Help with Event Handlers with Scope

I have a question of how I must implement the event handlers with scope, I have problems in the execution of processes BPEL (they are generating exceptions in the dehydration)
I have two models for event handlers and I need to know which is the best way to implement event handlers.
Another question is, in what it influences the "variableAccessSerializable" attribute.
1) Event Handlers with PartnerLink invocation OUTSIDE Scope
<invoke name="Invoke_1" partnerLink="PartnerLink1"/>
<scope name="Scope_1" variableAccessSerializable="yes">
<onMessage partnerLink="PartnerLink1"/>
<sequence name="Sequence_1">
2) Event Handler with PartnerLink invocation INSIDE scope
<scope name="Scope_1" variableAccessSerializable="yes">
<onMessage partnerLink="PartnerLink1"/>
<sequence name="Sequence_1">
<invoke name="Invoke_1" partnerLink="PartnerLink1"/>

Thanks -- indeed a crucial call might be missing. I was doing
this until 3 yesterday morning.
Would this be the correct sample code to use? : ?context=Flash_MX_2004&file=00000846.html
It seems to work (although someone cautions in the page
comments that it doesn't).
Part of my trouble in working with AS 2.0 is that I feel I
shouldn't have to do such complicated things (Delegate classes,
etc) in order to get simple things done (loading XML files). This
is not a complaint per se -- rather I feel that I must be missing
something, that it is my inexperience that is causing me to bend
through so many hoops: programming "should" be elegant and simple.
So, any links helpful. Thanks.

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    I seem to be running into an issue with event handlers. I have to refer to some other custom libraries within them and they don't seem to be accessible by the event handlers.
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    From the WebLogic Administrator screen, you can go to the servers for your OIM Server, or SOA Server, whichever will be accessing the jar. Under the server start tab, add in the path in the classpath section for your jar file. User forward slashes. Now when your server starts, it will load those jar files and they should be accessible.

  • ALV Grid event handlers

    Hello Friends;
    I have a problem with event handlers. I have defined events for double_click, data_change and hotspot_click. At first run of the program everything runs fine but when I make a change at the screen (like pressing Enter or entering a value at a screen field) the handlers seem to be called a couple of times. For example at a hotspot click I call an accounting document display and when I want to return with back button the program seems to be stuck at document display. Actually it calls event handler over and over again. How can I solve this problem? Can refreshing grid be a solution?
    Thx in advance

    Hello Ali
    The problem is that after handling the hotspot event the current cell is still on the field with the hotspot. Thus, when you push ENTER the ALV grid checks the current cell which has a hotspot defined which, in turn, raises event HOTSPOT_CLICK.
    Therefore, you have to move the current cell to another cell that has no hotspot defined. Have a look at the implementation of the event handler method. The hotspot is on field KUNNR. After calling transaction XD03 I shift the current cell to field BUKRS.
    If you comment these lines you will see the same behaviour of the report as you described.
    *& Report  ZUS_SDN_TWO_ALV_GRIDS
      gd_okcode        TYPE ui_func,
      gt_fcat          TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
      go_docking       TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
      go_grid1         TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
      gt_knb1          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF knb1.
      p_bukrs      TYPE bukrs  DEFAULT '1000'  OBLIGATORY.
    *       CLASS lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION.
          handle_hotspot_click FOR EVENT hotspot_click OF cl_gui_alv_grid
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_hotspot_click.
    *   define local data
          ls_knb1     TYPE knb1,
          ls_col_id   type lvc_s_col.
        READ TABLE gt_knb1 INTO ls_knb1 INDEX e_row_id-index.
        CHECK ( ls_knb1-kunnr IS NOT INITIAL ).
        SET PARAMETER ID 'KUN' FIELD ls_knb1-kunnr.
        SET PARAMETER ID 'BUK' FIELD ls_knb1-bukrs.
    *   Set active cell to field BUKRS otherwise the focus is still on
    *   field KUNNR which will always raise event HOTSPOT_CLICK
        ls_col_id-fieldname = 'BUKRS'.
        CALL METHOD go_grid1->set_current_cell_via_id
            IS_ROW_ID    = e_row_id
            IS_COLUMN_ID = ls_col_id.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_hotspot_click
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION
      SELECT        * FROM  knb1 INTO TABLE gt_knb1
             WHERE  bukrs  = p_bukrs.
    * Create docking container
      CREATE OBJECT go_docking
          parent                      = cl_gui_container=>screen0
          ratio                       = 90
          OTHERS                      = 6.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Create ALV grid
      CREATE OBJECT go_grid1
          i_parent          = go_docking
          OTHERS            = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Set event handler
        lcl_eventhandler=>handle_hotspot_click FOR go_grid1.
    * Build fieldcatalog and set hotspot for field KUNNR
      PERFORM build_fieldcatalog_knb1.
    * Display data
      CALL METHOD go_grid1->set_table_for_first_display
          it_outtab       = gt_knb1
          it_fieldcatalog = gt_fcat
          OTHERS          = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Link the docking container to the target dynpro
      CALL METHOD go_docking->link
          repid                       = syst-repid
          dynnr                       = '0100'
    *      CONTAINER                   =
          OTHERS                      = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * ok-code field = GD_OKCODE
      CALL SCREEN '0100'.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *       text
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS_0100'.
    *  SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *       text
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      CASE gd_okcode.
        WHEN 'BACK' OR
             'END'  OR
        WHEN OTHERS.
      CLEAR: gd_okcode.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM build_fieldcatalog_knb1 .
    * define local data
        ls_fcat        TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
    *     I_BUFFER_ACTIVE              =
          i_structure_name             = 'KNB1'
    *     I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY       = 'X'
    *     I_BYPASSING_BUFFER           =
    *     I_INTERNAL_TABNAME           =
          ct_fieldcat                  = gt_fcat
          inconsistent_interface       = 1
          program_error                = 2
          OTHERS                       = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      READ TABLE gt_fcat INTO ls_fcat
           WITH KEY fieldname = 'KUNNR'.
      IF ( syst-subrc = 0 ).
        ls_fcat-hotspot = abap_true.
        MODIFY gt_fcat FROM ls_fcat INDEX syst-tabix.
    ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG_KNB1

  • Event handlers in a template file in uix

    Is it possible to define event handlers in a uix template file. I would like to define a global button kind of like the following code:
    <globalButton source="toolbar_icon_prefs.gif" text="My Profile"
    destination="UsersMyProfile_View.uix" event="event1" />
    I would probably remove the destination field and let the java program called by the event decide the destination.
    The event handler would need to not interfer with event handlers defined on individual pages.
    Thanks, Steve

    Sorry, Steve, but event handlers are not supported in templates.
    - Ryan

  • I need help with event structure. I am trying to feed the index of the array, the index can vary from 0 to 7. Based on the logic ouput of a comparison, the index buffer should increment ?

    I need help with event structure.
    I am trying to feed the index of the array, the index number can vary from 0 to 7.
    Based on the logic ouput of a comparison, the index buffer should increment
    or decrement every time the output of comparsion changes(event change). I guess I need to use event structure?
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    Anyone coded on similar lines? Any ideas appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    You don't need an Event Structure, a simple State Machine would be more appropriate.
    There are many examples of State Machines within this forum.

  • Need help with EVENT BOOKING: option for multiple, payment (pay pal standard or pro only) add cost, etc

    I'm at my wits end: please help! It seems straight forward, and I sold my client on BC thinking this was doable in the events module, but it seems maybe not so without a ton of custom coding.
    1. Book an event online,
    with option for multiple (say 1-5 people at a fixed cost per person),
    and checkout using only Pay Pal (standard or pro, doesn't matter, but I think Standard won't work without shopping cart).
    2. The events are every day but Sunday all year long (just admission to an attraction), so is there a way to upload months in advance so they don't have to be manually entered?
    I'm so grateful for any assistance.

    This is all very achievable:
    • Events you can add multiple people to book.
    • PayPal you use use our APP that's in the BC Appstore (Liam to confirm is works with bookings)
    I'm sales and marketing at Pretty, so I'm not the person to advise on how all this fits together. But I'm sure Liam can point you in the right direction.
    If you need some consulting or us to do it for you just let me know [email protected]

  • Problems with .chart-plot-background and event handlers

    Hello. I'm trying to add event handlers to my chart so that the user can be allowed click within the chart itself to perform certain actions like dragging, zooming, etc. To avoid having to deal with handling mouse clicks that lie outside the chart itself (for example on the axes), I've found that:
    is the Region that gives me the entire chart and nothing else. However, when I attach mouse listeners to this Region, the event is only registered on half of the cells in the chart. If you've seen the default JavaFX Chart background layout, you know that it contains alternating rows of cells with slightly different coloring. I've found that only the rows with the lightest gray coloring actually register a mouse click on them, which makes me believe the dark grey cells are not part of the .chart-plot-background, but something else on top.
    To me, this feels like an oversight in how the regions of the chart are defined. Why can I not get a listener to work on the whole chart and nothing else? Currently the only workaround seems to be to take the Region:
    instead, and compute the difference between this region and the .chart-plot-background in order to manually suppress mouse clicks that lie outside .chart-plot-background.
    Anyone have suggestions? Is this worth issuing on the JavaFX Jira?

    I'm not an expert on controls, but here is my guess based on your description: when you register an event handler on a "background" node, it is called only when the mouse hovers over the background node - I suppose the light gray is the background with the light gray cells being transparent and dark grey cells being filled. So the behavior seems correct - you can't expect the events to be delivered to background when it is covered by other nodes. I think you really should register the handler on the entire chart and filter out the events you don't want to handle. This however should not require much of computing the difference between the regions, it should be possible to do just something like
    if (!background.contains(event.getX(), event.getY())) {
    Provided that the background doesn't reach under the axes as well. Note that if there are any different transforms between the background and the node with the handler registered on it, you may need to recompute the coordinates by
    background.sceneToLocal(event.getSceneX(), event.getSceneY());
    And use the contains method on that.

  • Event Handlers which trigger functions with multiple arguments

    I am playing two video clips back to back. I have a few
    things which I need to do in between clips, so what I am doing for
    each is adding a handler for VideoEvent.COMPLETE, at which time i
    want to call a function which takes multiple arguments, like this:
    private function myFunction(var1:String, var2:String,
    video.removeEventListeners(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, myFunction);
    I've already figured out that getting rid of event handlers
    that trigger anonymous functions is impossible. Please don't tell
    me that it's impossible to remove them if functions require more
    than 0 arguments...

    "muskiemania" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gc0pk0$jfb$[email protected]..
    >I am playing two video clips back to back. I have a few
    things which I need
    > do in between clips, so what I am doing for each is
    adding a handler for
    > VideoEvent.COMPLETE, at which time i want to call a
    function which takes
    > multiple arguments, like this:
    > video.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE,
    > private function myFunction(var1:String, var2:String,
    > {
    > video.removeEventListeners(VideoEvent.COMPLETE,
    > }
    > I've already figured out that getting rid of event
    handlers that trigger
    > anonymous functions is impossible. Please don't tell me
    that it's
    > impossible to
    > remove them if functions require more than 0
    Any function that you add via addEventListener should expect
    exactly ONE
    argument, the event. And 99.958% of the time, you can take
    that event
    object and figure out exactly what you need to know.

  • Need Help with Event Handler Code - Doesnt come up in Event Handler Manager

    Hello there,
    Below is the code snippet that I am using to create a event handler:
    import com.thortech.util.logging.Logger;
    import com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj;
    import com.thortech.xl.util.logging.LoggerModules;
    public class tcCheckOvrallProvStatusUDFs extends tcBaseEvent
         private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoggerModules.XL_JAVA_CLIENT);
         public tcCheckOvrallProvStatusUDFs()
              setEventName("Generating tcCheckOvrallProvStatusUDFs");
    * @Override
    * @throws Exception
         protected void implementation() throws Exception {
              tcDataObj data = getDataObject();
              String OIDProvStatus = data.getString("usr_udf_oidusrprovstatus");
    String EBSProvStatus = data.getString("usr_udf_ebstcausrprovstatus");
              if (OIDProvStatus.equals("Provisioned") && EBSProvStatus.equals("Provisioned")) {
         * @param data
         * @throws Exception
         private void setOverAllProvStatus(tcDataObj data) throws Exception
              data.setString("usr_udf_ovrrscprovstatus", "Provisioned");
    Its a simple code that I am using to populate value of a UDF field depending on the value of other 2 fields. I want to trigger it on Post-Insert and Post-Update events.
    But even if I restart the OIM server after placing the successfully compiled file (0 errors, 0 warnings) into the EventHandlers folder of OIM_HOME; it doesnt show up in the Design Console -> Development Tools -> Business Rule Definition -> Event Handler Manager. :( In order to create a event handler i need that file to show up in the lookup of event handlers/adapters. This JAR file doesnt come up over there.
    Is there anything missing within the code ?
    What else needs to be specified?
    Please provide some guidance.
    - jhb.

    Now I have placed this JAR file in JAVATasks folder - made an entity adapter - in the event handler manager - i gave the class name/event handler name as 'setUDFValue' and the package as 'project5'. But now im getting it 'DOBJ.EVT_NOT_FOUND - Event Handler not found' error.
    package project5;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import com.thortech.xl.util.config.ConfigurationClient;
    import Thor.API.tcResultSet;
    import Thor.API.tcUtilityFactory;
    import Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf;
    import java.lang.System;
    import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcUserNotFoundException;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.mail.Message;
    import javax.mail.Session;
    import javax.mail.Transport;
    import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
    public class setUDFValue {
    private static final String SMTP_HOST_NAME="";
    public setUDFValue() {
    // public static void main(String[] args) {
    // setUDFValue.setvalue("jatinbhatt");
    // setUDFValue.sendemail("[email protected]","[email protected]");
    public static void setvalue(String UserID) {   
    System.setProperty("XL.HomeDir", "F:/oim/oimserver/xellerate");
    System.out.println("Getting configuration...");
    ConfigurationClient.ComplexSetting config = ConfigurationClient.getComplexSettingByPath("Discovery.CoreServer");
    Hashtable env = config.getAllSettings();
    tcUtilityFactory ioUtilityFactory = new tcUtilityFactory(env,"xelsysadm","oimadmin1");
    System.out.println("Getting utility interfaces...");
    tcUserOperationsIntf moUserUtility = (tcUserOperationsIntf)ioUtilityFactory.getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf");
    HashMap userMap = new HashMap();
    String str1 = null;
    String str2 = null;
    userMap.put("Users.User ID",UserID);
    userMap.put("Users.Status", "Active");
    tcResultSet userResultSet = null;
    try {
    userResultSet = moUserUtility.findAllUsers(userMap);
    } catch (tcAPIException e2) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    for (int i=0; i<userResultSet.getRowCount(); i++)
    str1 = userResultSet.getStringValue("USR_UDF_OIDUSERPROV");
    str2 = userResultSet.getStringValue("USR_UDF_EBSUSERPROV");
    // System.out.println(userResultSet.getStringValue("USR_UDF_OIDUSERPROV"));
    // System.out.println(userResultSet.getStringValue("USR_UDF_EBSUSERPROV"));
    if (str1.equals("Provisioned") && (str2.equals("Provisioned") || str2.equals("NA")))
    }catch (Exception e){
    ERROR RMICallHandler-63 XELLERATE.SERVER - Class/Method: tcDataObj/ runEvent encounter some problems: project5.setUDFValue
    java.lang.ClassCastException: project5.setUDFValue
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.runEvent(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.eventPostUpdate(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcUSR.eventPostUpdate(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.update(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcUserOperationsBean.updateUserData(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcUserOperationsBean.updateUser(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beans.tcUserOperationsSession.updateUser(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.SecurityRoleInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(
         at tcUserOperations_RemoteProxy_6ocop18.updateUser(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    - jhb.

  • Having an issue with event handling - sql & java

    HI all am trying to construct this hybrid of java and mysql. the data comes from a mysql database and I want it to display in the gui. this I have achieved thus far. However I have buttons that sort by surname, first name, ID tag etc....I need event handlers for these buttons but am quite unsure as to how to do it. any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    /* Student Contact Database GUI
    * Phillip Wells
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;     
    // imports java class. All import class statements tell the compiler to use a class that is defined in the Java API.
    // Borderlayout is a layout manager that assists GUI layout.
    import javax.swing.*;               // imports java class. Swing enables the use of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;     // imports java class. JOptionPane displays messages in a dialog box as opposed to a console window.
    import javax.swing.JPanel;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JFrame;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JButton;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;     // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JTable;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import java.awt.*;               // imports java class. Similar to Swing but with different components and functions.
    import java.awt.event.*;          // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;     // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;     // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.sql.*;               // imports java class. Provides API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source.
    import java.util.*;               // imports java class. Contains miscellaneous utility classes such as strings.
    public class studentContact extends JFrame {     // public class declaration. The �public� statement enables class availability to other java elements. 
        private JPanel jContentPane;    // initialises content pane
        private JButton snam, id, fname, exit;     // initialises Jbuttons
        String firstname = "firstname"; //initialises String firstname
         String secondname = "secondname"; //initialises String
        public studentContact() {
            Vector columnNames = new Vector();      // creates new vector object. Vectors are arrays that are expandable.
            Vector data = new Vector();
            try {
                // Connect to the Database
                String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; // connect to JDBC driver
                String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/Studentprofiles"; //location of Database
                String userid = "root"; //user logon information for MySQL server
                String password = "";     //logon password for above
                Class.forName(driver); //reference to JDBC connector
                Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userid,
                        password);     // initiates connection
                // Read data from a table
                String sql = "Select * from studentprofile order by "+ firstname;
                //SQL query sent to database, orders results by firstname.
                Statement stmt = connection.createStatement
                (ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
                //statement to create connection.
                //Scroll sensitive allows movement forth and back through results.
                //Concur updatable allows updating of database.
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); // executes SQL query stated above and sets the results in a table
                ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();     // used to get the properties of the columns in a ResultSet object.
                int columns = md.getColumnCount(); //
                for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
                    columnNames.addElement(md.getColumnName(i));     // Get column names
                while ( {
                    Vector row = new Vector(columns);          // vectors data from table
                    for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {     
                        row.addElement(rs.getObject(i));     // Get row data
                    data.addElement(row);     // adds row data
            } catch (Exception e) {     // catches exceptions
                System.out.println(e);     // prints exception message
            JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames) {     //constructs JTable
                public Class getColumnClass(int column) {     
                    for (int row = 0; row < getRowCount(); row++) {
                        Object o = getValueAt(row, column);
                        if (o != null) {
                            return o.getClass();
                    return Object.class;
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table );          // constructs scrollpane 'table'
            getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(table), BorderLayout.SOUTH);   //adds table to a scrollpane
        private void initialize() {
            this.setTitle("Student Contact Database");     // sets title of table
            ButtonListener b1 = new ButtonListener();     // constructs button listener
            snam = new JButton ("Sort by surname");      // constructs Jbutton
            snam.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
            jContentPane.add(snam);          //adds button to pane
            id = new JButton ("Sort by ID");      // constructs Jbutton
            id.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
            jContentPane.add(id);          //adds button to pane
            fname = new JButton ("Sort by first name");      // constructs Jbutton
            fname.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
            jContentPane.add(fname);          //adds button to pane
            exit = new JButton ("Exit");     // constructs Jbutton
            exit.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
            jContentPane.add(exit);          //adds button to pane
        private JPanel getJContentPane() {
            if (jContentPane == null) {
                jContentPane = new JPanel();          // constructs new panel
                jContentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());     // sets new layout manager
            return jContentPane;     // returns Jcontentpane
        private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {     // create inner class button listener that uses action listener
            public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
                if (e.getSource () == exit)     // adds listener to button exit.
                   System.exit(0);     // exits the GUI
                if (e.getSource () == snam)
                if (e.getSource () == id)
                if (e.getSource () == fname)
        public static void main(String[] args) {     // declaration of main method
            studentContact frame = new studentContact();     // constructs new frame
            frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);     //exits frame on closing
            frame.setSize(600, 300);          // set size of frame
            frame.setVisible(true);     // displays frame
    }p.s. sorry about the untidy comments!

    OK, so you've got this code here:
    private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
      public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
        if (e.getSource () == exit) {
          System.exit(0); // exits the GUI
        if (e.getSource () == snam) {
        if (e.getSource () == id) {
    }Perfect fine way to do this; although I think creating anonymous would be a bit cleaner:
    snam.addActionListener(new actionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    });But I think that the real question you have is "what do I put for logic when the JButtons are hit?", right?
    I would answer that you want to dynamically build your SQL statement changing your ordering based on the button.
    So you'd have a method that builds the SQL based on what you pass in - so it takes one argument perhaps?
    private static final int NAME = 1;
                             ID = 2;
    /* ... some code ... */
    snam.addActionListener(new actionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    /* ... some code ... */
    private void buildSQL(int type) {
      if ( type == NAME ) {
    /* ... build SQL by name ... */
      else if ( type == ID ) {
    /* ... build SQL by id ... */
    }That kind of thing.
    Or you might choose to have several build methods with no parameter type; each building the SQL differently, and calling whichever one you need. I did not read your entire pgm, so I don't know how you'd want to organize it. You need to ask more specific questions at that point.

  • Having an issue with event handling - sql database  & java gui

    HI all, have posted this on another forum but I think this is the correct one to post on. I am trying to construct this hybrid of java and mysql. the data comes from a mysql database and I want it to display in the gui. this I have achieved thus far. However I have buttons that sort by surname, first name, ID tag etc....I need event handlers for these buttons but am quite unsure as to how to do it. any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    /* Student Contact Database GUI
    * Phillip Wells
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;     
    // imports java class. All import class statements tell the compiler to use a class that is defined in the Java API.
    // Borderlayout is a layout manager that assists GUI layout.
    import javax.swing.*;               // imports java class. Swing enables the use of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;     // imports java class. JOptionPane displays messages in a dialog box as opposed to a console window.
    import javax.swing.JPanel;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JFrame;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JButton;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;     // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JTable;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import java.awt.*;               // imports java class. Similar to Swing but with different components and functions.
    import java.awt.event.*;          // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;     // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;     // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.sql.*;               // imports java class. Provides API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source.
    import java.util.*;               // imports java class. Contains miscellaneous utility classes such as strings.
    public class studentContact extends JFrame {     // public class declaration. The �public� statement enables class availability to other java elements. 
    private JPanel jContentPane; // initialises content pane
    private JButton snam, id, fname, exit; // initialises Jbuttons
    String firstname = "firstname"; //initialises String firstname
    String secondname = "secondname"; //initialises String
    public studentContact() {
    Vector columnNames = new Vector();      // creates new vector object. Vectors are arrays that are expandable.
    Vector data = new Vector();
    try {
    // Connect to the Database
    String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; // connect to JDBC driver
    String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/Studentprofiles"; //location of Database
    String userid = "root"; //user logon information for MySQL server
    String password = "";     //logon password for above
    Class.forName(driver); //reference to JDBC connector
    Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userid,
    password);     // initiates connection
    // Read data from a table
    String sql = "Select * from studentprofile order by "+ firstname;
    //SQL query sent to database, orders results by firstname.
    Statement stmt = connection.createStatement
    //statement to create connection.
    //Scroll sensitive allows movement forth and back through results.
    //Concur updatable allows updating of database.
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); // executes SQL query stated above and sets the results in a table
    ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();     // used to get the properties of the columns in a ResultSet object.
    int columns = md.getColumnCount(); //
    for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
    columnNames.addElement(md.getColumnName(i));     // Get column names
    while ( {
    Vector row = new Vector(columns);          // vectors data from table
    for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {     
    row.addElement(rs.getObject(i));     // Get row data
    data.addElement(row);     // adds row data
    } catch (Exception e) {     // catches exceptions
    System.out.println(e);     // prints exception message
    JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames) {     //constructs JTable
    public Class getColumnClass(int column) {     
    for (int row = 0; row < getRowCount(); row++) {
    Object o = getValueAt(row, column);
    if (o != null) {
    return o.getClass();
    return Object.class;
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table ); // constructs scrollpane 'table'
    getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(table), BorderLayout.SOUTH); //adds table to a scrollpane
    private void initialize() {
    this.setTitle("Student Contact Database");     // sets title of table
    ButtonListener b1 = new ButtonListener();     // constructs button listener
    snam = new JButton ("Sort by surname");     // constructs Jbutton
    snam.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
    jContentPane.add(snam);          //adds button to pane
    id = new JButton ("Sort by ID");     // constructs Jbutton
    id.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
    jContentPane.add(id);          //adds button to pane
    fname = new JButton ("Sort by first name");     // constructs Jbutton
    fname.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
    jContentPane.add(fname);          //adds button to pane
    exit = new JButton ("Exit");     // constructs Jbutton
    exit.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
    jContentPane.add(exit);          //adds button to pane
    private JPanel getJContentPane() {
    if (jContentPane == null) {
    jContentPane = new JPanel();          // constructs new panel
    jContentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());     // sets new layout manager
    return jContentPane;     // returns Jcontentpane
    private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {     // create inner class button listener that uses action listener
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
    if (e.getSource () == exit)     // adds listener to button exit.
    System.exit(0);     // exits the GUI
    if (e.getSource () == snam)
    if (e.getSource () == id)
    if (e.getSource () == fname)
    public static void main(String[] args) {     // declaration of main method
    studentContact frame = new studentContact();     // constructs new frame
    frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);     //exits frame on closing
    frame.setSize(600, 300);          // set size of frame
    frame.setVisible(true);     // displays frame

    OK, so you've got this code here:
    private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
      public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
        if (e.getSource () == exit) {
          System.exit(0); // exits the GUI
        if (e.getSource () == snam) {
        if (e.getSource () == id) {
    }Perfect fine way to do this; although I think creating anonymous would be a bit cleaner:
    snam.addActionListener(new actionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    });But I think that the real question you have is "what do I put for logic when the JButtons are hit?", right?
    I would answer that you want to dynamically build your SQL statement changing your ordering based on the button.
    So you'd have a method that builds the SQL based on what you pass in - so it takes one argument perhaps?
    private static final int NAME = 1;
                             ID = 2;
    /* ... some code ... */
    snam.addActionListener(new actionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    /* ... some code ... */
    private void buildSQL(int type) {
      if ( type == NAME ) {
    /* ... build SQL by name ... */
      else if ( type == ID ) {
    /* ... build SQL by id ... */
    }That kind of thing.
    Or you might choose to have several build methods with no parameter type; each building the SQL differently, and calling whichever one you need. I did not read your entire pgm, so I don't know how you'd want to organize it. You need to ask more specific questions at that point.

  • Event recevier with another list

    Can some one help how i can attached  ItemAdding event in the the other list with minimal changes in code.

    Hi Reddyraj,
    i need to add the another recevier in element.xml file so that the event will execute on that list
    <Elements xmlns="">
       <Receivers ListTemplateId="100">
    Check the link below.. mark the answer and vote me if you think that it will help you resolved the issue

  • Events problem with (Java and ActiveX)

    I use an ActiveX component with Java and i've got a problem with events.
    Java classes were generated with Bridge2Java (IBM).
    In order to manage events I added a listener in my application :
         javaMyActiveX = new MyActiveX();
         javaMyActiveX.add_DMyActiveXEventsListener(new _DMyActiveXEventsAdapter());
    I also added a constructor in the _DMyActiveXEventsAdapter class and I fill the body of methods.
    The ActiveX generates two types of events :
    - The ones are directly generated by methods.
    - The others are generated by a thread.
    With MS Products (VB, Visual C++, Visual J++), I catch all events.
    With java (jdk 1.4), I catch only events generated by methods.
    Can anyone help me.

    I'm not 100% sure, but the last time I used that bridge, it only worked if you ran your Java app within a Microsoft VM.

  • Problem with event handling

    Hello all,
    I have a problem with event handling. I have two buttons in my GUI application with the same name.They are instance variables of two different objects of the same class and are put together in the one GUI.And their actionlisteners are registered with the same GUI. How can I differentiate between these two buttons?
    To be more eloborate here is a basic definition of my classes
    class SystemPanel{
             SystemPanel(FTP ftp){ app = ftp};
             FTP app;
             private JButton b = new JButton("ChgDir");
    class FTP extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
               SystemPanel rem = new SystemPanel(this);
               SystemPanel loc = new SystemPanel(this);
           void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
               BOTH HAVE SAME ID AND getSouce() ?
               In this if was from rem or loc ?
    }  It would be really helpful if anyone could help me in this regard..
    Hari Vigensh

    Hi levi,
    I solved the problem ..using same concept but in a different way..
    One thing i wanted to make clear is that the two buttons are in the SAME CLASS and i am forming 2 different objects of the SAME class and then putting them in a GUI.THERE IS NO b and C. there is just two instances of b which belong to the SAME CLASS..
    So the code
    private JButton b = new JButton("ChgDir");
    b.setActionCommand ("1");
    wont work as both the instances would have the label "ChgDir" and have setActionCommand set to 1!!!!
    Actually I have an array of buttons..So I solved the prob by writting a function caled setActionCmdRemote that would just set the action commands of one object of the class differently is the code
    public void setActionCommandsRemote()
         for(int i = 0 ; i <cmdButtons.length ; i++)
    This just adds "rem" to the existing Actioncommand and i check it as folows in my actionperformed method
         if(button.getActionCommand().equals("DeleteRem") )          
          else if(button.getActionCommand().equals("Delete") )
                     deleteFileLocal();Anyway thanx a milion for your help..this was my first posting and I was glad to get a prompt reply!!!

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