Help with Hints in Oracle

The query in question is using a Parellel Hint, I want to know if there is a better way to optimize this
Database: Oracle 10G
Table A: Ledger, Table B: Periods
common columns = period_no, year
select /* + PARELLEL(A 4) PARELLEL(B 4) */
from Ledger A, Period B
where A.period_no = B.period_no
and A.year = B.year
Is there a better way to do this. The volume of this query sometimes runs into 300,000,000 which really slows down the process

HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting
and add all relevant information we need, like execution plans, database version, which columns are indexed etc.
Your hint probably won't work, since you forgot the comma's and there was a space between '*' and '+':
/*+ PARALLEL(A, 4) PARALLEL(B, 4) */and make sure parallel query is enabled.
The execution plan will tell you.
Edited by: hoek on Dec 11, 2010 1:43 PM

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    619                    3371                   1                      M1105       593611434.67                  
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    Again, Oracle 10g, not 11g so I don't have the PIVOT function to work with.

    Search for Pivot:, or see the example below, for how to do a basic pivot. (This was called "pivot" long before Oracle 11.)
    The example below uses COUNT as the aggregate function; you'll probably wnat SUM instead.
    If you don't know how many pivoted columns there will be (two, in the example you posted), or what their unique values are ('M1100' and 'M1105') ahead of time, then you will need dynamic SQL. As dynamic SQL goes, this is pretty easy; you can do it in either SQL*Plus or PL/SQL.
    --     How to Pivot a Result Set (Display Rows as Columns)
    --     For Oracle 10, and earlier
    --     Actually, this works in any version of Oracle, but the
    --     "SELECT ... PIVOT" feature introduced in Oracle 11
    --     is better.  (See Query 2, below.)
    --     This example uses the scott.emp table.
    --     Given a query that produces three rows for every department,
    --     how can we show the same data in a query that has one row
    --     per department, and three separate columns?
    --     For example, the query below counts the number of employess
    --     in each departent that have one of three given jobs:
    PROMPT     ==========  0. Simple COUNT ... GROUP BY  ==========
    SELECT     deptno
    ,     job
    ,     COUNT (*)     AS cnt
    FROM     scott.emp
    WHERE     job     IN ('ANALYST', 'CLERK', 'MANAGER')
    GROUP BY     deptno
    ,          job;
        DEPTNO JOB              CNT
            20 CLERK              2
            20 MANAGER            1
            30 CLERK              1
            30 MANAGER            1
            10 CLERK              1
            10 MANAGER            1
            20 ANALYST            2
    PROMPT     ==========  1. Pivot  ==========
    SELECT     deptno
    ,     COUNT (CASE WHEN job = 'ANALYST' THEN 1 END)     AS analyst_cnt
    ,     COUNT (CASE WHEN job = 'CLERK'   THEN 1 END)     AS clerk_cnt
    ,     COUNT (CASE WHEN job = 'MANAGER' THEN 1 END)     AS manager_cnt
    FROM     scott.emp
    WHERE     job     IN ('ANALYST', 'CLERK', 'MANAGER')
    GROUP BY     deptno;
    --     Output:
            30           0          1           1
            20           2          2           1
            10           0          1           1
    --     Explanation
    (1) Decide what you want the output to look like.
         (E.g. "I want a row for each department,
         and columns for deptno, analyst_cnt, clerk_cnt and manager_cnt)
    (2) Get a result set where every row identifies which row
         and which column of the output will be affected.
         In the example above, deptno identifies the row, and
         job identifies the column.
         Both deptno and job happened to be in the original table.
         That is not always the case; sometimes you have to
         compute new columns based on the original data.
    (3) Use aggregate functions and CASE (or DECODE) to produce
         the pivoted columns. 
         The CASE statement will pick
         only the rows of raw data that belong in the column.
         If each cell in the output corresponds to (at most)
         one row of input, then you can use MIN or MAX as the
         aggregate function.
         If many rows of input can be reflected in a single cell
         of output, then use SUM, COUNT, AVG, STRAGG, or some other
         aggregate function.
         GROUP BY the column that identifies rows.
    PROMPT     ==========  2. Oracle 11 PIVOT  ==========
    WITH     e     AS
    (     -- Begin sub-query e to SELECT columns for PIVOT
         SELECT     deptno
         ,     job
         FROM     scott.emp
    )     -- End sub-query e to SELECT columns for PIVOT
    SELECT     *
    FROM     e
    PIVOT     (     COUNT (*)
              FOR     job     IN     ( 'ANALYST'     AS analyst
                             , 'CLERK'     AS clerk
                             , 'MANAGER'     AS manager
    (1) You must use a sub-query to select the raw columns.
    An in-line view (not shown) is an example of a sub-query.
    (2) GROUP BY is implied for all columns not in the PIVOT clause.
    (3) Column aliases are optional. 
    If "AS analyst" is omitted above, the column will be called 'ANALYST' (single-quotes included).

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    Vehicle_Type, Vehicle_No, Tax_Time, Source, Destination and Tax
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    create trigger time after insert on vehicle_Data
    for each row
    insert into Vehicle_Data(Tax_Time) values(to_char(sysdate, 'HH:MI:SSAM DD_MON_YYYY'));
    Note: I am Using VB 6.0 and Oracle 10g Express Edition

    I had create one but it gives errorWelcome to the forum and many many thanks for not posting the full error message, that is really helpful, since we're all a 100% sure what's going on now (yes, that was ironic ;) ).
    Let me guess: a mutating table error?
    But before that, actually you should read:

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    Enter whatever name suits you. This is the name you will use when looking up your datasource in the JNDI tree, i.e.
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    Please advise.
    - Matt

    Same. for Linux x86-64.
    I downloaded again and the contents are different...weird
    The now has the following files that the original didn't:
    < opatchauto*                                                          
    < opatchauto-dir/                                                      
    < cversion.txt*                                                        
    < ./opatchauto-dir:                                                    
    < opatchautocore/                                                      
    < opatchautodb/                                                        
    < ./opatchauto-dir/opatchautocore:                                     
    < jlib/                                                                
    < opatchautobinary*                                                    
    < oplan*                                                               
    < oplan.bat*                                                           
    < README.html*                                                         
    < README.txt*                                                          
    < ./opatchauto-dir/opatchautocore/jlib:                                
    < apache-commons/                                                      
    < automation.jar*                                                      
    < bundle.jar*                                                          
    < jaxb/                                                                
    < oplan_core.jar*                                                      
    < oracle.oplan.classpath.jar*                                          
    < OsysModel.jar*                                                       
    < osysmodel-utils.jar*
    < patchsdk.jar*
    < ProductDriver.jar*
    < Validation.jar*
    < ValidationRules.jar*
    < ./opatchauto-dir/opatchautocore/jlib/apache-commons:
    < commons-cli-1.0.jar*
    < ./opatchauto-dir/opatchautocore/jlib/jaxb:
    < activation.jar*
    < jaxb-api.jar*
    < jaxb-impl.jar*
    < jsr173_1.0_api.jar*
    < ./opatchauto-dir/opatchautodb:
    < jlib/
    < opatchautodbscr*
    < ./opatchauto-dir/opatchautodb/jlib:
    < opatchauto-core.jar*
    < opatchauto-db.jar*
    < oplan_db.jar*
    < oracle.opatchautodb.classpath.jar*
    < oracle.opatchautodb.classpath.unix.jar*
    < oracle.oplan.db.classpath.jar*
    < oplan*

  • Need your help with very strange Oracle problem..

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    Over the last few weeks, we've done lots of work to try and rule the network out of the equation. Today, a java client i wrote that was running locally on the database host, connected via OJDBC timed out (my timeout was set to 5 seconds) running a simple query ("select sysdate from dual") at the same time as all our other remote clients.
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    Can anyone suggest what would be a possible cause for this? How could it be possible that network clients issuing "select sysdate from dual" would hang for over 5 seconds?
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can offer.

    I am hoping you are not in a situation where your DBA said there's nothing wrong with database, your network admin said networking issue ruled out, your system admin said OS is normal. Yet, you as end user suffer and end up trying to figure out the issue by yourself while you didn't have expertise in any of these fields.That's basically the situation we were in for a few months here. It was, to say the least, extremely frustrating. Since we wrote the applications that were suffering the most due to this db/hardware issue, naturally, we felt "responsible" for taking the ownership to track down and fix the issue (after some perseverance ,we were finally able to narrow this problem down to a database storage issue).
    After exhausting every other dba theory about DBI/JDBC/Firewalls/Networks/etc, we simply just failed over our database to some standby hardware that had some directly attached storage (as opposed to a SAN configuration like our primary db instance runs off of), and the problem has basically disappeared at this point. It's been about two weeks now. Whereas we normally see a handful of episodes a day, now we see none.
    Our system administrators are looking into our SAN now and working to optimize its performance.
    Hopefully this will put this mystery to bed. It's been a long year+ chasing this problem down and I'm glad to see it licked finally. Thank you all for your input. I've learned quite a bit about Oracle in the process and I sincerely hope our DBA team here has learned something valuable from this exercise too.

  • Help with XML and Oracle 8i

    Hi Oracle XML Team,
    I really need to understand clearly about how 8i supports XML.
    Please help to answer the following questions quickly.
    1) Using the available components such as XML SQL utilities, XML
    Class gen, Parser and the Servlet. Can I use all this to develop
    an application to retrieve, store and query XML doc in 8i (do I
    need any components such as intermedia)?
    2) The licensing scheme for all the above 4 four components
    stated that it is not for commercial use? But what if I need to
    deploy my application soon ? Is there a separate licensing
    scheme for deployment?
    3) I am using 8i standard edition now, if I would to use
    iFS/ I need to get the Enterprise Edition?
    Please help me. Thank you very much

    i think you want something along the lines of :
    Note that only dynamically created movies have depths. So if
    either of the movieclips in question are just sitting in your
    timeline you cant swap their depths.
    In that case you either need to duplicateMovieClip() or just
    set things _visible property where apropriate.
    good luck

  • Help with Installation of Oracle 10g !!!

    I got a HP Mini notebook from a friend and it have windows 7 starter installed. When i try to install Oracle 10g, i get this message:
    Abnormal program termination. An internal error has
    occured. Please provide the following files to Oracle
    Kindly please provide some expert advice that why this message has occurred and what does it mean and how it can be resolved.

    Hi Zahid,
    This OS is a basic home version of Windows 7 ? It's not supported.
    You should install (or virtualize) some free version of Linux (openSuse or OEL) : it would save you much time.
    Best regards

  • Help with oracle 11g pivot operator

    i need some help with oracle 11g pivot operator. is it possible to use multiple columns in the FOR clause and then compare it against multiple set of values.
    here is the sql to create some sample data
    create table pivot_data ( country_code number , dept number, job varchar2(20), sal number );
    insert into pivot_data values (1,30 , 'SALESMAN', 5000);
    insert into pivot_data values (1,301, 'SALESMAN', 5500);
    insert into pivot_data values (1,30 , 'MANAGER', 10000);     
    insert into pivot_data values (1,301, 'MANAGER', 10500);
    insert into pivot_data values (1,30 , 'CLERK', 4000);
    insert into pivot_data values (1,302, 'CLERK',4500);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,30 , 'SALESMAN', 6000);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,301, 'SALESMAN', 6500);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,30 , 'MANAGER', 11000);     
    insert into pivot_data values (2,301, 'MANAGER', 11500);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,30 , 'CLERK', 3000);
    insert into pivot_data values (2,302, 'CLERK',3500);
    using case when I can write something like this and get the output i want
    select country_code
    ,avg(case when (( dept = 30 and job = 'SALESMAN' ) or ( dept = 301 and job = 'SALESMAN' ) ) then sal end ) as d30_sls
    ,avg(case when (( dept = 30 and job = 'MANAGER' ) or ( dept = 301 and job = 'MANAGER' ) ) then sal end ) as d30_mgr
    ,avg(case when (( dept = 30 and job = 'CLERK' ) or ( dept = 302 and job = 'CLERK' ) ) then sal end ) as d30_clrk
    from pivot_data group by country_code;
    country_code          D30_SLS               D30_MGR               D30_CLRK
    1      5250      10250      4250
    2      6250      11250      3250
    what I tried with pivot is like this I get what I want if I have only one ( dept,job) for one alias name. I want to call (30 , 'SALESMAN') or (301 , 'SALESMAN') AS d30_sls. any help how can I do this
    SELECT *
    FROM pivot_data
    PIVOT (SUM(sal) AS sum
    FOR (dept,job) IN ( (30 , 'SALESMAN') AS d30_sls,
              (30 , 'MANAGER') AS d30_mgr,               
    (30 , 'CLERK') AS d30_clk
    this is a simple example .... my real life scenario is compliated with more fields and more combinations .... So something like using substr(dept,1,2) won't work in my real case .
    any suggestions get the result similar to what i get in the case when example is really appreciated.

    Sorry, I don't think there's any way to get exactly what you requested. The values you give in the PIVOT ... IN clause are exact values, not alternatives.
    You could do something like this to map all alternatives to a common value:
    WITH     got_dept_grp     AS
         SELECT     country_code, job, sal
         ,     CASE
                  WHEN  job IN ('SALESMAN', 'MANAGER') AND dept = 301 THEN 30
                  WHEN  job IN ('CLERK')               AND dept = 302 THEN 30
                                                                     ELSE dept
              END     AS dept_grp
         FROM     pivot_data
    SELECT     *
    FROM     got_dept_grp
    PIVOT     (     AVG (sal)
         FOR     (job, dept_grp)
         IN     ( ('SALESMAN', 30)
              , ('MANAGER' , 30)
              , ('CLERK'   , 30)
    ;In your sample data (and perhaps in your real data), it's about as easy to explicitly define the pivoted groups individually, like this:
    WITH     got_pivot_key     AS
         SELECT     country_code, sal
         ,     CASE
                  WHEN  job = 'SALESMAN' AND dept IN (30, 301) THEN 'd30_sls'
                  WHEN  job = 'MANAGER'  AND dept IN (30, 301) THEN 'd30_mgr'
                  WHEN  job = 'CLERK'    AND dept IN (30, 302) THEN 'd30_clrk'
              END     AS pivot_key
         FROM    pivot_data
    SELECT     *
    FROM     got_pivot_key
    PIVOT     (     AVG (sal)
         FOR     pivot_key
         IN     ( 'd30_sls'
              , 'd30_mgr'
              , 'd30_clrk'
    ;Thanks for posting the CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements; that really helps!

  • I need help with oracle

    I need some help... if someone can help its great.
    I need to make a statement in Oracle SQL that read data from a file and insert in a Oracle Database ... if someone can show me the syntax of it i appreciate..

    Okay, I see you followed the advice in that other thread and started a new post for you question. Congratulations. Your next lesson in forum etiquette is to give your posts a more relevant subject. Pretty much everybody who posts here needs help with oracle; if they need help with cooking catfish they've come to the wrong place.
    It that other thread I suggested using SQL*Loader or External Tables might be a more suitable solution. Find out more.
    Cheers, APC

  • Help with: oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException

    hi guys,
    I really need ur help with this.
    I have a remote session bean that retrieves a list of books from the database using entity class and I call the session bean from a web service. The problem is that when i display the books in a jsp directly from the session bean everything works ok but the problem comes when I call the session bean via the web service than it throws this:
    Exception Description: An attempt was made to traverse a relationship using indirection that had a null Session. This often occurs when an entity with an uninstantiated LAZY relationship is serialized and that lazy relationship is traversed after serialization. To avoid this issue, instantiate the LAZY relationship prior to serialization.
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException.instantiatingValueholderWithNullSession(
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.indirection.UnitOfWorkValueHolder.instantiate(
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.indirection.DatabaseValueHolder.getValue(
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.indirection.IndirectList.buildDelegate(
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.indirection.IndirectList.getDelegate(
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.indirection.IndirectList$1.<init>(
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.indirection.IndirectList.iterator(
    at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Lister$CollectionLister.iterator(
    at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Lister$CollectionLister.iterator(
    at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ClassBeanInfoImpl.serializeBody(
    at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.childAsXsiType(
    at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ClassBeanInfoImpl.serializeBody(
    at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.childAsXsiType(
    at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.write(
    at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.BridgeImpl.marshal(
    at com.sun.xml.bind.api.Bridge.marshal(
    at com.sun.enterprise.webservice.JAXWSServlet.doPost(
    ... 29 more
    This happens when I test the web service using netbeans 6.5.
    here's my code:
    session bean:
    ArrayList bookList = null;
    public ArrayList retrieveBooks()
    List list = em.createNamedQuery("Book.findAll").getResultList();
    bookList = new ArrayList(list);
    catch (Exception e)
    return bookList;
    web service:
    @WebMethod(operationName = "retrieveBooks")
    public Book[] retrieveBooks()
    ArrayList list = ejbUB.retrieveBooks();
    int size = list.size();
    Book[] bookList = new Book[size];
    Iterator it = list.iterator();
    int i = 0;
    while (it.hasNext())
    Book book = (Book);
    bookList[i] = book;
    return bookList;
    Please help guys, it's very urgent

    Yes i have a relationship but i didnt want it to be directly. Maybe this is a design problem but in my case I dont expect any criminals to be involved in lawsuit. My tables are like that:
         gender varchar(1),
         name varchar(25) NOT NULL,
         last_address varchar(100),
         birth_date date,
         hair_color varchar(10),
         eye_color varchar(10),
         weight INTEGER,
         height INTEGER,
         PRIMARY KEY (criminal_id)
         courtName varchar(25),
         PRIMARY KEY (lawsuit_id),
         FOREIGN KEY (courtName) REFERENCES Court_of_Law(courtName) ON DELETE NO ACTION
         criminal_id INTEGER,
         lawsuit_id INTEGER,
         PRIMARY KEY (criminal_id, lawsuit_id),
         FOREIGN KEY (criminal_id) REFERENCES Criminal(criminal_id) ON DELETE NO ACTION,
         FOREIGN KEY (lawsuit_id) REFERENCES Lawsuit(lawsuit_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
    ENGINE=INNODB;So I couldnt get it.

  • Help with Oracle Table Audit Trigger

    Hi Guys,
    Need some help with the design of a trigger please. I have created one standard audit table where all sensitive data will be audited/inserted. The idea is to insert the column name and the old and new values here, dont want to maintain an audit table for each and every table there is, reporting would be a nightmare.
    Trying to fetch all the column names from sys objects then looping through each and inserting the new and old values for them into the audit table. Everything else is fine apart from the actual :old and :new value inserts. The column name is coming from a variable in a cursor and this is where I seem to be failing.
    Can anyone help please? What is the correct syntax to use?
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER commission_update
            ON commission
            FOR EACH ROW
            v_username varchar2(10);
              v_column varchar2(20);
              -- Get Table Columns
              cursor table_column is
                      from  sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ t
                      where t.obj# = c.obj#
                      and   t.type# in (2, 3, 4) 
                      and   bitand(, 32) = 0 /* not hidden column */
                      and = 'COMMISSION';
            -- Find username of person performing UPDATE into table
            SELECT user
         INTO v_username
            FROM dual;
              open table_column;
                          fetch table_column
                         into v_column;                    
                         EXIT WHEN table_column%NOTFOUND;
                                 -- Insert record into audit_record
                             INSERT INTO audit_record
                                  ( aud_code,
                                   aud_date )
                                  ( xaudit_record.nextval,
                                   :old.v_column, /* problem here!!!!!!! */
                                   :new.v_column, /* problem here!!!!!!! */
                                   sysdate );
                    end loop;
              close table_column;

    What does auditing mean in the financial environment? "An audit is a professional, independent examination of a company's financial statements and accounting documents according to generally accepted accounting principles."
    What does it mean in database terms? Surely, the basic definition would be the same, ito of a proper independent examination of changes in the database according to accepted principles?
    And just how does a trigger live up to that? When it is fully dependent on being enabled for that transaction in order to examine it? It is trivial to disable a trigger, make changes, and re-enable it.
    So what happens to your "auditing" then?
    Do you really think that a trigger suffices as a means to audit changes in a table? And if so, what logic and reasoning do you use to discard Oracle's auditing features that are built into the core of the database?

  • HELP with Oracle Reports 6i - user parameters .....

    Hi, i have made a form with button in Oracle Forms 6i.
    When i press the button it fires trigger (when-button-pressed) where i declared and made parameter (:p_dep_no) which i want to sedn to report and later query report with this (:p_dep_no) ...
    In Oracle report i made this parameter under user parameter and made my SQL statemet where i included in where clause my parameter (:p_dep_no) .
    When i run oracle forms and press this button i get popup screen which asks me to enter this user parameter....
    My question is - how i can make it all automaticly ... that i didn't need to write (:p_dep_no) manualy, but report could get this parameter from oracle forms and then show me only queried report ....
    Plz help

    i have similar code already wroten to button, but when i push button and report is opening, i get popup report parameter form screen and it asks me to write parameter value....
    here i have (when-button-pressed) code :
         pl_id ParamList;
         pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
         IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
               Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
         END IF; 
         pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
         Add_Parameter(pl_id,'par_report',TEXT_PARAMETER, :registry_id);
         RUN_PRODUCT(REPORTS, 'C:\Oracle\DS6i\BIN\reg_atskaite_vienam.rdf',SYNCHRONOUS,runtime,FILESYSTEM,'pl_id',null);

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