Help with Apple Script Code

I found this Apple script online and here's how it works:
tell application "QuickTime Player"
if not (exists document 1) then display dialog "Please open a QuickTime movie." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1 with icon 1
set thefile to (choose file name)
save document 1 in thefile
close document 1
end try
end tell
+I run the Apple script+
*1. It prompts me to open a movie file in Quicktime*
+I open a movie in Quicktime+
*2. It prompts me for an name and directory to save the new file in*
+I enter a name and directory+
*3. It saves a new reference movie in said directory with said name*
This is useful if I want to customize every file, but unfortunately, I just want to mass create reference movies for a whole bunch of files.
What I am looking for is for an Apple script that is a drag and drop application, so I can drop say 100 movie files or so, and have the Apple script create reference movie files with the same name and in the same directory automatically with no prompts.
Since I am unfamiliar with Apple script I was wondering if someone would be able to edit my existing script to do what I want.
Thanks so much for your help!

Use Automator. It's great for repetitious tasks (like the one you've described), and it's very user-friendly. Open Automator, create a new workflow that executes the action you want, and you can apply that action to the resources you wish to edit.
Good resource here:

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  • Help with Apple Script rewrite

    I can't wrap my brain around applescript. I found this program mp3gain. It is written in applescript. I just need it to go to folder abc download and run, then save it to a folder names abc done. I can reset the db from the script. Any help would be great. All the itunes stuff can be deleted.
    -- MacMP3Gain.applescript
    -- MacMP3Gain
    -- Created by Bery Rinaldo on Tue Jan 14 2003.
    -- Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Bery Rinaldo. All rights reserved.
    -- This AppleScript is used to wrap the command line version of mp3gain with a quaint GUI.
    -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
    -- of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    -- without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
    -- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
    -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
    -- This program includes a binary version of aacgain downloaded from here
    -- aacgain version 1.4.0, derived from mp3gain version 1.4.6
    -- copyright(c) 2001-2004 by Glen Sawyer
    -- AAC support copyright(c) 2004 David Lasker, Altos Design, Inc.
    -- uses mpglib, which can be found at
    -- AAC support uses faad2 (, and
    -- mpeg4ip's mp4v2 (
    -- Check out the MP3Gain/AACgain web sites:
    -- Version 1.0 - Initial release
    -- Version 1.01 - Added status updates to display while mp3gain is running
    -- Version 1.1 - 13-Feb-2003 - Added iTunes playlist support
    -- Version 1.2 - 18-Feb-2003 - Added "Process Sub-folders" option to process all folders below the selected folder.
    -- Version 1.3 - 20-Feb-2003 - Fixed program hang when "Allow Clipping" checkbox was unchecked.
    -- Version 1.4 - 23-Feb-2003 - Added target MP3 Gain dB value, added preferences file support for all controls
    -- Version 1.5 - 26-Feb-2003 - Integrate "Be Nice" feature from Michael Heinz. Added "Cancel" feature.
    -- Version 1.6 - 28-Feb-2003 - Minor GUI tweaks to "Be Nice" an "Target" buttons to disable while running.
    -- Version 1.7 - 01-Nov-2003 - Update to mp3gain 1.4.3, use -k (autoClip) option when "Allow Clipping" is unchecked
    -- Version 1.8 - 09-Nov-2003 - Update to handle iTunes 4 playlists
    -- Version 1.9 - 23-Aug-2005 - Update for Tiger & AAC
    property ref_folder : ""
    property ref_playlist : ""
    property running : false
    property mp3gain : ""
    property run_mp3gain : ""
    on clicked theObject
    if name of theObject is "Start" then
    if running is true then
    set title of button "Start" of window "MainWindow" to "Start"
    set pids to do shell script "ps -auxww | egrep \"" & run_mp3gain & "|" & aacgain & "\" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill"
    end try
    set running to false
    tell progress indicator "BusyBar" of window "MainWindow" to stop
    set visible of progress indicator "BusyBar" of window "MainWindow" to false
    tell window "MainWindow" to update
    set contents of text field "StatusMessage" of window "MainWindow" to "Processing aborted."
    set enabled of button "Start" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of button "Choose Folder" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Choose Playlist" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Clip" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Sub" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Target" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Nice" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set targetchecked to state of button "Target" of window "MainWindow" as integer
    if targetchecked = 1 then
    set enabled of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set targetvalue to 75
    set targetvalue to contents of default entry "TargetValue" of user defaults as integer
    end try
    set contents of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to targetvalue
    set enabled of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set contents of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to 89
    end if
    set enabled of matrix "ARmatrix" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set ref_folder to ""
    set contents of text field "FolderPath" of window "MainWindow" to "No folder selected"
    set ref_playlist to ""
    set contents of text field "PlaylistName" of window "MainWindow" to "No playlist selected"
    tell window "MainWindow" to update
    set clip to (state of button "Clip" of window "MainWindow") as integer
    set albumradio to current row of matrix "ARmatrix" of window "MainWindow"
    set options to " -q "
    if clip = 1 then
    set options to options & "-c "
    set options to options & "-k "
    end if
    if albumradio = 1 then
    set options to options & "-a "
    set options to options & "-r "
    end if
    set nicechecked to state of button "Nice" of window "MainWindow" as integer
    set targetchecked to state of button "Target" of window "MainWindow" as integer
    if targetchecked = 1 then
    set targetdb to integer value of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow"
    set targetparam to targetdb - 89
    set options to options & "-m " & (targetparam as string) & " "
    end if
    set can_run to false
    if ref_playlist is not equal to "" then
    set the playlist_text to ""
    tell application "iTunes"
    set the track_count to the count of tracks of playlist ref_playlist
    repeat with z from 1 to the track_count
    tell track z of playlist ref_playlist
    copy {database ID} to {dbid}
    end tell
    set the playlist_text to the playlist_text & (dbid as string) & ","
    end repeat
    end tell
    if track_count = 0 then
    display dialog "The playlist is empty." buttons {"OK"}
    set options to options & "-P " & playlist_text
    set can_run to true
    end if
    set folder_path to POSIX path of ref_folder
    set sub to (state of button "Sub" of window "MainWindow") as integer
    if sub = 1 then
    set options to options & "-S -F \"" & folder_path & "\""
    set can_run to true
    set command to "cd \"" & folder_path & "\" ; ls *.mp3 *.m4a 2> /dev/null"
    set output to do shell script command
    if output is equal to "" then
    display dialog "No MP3/M4A files were found in the specified folder." buttons {"OK"}
    set options to options & "-F \"" & folder_path & "\""
    set can_run to true
    end if
    end if
    end if
    if can_run is equal to true then
    set enabled of button "Start" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of button "Choose Folder" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of button "Choose Playlist" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of button "Clip" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of button "Sub" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of button "Target" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of button "Nice" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of matrix "ARmatrix" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set visible of progress indicator "BusyBar" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set uses threaded animation of progress indicator "BusyBar" of window "MainWindow" to true
    tell progress indicator "BusyBar" of window "MainWindow" to start
    tell window "MainWindow" to update
    if nicechecked = 1 then
    set command to "nice -n 1 "
    set command to ""
    end if
    set command to command & "\"" & run_mp3gain & "\" " & options & " > /tmp/.mp3gain_output 2>&1"
    --display dialog command
    ignoring application responses
    do shell script command & "&"
    end ignoring
    end try
    set running to true
    set title of button "Start" of window "MainWindow" to "Cancel"
    set enabled of button "Start" of window "MainWindow" to true
    tell window "MainWindow" to update
    end if
    end if
    else if name of theObject is "Choose Playlist" then
    tell application "iTunes"
    set allPlaylists to name of user playlists
    end tell
    set playlist_choice to choose from list allPlaylists with prompt "Which playlist?" multiple selections allowed 0
    if playlist_choice is false then --nothing selected, just stop
    set ref_playlist to ""
    set contents of text field "PlaylistName" of window "MainWindow" to "No playlist selected."
    set ref_playlist to playlist_choice as string
    set contents of text field "PlaylistName" of window "MainWindow" to ref_playlist
    set ref_folder to ""
    set contents of text field "FolderPath" of window "MainWindow" to ""
    set state of button "Sub" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of button "Sub" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of button "Start" of window "MainWindow" to true
    tell window "MainWindow" to update
    end if
    else if name of theObject is "Sub" then
    set ischecked to state of button "Sub" of window "MainWindow" as integer
    set contents of default entry "Sub" of user defaults to ischecked
    end try
    else if name of theObject is "Clip" then
    set ischecked to state of button "Clip" of window "MainWindow" as integer
    set contents of default entry "Clip" of user defaults to ischecked
    end try
    else if name of theObject is "Nice" then
    set nicechecked to state of button "Nice" of window "MainWindow" as integer
    set contents of default entry "Nice" of user defaults to nicechecked
    end try
    else if name of theObject is "Target" then
    set targetchecked to state of button "Target" of window "MainWindow" as integer
    set contents of default entry "Target" of user defaults to targetchecked
    end try
    if targetchecked = 1 then
    set enabled of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set targetvalue to 89
    set targetvalue to contents of default entry "TargetValue" of user defaults as integer
    end try
    set contents of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to targetvalue
    set enabled of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set contents of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to 89
    end if
    else if name of theObject is "ARmatrix" then
    set albumradio to current row of matrix "ARmatrix" of window "MainWindow" as integer
    set contents of default entry "AlbumRadio" of user defaults to albumradio
    end try
    else if name of theObject is "Choose Folder" then
    set ref_folder to choose folder with prompt "Choose the folder where the MP3/M4A files are stored"
    set contents of text field "FolderPath" of window "MainWindow" to ref_folder as string
    set ref_playlist to ""
    set contents of text field "PlaylistName" of window "MainWindow" to ""
    set state of button "Sub" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Sub" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Start" of window "MainWindow" to true
    tell window "MainWindow" to update
    end if
    end clicked
    on will finish launching theObject
    -- display dialog "IN the will finish launching thing"
    set running to false
    set mypath to POSIX path of (path to me as string)
    set aacgain to mypath & "Contents/Resources/aacgain"
    set run_mp3gain to mypath & "Contents/Resources/"
    make new default entry at end of default entries of user defaults with properties {name:"AlbumRadio", contents:1}
    end try
    set albumradio to 1
    set albumradio to contents of default entry "AlbumRadio" of user defaults as integer
    end try
    set current row of matrix "ARmatrix" of window "MainWindow" to albumradio
    my getpreferencebutton("Clip")
    my getpreferencebutton("Sub")
    my getpreferencebutton("Target")
    my getpreferencebutton("Nice")
    make new default entry at end of default entries of user defaults with properties {name:"TargetValue", contents:89}
    end try
    set targetvalue to 89
    set targetvalue to contents of default entry "TargetValue" of user defaults as integer
    end try
    set contents of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to targetvalue
    set targetchecked to state of button "Target" of window "MainWindow" as integer
    if targetchecked = 1 then
    set enabled of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set contents of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to 89
    end if
    set visible of progress indicator "BusyBar" of window "MainWindow" to false
    tell window "MainWindow" to update
    set visible of window "MainWindow" to true
    end will finish launching
    on will close theObject
    end will close
    on changed theObject
    set targetdb to integer value of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow"
    set contents of default entry "TargetValue" of user defaults to targetdb
    end try
    end changed
    on idle
    -- display dialog "idle " & running
    if running is true then
    set psout to ""
    set stout to ""
    set psout to do shell script "ps -auxww | grep \"" & run_mp3gain & "\" | grep -v grep"
    set stout to do shell script "grep -a -v '^$' /tmp/.mp3gain_output | tail -1"
    end try
    if stout = "" then
    if ref_playlist is not equal to "" then
    set stout to "Processing iTunes playlist " & ref_playlist & " ..."
    set stout to "Processing folder " & ref_folder & " ..."
    end if
    set stlen to length of stout
    if stlen > 75 then
    set firstpart to (characters 1 through 30 of stout) as string
    set startlast to stlen - 30
    set lastpart to (characters startlast through stlen of stout) as string
    set stout to firstpart & "..." & lastpart
    end if
    end if
    set contents of text field "StatusMessage" of window "MainWindow" to stout
    tell window "MainWindow" to update
    if psout is equal to "" then
    set running to false
    set title of button "Start" of window "MainWindow" to "Start"
    tell progress indicator "BusyBar" of window "MainWindow" to stop
    set visible of progress indicator "BusyBar" of window "MainWindow" to false
    tell window "MainWindow" to update
    set contents of text field "StatusMessage" of window "MainWindow" to "Processing complete."
    set enabled of button "Start" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set enabled of button "Choose Folder" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Choose Playlist" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Clip" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Sub" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Target" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of button "Nice" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set targetchecked to state of button "Target" of window "MainWindow" as integer
    if targetchecked = 1 then
    set enabled of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set enabled of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to false
    set contents of text field "TargetValue" of window "MainWindow" to 89
    end if
    set enabled of matrix "ARmatrix" of window "MainWindow" to true
    set ref_folder to ""
    set contents of text field "FolderPath" of window "MainWindow" to "No folder selected"
    set ref_playlist to ""
    set contents of text field "PlaylistName" of window "MainWindow" to "No playlist selected"
    tell window "MainWindow" to update
    end if
    end if
    return 1
    end idle
    on will quit theObject
    if running is true then
    set pids to do shell script "ps -auxww | egrep \"" & run_mp3gain & "|" & aacgain & "\" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill"
    end try
    end if
    end will quit
    on getpreferencebutton(buttonname)
    -- this is how to initialize the preferences will not reset the value if one exists already
    make new default entry at end of default entries of user defaults with properties {name:buttonname, contents:0}
    end try
    set value to 0
    set value to contents of default entry buttonname of user defaults as integer
    end try
    if value = 1 then
    set state of button buttonname of window "MainWindow" to true
    set state of button buttonname of window "MainWindow" to false
    end if
    end getpreferencebutton

    hi riker123
    it is written in applescript, but it is written for AppleScript Studio & Xcode which has now been superseded by AppleScriptObjC & Xcode, used under OSX 10.6
    Looking at your Mac specs you could use AppleScript Studio & Xcode
    to set this code up, you will find a copy of Xcode on your OSX installer disk.
    Not to discourage you but Xcode needs a bit of work to get the hang off,
    but that's part of the fun.

  • Help with Apple Error Code & Intermitant Boot Up Problems and ? marks

    Well that was a long winded Subject line but I am a technical individual ... but know PC's and learn the Mac world which I have fallen in love with.
    Recently I have been getting lock up as well as hanging boot ups with the flashing question mark on the screen.
    I have been doing some research and one of the most recent things I did was run the Apple Hardware Test. During the quick test I received the following erro message:
    4M0T/ 40000003: HDD
    I am feeling like this likely a hard drive problem but not certain. I was trying to find what this error code meant and havent any luck yet so I thought I would try and post here. If I could find the error codes it woul dbe helpful. But if you have any ideas please help me out.
    I have had session lock up where I can not do anything but move the mouse, totally frozen sessions, as well as boot ups.
    One of the things I did earlier was run the TechTools System Tools that came with my Imac. It said everything was fine. So confused with what is wrong.

    For an iMac 24 inch (Early 2008) 3.06 GHz machine, the 4MOT error code* indicates a fan issue, and recommends that a technician…
    • shut down, the power back on and retest the machine
    • verify that the fan speed indicator is not a zero value (yours is reporting a 3)
    Without special tools and substantial experience, and because doing so would require opening your machine and thereby invalidating its existing warranty, they indicate that a technician should…
    • verify that the fan blades are not obstructed by cables, tape or other obstacles
    • verify that the fans are properly connected to the logic board and rotate when the machine is started
    • if the problem persists, replace the fans and retest the machine
    • if it still persists, replace the logic board
    While HDD is a commonly used abbreviation for hard disk or hard drive, there is no Apple Hardware Test error indicator for a hard drive for this particular platform, and yours does not relate to one based upon that AHT result. While there may be a sensor issue in play, AHT does not report a sensor issue in your case.
    You may wish to run the SMART diagnostics against your drive to see if it indicates an impending failure, but what you report is limited strictly to fan operation. You should take your covered machine into a dealer or service provider in order to have it tested and repaired under warranty.
    *NOTE: these error codes are often non-unique, and can mean very different things from one model series to another, and—within one product family—from one specific machine type to another.

  • Help with apple script for Chapter Markers (on each edit)

    My goal:
    Add for each edit in the sequence a chapter marker til the end of the sequence.
    (Bonus track would be: Name the marker like the current clipname )
    so far I could work it out, with a lot of googling.... but:
    Not working: character "a" is not typed, no idea why ?
    Not working: goto begin of sequnce at the beginning
    And: I need something like a loop til the end of the sequence
    help very appreciated !
    P.S.: I work tith FCP 7
    Here's my code so far:
    tell application "Final Cut Pro"
              tell application "System Events"
                        delay 0.5
      key code 34 using {shift down} #Go to Begin
                        delay 0.5
      key code 125 # Arrow Down, next edit
                        delay 0.2
      key code 46 #Create a marker
                        delay 0.2
      key code 46 #Edit the marker title
                        delay 0.2
      key code 48 # TAB
                        delay 0.2
      key code 50 # <
                        delay 0.2
      key code 8 using {shift down} # C
                        delay 0.2
      key code 4 # h
                        delay 0.5
      key code 128 # a
                        delay 0.2
      key code 35 # p
                        delay 0.2
      key code 17 # t
                        delay 0.2
      key code 14 # e
                        delay 0.2
      key code 15 # r
                        delay 0.2
      key code 50 using {shift down} # >
                        delay 0.5
      key code 76 #Enter, Get out of marker window
                        delay 0.5
      key code 125 # Arrow Down
              end tell
    end tell

    Use Automator. It's great for repetitious tasks (like the one you've described), and it's very user-friendly. Open Automator, create a new workflow that executes the action you want, and you can apply that action to the resources you wish to edit.
    Good resource here:

  • Help with Apple Script

    Hi All,
    Every so often I have to delete an application from my mac. Since this involves opening 6 specific folders and trashing a file from within each I thought I could automate this.
    I've opened all the relevant windows in Finder, open AppleScript, hit "record" and then move each of the items into the trash (some require password entry to do this).  When I have finished, I hit "stop" but there's nothing there, it hasn't recorded anything.  Am I missing something (knowledge maybe?)

    The Finder has a command to delete items (move them to the trash), and the command line has commands to remove items (although you need to be very careful), so it would just be a matter of making a list of the paths of the files you want to remove, for example:
    tell application "Finder"
      delete file "path:to:file"
      -- empty trash
    end tell

  • Help Needed with Apple Script

    I need a little help with Apple Script. I have been using a script for several months now, and all of a sudden it just stopped working. Here's the script"
    with timeout of 9999 seconds
    tell application "Finder"
    (* copy target file to another disk - to create a backup *)
    duplicate file "Daily.dmg" of folder "File Backups" of disk "HD Mirror" to folder "Data Backup-Daily" of disk "MacHD 1" replacing yes
    (* copy a 2nd target file to another disk - to create a backup *)
    duplicate file "Personal.dmg" of folder "File Backups" of disk "HD Mirror" to folder "Data Backup-Daily" of disk "MacHD 1" replacing yes
    (* now copy the 2nd target file to my iDisk *)
    duplicate file "Personal.dmg" of folder "Data Backup-Daily" of disk "MacHD 1" to folder "Documents" of disk "xxxxxx" replacing yes
    end tell
    end timeout
    In the above script, xxxxxx represents the name of my iDisk that is mounted in the Finder.
    Here's my issue - the above script worked fine until just recently. However, now the first two steps work fine, but I get this error message while trying to copy the file to my iDisk:
    "The operation could not be completed because some items had to be skipped. 'Personal.dmg'"
    Does anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this? I'm wondering if Mac OS 10.4.5 might be the culprit since this problem seems to have occurred shortly after I upgraded???

    Assumptions :-
    uuencode command exits
    mailx command exits
    File name is "vas.txt".
    Mail id is "[email protected]"
    if [[ -e ${vasRecordsDirFile} ]]
    uuencode ${vasRecordsDirFile} ${vasRecordsDirFile} | mailx -s "process complete and attached are the rejected records" [email protected]
    elif [[ -e ${vasMetatdataDirFile} ]]
    uuencode ${vasMetatdataDirFile} ${vasMetatdataDirFile} | mailx -s "Metadata Mismatch no of fields in detail didn't match" [email protected]
    elif [[ -e ${vasHeaderDirFile} ]]
    uuencode ${vasHeaderDirFile} ${vasHeaderDirFile} | mailx -s "Problem with header file - File Rejected" [email protected]
    elif [[ -e ${vasHeaderRejDirFile} ]]
    uuencode ${vasHeaderRejDirFile} ${vasHeaderRejDirFile} | mailx -s "the Percentage of rejects more than 3 percent File rejected" [email protected]
    elif [[ -e ${vasFieldsDirFile} ]]
    uuencode ${vasFieldsDirFile} ${vasFieldsDirFile} | mailx -s "The header and detail count didn't match File rejected" [email protected]
    echo "File doesn't exist in any of the directories mentioned."
    # END
    Vijay Bheemineni.

  • Move a mouse with Apple script

    I need some apple script code to move a mouse to a certain location and then click. If possible could it record the location of the mouse, move it to the pre-assigned coordinates, click, and them move it back to where it was.
    I am doing this so I can use multivid and Qlab to play different videos on different iOS devices. Multivid doesn't seem to let me have a cue list with different videos playing simultaneously.
    I will have my iMac set up with 2 displays, one with Qlab and the other with multivid in full screen.
    Thanks for the help

    Here's another code using rubycocoa you might try.
    _rb_click({|:position|:{30, 10}, |:click|:1, |:restore|:true, |:prep|:false})
    on _rb_click(desc)
            record desc : event descriptor record;
                full spec = {|:position|:pos, |:click|:k, |:button|:b, |:flags|:m, |:restore|:r, |:prep|:p}
                defaults   = {|:position|:{}, |:click|:0, |:button|:1, |:flags|:"", |:restore|:false, |:prep|:true}
                list pos : {x, y} or {}
                    number x, y = x, y global coordinate of position
                    {} denotes current location
                integer k : click count (0, 1, 2 or 3}; 0 denotes only to move mouse and exit
                integer b : button index (1 = left button, 2 = right button)
                string m : modifier flags; e.g. 'ck' = control + command
                    a = capslock
                    s = shift
                    c = control
                    o = option
                    k = command
                boolean r : true to restore original mouse location, false otherwise
                boolean p : true to post preparatory left 1-click event to change UI context, false otherwise
            return list : {x, y} = mouse location at exit
        considering numeric strings
            if (system info)'s system version < "10.9" then
                set ruby to "/usr/bin/ruby"
                set ruby to "/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby"
            end if
        end considering
        set defaults to {|:position|:{}, |:click|:0, |:button|:1, |:flags|:"", |:restore|:false, |:prep|:true}
        set {|:position|:pos, |:click|:k, |:button|:b, |:flags|:m, |:restore|:r, |:prep|:p} to desc & defaults
        if pos = {} then
            set {x, y} to {"%", "%"}
            set {x, y} to pos
        end if
        if k is not in {0, 1, 2, 3} then error "invalid click count: " & k number 8000
        if b is not in {1, 2} then error "invalid button index: " & b number 8000
        if m = "" then set m to "%"
        do shell script ruby & " <<'EOF' - " & x & " " & y & " " & k & " " & b & " " & m & " " & r & " " & p & "
    require 'osx/cocoa'
    include OSX
    if ARGV[0..1] == ['%', '%']
        pt = CGEventGetLocation(CGEventCreate(nil))        # current mouse location
        pt =
        pt.x, pt.y = ARGV[0..1].map {|a| a.to_f}
    clk, btn = ARGV[2..3].map {|a| a.to_i}
    flg = ARGV[4]
    res, prep = ARGV[5..6].map {|a| a == 'true'}
    etype, mbtn = case btn
        when 1 then [KCGEventLeftMouseDown, KCGMouseButtonLeft]        # [1, 0]
        when 2 then [KCGEventRightMouseDown, KCGMouseButtonRight]    # [3, 1]
        when 3 then [KCGEventOtherMouseDown, KCGMouseButtonCenter]    # [25, 2]
        else raise ArgumentError, %[invalid mouse button: #{btn}]
    mtable = {
        'a'    => KCGEventFlagMaskAlphaShift,
        's'    => KCGEventFlagMaskShift,
        'c'    => KCGEventFlagMaskControl,
        'o'    => KCGEventFlagMaskAlternate,
        'k'    => KCGEventFlagMaskCommand,
    mf = flg.split(//).inject(0) { |mf, x| (m = mtable[x]) ? mf | m : mf }
    src = CGEventSourceCreate(KCGEventSourceStateHIDSystemState)
    tap = KCGHIDEventTap
    pt0 = CGEventGetLocation(CGEventCreate(src))                    # current mouse location
    # move mouse to target location
    ev0 = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(src, KCGEventMouseMoved, pt, 0)    # move mouse
    CGEventPost(tap, ev0)
    if clk == 0
        puts pt.x, pt.y
    # post preparatory left mouse click to change UI context (optional)
    if prep
        ev1 = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(src, KCGEventLeftMouseDown, pt, KCGMouseButtonLeft)    # mouse left button down
        CGEventPost(tap, ev1)
        CGEventSetType(ev1, KCGEventLeftMouseUp)                    # mouse left button up
        CGEventPost(tap, ev1)
    # post target mouse click(s) with given flags
    ev = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(src, etype, pt, mbtn)                # mouse button down
    CGEventSetFlags(ev, mf)                                            # set flags
    CGEventSetIntegerValueField(ev, KCGMouseEventClickState, clk)    # set click count
    CGEventPost(tap, ev)
    CGEventSetType(ev, etype + 1)                                    # mouse button up
    CGEventPost(tap, ev)
    # restore mouse location (optional)
    if res
        CGEventSetLocation(ev0, pt0)                                # restore mouse location
        CGEventPost(tap, ev0)
        puts pt0.x, pt0.y
    puts pt.x, pt.y
        set rr to paragraphs of result
        repeat with r in rr
            set r's contents to r as number
        end repeat
        return rr
    end _rb_click

  • HT3209 Purchased DVD in US for Cdn viewing. Digital download will not work in Cda or US? please help with new Digital code that will work

    Purchased DVD in US for Cdn viewing. Digital download will not work in Cda or US? please help with new Digital code that will work

    You will need to contact the movie studio that produced the DVD and ask if they can issue you a new code valid for Canada. Apple cannot help you, and everyone here in these forums is just a fellow user.

  • Need help with a activation code for Adobe Acrobat X Standard for my PC,, Don't have older version serial numbers,  threw programs away,  only have Adobe Acrobat X Standard,  need a code to unlock program?

    Need help with a activation code for Adobe Acrobat X Standard for my PC, Don't have older Version of Adobe Acrobat 9, 8 or 7. 

    You don't need to install the older version, you only need the serial number from your original purchase. If you don't have them to hand, did you register? If so, they should be in your Adobe account. If not you really need to contact Adobe, though it isn't clear they will be able to do anything without some proof of purchase etc.

  • Open multi page pdf specific page in Illustrator CS4 with apple script

    I need to open multi page pdf specific page in Illustrator CS4 with apple script. Is it something like this:
    activate  (open file theTargetFolder as PDF with options …).
    Thank you.

    Muchas Gracias por tu colaboración y excelente script, el que se abra el ESTK no tiene mayor importancia.
    El caso es que Adobe recomienda encarecidamente NO utilizar Illustrator para editar PDFs, por diversas razones, aunque cuando no hay otro remedio o herramienta disponible, o conocida ...
    Para llegar aquí, aparte de San Google, hay que ir a (en mi caso), pestaña de Ayuda,  ..... (hasta aqui bien),
    luego hay que bajar hasta el final y ver Comunidad y Foros...... (esto puede ser)
    al pulsar aparacen un montón de foros se supone de programas pero en inglés,
    y la última línea es de International Forums,  ya casi hemos llegado)
    pulsamos entonces, y por fin se abren cuatro palabras con idiomas, en una dice: español      (casi no me lo puede creer)
    pincho y llego por fin aquí.
    Muy poca gente sabe de la existencia de este pequeño refugio, si a esta dificultad añadimos la peculiar forma de ser de la gente, ....

  • Can someone post apple script code to tell Safari to refresh every 5 min?

    Can someone post apple script code to tell Safari to refresh every 5 min?
    thanx in advance!

    save the script as an application and checkmark the "Stay Open" box
    -- start script
    on idle
    tell application "Safari"
    set doc_url to URL of document 1
    open location doc_url
    end tell
    return 15 --<change the number 15 to the number of seconds you want between each refresh
    end idle
    -- end script
    Mac OS X (10.4.7)

  • Auto refresh with apple script- help please

    can any one help me please
    i use multiple windows in safari at one time and can any one help me to refresh these pages (two windows) automatically using apple script.
    also if I click manually to refresh these pages i get the following note"
    "To open this page again, Safari must resend the form you completed to open the page the first time. This may cause the website to repeat actions it took the first time you sent the form."
    and i have click send for this to happen
    any help from you all will be appreciated as this will help me a lot with the present work that i am doing

    Not sure about the "automatic" reload - Opera allows you to set a refresh time interval for each tab, but not Safari. Also, Safari Extender gives you a single click contextual menu option to "reload all tabs".
    here is an AppleScript for a one-page auto reload. You might be able to alter the script to auto reload all open tabs.
    Not sure about the "warning" message. Can you post a URL so I can have a look?

  • NEED a java coder to help with a script for a programs of mine.

    I play a game, very competitively, and need someone to make and compile a script for me. I am willing to pay upwards of 100 USD for this script made to MY standards. There will be a lot of work involved...Probably 12 hours studying my game and the purpose of the script(s). I will be buying 2-3 scripts, at roughly 50-100 USD each, depending on the quality. I will transfer the money via paypal, or other means if we can reach an agreement.
    Please IM me at Chadtrapier on AIM or send an email to [email protected]
    Or...Add me on MSN - [email protected]
    We can reach an agreement with these scripts...
    Thank you, I will also check this thread, so reply if you would like.

    Ummm. Do you think that's a lot of money or something? Think in the range of 40-60 per hour. And if you're talking about warcraft I don't think they java hooks to make bots. I think you need to figure out what your problem is first and maybe learn to code them yourself.

  • Help with Java script

    So , I edited the as described in the Admin guide.Copied the .class to my cgi folder in the server.I copied the itunesu file from the shell folder of the sample code.I have modified it accordingly.But when I run it in browser(Firefox) as ..../cgi-bin/itunesu it just gives me a blank page.Nothing shows up.I ran the file locally and it generates an HTML output, which I copied and created a new html.After I run this HTML file, it opens my itunes, but again it says page not found and url contains where xxx is my institution name.Not sure if I am supposed to display my institution name in forum.
    The admin guide says on page 15 step 4.Copy the itunes.class file and other itunes file to your web server's cgi-bin directory.
    I am not quiet sure what does other itunes file mean??
    This is how my .java file looks.
    import java.util.*;
    * The <CODE>ITunesU</CODE> class permits the secure transmission
    * of user credentials and identity between an institution's
    * authentication and authorization system and iTunes U.
    * The code in this class can be tested by
    * running it with the following commands:
    * <PRE>
    * javac
    * java ITunesU</PRE>
    * Changes to values defined in this class' main() method must
    * be made before it will succesfully communicate with iTunes U.
    public class ITunesU extends Object {
    * Generate the HMAC-SHA256 signature of a message string, as defined in
    * RFC 2104.
    * @param message The string to sign.
    * @param key The bytes of the key to sign it with.
    * @return A hexadecimal representation of the signature.
    public String hmacSHA256(String message, byte[] key) {
    // Start by getting an object to generate SHA-256 hashes with.
    MessageDigest sha256 = null;
    try {
    sha256 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
    + ".hmacSHA256(): SHA-256 algorithm not found!");
    // Hash the key if necessary to make it fit in a block (see RFC 2104).
    if (key.length > 64) {
    key = sha256.digest();
    // Pad the key bytes to a block (see RFC 2104).
    byte block[] = new byte[64];
    for (int i = 0; i < key.length; ++i) block = key;
    for (int i = key.length; i < block.length; ++i) block = 0;
    // Calculate the inner hash, defined in RFC 2104 as
    // SHA-256(KEY ^ IPAD + MESSAGE)), where IPAD is 64 bytes of 0x36.
    for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) block ^= 0x36;
    try {
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
    "ITunesU.hmacSH256(): UTF-8 encoding not supported!");
    byte[] hash = sha256.digest();
    // Calculate the outer hash, defined in RFC 2104 as
    // SHA-256(KEY ^ OPAD + INNER_HASH), where OPAD is 64 bytes of 0x5c.
    for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) block ^= (0x36 ^ 0x5c);
    hash = sha256.digest();
    // The outer hash is the message signature...
    // convert its bytes to hexadecimals.
    char[] hexadecimals = new char[hash.length * 2];
    for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
    int value = (hash >> (4 - 4 * j)) & 0xf;
    char base = (value < 10) ? ('0') : ('a' - 10);
    hexadecimals[i * 2 + j] = (char)(base + value);
    // Return a hexadecimal string representation of the message signature.
    return new String(hexadecimals);
    * Combine user credentials into an appropriately formatted string.
    * @param credentials An array of credential strings. Credential
    * strings may contain any character but ';'
    * (semicolon), '\\' (backslash), and control
    * characters (with ASCII codes 0-31 and 127).
    * @return <CODE>null</CODE> if and only if any of the credential strings
    * are invalid.
    public String getCredentialsString(String[] credentials) {
    // Create a buffer with which to generate the credentials string.
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    // Verify and add each credential to the buffer.
    if (credentials != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < credentials.length; ++i) {
    if (i > 0) buffer.append(';');
    for (int j = 0, n = credentials.length(); j < n; ++j) {
    char c = credentials.charAt(j);
    if (c != ';' && c != '\\' && c >= ' ' && c != 127) {
    } else {
    return null;
    // Return the credentials string.
    return buffer.toString();
    * Combine user identity information into an appropriately formatted string.
    * @param displayName The user's name (optional).
    * @param emailAddress The user's email address (optional).
    * @param username The user's username (optional).
    * @param userIdentifier A unique identifier for the user (optional).
    * @return A non-<CODE>null</CODE> user identity string.
    public String getIdentityString(String displayName, String emailAddress,
    String username, String userIdentifier) {
    // Create a buffer with which to generate the identity string.
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    // Define the values and delimiters of each of the string's elements.
    String[] values = { displayName, emailAddress,
    username, userIdentifier };
    char[][] delimiters = { { '"', '"' }, { '<'(', ')' }, { '[', ']' } };
    // Add each element to the buffer, escaping
    // and delimiting them appropriately.
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
    if (values != null) {
    if (buffer.length() > 0) buffer.append(' ');
    for (int j = 0, n = values.length(); j < n; ++j) {
    char c = values.charAt(j);
    if (c == delimiters[1] || c == '\\') buffer.append('\\');
    // Return the generated string.
    return buffer.toString();
    * Generate an iTunes U digital signature for a user's credentials
    * and identity. Signatures are usually sent to iTunes U along
    * with the credentials, identity, and a time stamp to warrant
    * to iTunes U that the credential and identity values are
    * officially sanctioned. For such uses, it will usually makes
    * more sense to use an authorization token obtained from the
    * {@link #getAuthorizationToken(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, byte[])}
    * method than to use a signature directly: Authorization
    * tokens include the signature but also the credentials, identity,
    * and time stamp, and have those conveniently packaged in
    * a format that is easy to send to iTunes U over HTTPS.
    * @param credentials The user's credentials string, as
    * obtained from getCredentialsString().
    * @param identity The user's identity string, as
    * obtained from getIdentityString().
    * @param time Signature time stamp.
    * @param key The bytes of your institution's iTunes U shared secret key.
    * @return A hexadecimal representation of the signature.
    public String getSignature(String credentials, String identity,
    Date time, byte[] key) {
    // Create a buffer in which to format the data to sign.
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    // Generate the data to sign.
    try {
    // Start with the appropriately encoded credentials.
    buffer.append(URLEncoder.encode(credentials, "UTF-8"));
    // Add the appropriately encoded identity information.
    buffer.append(URLEncoder.encode(identity, "UTF-8"));
    // Add the appropriately formatted time stamp. Note that
    // the time stamp is expressed in seconds, not milliseconds.
    buffer.append(time.getTime() / 1000);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    // UTF-8 encoding support is required.
    throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
    "ITunesU.getSignature(): UTF-8 encoding not supported!");
    // Generate and return the signature.
    String signature = this.hmacSHA256(buffer.toString(), key);
    return signature;
    * Generate and sign an authorization token that you can use to securely
    * communicate to iTunes U a user's credentials and identity. The token
    * includes all the data you need to communicate to iTunes U as well as
    * a creation time stamp and a digital signature for the data and time.
    * @param credentials The user's credentials string, as
    * obtained from getCredentialsString().
    * @param identity The user's identity string, as
    * obtained from getIdentityString().
    * @param time Token time stamp. The token will only be valid from
    * its time stamp time and for a short time thereafter
    * (usually 90 seconds).
    * @param key The bytes of your institution's iTunes U shared secret key.
    * @return The authorization token. The returned token will
    * be URL-encoded and can be sent to iTunes U with
    * a form
    * submission. iTunes U will typically respond with
    * HTML that should be sent to the user's browser.
    public String getAuthorizationToken(String credentials, String identity,
    Date time, byte[] key) {
    // Create a buffer with which to generate the authorization token.
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    // Generate the authorization token.
    try {
    // Start with the appropriately encoded credentials.
    buffer.append(URLEncoder.encode(credentials, "UTF-8"));
    // Add the appropriately encoded identity information.
    buffer.append(URLEncoder.encode(identity, "UTF-8"));
    // Add the appropriately formatted time stamp. Note that
    // the time stamp is expressed in seconds, not milliseconds.
    buffer.append(time.getTime() / 1000);
    // Generate and add the token signature.
    String data = buffer.toString();
    buffer.append(this.hmacSHA256(data, key));
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    // UTF-8 encoding support is required.
    throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
    "ITunesU.getAuthorizationToken(): "
    + "UTF-8 encoding not supported!");
    // Return the signed authorization token.
    return buffer.toString();
    * Send a request for an action to iTunes U with an authorization token.
    * @param url URL defining how to communicate with iTunes U and
    * identifying which iTunes U action to invoke and which iTunes
    * U page or item to apply the action to. Such URLs have a
    * format like <CODE>[PREFIX]/[ACTION]/[DESTINATION]</CODE>,
    * where <CODE>[PREFIX]</CODE> is a value like
    * "" which defines
    * how to communicate with iTunes U, <CODE>[ACTION]</CODE>
    * is a value like "Browse" which identifies which iTunes U
    * action to invoke, and <CODE>[DESTINATION]</CODE> is a value
    * like "" which identifies which iTunes U page
    * or item to apply the action to. The destination string
    * "" refers to the root page of the iTunes U site
    * identified by the domain "". Destination strings
    * for other items within that site contain the site domain
    * followed by numbers separated by periods. For example:
    * "". You can find these
    * strings in the items' URLs, which you can obtain from
    * iTunes. See the iTunes U documentation for details.
    * @param token Authorization token generated by getAuthorizationToken().
    * @return The iTunes U response, which may be HTML or
    * text depending on the type of action invoked.
    public String invokeAction(String url, String token) {
    // Send a request to iTunes U and record the response.
    StringBuffer response = null;
    try {
    // Verify that the communication will be over SSL.
    if (!url.startsWith("https")) {
    throw new MalformedURLException(
    "ITunesU.invokeAction(): URL \""
    + url + "\" does not use HTTPS.");
    // Create a connection to the requested iTunes U URL.
    HttpURLConnection connection =
    (HttpURLConnection)new URL(url).openConnection();
    "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
    // Send the authorization token to iTunes U.
    OutputStream output = connection.getOutputStream();
    // Read iTunes U's response.
    response = new StringBuffer();
    InputStream input = connection.getInputStream();
    Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(input, "UTF-8");
    reader = new BufferedReader(reader);
    char[] buffer = new char[16 * 1024];
    for (int n = 0; n >= 0;) {
    n =, 0, buffer.length);
    if (n > 0) response.append(buffer, 0, n);
    // Clean up.
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    // ITunes U requires UTF-8 and ASCII encoding support.
    throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
    "ITunesU.invokeAction(): UTF-8 encoding not supported!");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // Report communication problems.
    throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
    "ITunesU.invokeAction(): I/O Exception " + e);
    // Return the response received from iTunes U.
    return response.toString();
    * iTunes U credential and identity transmission sample. When your
    * itunes U site is initially created, Apple will send your institution's
    * technical contact a welcome email with a link to an iTunes U page
    * containing the following information, which you will need to customize
    * this method's code for your site:
    * Information:<DD><CODE>
    * Site URL</CODE> - The URL to your site in iTunes U. The last
    * component of that URL, after the last slash,
    * is a domain name that uniquely identifies your
    * site within iTunes U.<DD><CODE>
    * shared secret</CODE> - A secret key known only to you and Apple that
    * allows you to control who has access to your
    * site and what access they have to it.<DD><CODE>
    * debug suffix</CODE> - A suffix you can append to your site URL
    * to obtain debugging information about the
    * transmission of credentials and identity
    * information from your institution's
    * authentication and authorization services
    * to iTunes U.<DD><CODE>
    * administrator credential</CODE> - The credential string to assign
    * to users who should have the
    * permission to administer your
    * iTunes U site.</DL></DD>
    * Once you have substitute the information above in this method's code
    * as indicated in the code's comments, this method will connect
    * to iTunes U and obtain from it the HTML that needs to be returned to a
    * user's web browser to have a particular page or item in your iTunes U
    * site displayed to that user in iTunes. You can modify this method to
    * instead output the URL that would need to be opened to have that page
    * or item displayed in iTunes.</DD>
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
    // Define your site's information. Replace these
    // values with ones appropriate for your site.
    String siteURL =
    "" ;
    String debugSuffix = "/abc123";
    String sharedSecret = "some key";
    String administratorCredential =
    // Define the user information. Replace the credentials with the
    // credentials you want to grant to the current user, and the
    // optional identity information with the identity of that user.
    // For initial testing and site setup, use the singe administrator
    // credential defined when your iTunes U site was created. Once
    // you have access to your iTunes U site, you will be able to define
    // additional credentials and the iTunes U access they provide.
    String[] credentialsArray = { administratorCredential };
    String displayName = "my name";
    String emailAddress = "my [email protected]";
    String username = "mylogin";
    String userIdentifier = "1243";
    // Define the iTunes U page to browse. Use the domain name that
    // uniquely identifies your site in iTunes U to browse to that site's
    // root page; use a destination string extracted from an iTunes U URL
    // to browse to another iTunes U page; or use a destination string
    // supplied as the "destination" parameter if this program is being
    // invoked as a part of the login web service for your iTunes U site.
    String siteDomain = siteURL.substring(siteURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    String destination = siteDomain;
    // Append your site's debug suffix to the destination if you want
    // to receive an HTML page providing information about the
    // transmission of credentials and identity between this program
    // and iTunes U. Uncomment the following line for testing only.
    //destination = destination + debugSuffix;
    // Use an ITunesU instance to format the credentials and identity
    // strings and to generate an authorization token for them.
    ITunesU iTunesU = new ITunesU();
    String identity = iTunesU.getIdentityString(displayName, emailAddress,
    username, userIdentifier);
    String credentials = iTunesU.getCredentialsString(credentialsArray);
    Date now = new Date();
    byte[] key = null;
    try {
    key = sharedSecret.getBytes("US-ASCII");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
    "ITunesU.hmacSH256(): US-ASCII encoding not supported!");
    String token = iTunesU.getAuthorizationToken(credentials, identity,
    now, key);
    // Use the authorization token to connect to iTunes U and obtain
    // from it the HTML that needs to be returned to a user's web
    // browser to have a particular page or item in your iTunes U
    // site displayed to that user in iTunes. Replace "/Browse/" in
    // the code below with "/API/GetBrowseURL/" if you instead want
    // to return the URL that would need to be opened to have that
    // page or item displayed in iTunes.
    String prefix = siteURL.substring(0, siteURL.indexOf(".woa/") + 4);
    String url = prefix + "/Browse/" + destination;
    String results = iTunesU.invokeAction(url, token);
    The itunes file from Shell folder has been modified as follows
    DISPLAY_NAME= "myname"
    EMAIL_ADDRESS="[email protected]"
    all the other things in that file have been untouched.
    I also generated the debug which looks like this
    iTunes U Access Debugging
    Identity "my name" <[email protected]> (mylogin) [1243]
    Time 1196706873
    Signature 533870b8jshdidk333lfsf6a3143a55c132ec548a4d545bd79322402e8e2596e4
    The destination string is valid and the corresponding destination item was found.
    The identity string is valid and provides the following information:
    Display Name my name
    Email Address [email protected]
    Username mylogin
    User Identifier 1243
    The credential string is valid and contains the following recognized credential:
    The time string is valid and corresponds to 2007-12-03 18:34:33Z.
    The signature string is valid.
    Because the received signature and time were valid, the received identity and credentials were accepted by iTunes U.
    In addition, the following 2 credentials were automatically added by iTunes U:
    With these credentials, you have browsing, downloading, uploading, and editing access to the requested destination.
    I am pretty new to this, and working on this for the first time.If someone could guide me through this would be pretty helpful.

    This is only going to work under IE !
    Go to your page template :
    Modify the definition, make sur you have this :
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <Script language = javascript>
    Browser = navigator.appName
    Net = Browser.indexOf("Netscape")
    Micro = Browser.indexOf("Microsoft")
    Netscape = false
    IE = false
    if(Net >= 0) {Netscape = true}
    if(Micro >= 0) {IE = true}
    function XYpos() {
    if (IE == true) {
    xPos = event.screenX
    yPos = event.screenY
    alert(xPos + " left " + yPos + " down")
    else if (Netscape == true) {alert("Script won't work: " + "\n" + "You're using Netscape")}
    Modify the body definition, make sure you have this :
    <body #ONLOAD# onMouseDown = XYpos()>
    I didnt try it but it make sens to me... tell me if it works!
    Homepage :
    InSum Solutions' blog :

  • Selecting Different Printer With Apple Script.

    I am currently in the process of making a script to be able to print off labels without the need of much user input (read from a document or e-mail) and I want to be able to set the printer when it goes to the print screen.
    this is the final apple script step in the application cmd+p brings up the 1st print menu the return takes it to the second print menu cmd+v pastes predifind by the user the ammount of copys they want
    on run {input, parameters}
              tell application "Labels & Addresses"
                        tell application "System Events"
      keystroke "p" using command down
                                  delay 1
      keystroke return
                                  delay 1
      keystroke "v" using command down
                                  delay 1
                                  tell application "System Events"
                                            tell process "Labels & Addresses"
                                                      click (menu item whose description is "Printer")
                                                      click (menu item "Zebra Technologies ZTC GK420t" whose description is "Printer")
                                            end tell
                                  end tell
                                  return input
                        end tell
              end tell
    end run
    now there is chance to change the printer selection twice once in the 1st print screen and once in the 2nd print screen the only problem is im not sure how to apple script to select the right printer from the drop down menu, I got the code from a forum but I think it was old code as when I tested it it was returning errors so I modified it a bit and now it just struggles finding the menu item with description of printer.
    Does anyone know what I would have to use for it to select the right printer? (The Zebra Technologies ZTC GK420t)
    Help would be greatly appricited!
    P.S. sorry the code is a bit messy!

    Im NOT sure if you have just made this a little over complicated… This works just fine for me. Tested with about a dozen psd layers…
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
    tell active document
    tell rectangle 1
    tell graphic 1
    tell graphic layer options
    set GLC to count of graphic layers
    repeat with i from 1 to GLC
    if name of graphic layer i ≠ "Blue" then
    set current visibility of graphic layer i to false
    set current visibility of graphic layer i to true
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    This variant also works as I would have expected too… Retaining visibility from a list…
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
    tell active document
    tell rectangle 1
    tell graphic 1
    tell graphic layer options
    set On_List to {"Red", "Aqua", "Orange"}
    set GLC to count of graphic layers
    repeat with i from 1 to GLC
    if name of graphic layer i is not in On_List then
    set current visibility of graphic layer i to false
    set current visibility of graphic layer i to true
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell

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