Help using vb on a control variable from a datafile

I have a rectangle box that I want to make visible or invisible depending on the value from a data file, like binary, 1 or 0.
Once I create the rectangle box, and attach the field, how do I create the vb which controls wether the box is visible or not, and how is it applied to the box?
I have looked at all the menu options and cannot see anything where I can create or apply vb other than the merge datafile box which has pre-loaded vbscripts.
Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure that there is any way at all that this can be done automatically based on the content of the box.
The folks with bright ideas about doing stuff like this hang oout in the scripting forum, though, so you might wnat to drop in over there: InDesign Scripting

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    Name                                      Null?    Type
    ID                                                 NUMBER(9)
    DOC                                                SYS.XMLTYPE(XMLSchema "http:
                                                        Schema_v3.0.xsd" Element "RE
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    import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
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        String URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//pqhdb201.aa1.pqe:1522/xmldb64";
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    try {
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    //    System.out.println(xml.getClobVal());
      finally {
         if(cs1!=null) cs1.close();
         if(conn!=null) conn.close();
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    Connecting to the database...connected.
    GOID to be retrieved is 91455713
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    PACKAGE BODY pkg_modulos
        FUNCTION obtenerModulos (pAnio IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2011)
            RETURN XMLTYPE
            x    XMLTYPE;
            SELECT  XMLELEMENT ("tree", XMLAttributes (0 AS "id"),
                        (SELECT  DBMS_XMLGEN.getxmltype(DBMS_XMLGEN.newcontextfromhierarchy('SELECT level,
                                                                    m.idmodulo as "id",
                                                                    m.nombre AS "text"))
                                FROM            modulos m
                 WHERE m.anio = 2011
    CONNECT BY   PRIOR m.idmodulo = m.padre
    START WITH   m.padre IS NULL'))
                            FROM     DUAL))
              INTO  x
              FROM  DUAL;
            RETURN x;
    END;   as far as I see there shouldn´t be any problems with this code
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <%@ page contentType="text/xml; charset=UTF-8" import="*,java.lang.*,java.sql.*,java.util.*,oracle.jdbc.*,oracle.xdb.*, oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes,oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"%>
      Connection dbconn;
      OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
      OracleCallableStatement stmt;
             String hostname="localhost";
             String dbname="xe";
             String usr="seguridad";
             String pass="seguridad";
             String URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@"+hostname+":1521:"+dbname;
             dbconn = ods.getConnection();
              String st=request.getParameter("st").toString();
              int np=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("np").toString());     
              stmt = (OracleCallableStatement)dbconn.prepareCall( "begin ? := "+st+"; end;" );
              XMLType xml = null;
              xml = (XMLType) stmt.getObject(1);
        catch (SQLException s)
          out.println("SQL Error: " + s.toString());
           System.out.println("SQL Error: " + s.toString());
    %>I´m getting te error:
    SQL Error: java.sql.SQLException: inconsistent java and sql object types: SYS.XMLTYPE
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    Thanks... sorry for the english

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    <html> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> include("../connectionJAVA/connect.php"); $name = $_POST['name']; $score =$_POST['score']; //insert data $sql = "insert into java values(null,'$name','$score')"; mysql_query($sql) or die("error=$sql"); </body> </html>

    rinJava wrote:
    I think I post to the wrong forum and I don't know how to change.Yep wrong forum. This is probably a html/applet/web service sort of question.

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    Look I'll be blunt and direct, there are two reasons why your project is a bad idea in my opinion.
    1) java is not designed to do platform specific actions. Controlling winamp is highly platform specific. To do platform specific functions you need to rely on third party API's like the one you found and that may or may not work the way you want it to. Visual C# would be a better choice to do these kinds of windows specific projects simply because you have direct access to native libraries.
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    Both people above described the solution, but from the question I take it you are somewhat new to programming. Let me give you a code example which may help.
         public class ClassWithVariable {
              private int dbcolTempMax;
              public int getDbcolTempMax() {
                   return dbcolTempMax;
         public class SomeOtherClass {
              ClassWithVariable cwv = new ClassWithVariable();
              cwv.getDbcolTempMax(); // This gets the value of the variable
         }Now if the variable is static, you can provide a static "accessor" method to ge the variable. This will save you the trouble of constructing an object of the class.

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    "Graci" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    news:[email protected]..
    > I want to create a local variable from a boolean control, but it says
    > that boolean latch actions are incompatible with local variables, but
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    > how can I do it?
    Use global variables.
    Compare them with a constant Boolean like F or T.
    The result is true or false and then you can use it in a Cae-Loop.

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    public class Game extends Parent implements Source
    need help badly....

    ok, what I forgot to tell you guys is that my variable
    in my interface class is a boolean type(true or
    false). It is set to true now. But I want it to change
    to false when a user triggers a button in the Game
    class. How do I do this? You don't because you can't. If you have a varaible declared in an interface it must be static and final. It cannot, therefore, be changed. Better head back to the drawing board.

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    Check the settings for this And make sure that the availability of the Control Center from the Lock Screen is turned on.
    Settings > Control Center > Access on Lock Screen
    If it is turned on there try a reset of your iPhone. Press and hold both the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button continuously until the Apple logo appears. Then release the button and let the device restart. You will not lose data doing this. It's like a computer reboot.

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    My question is: Is there any way to control the formatting when setting a variable from a dashboard prompt? I would like to get the timestamp format.

    If You wants time than in dashboard prompt's coloumn formula use cast function as "cast(date as time)" if date than "cast(date_col_name as date)". But I also have that one problem.Firstly tell me, Is it possible that using two dates in using betwwen operator in dashboard. We access server variable. If not working one thing more that u should have filter on date coloumn in report layout.And in action coloumn u select prompted. Than It will must work.

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    Hello Cgifford,
    Welcome to National Instruments Forums.
    To output your signal to the PFI lines,
    you can use external connectios between OUT0 and PFI lines. You can also use
    the backplane to do so by routing into the same RTSI line.
    On the SCOPE and FGEN, the name of the
    terminals are actually “PXI Trigger Line x/RTSIx” but on the 6602 you might
    need to route the signal using the property:
    You can also use the DAQmx route signal which perform the same opperation.
    This will depend on the frequency of
    your pulse train. If this is lower than about 10 ms, then you can probably
    place this on a loop and start and stop the acquisition every time. If the
    frequency is higher than this, you will have to use:
    -       Scripting on the FGEN side (read more)
    -       MultiRecord Fetch (more information in the scope help file
    section “Acquisition Functions Reading versus Fetching”).
    The short answer is yes. The longer one
    might depend on how tight you need the synchronization to be (us, ns, ps). For
    very tight synchronization, you should look into here.
    Message Edited by Yardov on 06-18-2007 03:14 PM
    Gerardo O.
    RF Systems Engineering
    National Instruments
    property.JPG ‏7 KB

  • Need help using dropdown list control

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    they want to navigate to; it seems that this
    should be possible using the dropdown list control, but i am
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    parameters for this (the two main options are Contents of
    list & Purpose of List) - can anybody help???

    You need to set the Contents parameter to "Markers in this
    movie" and
    the Purpose parameter to "Execute..."
    This will tell the behavior to treat the contents of the
    field as a list
    of frame markers and then have the playback head jump to the
    that matches the selected line in the field.
    Rob Dillon
    Adobe Community Expert

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    Hi all, I am trying to do this: let learners take one course and finish a quiz. Then based on their quiz scores, they will be sent to other differenct courses.
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    My targeted learners may not always use the same computer though, so using this widget seems not work.
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    Thank you very much.

    If you create two MIDlet in a midlet suite, it will display as you mentioned means you can't change the display style.

Maybe you are looking for