Help with completing sentences game code

Hi, I`m a bit stuck, I`m making a game where you have to complete the sentences by dragging the words which are generated dinamically to its right place over some boxes, everything works fine but if you pull the words out of the boxes one all are placed it crashes.
Unfortunately this is someone elses code (another programmer who bailed on us in the middle of the proyect) although I manage to make it work with new words, making the draggable items undraggable one you place all 4 of them in the right boxes is totally unclear to me. I`ll appreciate any help I can get.
Here`s all the code that this part of the movie is using:
function aleatorio(min, max)
    var _loc2 = true;
    if (usados.length <= max - min)
        while (_loc2 != false)
            var _loc1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
            _loc2 = repetido(_loc1);
        } // end while
        return (_loc1);
        return (0);
    } // end else if
} // End of the function
function repetido(num)
    var _loc1 = false;
    for (i = 0; i < usados.length; i++)
        if (num == usados[i])
            _loc1 = true;
        } // end if
    } // end of for
    return (_loc1);
} // End of the function
stop ();
var usados = new Array();
_root.palabras_colocadas = 0;
palabras_correctas = 0;
listado_x = 700;
listado_y = 400;
origenx = 0;
origeny = 0;
estaba_en = -1;
apagar = false;
_root.frase = 2;
var palabras = new Array("huts", "made", "mud", "straw");
var correctas = new Array(false, false, false, false);
var ocupadas = new Array(-1, -1, -1, -1);
var my_font = new TextFormat();
my_font.font = "Arial";
my_font.color = 0;
my_font.size = 30;
palabras[i].embedFonts = true;
my_font.bold = true;
var i = 0;
while (i < 4)
    this["cuadro" + i].gotoAndStop(1);
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("myClip" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
    largo = palabras[i].length * 22;
    this["myClip" + i].createTextField("label", 1, 0, 0, largo, 40);
    this["myClip" + i].label.text = palabras[i];
    this["myClip" + i].label.setTextFormat(my_font);
    this["myClip" + i].onPress = function ()
        temp = this._name;
        temp = Number(temp.charAt(6));
        if (ocupadas[0] == temp)
            apagar = true;
            estaba_en = 0;
        } // end if
        if (ocupadas[1] == temp)
            apagar = true;
            estaba_en = 1;
        } // end if
        if (ocupadas[2] == temp)
            apagar = true;
            estaba_en = 2;
        } // end if
        if (ocupadas[3] == temp)
            apagar = true;
            estaba_en = 3;
        } // end if
        if (!apagar)
            estaba_en = -1;
        } // end if
        origenx = this._x;
        origeny = this._y;
        trace ("estaba en " + estaba_en);
    this["myClip" + i].onRelease = this["myClip" + i].onReleaseOutside = function ()
        cual = this._name;
        cual = Number(cual.charAt(6));
        drop = eval(this._droptarget);
        trace (drop);
        donde = String(drop);
        cuadro = donde.substr(8, 6);
        donde = Number(donde.charAt(14));
        trace (cual + " en " + donde + " " + cuadro);
        if (cuadro == "cuadro")
            if (ocupadas[donde] >= 0 && ocupadas[donde] <= 3 || donde == estaba_en)
                apagar = false;
                this._x = origenx;
                this._y = origeny;
                if (!apagar)
                } // end if
                tramo = eval("tramo" + (donde + 1) + "_mc");
                if (_root.palabras_colocadas >= 4)
                } // end else if
                largo = palabras[cual].length * 8.500000E+000;
                this._y = drop._y - 22;
                this._x = drop._x - largo;
                ocupadas[donde] = cual;
                if (apagar)
                    apaga = eval("cuadro" + estaba_en);
                    tramo = eval("tramo" + (estaba_en + 1) + "_mc");
                    ocupadas[estaba_en] = -1;
                    correctas[estaba_en] = false;
                    apagar = false;
                    trace ("hay " + _root.palabras_colocadas + " palabras");
                    if (_root.palabras_colocadas == 3)
                        trace ("apaga sin ruido");
                    } // end if
                } // end if
                trace (ocupadas[0] + " " + ocupadas[1] + " " + ocupadas[2] + " " + ocupadas[3]);
                if (cual == donde)
                    correctas[donde] = true;
                } // end if
            } // end if
        } // end else if
        if (cuadro == "myClip" || cuadro == "start_")
            this._x = origenx;
            this._y = origeny;
        } // end if
        if (cuadro == "fondo")
            if (apagar)
                apaga = eval("cuadro" + estaba_en);
                tramo = eval("tramo" + (estaba_en + 1) + "_mc");
                ocupadas[estaba_en] = -1;
                correctas[estaba_en] = false;
                apagar = false;
                trace ("hay " + _root.palabras_colocadas + " palabras");
                if (_root.palabras_colocadas == 3)
                } // end if
            } // end if
        } // end if
} // end while
var ii = 0;
while (ii < 4)
    var numeroNuevo = aleatorio(1, 4);
    trace (numeroNuevo);
    this["myClip" + numeroNuevo]._x = listado_x;
    this["myClip" + numeroNuevo]._y = listado_y + 40 * i;
} // end while

that's too much code to go through line by line.  i'd recommend placing some trace() functions in strategic locations to narrow the location of the problem.

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    First of all, thx for trying to help!
    well.. its a different kind of snake game: the starting point of the snake always stays the same. this means, that the snake grows longer and longer, without the butt moving behind the snake, but staying in the same position.
    so, if i'd try to put all those lines into an array (every line of the snake is very small, it is been added every 30 millisecs another line) this array would explode, and this would not be a very fast or elegant solution. so i think it must be possible to read the Color of a single pixel, the pixel, where the snake moves next... so that if the color would be other than the background color, it should stop, because the snake must have been crashed into something.
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    BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(505,505,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    CurrentBackgroundRGB = bi.getRGB((int)(Worm1.xStart+Worm1.x),(int)(Worm1.yStart+Worm1.y));
    if(HintergrundRGB != BackgroundCol.getRGB())this.interrupt();
    end CODE
    "this" is the current thread of the animation
    I think the problem is obvious: how can i get the Buffered image to check the data from my JPanel?

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    Hi Sarah...
    Try This
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    FROM OITM T0 INNER JOIN OITW T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode
    WHERE T1.WhsCode not in ( 'WHS1')

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    First of all stop cross posting. These values in the HashMap, they are a "Collection" of values, so what is wrong with reply two and putting all these collections of values into a super collection? A collection of collections? You can have a HashMap of HashMaps. One HashMap that holds all your maps and then you can use a for loop to check if they are empty. A map is probably a bad choice for this operation as you don't need a key and an array will be much faster.
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    code below:
    public class Sign {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO code application logic here
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("c:\\cert.p12"));
    StringBuilder fullText = new StringBuilder();
    String line = reader.readLine();
    while (line != null) {
    line = reader.readLine();
    KeyStore p12 = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs12");
    p12.load(new FileInputStream("c:\\cert.p12"), "Hfrtnf$5".toCharArray());
    //????????? ????????? ????, ??? ????? ????? ???????????? alias ? ??????
    //Key key = p12.getKey("my kkb key", "ryba-mech".toCharArray());
    Key key = (Key) p12.getKey("my kkb key", "Hfrtnf$5".toCharArray());
    Certificate userCert = (Certificate) p12.getCertificate("my kkb key");
    String base64Cert = new String(Base64.encode(userCert.getEncoded()));
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    signer.initSign((PrivateKey) key);
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    String base64Xml = new String(Base64.encode(fullText.toString().getBytes()));
    System.out.println("<certificate>" + base64Cert+"</certificate>");
    System.out.println("<xmlBody>" + base64Xml+"</xmlBody>");
    System.out.println("<signature>" + base64sign+"</signature>");
    Edited by: user13622283 on 22.01.2013 22:08

    My first search is to see if there is an Apache commons project that provides it. Lo and behold:

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    or another solution could be that if i could determine, wheter the Pixel is an element of the worm or the rectangle (dont think this is possible).
    somebody wrote in an earlier question that i should use the buffered image class. im currently trying to do so.
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    First of all, thx for trying to help!
    well.. its a different kind of snake game: the starting point of the snake always stays the same. this means, that the snake grows longer and longer, without the butt moving behind the snake, but staying in the same position.
    so, if i'd try to put all those lines into an array (every line of the snake is very small, it is been added every 30 millisecs another line) this array would explode, and this would not be a very fast or elegant solution. so i think it must be possible to read the Color of a single pixel, the pixel, where the snake moves next... so that if the color would be other than the background color, it should stop, because the snake must have been crashed into something.
    so.. i posted this into an earlier thread and somebody said the class BufferedImage and its method getRGB() should help. im currently trying to do so, but it doesnt work.
    i cant seem to get the data from the JPanel (where i am drawing the snakes (i think thats the problem)) into the bufferedimage.. anyone could help, please?
    here is some code from the game:
    BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(505,505,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    CurrentBackgroundRGB = bi.getRGB((int)(Worm1.xStart+Worm1.x),(int)(Worm1.yStart+Worm1.y));
    if(HintergrundRGB != BackgroundCol.getRGB())this.interrupt();
    end CODE
    "this" is the current thread of the animation
    I think the problem is obvious: how can i get the Buffered image to check the data from my JPanel?

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    the function makeRows gives me problems... main is correct ... can someone fix my makeRows... i don't see what's wrong
    public class Pascal {
      /** Return ragged array containing the first nRows rows of Pascal's
       *  triangle.
      public static int[][] makeRows(int nRows) {
            int[][] mpr  = new int[nRows+1][];
            int l=0; int r=0;
            for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) {
              mpr[row] = new int[row+1];  //index starts at 0
              if (row==0) {
                mpr[0][0]= 1;
                    if (row==1) {
                mpr[1][0]= 1;
                mpr[1][1]= 1;
              if (row>=2) {
                 for (int j = 0; j <= row; j++) {
                    if (j==0)               {l=0;} else {l=mpr[row-1][j-1];}
                    if (j==mpr[row].length-1) {r=0;} else{r=mpr[row-1][j];}
                    mpr[row][j] = l + r;
            return mpr;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
             if (args.length != 1) {
               System.out.println("usage: java " + Pascal.class.getName() + " N_ROWS");
             int nRows = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
             if (nRows > 0) {
               int[][] pascal = makeRows(nRows);
               for (int[] row : pascal) {
              for (int v : row) System.out.print(v + " ");
         }this makeRows function should return ragged array containing the first nRows rows of Pascal's triangle
    Edited by: magic101 on May 9, 2008 4:03 PM

    i think corlettk meant that some people might not know what pascal's triangle is.
    also, you didnt say what was wrong with your code, just that it was wrong.
    asking smart questions is about giving as much information you can to get the
    best answer. i would throw a System.out.print between every line of your
    algorithm. i would also supply us with the values you are getting for each row.
    also, this question is asked all the time here. do a forum search.


    I am trying to figure out how to convert a code from an older version into JDK1.3.1_01.
    Please HELP!
    Here is my code............
    mport java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class Race extends Applet {
    private Button myButton; //use a button to start the race.
    int race_square; //record the race square 70.
    int t_square; //record the tortoise's position.
    int h_square; //record the hare's position.
    int clock; //record clock ticks.
    public void init()
    myButton=new Button("Start Clock") ; //add button to the top of panel.
    public void reset_v()
    race_square=70; // total squares is 70
    t_square=1; //start point =1
    h_square=1; //start point=1
    clock=0; //reset the clock to zero.
    public void race() {
    int i=0; //set some integer varibles.
    int t_random=0; //random number for tortoise.
    int h_random=0; //random number for hare.
    Graphics g=getGraphics(); //define graphics.
    Rectangle r = bounds(); //define painting boundary.
    g.drawString("BANG !!!!!",100,r.height/2-80);
    g.drawString("AND THEY'RE OFF !!!!!",100,r.height/2-70);
    g.drawString(Integer.toString(clock),r.width/2,50); //show the zero clock time.
    try { Thread.sleep(1000);} //clock ticks 1 second.
    catch (InterruptedException e){}
    g.setColor(Color.lightGray); //clear all the old drawings
    g.drawString(Integer.toString(clock),r.width/2,50); //show the clock time.
    t_random=getrandom(); // FOR TORTOISE
    if (t_random<=5) t_square+=3; // 50% fast plod: 3 squares to the right.
    else if (t_random>5 && t_random<=7)t_square-=6; // 20% slip: 6 squares to the left.
    else t_square+=1; // 30% slow plod: 1 square to the right.
    h_random=getrandom(); //FOR HARE
    if (h_random<=2) {} // 20% sleep: not move at all.
    else if (h_random>2 && h_random<=4)h_square+=9;// 20% big hop: 9 squares to the right.
    else if (h_random==5) h_square-=12; // 10% big slip: 12 squares to the left.
    else if (h_random>5 && h_random<=8)h_square+=1;// 30% slow hop: 1 square to the right.
    else h_square-=2; // 20% small slip: 2 aquares to the left.
    if(t_square<=0) t_square=1; //always start from 1.
    if(h_square<=0) h_square=1; //always start from 1.
    g.setColor(; //draw the tortoise's path: use red color.
    g.setColor(; //draw the hare path: use blue color.
    g.setColor(; //draw the race squares.
    if (t_square==h_square &&t_square!=race_square) // tortoise bites the hare.
    }while ( t_square=race_square && h_square=race_square && t_square<=5+5*race_square;i+=5)
    g.drawString("T",5,r.height/2-7); //mark tortoise
    g.drawString("H",5,r.height/2+17); //mark hare
    public int getrandom()
    return( 1+(int)(Math.random()*10)); // generating the random number 1 to 10.
    public boolean action(Event e, Object arg)
    if ( instanceof Button)
    reset_v(); //reset the initial variables.
    race(); //use the button the start the race.
    return true;

    You posted this yesterday, at
    The code you've posted doesn't seem to include Ilikejava's suggested changes - which are, as far as I can tell, the major changes required to bring your applet in line with Java 1.3.
    It will be easier to help if you show what is wrong with your code, if it's generating a compiler error message or throwing an exception.

  • Help with understanding multi-threaded code

    Hi Everyone,
    I am currently reading a book on multi-threading and up until recently I have been able to understand what is going on. The thing is the complexity of the code has just jumped up about two gears without warning. The code is now using inner classes which I am trying to develop an understanding of but I am not finding it easy going, and the book has been lite on explanations. If anybody can help with the following code it will be really appreciated.
    public class SetPriority extends Object
         private static Runnable makeRunnable()
              Runnable r = new Runnable()
                   public void run()
                        for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
                             Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
                             System.out.println("in run() - priority=" + t.getPriority() +
                                          ", name=" + t.getName());
                             }catch(InterruptedException x){
              return r;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Thread threadA = new Thread(makeRunnable(), "threadA");
              Thread threadB = new Thread(makeRunnable(), "threadB");
              Runnable r = new Runnable()
                   public void run()
                        Thread threadC = new Thread(makeRunnable(), "threadC");
              Thread threadD = new Thread(r, "threadD");
              }catch(InterruptedException x){
              System.out.println("in main() - threadA.getPriority()=" + threadA.getPriority());
    }My greatest challenge is understanding how the makeRunnable() method works. I don't understand how this inner class can be declared static and then multiple "instances" created from it. I know that I have no idea what is going on, please help!!!
    Thanks for your time.
    P.S.: If you know of any really good references on inner classes, particularly URL resources, please let me know. Thanks again.

    Yikes!! The good news is that you're unlikely to see such convoluted code in real life. But here we go.
    "private static Runnable makeRunnable()" declares a method that returns objects of type Runnable. The fact that the method is declared "static" is pretty irrelevant - I'll describe what that means later.
    The body of the method creates and returns an object of type Runnable. Not much special about it, except that you can give such an object to the constructor of class Thread and as a result the run() method of this Runnable object will be called on a new thread of execution (think - in parallel).
    Now the way it creates this Runnable object is by using the "anonymous inner class" syntax. In effect the method is doing the same as
    public class MyNewClass implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            // All the same code inside run()
    public class SetPriority {
        private static Runnable makeRunnable() {
            Runnable r = new MyNewClass();
            return r;
        // The rest of the original code
    }Except you don't bother declaring MyNewClass. You're not interested in defining any new method signatures. You just want to create an object that implements Runnable and has certain instructions that you want inside the run() method. Think of the whole approach as shorthand.
    Think about this for a while. In the mean time I'll write up the "static".

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    came upon this tutorial:
    All OK but the code there works only with Flash 5. I somehow
    managed to concoct code that works for Flash 6 but still I didn't
    come even close to a code working in Flash 8. I'm using
    Actionscript only from version 7, I do not know anything about
    Flash 5 and 6. So please, the more experienced guys, help me!!
    The code I concocted is:
    MovieClip.prototype.move = function (centerx, centery,
    inertia, k) {
    this.x = -this._x+centerx;
    this.y = -this._y+centery;
    this.xp = this.xp*inertia+this.x*k;
    this.yp = this.yp*inertia+this.y*k;
    this._x += this.xp;
    this._y += this.yp;
    onEnterFrame=function() {
    this.move (_root._xmouse,_root._ymouse,0.9,0.1) ;
    This whole code is on the timeline of the MC being moved.
    So now the only thing I need is to make this code work for
    Flash 8
    Please, help

    Just managed to do it !

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    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.applet.AppletContext;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.math.BigInteger;
    import sign.signlink;
    public final class client extends Applet_Sub1
    private static final String method14(int i, int j)
    String s = String.valueOf(i);
    for(int k = s.length() - 3; k > 0; k -= 3)
    s = (new StringBuilder()).append(s.substring(0, k)).append(",").append(s.substring(k)).toString();
    if(j != 0)
    aBoolean1224 = !aBoolean1224;
    if(s.length() > 8)
    s = (new StringBuilder()).append("@gre@").append(s.substring(0, s.length() - 8)).append(" million @whi@(").append(s).append(")").toString();
    if(s.length() > 4)
    s = (new StringBuilder()).append("@cya@").append(s.substring(0, s.length() - 4)).append("K @whi@(").append(s).append(")").toString();
    return (new StringBuilder()).append(" ").append(s).toString();
    public final void method15(int i)
    signlink.midifade = 0;
    signlink.midi = "stop";
    if(i <= 0)
    aBoolean1206 = !aBoolean1206;
    public final void method16(int i)
    public final boolean method17(int i, int j)
    if(j < 0)
    return false;
    int k = anIntArray1093[j];
    if(i != 9)
    anInt1008 = -1;
    if(k >= 2000)
    k -= 2000;
    return k == 337;
    public final void method18(int i)
    Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub3.anIntArray1472 = anIntArray1180;
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2_1198.method361(0, 16083, 0);
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub4_1272.method381(0, aString1121, 23693, 40, 239);
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub4_1272.method381(128, (new StringBuilder()).append(aString1212).append("*").toString(), 23693, 60, 239);
    } else
    if(anInt1225 == 1)
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub4_1272.method381(0, "Enter amount:", 23693, 40, 239);
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub4_1272.method381(128, (new StringBuilder()).append(aString1004).append("*").toString(), 23693, 60, 239);
    } else
    if(anInt1225 == 2)
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub4_1272.method381(0, "Enter name:", 23693, 40, 239);
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub4_1272.method381(128, (new StringBuilder()).append(aString1004).append("*").toString(), 23693, 60, 239);
    } else
    if(aString844 != null)
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub4_1272.method381(0, aString844, 23693, 40, 239);
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub4_1272.method381(128, "Click to continue", 23693, 60, 239);
    } else
    if(anInt1276 != -1)
    method105(8, 0, 0, Class9.aClass9Array210[anInt1276], 0);
    if(anInt1042 != -1)
    method105(8, 0, 0, Class9.aClass9Array210[anInt1042], 0);
    } else
    Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub4 class30_sub2_sub1_sub4 = aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub4_1271;
    int j = 0;
    Class30_Sub2_Sub1.method333(77, 0, false, 463, 0);
    for(int k = 0; k < 100; k++)
    if(aStringArray944[k] == null)
    int l = anIntArray942[k];
    int i1 = (70 - j * 14) + anInt1089;
    String s1 = aStringArray943[k];
    byte byte0 = 0;
    if(s1 != null && s1.startsWith("@cr1@"))
    s1 = s1.substring(5);
    byte0 = 1;
    if(s1 != null && s1.startsWith("@cr2@"))
    s1 = s1.substring(5);
    byte0 = 2;
    if(l == 0)
    if(i1 > 0 && i1 < 110)
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0, aStringArray944[k], i1, 822, 4);
    if((l == 1 || l == 2) && (l == 1 || anInt1287 == 0 || anInt1287 == 1 && method109(false, s1)))
    if(i1 > 0 && i1 < 110)
    int j1 = 4;
    if(byte0 == 1)
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[0].method361(j1, 16083, i1 - 12);
    j1 += 14;
    if(byte0 == 2)
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[1].method361(j1, 16083, i1 - 12);
    j1 += 14;
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0, (new StringBuilder()).append(s1).append(":").toString(), i1, 822, j1);
    j1 += class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method383(anInt1116, s1) + 8;
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(255, aStringArray944[k], i1, 822, j1);
    if((l == 3 || l == 7) && anInt1195 == 0 && (l == 7 || anInt845 == 0 || anInt845 == 1 && method109(false, s1)))
    if(i1 > 0 && i1 < 110)
    int k1 = 4;
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0, "From", i1, 822, k1);
    k1 += class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method383(anInt1116, "From ");
    if(byte0 == 1)
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[0].method361(k1, 16083, i1 - 12);
    k1 += 14;
    if(byte0 == 2)
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[1].method361(k1, 16083, i1 - 12);
    k1 += 14;
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0, (new StringBuilder()).append(s1).append(":").toString(), i1, 822, k1);
    k1 += class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method383(anInt1116, s1) + 8;
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0xeeeeee, aStringArray944[k], i1, 822, k1);
    if(l == 4 && (anInt1248 == 0 || anInt1248 == 1 && method109(false, s1)))
    if(i1 > 0 && i1 < 110)
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0x800080, (new StringBuilder()).append(s1).append(" ").append(aStringArray944[k]).toString(), i1, 822, 4);
    if(l == 5 && anInt1195 == 0 && anInt845 < 2)
    if(i1 > 0 && i1 < 110)
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0xeeeeee, aStringArray944[k], i1, 822, 4);
    if(l == 6 && anInt1195 == 0 && anInt845 < 2)
    if(i1 > 0 && i1 < 110)
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0, (new StringBuilder()).append("To ").append(s1).append(":").toString(), i1, 822, 4);
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0xeeeeee, aStringArray944[k], i1, 822, 12 + class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method383(anInt1116, (new StringBuilder()).append("To ").append(s1).toString()));
    if(l != 8 || anInt1248 != 0 && (anInt1248 != 1 || !method109(false, s1)))
    if(i1 > 0 && i1 < 110)
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0x7e3200, (new StringBuilder()).append(s1).append(" ").append(aStringArray944[k]).toString(), i1, 822, 4);
    anInt1211 = j * 14 + 7;
    if(anInt1211 < 78)
    anInt1211 = 78;
    method30(519, 77, anInt1211 - anInt1089 - 77, 0, 463, anInt1211);
    String s;
    if(aClass30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1_Sub2_1126 != null && aClass30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1_Sub2_1126.aString1703 != null)
    s = aClass30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1_Sub2_1126.aString1703;
    s = Class50.method587(-45804, aString1173);
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(0, (new StringBuilder()).append(s).append(":").toString(), 90, 822, 4);
    class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method385(255, (new StringBuilder()).append(aString887).append("*").toString(), 90, 822, 6 + class30_sub2_sub1_sub4.method383(anInt1116, (new StringBuilder()).append(s).append(": ").toString()));
    Class30_Sub2_Sub1.method339(77, 0, 479, 0, (byte)4);
    if(aBoolean885 && anInt948 == 2)
    aClass15_1166.method238(357, 23680, super.aGraphics12, 17);
    Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub3.anIntArray1472 = anIntArray1182;
    if(i < 6 || i > 6)
    aBoolean991 = !aBoolean991;
    public final void init()
    anInt957 = 0;
    anInt958 = 0;
    aBoolean959 = true;
    method2(503, false, 765);
    public final void method12(Runnable runnable, int i)
    if(i > 10)
    i = 10;
    if(signlink.mainapp != null)
    signlink.startthread(runnable, i);
    } else
    super.method12(runnable, i);
    public final Socket method19(int i)
    throws IOException
    if(signlink.mainapp != null)
    return signlink.opensocket(i);
    return new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(getCodeBase().getHost()), i);
    public final void method20(int i)
    if(i != 4)
    anInt1008 = aClass30_Sub2_Sub2_1083.method408();
    if(anInt1086 != 0)
    int j = super.anInt26;
    if(anInt1136 == 1 && super.anInt27 >= 516 && super.anInt28 >= 160 && super.anInt27 <= 765 && super.anInt28 <= 205)
    j = 0;
    if(j != 1)
    int k = super.anInt20;
    int j1 = super.anInt21;
    if(anInt948 == 0)
    k -= 4;
    j1 -= 4;
    if(anInt948 == 1)
    k -= 553;
    j1 -= 205;
    if(anInt948 == 2)
    k -= 17;
    j1 -= 357;
    if(k < anInt949 - 10 || k > anInt949 + anInt951 + 10 || j1 < anInt950 - 10 || j1 > anInt950 + anInt952 + 10)
    aBoolean885 = false;
    if(anInt948 == 1)
    aBoolean1153 = true;
    if(anInt948 == 2)
    aBoolean1223 = true;
    if(j == 1)
    int l = anInt949;
    int k1 = anInt950;
    int i2 = anInt951;
    int k2 = super.anInt27;
    int l2 = super.anInt28;
    if(anInt948 == 0)
    k2 -= 4;
    l2 -= 4;
    if(anInt948 == 1)
    k2 -= 553;
    l2 -= 205;
    if(anInt948 == 2)
    k2 -= 17;
    l2 -= 357;
    int i3 = -1;
    for(int j3 = 0; j3 < anInt1133; j3++)
    int k3 = k1 + 31 + (anInt1133 - 1 - j3) * 15;
    if(k2 > l && k2 < l + i2 && l2 > k3 - 13 && l2 < k3 + 3)
    i3 = j3;
    if(i3 != -1)
    method69(i3, false);
    aBoolean885 = false;
    if(anInt948 == 1)
    aBoolean1153 = true;
    if(anInt948 == 2)
    aBoolean1223 = true;
    } else
    if(j == 1 && anInt1133 > 0)
    int i1 = anIntArray1093[anInt1133 - 1];
    if(i1 == 632 || i1 == 78 || i1 == 867 || i1 == 431 || i1 == 53 || i1 == 74 || i1 == 454 || i1 == 539 || i1 == 493 || i1 == 847 || i1 == 447 || i1 == 1125)
    int l1 = anIntArray1091[anInt1133 - 1];
    int j2 = anIntArray1092[anInt1133 - 1];
    Class9 class9 = Class9.aClass9Array210[j2];
    if(class9.aBoolean259 || class9.aBoolean235)
    aBoolean1242 = false;
    anInt989 = 0;
    anInt1084 = j2;
    anInt1085 = l1;
    anInt1086 = 2;
    anInt1087 = super.anInt27;
    anInt1088 = super.anInt28;
    if(Class9.aClass9Array210[j2].anInt236 == anInt857)
    anInt1086 = 1;
    if(Class9.aClass9Array210[j2].anInt236 == anInt1276)
    anInt1086 = 3;
    if(j == 1 && (anInt1253 == 1 || method17(9, anInt1133 - 1)) && anInt1133 > 2)
    j = 2;
    if(j == 1 && anInt1133 > 0)
    method69(anInt1133 - 1, false);
    if(j == 2 && anInt1133 > 0)
    public final void method21(boolean flag, int i, byte abyte0[])
    signlink.midifade = flag ? 1 : 0;
    signlink.midisave(abyte0, abyte0.length);
    if(i != 0)
    anInt1008 = aClass30_Sub2_Sub2_1083.method408();
    public final void method22(boolean flag)
    anInt985 = -1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
    for(int i1 = 0; i1 < 104; i1++)
    for(int i2 = 0; i2 < 104; i2++)
    aByteArrayArrayArray1258[j][i1][i2] = 0;
    Class7 class7 = new Class7(aByteArrayArrayArray1258, -60, 104, 104, anIntArrayArrayArray1214);
    int j1 = aByteArrayArray1183.length;
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub2_1192.method397((byte)6, 0);
    for(int j2 = 0; j2 < j1; j2++)
    int k4 = (anIntArray1234[j2] >> 8) * 64 - anInt1034;
    int j6 = (anIntArray1234[j2] & 0xff) * 64 - anInt1035;
    byte abyte1[] = aByteArrayArray1183[j2];
    if(abyte1 != null)
    class7.method180(abyte1, j6, k4, (anInt1069 - 6) * 8, (anInt1070 - 6) * 8, (byte)4, aClass11Array1230);
    for(int k2 = 0; k2 < j1; k2++)
    int l4 = (anIntArray1234[k2] >> 8) * 64 - anInt1034;
    int k6 = (anIntArray1234[k2] & 0xff) * 64 - anInt1035;
    byte abyte2[] = aByteArrayArray1183[k2];
    if(abyte2 == null && anInt1070 < 800)
    class7.method174(k6, 64, 0, 64, l4);
    if(anInt1097 > 160)
    anInt1097 = 0;
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub2_1192.method397((byte)6, 238);
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub2_1192.method397((byte)6, 0);
    for(int l2 = 0; l2 < j1; l2++)
    byte abyte0[] = aByteArrayArray1247[l2];
    if(abyte0 != null)
    int l6 = (anIntArray1234[l2] >> 8) * 64 - anInt1034;
    int j8 = (anIntArray1234[l2] & 0xff) * 64 - anInt1035;
    class7.method190(l6, aClass11Array1230, j8, 7, aClass25_946, abyte0);
    for(int i3 = 0; i3 < 4; i3++)
    for(int i5 = 0; i5 < 13; i5++)
    for(int i7 = 0; i7 < 13; i7++)
    int k8 = anIntArrayArrayArray1129[i3][i5][i7];
    if(k8 == -1)
    int j9 = k8 >> 24 & 3;
    int i10 = k8 >> 1 & 3;
    int l10 = k8 >> 14 & 0x3ff;
    int j11 = k8 >> 3 & 0x7ff;
    int l11 = (l10 / 8 << 8) + j11 / 8;
    int j12 = 0;
    if(j12 >= anIntArray1234.length)
    continue label0;
    if(anIntArray1234[j12] == l11 && aByteArrayArray1183[j12] != null)
    class7.method179(j9, i10, aClass11Array1230, 9, i5 * 8, (l10 & 7) * 8, aByteArrayArray1183[j12], (j11 & 7) * 8, i3, i7 * 8);
    continue label0;
    } while(true);
    for(int j3 = 0; j3 < 13; j3++)
    for(int j5 = 0; j5 < 13; j5++)
    int j7 = anIntArrayArrayArray1129[0][j3][j5];
    if(j7 == -1)
    class7.method174(j5 * 8, 8, 0, 8, j3 * 8);
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub2_1192.method397((byte)6, 0);
    for(int k3 = 0; k3 < 4; k3++)
    for(int k5 = 0; k5 < 13; k5++)
    for(int k7 = 0; k7 < 13; k7++)
    int l8 = anIntArrayArrayArray1129[k3][k5][k7];
    if(l8 == -1)
    int k9 = l8 >> 24 & 3;
    int j10 = l8 >> 1 & 3;
    int i11 = l8 >> 14 & 0x3ff;
    int k11 = l8 >> 3 & 0x7ff;
    int i12 = (i11 / 8 << 8) + k11 / 8;
    int k12 = 0;
    if(k12 >= anIntArray1234.length)
    continue label1;
    if(anIntArray1234[k12] == i12 && aByteArrayArray1247[k12] != null)
    class7.method183(aClass11Array1230, aClass25_946, k9, k5 * 8, (k11 & 7) * 8, true, k3, aByteArrayArray1247[k12], (i11 & 7) * 8, j10, k7 * 8);
    continue label1;
    } while(true);
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub2_1192.method397((byte)6, 0);
    class7.method171(aClass11Array1230, aClass25_946, 2);
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub2_1192.method397((byte)6, 0);
    int l3 = Class7.anInt145;
    if(l3 > anInt918)
    l3 = anInt918;
    if(l3 < anInt918 - 1)
    l3 = anInt918 - 1;
    aClass25_946.method275(Class7.anInt145, -34686);
    aClass25_946.method275(0, -34686);
    for(int l5 = 0; l5 < 104; l5++)
    for(int l7 = 0; l7 < 104; l7++)
    method25(l5, l7);
    if(anInt1051 > 98)
    anInt1051 = 0;
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub2_1192.method397((byte)6, 150);
    catch(Exception exception) { }
    aBoolean1157 &= flag;
    if(super.aFrame_Sub1_15 != null)
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub2_1192.method397((byte)6, 210);
    if(aBoolean960 && signlink.cache_dat != null)
    int k = aClass42_Sub1_1068.method555(79, 0);
    for(int k1 = 0; k1 < k; k1++)
    int i4 = aClass42_Sub1_1068.method559(k1, -203);
    if((i4 & 0x79) == 0)
    Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub6.method461(116, k1);
    Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub3.method367(20, true);
    int l = (anInt1069 - 6) / 8 - 1;
    int l1 = (anInt1069 + 6) / 8 + 1;
    int j4 = (anInt1070 - 6) / 8 - 1;
    int i6 = (anInt1070 + 6) / 8 + 1;
    l = 49;
    l1 = 50;
    j4 = 49;
    i6 = 50;
    for(int i8 = l; i8 <= l1; i8++)
    for(int i9 = j4; i9 <= i6; i9++)
    if(i8 != l && i8 != l1 && i9 != j4 && i9 != i6)
    int l9 = aClass42_Sub1_1068.method562(0, 0, i9, i8);
    if(l9 != -1)
    aClass42_Sub1_1068.method560(l9, 3, false);
    int k10 = aClass42_Sub1_1068.method562(1, 0, i9, i8);
    if(k10 != -1)
    aClass42_Sub1_1068.method560(k10, 3, false);
    public final void method23(boolean flag)
    anInt1008 = -1;
    public final void method24(boolean flag, int i)
    int ai[] = aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1_1263.anIntArray1439;
    int j = ai.length;
    for(int k = 0; k < j; k++)
    ai[k] = 0;
    for(int l = 1; l < 103; l++)
    int j1 = 24628 + (103 - l) * 512 * 4;
    for(int l1 = 1; l1 < 103; l1++)
    if((aByteArrayArrayArray1258[i][l1][l] & 0x18) == 0)
    aClass25_946.method309(ai, j1, 512, i, l1, l);
    if(i < 3 && (aByteArrayArrayArray1258[i + 1][l1][l] & 8) != 0)
    aClass25_946.method309(ai, j1, 512, i + 1, l1, l);
    j1 += 4;
    int i1 = ((238 + (int)(Math.random() * 20D)) - 10 << 16) + ((238 + (int)(Math.random() * 20D)) - 10 << 8) + ((238 + (int)(Math.random() * 20D)) - 10);
    int k1 = (238 + (int)(Math.random() * 20D)) - 10 << 16;
    for(int i2 = 1; i2 < 103; i2++)
    for(int k2 = 1; k2 < 103; k2++)
    if((aByteArrayArrayArray1258[i][k2][i2] & 0x18) == 0)
    method50(i2, -960, i1, k2, k1, i);
    if(i < 3 && (aByteArrayArrayArray1258[i + 1][k2][i2] & 8) != 0)
    method50(i2, -960, i1, k2, k1, i + 1);
    aBoolean1157 &= flag;
    anInt1071 = 0;
    for(int j2 = 0; j2 < 104; j2++)
    for(int l2 = 0; l2 < 104; l2++)
    int i3 = aClass25_946.method303(anInt918, j2, l2);
    if(i3 == 0)
    i3 = i3 >> 14 & 0x7fff;
    int j3 = Class46.method572(i3).anInt746;
    if(j3 < 0)
    int k3 = j2;
    int l3 = l2;
    if(j3 != 22 && j3 != 29 && j3 != 34 && j3 != 36 && j3 != 46 && j3 != 47 && j3 != 48)
    byte byte0 = 104;
    byte byte1 = 104;
    int ai1[][] = aClass11Array1230[anInt918].anIntArrayArray294;
    for(int i4 = 0; i4 < 10; i4++)
    int j4 = (int)(Math.random() * 4D);
    if(j4 == 0 && k3 > 0 && k3 > j2 - 3 && (ai1[k3 - 1][l3] & 0x1280108) == 0)
    if(j4 == 1 && k3 < byte0 - 1 && k3 < j2 + 3 && (ai1[k3 + 1][l3] & 0x1280180) == 0)
    if(j4 == 2 && l3 > 0 && l3 > l2 - 3 && (ai1[k3][l3 - 1] & 0x1280102) == 0)
    if(j4 == 3 && l3 < byte1 - 1 && l3 < l2 + 3 && (ai1[k3][l3 + 1] & 0x1280120) == 0)
    aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1140[anInt1071] = aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1033[j3];
    anIntArray1072[anInt1071] = k3;
    anIntArray1073[anInt1071] = l3;
    public final void method25(int i, int j)
    Class19 class19 = aClass19ArrayArrayArray827[anInt918][i][j];
    if(class19 == null)
    aClass25_946.method295(anInt918, i, j);
    int k = 0xfa0a1f01;
    Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2 class30_sub2_sub4_sub2 = null;
    for(Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2 class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_1 = (Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2)class19.method252(); class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_1 != null; class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_1 = (Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2)class19.method254(false))
    Class8 class8 = Class8.method198(class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_1.anInt1558);
    int l = class8.anInt155;
    l *= class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_1.anInt1559 + 1;
    if(l > k)
    k = l;
    class30_sub2_sub4_sub2 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_1;
    class19.method250(-493, (Class30)(Class30)class30_sub2_sub4_sub2);
    Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2 class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_2 = null;
    Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2 class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_3 = null;
    for(Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2 class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_4 = (Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2)class19.method252(); class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_4 != null; class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_4 = (Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2)class19.method254(false))
    if(class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_4.anInt1558 != ((Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2)(Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2)class30_sub2_sub4_sub2).anInt1558 && class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_2 == null)
    class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_2 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_4;
    if(class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_4.anInt1558 != ((Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2)(Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2)class30_sub2_sub4_sub2).anInt1558 && class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_4.anInt1558 != ((Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2)(Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub2)class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_2).anInt1558 && class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_3 == null)
    class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_3 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_4;
    int i1 = i + (j << 7) + 0x60000000;
    aClass25_946.method281((byte)7, i, i1, (Class30_Sub2_Sub4)(Class30_Sub2_Sub4)class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_2, method42(anInt918, j * 128 + 64, true, i * 128 + 64), (Class30_Sub2_Sub4)(Class30_Sub2_Sub4)class30_sub2_sub4_sub2_3, (Class30_Sub2_Sub4)(Class30_Sub2_Sub4)class30_sub2_sub4_sub2, anInt918, j);
    public final void method26(boolean flag, int i)
    for(int j = 0; j < anInt836; j++)
    Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1_Sub1 class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1 = aClass30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1_Sub1Array835[anIntArray837[j]];
    int k = 0x20000000 + (anIntArray837[j] << 14);
    if(class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1 == null || !class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1.method449(aBoolean1224) || class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1.aClass5_1696.aBoolean93 != flag)
    int l = ((Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1) (class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1)).anInt1550 >> 7;
    int i1 = ((Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1) (class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1)).anInt1551 >> 7;
    if(l < 0 || l >= 104 || i1 < 0 || i1 >= 104)
    if(((Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1) (class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1)).anInt1540 == 1 && (((Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1) (class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1)).anInt1550 & 0x7f) == 64 && (((Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1) (class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1)).anInt1551 & 0x7f) == 64)
    if(anIntArrayArray929[l][i1] == anInt1265)
    anIntArrayArray929[l][i1] = anInt1265;

    That is total bull. From the "JAGGRAB" HTTP requests in the code (which I recognize from my Paros Proxy logs), and the string "runes" being repeated several times, I have a grave suspicion that this liar has decompiled the sourcecode to Runescape, a proprietary MMORPG game.
    All I can say is, watch your step! You obviously know something about Runescape to be able to find and decompile their game code, and have probably broken your license agreement in doing so. If you are doing this for the fun of it, I won't complain. However, if you are using this information to create autominers, please reconsider. Some of us would like the runescape universe to remain impartial and fair, and not have the game tipped in favor of those who use cheat programs!

  • Help with Complete My Order for deluxe/standard albums...

    I bought some songs on Miley Cyrus's album Bangerz, but I realized the bonus tracks on the deluxe version are good and I want them too, but I go to buy the whole deluxe album with Complete My Order, but since I bought some songs on the standard version, it just says I have those songs Purchased on the deluxe one. Can I re-buy those songs through the deluxe album? Will the "purchased" songs be downloaded again if i complete my order with the deluxe version? I'm so confused, and I don't want to just buy the bonus tracks on the deluxe and still have the other songs from the standard version because I'm extremely OCD with my albums and I don't want 2 Bangerz albums in my library.

    Hello mbaumgardner97,
    Thank you for the question! It sounds like you are wanting the bonus tracks on the deluxe version of this album but you recently purchased the normal version and so cannot use the Complete My Album function. You may be able to report a problem to our iTunes Store support directly about this using the following article:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBooks Store purchase
    To report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBooks Store purchase, follow these steps:
    Find the email receipt for your purchase.
    Click Report a Problem under the app that is having the issue.
    When prompted, enter the Apple ID and password you used to purchase the item, then click Report a Problem.
    Click Report a Problem next to the item you are having an issue with.
    From the Choose Problem dropdown menu, choose the appropriate issue.
    Follow the onscreen instructions and—if prompted—type a description of the problem into the text field.
    Click Submit to have your issue reviewed.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

  • Help with first flash game?

    Hi. My name's Rory.
    I am an artist.
    I am learning action script and Flash so that I can make
    I am not a complete novice in programming. I am proficient in
    Java and in MaxScript (3DSMAX embedded language).
    I have been making some progress in action script and I have
    a functional (although incomplete) game in the works. You can view
    it here:
    The idea is it's a color game
    red beats green, green beats, blue beats red. Think paper
    scissor rock.
    The idea is to change the entire circle into one color.
    The graphics are place holders BTW.
    I am using FlexBuilder 2.0 and Flash CS3, and I have come
    across a problem not covered in either of my books.
    I'd really appreciate any help that you guys can offer.
    I have gotten this far on my own.
    My #1 question (and I have many more) is:
    How do you through Flash specify animation segments for a
    MovieClip Symbol?
    Notice how the red creatures occasionally open their mouths.
    I want to have a walk, an attack, an absorb, and a bounce animation
    on the same timeline and trigger the appropriate one depending on
    which color the creature collides with. I do not know how to go
    about this problem. I’ve just been trying to get the walk
    animation to loop without playing the attack animation so far.
    I've tried frame-labeling in flash, with scripts on the key
    frames of a second layer that specify when to stop or repeat the
    animation... No dice.
    I have a symbol named RedShot in the library of a flash
    project named "graphics"
    In my timeline I have 2 animation segments, and I have a
    second layer denoting two corresponding frames named "walk" and
    "attack" from the properties menu.
    On the final frames of the animations I have scripts.
    Im my library I have linkage options specified as such:
    export of actionscript#CHECKED
    export on 1st frame#CHECKED
    on the main stage of my flash project I have actionscript for
    2 functions:
    function walk(){
    function attack(){
    I export the project and the opened window has the "walk"
    animation looping properly.
    In my FlexBuilder project I embed the symbol
    //Inside class global variables:
    [Embed(source="../graphics.swf", symbol="RedShot")]
    public var RedShot:Class;
    private var _shot:MovieClip;
    //and in my buildShot function:
    _shot = new RedShot();
    When I build the project the characters appear, and they
    animate. The only trouble is that there are no breaks in the
    animation. The animation loops right through the frames where I
    have specified that the animation should "gotoAndPlay" from a
    different part.
    What's weirder is that I can call
    without an error and it will go to and play from that point.
    The only trouble is that it will begin to loop the entire animation
    again without stopping at the gotoAndPlay events stored in the
    frames of the timeline.
    It seems like all embedded actions are ignored, add I can't
    think of another way to controll the animation.
    Any thoughts?

    After hours of searching the internet I finally got this
    blasted question figured out.
    How to you export a symbol from Flash for use in a Flex
    Builder project without destroying actionscript stored within the
    frames of the Symbol's timeline?
    That's a long winded way of saying: "In FlexBuilder, how do
    you control MovieClips from Flash". I'm trying to make games, and
    this was a particularly important question for me :).
    Here's how:
    1) You need a hotfix from Adobe.
    This allows Flash CS3 to export a SWC file.
    2)You have to set the linkage properties for your various
    symbols in the flash library panel.
    a)right click on symbol in library panel
    b)choose "linkage"
    c)"Class:" = (pick a name)
    d)"Base class:" = flash.display.MovieClip;
    e)"Export for ActionScript" = CHECKED
    f)"Export in first frame"=CEHCKED
    3)If you want to have multiple segmented animations as I
    certainly did you'll want to create frames and actionscripts within
    the symbols timeline to define where these animations are.
    a) in the symbol's timeline make a second layer. We'll name
    that layer "labels" for the sake of not having this get too
    b) on that layer create a new frame for each of the animation
    segments that you'd like to define and stretch them to the length
    of the corresponding animations.(I'm assuming that you have a
    keyframe animation on the 1st layer... otherwise what's the point
    of all this :P?)
    c)in the properties panel name the frames in the "labels"
    layer accordingly ie. "walk" "run" shoot" etc.
    d)Define whether the various animations play once or loop by
    adding a script to the last frame of the animation. If you want the
    animation to loop add
    if you want the animation to play once and stop add
    if you want the animation to play once and then return to a
    different animation add
    4) now you can export the symbols to an SWC file. Note: you
    do not get this option unless you have installed the hotfix.
    [HTML][/HTML] .
    a)rightclick on a symbol in the library panel
    b)choose "exportSWCfile..."
    c)export the file to a logical place such as the root of your
    FlexBuilder project.
    5) Now you have to tell flexbuilder about the new SWC file.
    Note: Once this file is added to the FlexBuilder library you can
    instantiate classes from it as though they were included using the
    "include" function.
    a)Right clicking on the root of the project in the Navigator
    b)going to properties.
    c)Going to library path. (2nd tab)
    d)and pressing the "Add SWC" button
    Now you're done and you can instantiate any of the symbols
    from your library while preserving any actions from your symbols
    timeline just as though you had imported it as a class from a
    typical library.
    Sweet huh?
    Thanks to the countless people and internet resources I found
    on the subject. Hopefully it will be easier for anyone who finds
    this post.
    Here's an adobe video which covers the basic process.

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