Help With HelloWorld

I am new to Java Programming. I am still trying to run my first programming "Hello World".
While I do my first application and it is not work.
C:\java>java HelloWorldApp
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at$000(Unknown Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
Could not find the main class: HelloWorldApp. Program will exit.

I still get this message
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\AJ Ryan>cd C:\java
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 94A6-255A
Directory of C:\java
03/28/2009 08:34 PM <DIR> .
03/28/2009 08:34 PM <DIR> ..
03/28/2009 03:03 PM 0 cd
03/28/2009 03:03 PM 0 dir
03/28/2009 03:03 PM 0 Hello
03/28/2009 03:03 PM 0 HelloWorldApp
03/28/2009 03:03 PM 0 HelloWorldApp.class
03/28/2009 08:34 PM 269
03/28/2009 04:25 PM 275
03/28/2009 03:03 PM 0 java
03/20/2009 08:04 PM 76,633,496 jdk-6u12-windows-i586-p.exe
03/28/2009 08:28 PM 76,658,072 jdk-6u13-windows-i586-p.exe
03/28/2009 03:06 PM 0 jdk6
03/28/2009 03:03 PM 0 Microsoft
12 File(s) 153,292,112 bytes
2 Dir(s) 42,542,907,392 bytes free
C:\java>java HelloWorldApp
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at$000(Unknown Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
Could not find the main class: HelloWorldApp. Program will exit.

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  • Help with helloworld example

    I'm new to web services. I downloaded and tried the helloworld program. it worked fine. To figure out how everything works, i copied all the files from the tutorial, deleted which I thought was not necessary and tried to compile and deploy the service. but it is not working.
    It is not creating any class files.
    It says 'RmiModeler error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException' in run-wscompile. (I think its tied to prev one)
    And 'XML reader error:' in run-wsdeploy.
    can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong.
    Thank you.
    /* */
    package HelloWS;
    import java.rmi.Remote;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    public interface HelloIF extends Remote
    public String sayHello(String s) throws RemoteException;
    /* HelloImpl: */
    package HelloWS;
    import java.xml.rpc.server.ServiceLifecycle;
    public class HelloImpl implements HelloIF, ServiceLifecycle
    public String message ="Hello";
    public String sayHello(String s)
    return message + s;
    <project name="jaxrpc-tutorial" default="build" basedir=".">
    <property file=""/>
    <path id="compile.classpath">
    <pathelement location="${javamail.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jaf.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jaxp-api.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${dom.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${sax.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${xalan.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${xercesImpl.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jaxrpc-api.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jaxrpc-impl.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${commons-logging.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${saaj-api.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${saaj-impl.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${relaxngDatatype.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${xsdlib.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jax-qname.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${ant.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="build/shared"/>
    <path id="run.classpath">
    <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
    <pathelement location="dist/client.jar"/>
    <taskdef name="deploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask" />
    <taskdef name="undeploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask" />
    <taskdef name="list" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ListTask" />
    <taskdef name="start" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.StartTask" />
    <taskdef name="stop" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.StopTask" />
    <taskdef name="install" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"/>
    <taskdef name="reload" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"/>
    <taskdef name="remove" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"/>     
    <target name="build" depends="build-service"
         description="Executes the targets needed to build the service.">
    <target name="build-service" depends="clean,compile-service,generate-sei-service,
    description="Executes the targets needed to build the service.">
    <target name="clean"
    description="Removes the build directory">
    <delete dir="build" />
    <target name="compile-service" depends="prepare"
    description="Compiles the server-side source code">
    <echo message="Compiling the server-side source code...."/>
    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="build/hellows">      
    <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
    <target name="prepare"
    description="Creates the build directory" >
    <echo message="Creating the required directories...." />
    <mkdir dir="build/hellows" />
    <target name="generate-sei-service"
    description="Runs wscompile to generate the model file">
    <antcall target="run-wscompile">
    <param name="param1" value="-define -d build -nd build
    -classpath build config-interface.xml
    -model build/model.gz" />
    <delete file="build/MyHelloService.wsdl" />
    <target name="setup-web-inf"
    description="Copies files to build/WEB-INF">
    <echo message="Setting up build/WEB-INF...." />
    <delete dir="build/WEB-INF" />
    <copy todir="build/WEB-INF/classes/hellows">
    <fileset dir="build/hellows" />
    <fileset dir="build/hellows" />
    <copy file="build/model.gz" todir="build/WEB-INF" />
    <copy file="web.xml" todir="build/WEB-INF" />
    <copy file="jaxrpc-ri.xml" todir="build/WEB-INF" />
    <target name="package-service" depends="prepare-dist"
    description="Packages the WAR file">
    <echo message="Packaging the WAR...." />
    <delete file="dist/hello-jaxrpc-portable.war" />
    <jar jarfile="dist/hello-jaxrpc-portable.war" >
    <fileset dir="build" includes="WEB-INF/**" />
    <target name="prepare-dist"
    description="Creates the dist directory" >
    <echo message="Creating the required directories...." />
    <mkdir dir="dist" />
    <target name="process-war" depends="set-wsdeploy"
    description="Runs wsdeploy to generate the ties and
    create a deployable WAR file">
    <delete file="dist/hello-jaxrpc.war" />
    <antcall target="run-wsdeploy">
    <param name="param1" value="-o dist/hello-jaxrpc.war dist/hello-jaxrpc-portable.war" />
    <target name="set-wsdeploy" >
    <condition property="wsdeploy" value="${wsdeploy.dir}/wsdeploy.bat">
    <os family="windows" />
    <condition property="wsdeploy" value="${wsdeploy.dir}/wsdeploy">
    <os family="windows" />
    <target name="set-wscompile" >
    <condition property="wscompile" value="${wscompile.dir}/wscompile.bat">
    <os family="windows"/>
    <condition property="wscompile" value="${wscompile.dir}/wscompile">
    <os family="windows"/>
    <target name="run-wscompile" depends="prepare,set-wscompile"
    description="Runs wscompile">
    <echo message="Running wscompile:"/>
    <echo message=" ${wscompile} ${param1}"/>
    <exec executable="${wscompile}">
    <arg line="${param1}"/>
    <target name="run-wsdeploy" depends="prepare,set-wsdeploy"
    description="Runs wsdeploy">
    <echo message="Running wsdeploy:"/>
    <echo message=" ${wsdeploy} ${param1}"/>
    <exec executable="${wsdeploy}">
    <arg line="${param1}"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration xmlns="">
    <service name="MyHelloService"      
    <interface name="hellows.HelloIF"/>     
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <webServices xmlns=""
    <endpoint     name="MyHello"
         displayName="HelloWorld Service"
         description="A simple web service"
    <endpointMapping endpointName="MyHello" urlPattern="/hello"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
    <display-name>Hello World Application</display-name>
    <description>A web application containing a simple JAX-RPC endpoint</description>

    I would encourage you to go through the tutorial
    setup process again. The only time you should have
    this is issues is as a resulty of missing / wrong

  • Problem with HelloWorld tutorial

    As I created HelloWorld process based on tutorial
    Deployment fails with exception. Anybody can help with this?
    java.lang.RuntimeException: oracle.bpm.metadata.exception.MetadataException: BPM
    -70812: Process 'HelloWorldProcess' not found. Cause: The specified process was
    not found. Action: Check that the name of the process is correct
    at oracle.bpm.bpmn.engine.model.ModelCreator_FromMetadata.createModel(Mo
    at oracle.bpm.bpmn.engine.model.deploy.schema.BpmnDesignSchema.init(Bpmn
    at oracle.bpm.bpmn.engine.service.BPMNServiceEngine.deploy(BPMNServiceEn
    at oracle.bpm.bpmn.engine.service.BPMNServiceEngine.deploy(BPMNServiceEn

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    java.lang.RuntimeException: oracle.bpm.metadata.exception.MetadataException: BPM-70812: Process 'Process2' not found.  Cause: The specified process was not found.  Action: Check that the name of the process is correct

  • Need help with log4j logging tool (org.apache.log4j.*) to log into database

    I need help with log4j logging tool (org.apache.log4j.*) to log into database using JDBCAppender. Have look at my logger code and corresponding file stated below. I'm running this program using Eclipse IDE and it's giving me the following error (highlighted in red) at the end:
    log4j: Parsing for [root] with value=[debug, stdout, Roll, CRSDBAPPENDER].
    log4j: Level token is [debug].
    log4j: Category root set to DEBUG
    log4j: Parsing appender named "stdout".
    log4j: Parsing layout options for "stdout".
    log4j: Setting property [conversionPattern] to [%x %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5p [%t] (%c:%-4L %M) - %m%n].
    log4j: End of parsing for "stdout".
    log4j: Parsed "stdout" options.
    log4j: Parsing appender named "Roll".
    log4j: Parsing layout options for "Roll".
    log4j: Setting property [conversionPattern] to [%x %d{yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5p [%t] (%c:%-4L %M) - %m%n].
    log4j: End of parsing for "Roll".
    log4j: Setting property [file] to [HelloWorld.log].
    log4j: Setting property [maxBackupIndex] to [10].
    log4j: Setting property [maxFileSize] to [20KB].
    log4j: setFile called: HelloWorld.log, true
    log4j: setFile ended
    log4j: Parsed "Roll" options.
    log4j: Parsing appender named "CRSDBAPPENDER".
    Can't find class HelloWorld{color}
    import org.apache.log4j.*;
    public class HelloWorld {
    static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HelloWorld.class.getName());
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Now, try a few logging methods
    MDC.put("myComputerName", "Ravinder");
    MDC.put("crsServerName", "ARNDEV01");
    log.debug("Start of main()");"Just testing a log message with priority set to INFO");
    log.warn("Just testing a log message with priority set to WARN");
    log.error("Just testing a log message with priority set to ERROR");
    log.fatal("Just testing a log message with priority set to FATAL");
    catch(Exception e){
    ------------------------- file ------------------------------
    #### Use three appenders - log to console, file and database
    log4j.rootCategory=debug, stdout, Roll, CRSDBAPPENDER
    # Print only messages of priority WARN or higher for your category
    # Specifically inherit the priority level
    #### stdout - First appender writes to console
    log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%x %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5p [%t] (%c:%-4L %M) - %m%n
    #### Roll - Second appender writes to a file
    log4j.appender.Roll.layout.ConversionPattern=%x %d{yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5p [%t] (%c:%-4L %M) - %m%n
    #### CRSDBAPPENDER - third appender writes to the database
    log4j.appender.CRSDBAPPENDER.sql=INSERT INTO LOG (computername, crsservername, logtime, loglevel, threadname, filename, linenumber, logtext) VALUES ('%X{myComputerName}', '%X{crsServerName}', '%d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS}', '%p', '%t', '%F', '%L', '%m')
    #log4j.appender.CRSDBAPPENDER.sql=INSERT INTO LOG(COMPUTERNAME,CRSSERVERNAME,LOGTIME,LOGLEVEL,THREADNAME,FILENAME,LINENUMBER,LOGTEXT) select host_name(),'${CRSServerName}${InstanceName}','%d','%5p','%t','%F','%L','%m%n'
    #log4j.appender.CRSDBAPPENDER.sql=INSERT INTO LOG (computername, crsservername, logtime, loglevel, threadname, filename, linenumber, logtext) VALUES ("%X{myComputerName}", "%X{crsServerName}", "%d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS}", "%p", "%t", "%F", "%L", "%m")
    ------------------------------- end of file ------------------------------
    Here is the directory structure of my program. My file and HelloWorld.class file are residing in folder HelloWorld\bin.
    Please note - The same program works fine for console and file appender when I comment the database appender part in my properties file.

    try this :

  • Help with Client/Server communication

    Im working on a project for university, and one aspect of it is downloading files from a remote computer.
    The majority of my project so far has been using RMI only, for browsing the remote computer, deleting files, renaming files, creating new directories and searching for files. All of this is done via a GUI client, with a server running on the server machine.
    Ive now reached the part where I'll need to implement the downloading of files. I want the user to select a file from within the GUI and click download, and get it off the server.
    I dont need any help with event handlers or getting the contents of the remote computer or anything of that sort.
    Consider when I have the name of the file that I want to download from the client.
    Im having trouble understanding how exactly its going to work. Ive seen examples of file transfer programs where the user types in the name of the file in the command line which they want to download. But my implementation will differ.
    Every time the user clicks the button, I have to send to the server the name of a different file which will need to be downloaded.
    I imagine in the event handler for the Download button I'll be creating a new socket and Streams for the download of the file that the user wants. But how am I to send to the client a dynamic file name each time when the user tries to download a different file?
    I am a bit new at this, and Ive been searching on the forums for examples and Ive run through them, but I think my situation is a bit different.
    Also, will RMI play any part in this? Or will it purely be just Socket and Streams?
    I'll also develop an Upload button, but I imagine once I get the Download one going, the Upload one should be much harder.
    Any ideas and help would be appreciated.

    I'm no RMI expert... and I did not understand your question very well....
    I think you should do this procedure:
    you should send a request for the file from the client to the server . then a new connection between the two machines should be made which will be used to send the file.
    by using UDP you will achive it quite nicely...
    //socket - is your TCP socket  you already use on the client...
    //out - socket's output stream
    byte [] b=new String("File").getBytes();
    // you should use a different way for using this rather than using strings...
    DatagramSocket DS=new DatagramSocket(port);
    DS.recieve(packet); //the data is written into the packet...on the server side you should...
    //socket - is your TCP socket  you already use on the server...
    //in - socket's input stream
    byte [] b=new byte[256];;
    /*Here you check what file you need to send to the client*/
    DatagramSocket DS=new DatagramSocket(server_port);
    byte [] data=//you should read the file and translate it into bytes and build a packet with them
    DS.send(packet); //the data is in the packet...This way the server sends the required file to the client .....
    I hope it will help, otherwise try being clearier so I could help you...

  • Help with JSP/Weblogic/Tomcat Discrepencies

              I have something very strange happening. I recently did some JSP stuff on
              WLS60SP1 and all went quite well. I then took those same JSP pages and tried
              them out on the latest release of TOMCAT. I was really impressed that
              everything seemed to be completely transparent and working just fine until
              the following situation:
              When I reference, within a JSP page, an object that has previously been
              added to the request scope that has just been created, but not messed with
              in anyway...meaning all the attributes in this bean have their default
              values set...and they are all Strings with the exception of one Integer
              using this format:
              <%= custVal.getCustomerNumber() %>
              - In WLS, what shows in the text field on the form is nothing, because
              customer number in the custVal object is null (default for a String)..this
              is what I want.
              - In Tomcat, what shows it the word "null".
     is the weird part, by changing from scriptlet references to the
              <jsp:getProperty....> format such as....
              <jsp:getProperty name="custVal" property="customerNumber"/>
              -In WLS, he is still a happy camper and works just fine regardless of how I
              reference the bean
              -In Tomcat, I also get the correct results that I want.
              So, unlike most postings, I found out how to fix it but I would like to know
              why...any ideas?
              Thanks in advance,
              Paul Reed
              object training and mentoring
              Jackson-Reed, Inc. 888-598-8615
              Author of "Developing Applications with Visual Basic and UML"
              Author of "Developing Applications with Java

              Try http://localhost:7001/HelloWorld.jsp
              "b. patel" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >I need help with running a simple JSP. I created a WLS domain using the
              >Configuration Wizard. I am trying to access HelloWorld.jsp which is
              >located under
              >I type
              >http://localhost:7001/DefaultWebApp/HelloWorld.jsp. I get 404 - Page
              >Not Found
              >Error. The weblogic server starts Succesfully. I am trying this in Win
              >2K environment.
              >I am new to WebLogic. Thanks for your Help in advance.

  • Help with if statement in cursor and for loop to get output

    I have the following cursor and and want to use if else statement to get the output. The cursor is working fine. What i need help with is how to use and if else statement to only get the folderrsn that have not been updated in the last 30 days. If you look at the talbe below my select statement is showing folderrs 291631 was updated only 4 days ago and folderrsn 322160 was also updated 4 days ago.
    I do not want these two to appear in my result set. So i need to use if else so that my result only shows all folderrsn that havenot been updated in the last 30 days.
    Here is my cursor:
    /*Cursor for Email procedure. It is working Shows userid and the string
    You need to update these folders*/
    a_user varchar2(200) := null;
    v_assigneduser varchar2(20);
    v_folderrsn varchar2(200);
    v_emailaddress varchar2(60);
    v_subject varchar2(200);
    Cursor c IS
    SELECT assigneduser, vu.emailaddress, f.folderrsn, trunc(f.indate) AS "IN DATE",
    MAX (trunc(fpa.attemptdate)) AS "LAST UPDATE",
    trunc(sysdate) - MAX (trunc(fpa.attemptdate)) AS "DAYS PAST"
    --MAX (TRUNC (fpa.attemptdate)) - TRUNC (f.indate) AS "NUMBER OF DAYS"
    FROM folder f, folderprocess fp, validuser vu, folderprocessattempt fpa
    WHERE f.foldertype = 'HJ'
    AND f.statuscode NOT IN (20, 40)
    AND f.folderrsn = fp.folderrsn
    AND fp.processrsn = fpa.processrsn
    AND vu.userid = fp.assigneduser
    AND vu.statuscode = 1
    GROUP BY assigneduser, vu.emailaddress, f.folderrsn, f.indate
    ORDER BY fp.assigneduser;
    FOR c1 IN c LOOP
    IF (c1.assigneduser = v_assigneduser) THEN
    dbms_output.put_line(' ' || c1.folderrsn);
    dbms_output.put(c1.assigneduser ||': ' || 'Overdue Folders:You need to update these folders: Folderrsn: '||c1.folderrsn);
    END IF;
    a_user := c1.assigneduser;
    v_assigneduser := c1.assigneduser;
    v_folderrsn := c1.folderrsn;
    v_emailaddress := c1.emailaddress;
    v_subject := 'Subject: Project for';
    The reason I have included the folowing table is that I want you to see the output from the select statement. that way you can help me do the if statement in the above cursor so that the result will look like this:
    Subject: 'Project for ' || V_email || 'not updated in the last 30 days'
    [email protected]......
    Subject: 'Project for: ' Jim...'not updated in the last 30 days'
    [email protected].....
    Subject: 'Project for: ' Kim...'not updated in the last 30 days'
    [email protected]....
    Subject: 'Project for: Joe...'not updated in the last 30 days'
    [email protected]......
    Subject: 'Project for: Sam...'not updated in the last 30 days'
    This table is to shwo you the select statement output. I want to eliminnate the two days that that are less than 30 days since the last update in the last column.
    Assigneduser....Email.........Folderrsn...........indate.............maxattemptdate...days past since last update
    JIM.........      jim@ 284087.............     9/28/2006.......10/5/2006...........690
    JIM.........      jim@ 292709.............     3/20/2007.......3/28/2007............516
    KIM.........      kim@ 185083.............     8/31/2004.......2/9/2006.............     928 190121.............     2/9/2006.........2/9/2006.............928 190132.............     2/9/2006.........2/9/2006.............928 190133.............     2/9/2006.........2/9/2006.............928 190159.............     2/13/2006.......2/14/2006............923 190237.............     2/23/2006.......2/23/2006............914 284109.............     9/28/2006.......9/28/2006............697 286647.............     11/7/2006.......12/5/2006............629 294631.............     4/2/2007.........3/4/2008.............174 322922.............     7/29/2008.......7/29/2008............27
    JOE...........joe@ 183332.............     1/28/2004.......4/23/2004............1585
    JOE...........joe@ 183336.............     1/28/2004.......3/9/2004.............1630
    SAM...........sam@     1631
    SAM...........sam@     1631
    SAM...........sam@     1631
    SAM...........sam@     1631
    PAT...........pat@     48
    NED...........ned@     175
    [email protected]/27/2004.......3/8/2004............1631
    How do I incorporate a if else statement in the above cursor so the two days less than 30 days since last update are not returned. I do not want to send email if the project have been updated within the last 30 days.
    Edited by: user4653174 on Aug 25, 2008 2:40 PM

    analytical functions:
    Incorporating either of these into your query should assist you in returning the desired results.

  • I need help with Sunbird Calendar, how can I transfer it from one computer to the other and to my iphone?

    I installed Sunbird in one computer and my calendar has all my infos, events, and task that i would like to see on another computer that i just downloaded Sunbird into. Also, is it possible I can access Sunbird on my iphone?
    Thank you in advance,

    Try the forum here - - for help with Sunbird, this forum is for Firefox support.

  • Hoping for some help with a very frustrating issue!   I have been syncing my iPhone 5s and Outlook 2007 calendar and contacts with iCloud on my PC running Vista. All was well until the events I entered on the phone were showing up in Outlook, but not

    Hoping for some help with a very frustrating issue!
    I have been syncing calendar and contacts on my iPhone 5 and Outlook 2007 using iCloud  2.1.3 (my PC is running Vista). All was well until the events I entered on the phone were showing up in Outlook, but not the other way around. I’ve tried the usual recommended steps: deselecting calendar and contacts in the iCloud control panel and then re-selecting, signing out of the panel and back in, and repairing the Outlook installation in control panel.  I even uninstalled iCloud on the PC and downloaded it again (same version). 
    The furthest I’ve gotten is step 2 (and once, step 3) of 7 while performing “Outlook Setup For iCloud.” At that point I get, “Your setup couldn’t be started because of an unexpected error.”  After the first attempt at all this, all my calendar events disappeared from Outlook, although they are still in iCloud calendar and on my phone.
    Sound familiar?  Any ideas on how to solve this iCloud/Outlook issue?  Thanks much in advance!

    Hoping for some help with a very frustrating issue!
    I have been syncing calendar and contacts on my iPhone 5 and Outlook 2007 using iCloud  2.1.3 (my PC is running Vista). All was well until the events I entered on the phone were showing up in Outlook, but not the other way around. I’ve tried the usual recommended steps: deselecting calendar and contacts in the iCloud control panel and then re-selecting, signing out of the panel and back in, and repairing the Outlook installation in control panel.  I even uninstalled iCloud on the PC and downloaded it again (same version). 
    The furthest I’ve gotten is step 2 (and once, step 3) of 7 while performing “Outlook Setup For iCloud.” At that point I get, “Your setup couldn’t be started because of an unexpected error.”  After the first attempt at all this, all my calendar events disappeared from Outlook, although they are still in iCloud calendar and on my phone.
    Sound familiar?  Any ideas on how to solve this iCloud/Outlook issue?  Thanks much in advance!

  • Help with HP Laser Printer 1200se

    HP Support Line,
    Really need your assistance.  I have tried both contacting HP by phone (told they no longer support our printer via phone help), the tech told me that I needed to contact HP by e-mail for assistance.   I then sent an e-mail for assistance and got that reply today, the reply is as follows  "Randall, unfortunately, HP does not offer support via e-mail for your product.  However many resources are available on the HP web site that may provide the answer to your inquiry.  Support is also available via telephone.  A list of technical support numbers can be round at the following URL........."  The phone numbers listed are the ones I called and the ones that told me I needed to contact the e-mail support for help.
    So here I am looking for your help with my issue.
    We just bought a new HP Pavillion Slimline Desk Top PC (as our 6 year old HP Pavillion PC died on us).  We have 2 HP printers, one (an all-in-one type printer, used maily for copying and printing color, when needed) is connected and it is working fine with the exception of the scanning option (not supported by Windows 7).  However we use our Laser Printer for all of our regular prining needs.  This is the HP LaserPrinter 1200se, which is about 6 years old but works really well.  For this printer we currently only have a parallel connection type cord and there is not a parallel port on the Slimline HP PC.  The printer also has the option to connedt a USB cable (we do not currently have this type of cable).
    We posed the following two questions:
    1.  Is the Laser Jet 1200se compatible with Windows 7?
    and if this is the case
    2.  Can we purchase either a) a USC connection cord (generic or do we need a printer specific cord)? or b) is there there a printer cable converter adapater to attach to our parallel cable to convert to a USB connection?
    We do not want to purchase the USB cable if Windows 7 will not accept the connection, or if doing this will harm the PC.
    We really would appreciate any assitance that you might give us.
    Thank you,
    Randy and Leslie Gibson

    Sorry, both cannot be enabled by design.  That said, devices on a network do not care how others are connected.  You can print from a wireless connection to a wired (Ethernet) printer and v/v.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

  • Going to Australia and need help with Power converters

    US uses 110v on 60hz
    Australia 220v on 50hz
    Making sure I understood that correctly.  Devices I plan on bringing that will use power are PS3 Slim, MacBook Pro 2008 model, and WD 1TB External HDD.  My DS, and Cell are charging via USB to save trouble of other cables.
    Ideas I've had or thought of:
    1.  Get a power converter for a US Powerstrip, and then plug in my US items into the strip and then the strip into an AUS Converter into Australian outlet.  Not sure if this fixes the voltage/frequency change.
    2.  Get power converters for all my devices.  But, not sure if my devices needs ways of lowering the voltage/increasing frequency or something to help with the adjustment.
    3.  Buy a universal powerstrip, which is extremely costly and I wouldn't be able to have here in time (I leave Thursday).  Unless Best Buy carrys one.  

    godzillafan868 wrote:
    US uses 110v on 60hz
    Australia 220v on 50hz
    Making sure I understood that correctly.  Devices I plan on bringing that will use power are PS3 Slim, MacBook Pro 2008 model, and WD 1TB External HDD.  My DS, and Cell are charging via USB to save trouble of other cables.
    Ideas I've had or thought of:
    1.  Get a power converter for a US Powerstrip, and then plug in my US items into the strip and then the strip into an AUS Converter into Australian outlet.  Not sure if this fixes the voltage/frequency change.
    2.  Get power converters for all my devices.  But, not sure if my devices needs ways of lowering the voltage/increasing frequency or something to help with the adjustment.
    3.  Buy a universal powerstrip, which is extremely costly and I wouldn't be able to have here in time (I leave Thursday).  Unless Best Buy carrys one.  
    Check the specs on input voltage/frequency of your power supplies.
    Many laptop power supplies are "universal/global" and are specced something like 80-265 volts AC 50/60 Hz, but not all.  These will just need a connector adapter.
    Unsure about the PS3 Slim - if it isn't universal it could be difficult as you'll need a 110/220 transformer, one big enough (power-handling wise) for the PS3 will be very bulky.
    For the external WD HDD, if it doesn't have a universal supply, you're probably best off just finding a new wallwart for it that is capable of running on 220/50.
    *disclaimer* I am not now, nor have I ever been, an employee of Best Buy, Geek Squad, nor of any of their affiliate, parent, or subsidiary companies.

  • Creation of context sensitive help with pure FM 12 usage doesn't work

    I hope somebody is able to help me with a good hint or tip.
    I am trying to create a context-sensitive Microsoft Help with FM12 only using the abilities of FM (no RoboHelp). For some reasons, my assigned ID's are not used in the generated chm file and therefore the help does not work context-sensitively.
    What did I do?
    - I created my FM files and assigned topic aliases to the headers. I did this two ways: a) using the "Special" menue and assigning a CSH marker and/or b) setting a new marker of type "Topic Alias" and typing the ID. I used only numeric IDs like "2000" or "4200",
    - I created a .h file (projectname.h) - based on the format of the file projectname_!Generated!.h (I read this in some instructions). So the .h file (text file) looks like this:
    #define 2000 2000 /* 4 Anwendungsoberfläche */
    #define 2022 2022 /* 4.1.1 Menü Datei */
    #define 2030 2030 /* 4.1.3 Menü Parametersatz */
    #define 2180 2180 /* 6.6.7 Objektdialog Q-Regler */
    #define 2354 2354 /* 6.9.2 Objektdialog Extran Parameter */
    #define 2560 2560 /* 6.9.5 Objektdialog Extran2D Parametersatz */
    - I published the Microsoft HTML Help. A projectname_!Generated!.h has been created. My IDs were not used in this file:
    #define 2000    1
    #define 2022    2
    #define 2030    3
    #define 2180    4
    #define 2354    5
    #define 2560    6
    - When I open the .chm file and look in the source code, the ID even is totally different. It is not the one, I assigned in FM, it is not the one which I assigned in the projectname.h file and it even is not the one, which was put in the projectname_!Generated!.h file. It is a generated name starting with CSH_1 ...n in a consecutive way numbered.
    <p class="FM_Heading1"><a name="XREF_72066_13_Glossar"></a>Gloss<a name="CSH_1"></a>ar</p>
    What goes wrong? Why does FM not take my assigned IDs? I need to use these IDs since our programmers are using those already - I had to re-create the whole online help but the programs stay untouched.
    Please help!
    Many thanks

    Hi Jeff,
    thanks for your note!
    The text in my marker is just a number like "2000" or "4200". As said, I created manually a my.h file and used this marker there. E.g.
    #define 2000 2000.
    Whereby the first 2000 (in my opinion) is the marker text and the second 2000 is the context ID which the programmers are using for the context sensitive call of the help. My definitions in the my.h file were translated to #define 2000 1 (in the my_!Generated!.h file). The source code "translates" the context ID into CSH_8.
    I am still confused :-/

  • Need help with Boot Camp and Win 7

    I have iMac 27" (iMac11,1) 2.8 GHz, quad core, 8MB of L3, 8GB of Memory, Boot ROM Version IM111.0034.B02 and SMC Version 1.54f36 and can't get this machine to run Windows 7 using Boot Camp.  I have successfully loaded Win 7 but when it claims to be starting I only get a black screen after initial start up.
    I have checked and rechecked my software updates and have read and reread the instructions, however, I can't update my Boot Camp to 3.1 (my machine says i'm running 3.0.4) and I need 3.1 but can't load 3.1 because it is an exe file that has to be loaded into Windows after I load Windows but can't open Windows because I can't load Boot Camp 3.1.  That's my excuse anyway, so I'm missing something I just can't figure out what it is....this is where you come in!

    I'm not going to be much help with Boot Camp however I can direct you to the Boot Camp forum where there are more people that know how to troubleshoot it and Windoze 7. You can find it at:

  • Can some help with CR2 files ,Ican`t see CR2 files in adobe bridge

    can some help with CR2 files ,I can`t see CR2 files in adobe bridge when I open Adobe Photoshop cs5- help- about plugins- no camera raw plugins. When i go Edit- preference and click on camera raw  shows message that Adobe camera raw plugin cannot be found

    That's strage. Seems that the Camera Raw.8bi file has been moved to different location or has gone corrupt. By any chance did you try to move the camera raw plugin to a custom location?
    Go To "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CS5\File Formats" and look for Camera Raw.8bi file.
    If you have that file there, try to download the updated camera raw plugin from the below location.
    In case  you ae not able to locate the Camera Raw.8bi file on the above location, then i think you need to re-install PS CS5.
    [Moving the discussion to Photoshop General Discussions Forum]

  • Be grateful for your help with Photoshop Elements which I have been using for several years.

    Be grateful for your help with Photoshop Elements which I have been using for several years.  Does Elements need to have access to ‘My Pictures’ on Windows as when I remove Photos from ‘My Pictures’, Elements later, when backing up, gives a message that it is unable to ‘reconnect’ to the same picture on elements.  On other occasions when removing a photo from Elements catalogue I also get a similar message when backing up saying ‘unable to reconnect’.  1. Is there a relationship between Elements and My Pictures and is Elements dependant on    the Windows ‘My Pictures’? 2. Why does some photos in Elements in some cases cause them to multiply e.g. double; triple; quadruple; and on occasions even more?  Is there something I need to do to stop this or an easy way I can remove the multiples without spending hours doing it manually one by one?  Am I doing something wrong? My O/S is Windows XP SP2 and windows Vista on my Laptop.  I have been using Elements 5 and have just purchased Photoshop Elements 8.0. (Upgrade) and about to install it. Be grateful for any advice as I do enjoy using the program if only I can resolve this issue.  I am not a PC wiz and mainly use Elements to catalogue photos from which I compile collections and from them slide shows with music.  Any advice appreciated Sonny.t PS Have tried to post this previously but without success so hoping to see message appear and a +response

    The organizer doesn't care where you send your photos when you download them via the downloader or where they happen to be when you first bring them in if you use the Get Photos command, but once your pics are in the Organizer, you *must* move them from within organizer or it can't find them. You don't have to use My Pictures at all if you don't want to, but regardless of the folder where you put your photos, if you want them someplace else, you use organizer to do it.

Maybe you are looking for

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