Help with dynamic sequel. Return only Distinct Name.

This is simple but how can I return only distinct login name.  Just want to return one set of values.
Please see the desire output and the rule below.  I am using SQL2012.
Thank you for your help in advance.
USE Tempdb;
DROP TABLE [dbo].[UserRoleTest];
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UserRoleTest]
 [LoginId] [varchar](35) NULL,
 [UserName] [varchar](35) NULL,
 [DBRole] [varchar](35) NULL
INSERT INTO dbo.UserRoleTest([LoginId],[UserName],[DBRole])
  VALUES ('[MyDomain\Peter]', 'MyDomain\Peter', '[db_datareader]' ) ;
INSERT INTO dbo.UserRoleTest([LoginId],[UserName],[DBRole])
  VALUES ('[MyDomain\Peter]', 'MyDomain\Peter', '[db_datawriter]' ) ;
INSERT INTO dbo.UserRoleTest([LoginId],[UserName],[DBRole])
  VALUES ('[Home\John]', 'Home\John', '[db_datareader]' ) ;
INSERT INTO dbo.UserRoleTest([LoginId],[UserName],[DBRole])
  VALUES ('User1', 'User1', '[db_datareader]' ) ;
INSERT INTO dbo.UserRoleTest ([LoginId],[UserName],[DBRole])
  VALUES ('User1', 'User1', '[db_datawriter]' ) ;
  FROM [dbo].[UserRoleTest]
USE Tempdb;
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.usp_test', 'p') IS NOT NULL
  DROP PROCedure dbo.usp_test
CREATE PROCedure dbo.usp_test
       ,@iCounterId  INT
       ,@LoginId     VARCHAR(35)
       ,@UserName    VARCHAR(35)
       ,@DBRole      VARCHAR(35)
       ,@DBName      VARCHAR(40)
       ,@crlf        CHAR(1) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) -- carriage return, new line.
SET @DBName = 'Tempdb'    
 ,LoginId      VARCHAR(35)             NULL
 ,UserName     VARCHAR(35)             NULL
 ,DBRole       VARCHAR(35)             NULL
 INSERT @t (LoginId, UserName, DBRole)
 SELECT LoginId, UserName, DBRole
   FROM dbo.UserRoleTest
  --WHERE (DBName = @DBName);
SET @iCounterId = ( SELECT MIN(iCounterId)
                      FROM @t );
   WHILE ( @iCounterId IS NOT NULL )
       IF ( @iCounterId IS NULL )
           PRINT 'Exit'
       -- Pick 2 variables.
       SELECT @LoginId = LoginId
             ,@UserName = UserName
             ,@DBRole = DBRole
         FROM @t
        WHERE (iCounterId = @iCounterId )
        --SQL Statement
        --PRINT 'LoginId: ' + @LoginId
        --PRINT 'UserName: ' + @UserName
        --PRINT 'DBRole: ' + @DBRole
         -- This section create users if users do not exist.
         SET @SQLStr = 'USE [' + RTRIM(@DBName) + '];' + @crlf
         SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + 'IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sys.sysusers WHERE [name] = ''' + RTRIM(@UserName) + ''' )' + CHAR(13) +
                          '  BEGIN' +  @crlf + '    CREATE USER ' + @LoginId + ' FOR LOGIN
' + @LoginId + ' WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = [' + @UserName + '];' + @crlf +
                          '    ALTER ROLE ' + RTRIM(@DBRole) + ' ADD MEMBER ' + RTRIM(@LoginId) + ';'
+ @crlf + '  END;' + CHAR(13) +
                          'ELSE ' + CHAR(13) + '  BEGIN' + @crlf + '    ALTER USER ' + RTRIM(@LoginId) 
+ ' WITH LOGIN = ' + RTRIM(@LoginId) + ';' + CHAR(13) +
                          '    ALTER ROLE ' + RTRIM(@DBRole) + ' ADD MEMBER ' + RTRIM(@LoginId) + ';'
+ @crlf + '  END;' + @crlf
         PRINT @SQLStr
      SET @iCounterId = ( SELECT MIN(iCounterId)
                            FROM @t
                           WHERE iCounterId > @iCounterId )
EXECute dbo.usp_test
-- Result want:
-- Just return 1 set like below.  Thank you so much.
USE [Tempdb];
IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sys.sysusers WHERE [name] = 'MyDomain\Peter' )
   CREATE USER [MyDomain\Peter] FOR LOGIN [MyDomain\Peter] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = [MyDomain\Peter];
   ALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [MyDomain\Peter];
   ALTER ROLE [db_datawriter] ADD MEMBER [MyDomain\Peter];
     ALTER USER [MyDomain\Peter] WITH LOGIN = [MyDomain\Peter];
    ALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [MyDomain\Peter];
    ALTER ROLE [db_datawriter] ADD MEMBER [MyDomain\Peter];

Here is an improved version of Prashath's script:
* I use FOR XML PATH which is guaranteed to work to concatenation. The method that Prashanth uses does not have a defined behaviour.
* I'm using quotename through out to delimit all names.
* I did not like that that some names in the table were brackted, but I found a way to neutralise that with parsename. (But that would fail if there is an unquoted name with a dot in it.)
* I introduced the variables @nl and @to make formatting cleaner.
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX) = N'',
        @nl char(2) = char(13) + char(10)
DECLARE @go char(6) = @nl + 'go' + @nl
;WITH cte(UserName, LoginId, DBRole, rn) AS (
   SELECT parsename(UserName, 1), parsename(LoginId, 1), parsename(DBRole, 1),
          ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY UserName, LoginId ORDER BY UserName, LoginId)
   FROM dbo.[UserRoleTest]
SELECT @sql =
   (SELECT CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN N'IF user_id(' + quotename(UserName, '''') + ') IS NULL ' + @nl +
                    '    CREATE USER '  + quotename(LoginId) + ' FOR LOGIN ' + quotename(LoginId) +
                    ' WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = ' + quotename(UserName)
                ELSE 'ALTER USER ' + quotename(LoginId)  + ' WITH LOGIN = ' + quotename(LoginId)
           END  + @go +
           'ALTER ROLE ' + quotename(DBRole) + ' ADD MEMBER ' + quotename(LoginId) + @go
     FROM cte
     ORDER BY rn
     FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)')
PRINT @sql;
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    sanjeevchauhan wrote:
    but I am working with dynamic statement and returning multiple fields into a collection.And using an INSERT...SELECT statement combined with a RETURNING INTO clause still does not work. Whether it's dynamic SQL or not: it doesn't work. The link describes a workaround.
    By the way, I don't see why you are using dynamic SQL here. Static SQL will do just fine. And so you can literally copy Adrian's setup.

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          output=output + temp.getSecondName() + "\n";
          output=output + temp.getAddress1() + "\n";
          output=output + temp.getAddress2() + "\n";
          output= output + temp.getPhoneNumber() + "\n";
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    Hi Yogesh,
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          no_values_found = 2
          OTHERS          = 3.

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    Ex: SOX_CAM_SQL_Report _020215.csv
           SOX_CAM_SQL_Report _030215.csv
    --Similar issue:
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    "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\\temp\\" + "ExcelTarget" + (DT_WSTR,4)DATEPART("yyyy",GETDATE())  +
    ".xls" + ";Extended Properties=\"EXCEL 8.0;HDR=YES\";"
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    Hi NguyenBL,
    According to your description, you created ssis package to export data from database to excel, when the package runs, you want to create new excel and name the file with time stamp. If that is the case, we can achieve the goal by following steps:
    Create a script task used to create excel files.
    Create a data flow task to export data from database to excel.
    Add OLE DB source to data flow task.
    Add Excel Destination to data flow task.
    Create connection manager for OLE DB and Excel.
    Click Excel Connection Manager, in Properties window, click (…) button next to Expressions, then set ExcelFilePath with expression like below:
    "C:\\ETL Lab\\CreateNewExcel\\ExportData_"+REPLACE((DT_STR, 20, 1252)(DT_DBTIMESTAMP)@[System::StartTime], ":", "")+".xls"
    For detail information, please refer to the document:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    Wendy Fu
    TechNet Community Support

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    >>> for artist in lips.similar():
    ... print, artist.mbid
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    Last edited by Kane (2008-06-05 13:24:33)

    well i just modified the patch into a little script, it does what i need
    its here if anyone wants it
    import audioscrobbler
    import mpd
    import random
    import time
    lastsong = {}
    def timer_control():
    def get_similar():
    client = mpd.MPDClient()
    client.connect("localhost", 6600)
    mpdstatus = client.status()
    prevsonginfo = client.currentsong()
    global lastsong
    if mpdstatus['state'] == "stop": return
    if prevsonginfo == lastsong: return
    lastsong = prevsonginfo
    similarartists = ""
    song = prevsonginfo
    #if not song: break #No song, do nothing
    prevartist = song['artist']
    # Is the info already cached?
    similar_cache = {}
    if similar_cache.has_key(prevartist):
    similarartists = similar_cache[prevartist]
    #Not cached so fetch from Audioscrobbler
    similarartists = [ for artist in audioscrobbler.AudioScrobblerQuery(artist=prevartist).similar()]
    # Cache search results and save some time next search
    similar_cache[prevartist] = similarartists
    except audioscrobbler.AudioScrobblerError:
    similar_cache[prevartist] = None # Empty cache
    return # Do nothing!
    if not similarartists: return # Empty list
    # Split list in half and sort upper half
    # this means good matches will have priority
    # but makes sure artist A does not always result in artist B
    half_idx = len(similarartists)/2
    upperhalf = similarartists[:half_idx]
    lowerhalf = similarartists[half_idx:]
    artistlist = upperhalf
    # Try each artist in order
    for artist in artistlist:
    print "Trying:",artist
    songs ="artist", artist)
    if not songs: continue
    selected_song = random.sample(songs, 1)[0]
    print "Added", selected_song['title'],"by",selected_song['artist']
    # Delete old song from playlist?
    except mpd.MPDError, e:
    print "MPDError", e.message
    except ValueError, e:
    print "ValueError:",e.message
    Last edited by Kane (2008-06-06 16:22:49)

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    IF :p3_current_a_workshop != 0 THEN
    'select distinct workshop_title ||':  '  || presenter_name ||'    $'|| workshop_fee display_value, workshop_id return_value
    from WORKSHOP
    where session_time = 'A'
    and workshop_status = 'Open'
    or workshop_id = :p3_current_a_workshop
    order by 1';
    'select distinct workshop_title ||':  '  || presenter_name ||'    $'|| workshop_fee display_value, workshop_id return_value
    from WORKSHOP
    where session_time = 'A'
    and workshop_status = 'Open'
    order by 1';
    END IF;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
    END;I am trying to model the above code off of the example given by apex:
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    IF :MY_ITEM='10' THEN
      'SELECT ename, empno
    FROM  emp
    WHERE depno = 10
    ORDER BY 1';
      'SELECT ename, empno
    FROM emp
    WHERE depno = :my_item
    ORDER BY 1';
    END IF;~Andrew Schultz

    Hi Andrew,
    Try something like:
    IF :p3_current_a_workshop != 0 THEN
    ' select distinct workshop_title ||'':  ''  || presenter_name ||''    $''|| workshop_fee display_value, workshop_id return_value '||
    ' from WORKSHOP '||
    ' where session_time = ''A'' '||
    ' and workshop_status = ''Open'' '||
    ' or workshop_id = :p3_current_a_workshop '||
    ' order by 1 ';
    ' select distinct workshop_title ||'':  ''  || presenter_name ||''    $''|| workshop_fee display_value, workshop_id return_value '||
    ' from WORKSHOP '||
    ' where session_time = ''A'' '||
    ' and workshop_status = ''Open'' '||
    ' order by 1 ';
    END IF;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN

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  • Help with dynamic SQL

    I have the following function that works ok:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Get_Partition_Name (sTable VARCHAR2, iImportIndex INTEGER)
    cursor c is select A.partition_name from (select table_name, partition_name,
    extractvalue (
    getxmltype (
    'select high_value from all_tab_partitions where table_name='''
    || table_name
    || ''' and table_owner = '''
    || table_owner
    || ''' and partition_name = '''
    || partition_name
    || ''''),
    '//text()') import_value from all_tab_partitions) A where table_name = sTable and A.import_value = iImportIndex;
    sPartitionName VARCHAR(20);
    err_num NUMBER;
    open c;
    fetch c into sPartitionName;
    CLOSE c;
    END IF;
    RETURN sPartitionName;
    err_num := SQLCODE;
    --save error in log table
    END Get_Partition_Name;
    I am trying to replace the cursor statement with dynamic SQL, something like (see below) but it doesn't work any more; I think I am missing some quotes.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Get_Partition_Name (sTable VARCHAR2, iImportIndex INTEGER)
    c t1;
    sSql VARCHAR2(500);
    sPartitionName VARCHAR(20);
    err_num NUMBER;
    sSql := 'select A.partition_name from (select table_name, partition_name,
    extractvalue (
    getxmltype (
    ''select high_value from all_tab_partitions where table_name=''''
    || table_name
    || '''' and table_owner = ''''
    || table_owner
    || '''' and partition_name = ''''
    || partition_name
    || ''''''),
    ''//text()'') import_value from all_tab_partitions) A where table_name = :a and A.import_value = :b';
    OPEN c FOR sSql USING sTable, iImportIndex;
    fetch c into sPartitionName;
    CLOSE c;
    END IF;
    RETURN sPartitionName;
    err_num := SQLCODE;
    --save error in log table
    END Get_Partition_Name;
    Please advise,

    Assuming the requirement is to find the partition in the supplied table with the supplied high value and the issue is that dba/all_tab_partitions.high_value is a long, one alternative along the same lines as you've done already is as follows. (I've just used a cursor rather than a function for simplicity of demo).
    SQL> var r refcursor
    SQL> set autoprint on
    SQL> declare
      2   ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxhandle;
      3   v_table_name VARCHAR2(40) := 'LOGMNR_USER$';
      4   v_value      NUMBER       := 100;
      5  begin
      7          ('select table_name
      8            ,      partition_name
      9            ,      high_value  hi_val
    10            from   dba_tab_partitions
    11            where  table_name     = :table_name');
    12   dbms_xmlgen.setbindvalue(ctx,'TABLE_NAME',v_table_name);
    13   open:r for
    14   with x as
    15   (select xmltype(dbms_xmlgen.getxml(ctx)) myxml
    16    from   dual)
    17   select extractvalue(x.object_value,'/ROW/TABLE_NAME') table_name
    18   ,      extractvalue(x.object_value,'/ROW/PARTITION_NAME') partition_name
    19   ,      extractvalue(x.object_value,'/ROW/HI_VAL') hi_val
    20   from   x
    21   ,      TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(EXTRACT(x.myxml,'/ROWSET/ROW'))) x
    22   where  extractvalue(x.object_value,'/ROW/HI_VAL') = v_value;
    23  end;
    24  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> I'm sure there are other ways as well. Especially with XML functionality, there's normally many ways to skin a cat.

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    How does Tiles differ from the JetSpeed apache
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    preferred?Frankly, I can't give you an in-depth answer to that. Maybe someone else can help with more details.
    What I can tell you is that JetSpeed seems to be more of a real portal architecture. Emphasis is placed on the framework portion, interfacing with exisiting applications. Visual layout takes second seat to this.
    Tiles on the other hand puts more emphasis on visual layout and reuse.
    Just looking at JetSpeed's visual interfacing a little bit makes me really dislike it. You build tables and such inside of a servlet, so there's a tight coupling (or at least, much tighter than with Struts/Tiles) between the presentation and logic. (I'm basing this on a JavaWorld article at )
    Based on your initial question, it would seem to me that tiles is much closer to what you're looking for (and likely easier to just pick up and use).
    Anyway, take all this with a grain of salt; I'm not exactly an expert on JetSpeed. =)

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    It is killing me becasue I can't apply style to the shields it won't let me.
    If I run live view I get the proper info. displayed but I should get something like this in the WYSISYG window {rs_innentory.inv-LG-Image} not the damn ASP shield.
    I know that I am missing something simple that a tick box or is driving me crazy!

  • Please help with dynamic form field names in cfloop

    I need to create a form with day, date, month, year and time for 12 months
    Instead of coding them 12 times, I create day,date,month,year and time fileds in my form 1 time and then I use cfloop from="1" to="12" index="i" to loop these form fields 12 times.
    I gave each form field name such as: <input type="text" name="ScheduleDate_# i #" value=" "> this way each of those field will be named differently such as:
    ScheduleDate_1, ScheduleDate_2,ScheduleDate_3, ScheduleTime_1,ScheduleTime_2, etc
    I'm facing problem when this form is submitted, I think the error has something to do with the pound sign (##) when it comes to updating the back end
    I use MS SQL
    It doesn like this:
    <CFLOOP From="1" To="12" index="k">
    <CFIF Len(Trim(Form.MeetYear_#k#)) NEQ 0 AND Len(Trim(Form.MeetTime_#k#)) NEQ 0>
    <cfquery name="CreateSchedule" datasource="#DSN#">
    UPDATE TableSchedule 
    SET SchedDay = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#form.SchedDay_#k##">,SchedMonth =
    <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#form.SchedMonth_#k##">,SchedDate =
    <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#form.SchedDate_#k##">,SchedYear =
    <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#form.SchedYear_#k##">,SchedTime =
    <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#form.SchedTime_#k##">
    Where SchedId = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric" value="#k#">  
    Can anyone help please?

    You can't nest hash marks. Do this instead:
    SET SchedDay = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#form["SchedDay_" & k]#">
    Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

  • Help with Dynamic GUI

    I am trying to create a dynamic gui for a program that when given three names, it will make a list of matches ( wrestling ) against each other.. I got it so when you click foward once.. it brings up the specified amount of text fields.. but when i click previous, it does not pack it fully, and the buttonPanel does not go back to the minimal size, and keeps the whole frame long.
    [code=""]import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.Component.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class face extends GUIFrame implements WindowListener, ActionListener {
    static TextField[] nameFields;
    List howMany;
    TextArea finish;
    Button forward, back, startOver, print;
    Panel mainPanel, buttonPanel, numberPanel, namePanel, matchesPanel;
    GridBagLayout gbl;
    GridBagConstraints gbc;
    BorderLayout bpl, mpl;
    CardLayout cl;
    Choice numbers;
    public face() {
    super("Wrestling Order");
    gbl = new GridBagLayout();
    gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
    mainPanel = new Panel();
    buttonPanel = new Panel();
    bpl = new BorderLayout();
    back = new Button("Previous");
    buttonPanel.add(back, BorderLayout.WEST);
    forward = new Button("Forward");
    buttonPanel.add(forward, BorderLayout.EAST);
    startOver = new Button("Start Over");
    buttonPanel.add(startOver, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    numberPanel = new Panel();
    numbers = new Choice();
    numberPanel.add(numbers, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    cl = new CardLayout();
    mainPanel.add("numbers", numberPanel);
    gbc.gridx = 0;
    gbc.gridy = 0;
    gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
    gbl.setConstraints(mainPanel, gbc);
    gbc.gridx = 0;
    gbc.gridy = 5;
    gbl.setConstraints(buttonPanel, gbc);
    public Panel makeNamePanel(int numOfNames) {
    gbl = new GridBagLayout();
    gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
    gbc.gridx = 1;
    gbc.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
    nameFields = new TextField[numOfNames];
    Panel makePanel = new Panel();
    for (int x=0; x < nameFields.length; x++) {
    nameFields[x] = new TextField(20);
    return makePanel;
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    if (e.getActionCommand() == "names") {
    namePanel = makeNamePanel(Integer.parseInt(numbers.getItem(numbers.getSelectedIndex())));
    mainPanel.add("name", namePanel);;
    if (e.getActionCommand() == "numOf") {
    that is the .. it extends GUIFrame.. which is as follows..
    * GUIFrame
    * An extension of Frame that uses a WindowAdapter to
    * handle the WindowEvents and is centered.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class GUIFrame extends Frame {
      public GUIFrame(String title) {
        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
          //only need to override the method needed
          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
      /* Centers the Frame when setVisible(true) is called */
      public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
        if (visible) {
          Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
          setLocation((d.width - getWidth())/2,
                      (d.height - getHeight())/2);
    }If you could help me out.. Thanks..

    Have you tried using some other layouts... GridBagLayout is a complicated thing to figure out... Might be easier to use some nested panels with different layouts... Particularly, look at SpringLayout.

  • Help with dynamic datasource and record selection

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     <span>Hi, I&#39;m having some difficulty with part of an application I&#39;m trying to build, but here&#39;s some background first.<br /> <br /> I am a student at the University of Maryland, and I&#39;m writing an application for one of the departments here at the university.  It is sort of a front-end for an access database with a lot of extra functionality.  This includes reports.  First of all, the user can change the databse that the application uses, so I store that in an appsetting.  For this reason, I have to tell the report what database to use at runtime rather than using the database expert.  I am building a sort of report wizard in which the user selects certain values, and based upon those values, the SQL statement that the report gets data from changes.  So almost everything about the report&#39;s data is dynamic and will be determined at runtime.  <br /> <br /> So for example if the user chooses an officer report by chapter names, I do this (chapters is a comma delimited string):<br /> <br /><span style="font-weight: bold"> string sel = "SELECT * FROM [Undergrad Leadership] WHERE [Leadership Position] = &#39;" + txtPosition.Text + "&#39; AND [Chapter Name] IN (" + chapters + ");";</span><br /> <br /> The part I am lost on, is how to actually interface with crystal reports.  In the following code, conn is an OleDbConnection to the correct database, rep is the ReportDocument, and view is a CrystalReportsViewer.<br /> <br /><span style="font-weight: bold"> rep.DataSourceConnections[0].SetConnection(conn.DataSource, conn.Database, false); <br /> rep.RecordSelectionFormula = sel;</span><br /><span style="font-weight: bold"> view.ReportSource = rep;</span><br /> <br /> When I try to load the report, I get the following error message:<br /> Error in formula <Record Selection>:  a number, currency amount, boolean, date, time, date-time, or string is expected here.<br /> <br /> Also, assuming this formula gets fixed, how do I actually get fields from this formula and datasource onto my report, since I can&#39;t do it at design time?  Thanks in advance for the help.<br /> <br /> -Jared<br />    </span>

    <p>RCAPI (Report Creation and Modification) calls are only available with Crystal Reports Server RAS SDKs.  This means that using the bundled version of Crystal Reports for Visual Studio will not allow you to place fields onto the report.  A free copy of Crystal Reports Server comes with a registered copy of Crystal Reports Developer.  My guess is that you don&#39;t have either of these products and that you are just using the product that came with Visual Studio.</p><p>All is not lost.  The first question is, do you really need to add the fields at runtime?  In many cases developers just want to have control of the data that gets sent to the report and they are ok with having the same fields display.</p><p>In your code you are changing the datasource which is fine, and you are assigning a Record selection formula which is also fine.  </p><p>The problem with the record selection is that it doesn&#39;t fit the syntax of the Report.  I would suggest printing out the value that you programatically get for the formula and insert it into the Crystal Report Designer.  You will probably get the same error there and gets some  hints as to why it doesn&#39;t work.</p><p>What I would suggest is creating a template report that already has the fields on the report and then change its datasource at runtime and add a RecordSelectionFormula.</p><p>Otherwise you will have to use RAS to be able to add fields at runtime. </p><p>Rob Horne<br /><a href="/blog/10">Rob&#39;s blog -</a></p>

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