the item3 still has open requirements of 11 to be delivered. But the item is GRAYED OUT already.
    even if I do ATP the qty is not confirming for the remaining 11 pieces.
    Why is that? How to make that item out from GRAY.
    How to confirm the remaining 11 qty for that item.
    Help required as early as possible.
    Appreciate ur help guys

    hi Radha, how are you ?
         ---the partial deliveries in master data must have not been mentioned.
         ---the deliveries should be upto target quantity.
         ---check order type, item category and schedule line category.
         ---check unrestricted stock availability.
    thank you

  • Search Help with in a serach help required in SRM 4.0

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    My analysis:           
    The field Product Category (CATEGORY_ID) has search help(COM_CAT_HIER) attached to its data element. When I single test the search help BBPH_PRODUCT in SAP GUI,I can see the search help for field product category in the selection dialogue box. However the same does not appear on the corresponding screen in HTML.
    Please let me know whether I need to do some thing to make the search help appear on the HTML screen?
    With Regards,         
    Prakash Kamath

    Hi Prakash,
    I have the same problem but with another field. Unloading point. Could you please tell me how did you solve this problem with displaying F4 help on html/ SRM portal?
    Thank you very much.
    Best regards,
    Danijela ZIvanovic

  • Help required with Photoshop Elements 4.0 this has been installed on my new Toshiba laptop with windows 8.1 for some 18 months and operating well. Now it will not open, message pops up saying "attempt to access invalid address" then "application not respo

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    What is the size of your hard disk?  PSE 4 is a very old program and I suspect it is not able to access the entire hard disk on your machine.  Just a thought here.

  • Help require with installing Adobe Acrobat onto my Macbook Pro Retina.

    Help require with installing Adobe Acrobat onto my Macbook Pro Retina.
    I have successfully installed all of my creative cloud apps with the exception being acrobat.
    I cannot print from Indesign to PDF.
    I have unistalled, reinstalled and still no Adobe Acrobat.
    I now have to go back to Windows 8 and create the PDF's there.
    Any one know how to get around this issue?
    Thanks in advance

    OSX has effectively killed the ability to print to pdf, (print to pdf eliminates most of the "Rich features" of current pdf).
    Export from InDesign, always, excpet for the 1% of the time where you know why print to pdf would produce a better result.

  • Help required in Weblogic 6 - Creation & Configuration of Web Application

    Forum Home > Enterprise JavaBeans[tm]
    Topic: Help required in Weblogic 6 - Creation & Configuration of Web Application
    Duke Dollars
    2 Duke Dollars assigned to this topic. Reward the best responses to your question
    using the icons below, or transfer additional Duke Dollars to this topic.
    Welcome moinshariff!
    Watching this topic.
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    This topic has 1 reply on 1 page (Most recent message: Jan 23, 2002 1:05 AM)
    Author: moinshariff Jan 22, 2002 4:55 AM
    I am using Weblogic 6. I have created a new Web
    Application called Web (I have not used the DefaultWebApp_myserver).
    And I have the following settings:
    Name : Web
    URI : Web
    and Path : C:\Web
    and placed my JSP files under c:\Web\
    I am able to access the first page, but after that I am not able to access the
    second page.
    I get "Error 404--Not Found" on the browser. Basically the class file is not getting
    created under /Web-inf/_tmp_war_myserver_myserver_Web/jsp_servlet/ folder .
    I tried a work around for this. I copied all my files under one more folder called
    web and placed this under C:\Web
    The it works. Now I have 2 copied off all the files, 1 copy under c:\web and another
    copy under c:\web\web\.
    If I have the files under DefaultWebApp_myserver and have the setting as
    Name: DefaultWebApp_myserver
    URI: DefaultWebApp_myserver
    Path: .\config\mydomain\applications
    everything works fine.
    Can any one please let me know if there is any configuration which has to be done
    so that I do not duplicate the code in 2 directories
    Thanks in advance.

    Forum Home > Enterprise JavaBeans[tm]
    Topic: Help required in Weblogic 6 - Creation & Configuration of Web Application
    Duke Dollars
    2 Duke Dollars assigned to this topic. Reward the best responses to your question
    using the icons below, or transfer additional Duke Dollars to this topic.
    Welcome moinshariff!
    Watching this topic.
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    This topic has 1 reply on 1 page (Most recent message: Jan 23, 2002 1:05 AM)
    Author: moinshariff Jan 22, 2002 4:55 AM
    I am using Weblogic 6. I have created a new Web
    Application called Web (I have not used the DefaultWebApp_myserver).
    And I have the following settings:
    Name : Web
    URI : Web
    and Path : C:\Web
    and placed my JSP files under c:\Web\
    I am able to access the first page, but after that I am not able to access the
    second page.
    I get "Error 404--Not Found" on the browser. Basically the class file is not getting
    created under /Web-inf/_tmp_war_myserver_myserver_Web/jsp_servlet/ folder .
    I tried a work around for this. I copied all my files under one more folder called
    web and placed this under C:\Web
    The it works. Now I have 2 copied off all the files, 1 copy under c:\web and another
    copy under c:\web\web\.
    If I have the files under DefaultWebApp_myserver and have the setting as
    Name: DefaultWebApp_myserver
    URI: DefaultWebApp_myserver
    Path: .\config\mydomain\applications
    everything works fine.
    Can any one please let me know if there is any configuration which has to be done
    so that I do not duplicate the code in 2 directories
    Thanks in advance.

  • Help required network configuration - Gateway route settings get erased on reboot.

    Oracle Linux 7
    Linux myhostname 3.8.13-35.3.1.el7uek.x86_64 #2 SMP Wed Jun 25 15:27:43 PDT 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    #cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno16780032
    #route -n
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    0      0        0 eno16780032   U     0      0        0 eno16780032     U     1002   0        0 eno16780032
    When I reboot the machine, the first line in route table gets erased, I then run:
    #route add default gw
    After which network works fine.
    Help required. I don't want to use NetworkManager.

    The following might be useful:
    "When transitioning from NetworkManager to using the network initscript, the default gateway parameter in the interface's ifcfg file will be depicted as 'GATEWAY0'. In order for the ifcfg file to be compatible with the network initscript, this parameter must be renamed to 'GATEWAY'. This limitation will be addressed in an upcoming release of RHEL7."
    NetworkManager is now the default mechanism for RHEL 7. Personally I don't quite understand this, because as far as I can gather it is a program for systems to automatically detect and connect to known networks. I think such functionality can be useful when switching between wireless and wired networks, but for a server platform, I wonder.

  • Help Required - Oracle AS 10g

    i have just downloaded oracle 10g softwares ...
    i installed database then developer suite ... everything was fine ... until i was unable to run forms ...
    a friend of mine told me that i need to install application server in order to run forms ...
    1st of all i want to know that is there any way i can run forms without using Oracle AS 10g ...
    2ndly i m facing problems in installation of Oracle AS 10g ...
    i have studied online documentation but it ain't so helpfull for me ...
    it seems like ... i have to install "Oracle AS infrastructure" first and then "Middle-tier: Business Intelligence and forms" ...
    i m using P-IV (AMD Athlon XP 2100+, MMX, 1.7GHz Processor) with 512 MB DD RAM and Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 as Operating System.
    During installation, the installer is warning dat only "Oracle Application Server (J2EE and Web Cache)" and "Oracle Application Server Developer Kits" are supported installations on dis platform ...
    what should i do ... urgent help required ...
    yasir ([email protected])

    @ brusardl and rkogelhe
    thanx for replying ...
    i didn't changed da port while installing Oracle AS ...
    inspite i stopped all services using/listening from dat port ...
    now ... i guess there has been some conflict ... as database listner stops automatically just after starting !!!
    can u plz tell me what is BI version of Forms ...
    and can i view forms running on web without installing Oracle AS with OC4J bundled in Forms ???
    Another Problem:
    I re-installed Database, Developer suite and then Oracle AS infrastructure ...
    everthing went fine ...
    when i installed Oracle AS Middle Tier - Business Intelligence & Forms
    during installation ... some configuration assistants failed/skipped ...
    da OC4J configration assistant at 5th last position failed ... so remaining 4 configuration assistants were skipped ...
    at da end it said ... Installation Succesfull but with some configuration assistants failed/skipped ...
    is dis a installation useless ... can i fix dis ?

  • Help required from JDeveloper Development Team.

    HI there,
    I Download the JDeveloper 10.1.2 (1811) from OTN, But the downloaded archive file is unable to open. I did the download once again but I am facing same problem. I want to JDeveloper 10.1.2 for the installation of BI Beans 10.1.2.
    Help required from JDeveloper Development Team
    Thanks For Your Time,

    Please use an informative Subject line, there is more chance that people will read the post.
    All we can suggest is that you try the download again.

  • Help required with (soundcard) connection / settings, thanks in advan

    Help required with connection / settings between a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum EX (soundcard) and a Creative DTT3500 Digital (5. speakers).
    The problem
    No sound from any of the speakers. (Exception can plug in headphones at front)
    My computer has been recently upgraded at my local computer shop and all programs re-installed (including driver update from Creative's website). However after reconnecting speakers and restoring the original settings I?m getting no sound from any of the speakers. I?ve followed all the available advice/instructions I can find on this website and manuals to no avail.
    (Digital DIN) Speakers/decoder amplifier (DTT3500) connected to the (digital out) soundcard (Audigy Platinum EX) using minijack to DIN cable. (As per instruction manual)
    Creative Audio Consul ? setting as per instructions, however have tried variations in vain. (Note: above tabs there is a select device box with SB Audigy [A0000] in it ? only option. Just wondering what [A0000] means?)
    Your advice please. A simple step by step guide would be appreciated, many thanks in advance, Jon

    "My computer has been recently upgraded at my local computer shop and all programs re-installed (including driver update from Creative's website). "
    Do you have the original installation disk?
    If so, try installing THOSE drivers, ESPECIALLY if it worked before. Be sure to uninstall what is there now, first.
    Its natural for most people to want the 'latest' drivers for their hardware. However:
    After experiencing some difficulties with some CL 'updates' for certain products, I now avoid them UNLESS I am having a PROBLEM with the existing drivers.

Maybe you are looking for