Help with Jsp: logic:iterate  Cannot create iterator for this collection

I am developing a jsp with struts. This is the snap of the code:
        <logic:iterate id="prod" collection="productList" >
          <tr align="center">
               <td><html:text property="prodDesc" size="50" indexed="true"/></td>
                    <html:select property="prodUnit" indexed="true">
                         <option selected>-</option>
                        <OPTION VALUE='NMB'>NMB
                         <OPTION VALUE='TEN'>TEN
                         <OPTION VALUE='TPR'>TPR
                         <OPTION VALUE='GWH'>GWH
               <td><html:text property="prodQty" size="20" indexed="true"/></td>
               <td><html:text property="prodVal" size="20" indexed="true"/></td>               
        </logic:iterate>"productList" is defined as an array of Product[], "prod" is defined as a single Product object in the form. But when i run the page, it gives me this errors:
"javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot create iterator for this collection".
I also tried to make "productList" an ArrayList type, but it game me this same error.
We are using Websphere 4.0 with Struts 1.1.
Anyone can help?
Thanks a lot.
All the best,

Hi , I have similar problem. wonder anyone can help me. I have a datastructure. ArrayList contains list of Hashtable; each Hashtable has two key-value sets ; for each key-value set , value is a ValueObject.
My jsp works ok. but when I click on the radio butten for one radio group, it sets not only the porperty on that row, but the rows belows ,which suppose to be another radio group , because I am using indexed="true". each row should be a individual group seperated by the name poDisplayVO[i] , as show in the html generated .
<!-- JSP -->
<logic:iterate id="poDisplayVO"
<bean:write name="poDisplayVO" property="name"/>
<% String val = ((java.util.Hashtable)poDisplayVO).get("subjAreaName").toString();%>
<html:radio indexed="true" name="poDisplayVO" property="" value="<%=val %>" />
<bean:write name="poDisplayVO" property="subjAreaName"/>
<html:radio indexed="true" name="poDisplayVO" property="" value="no" /> NO
<html:radio indexed="true" name="poDisplayVO" property="" value="yes" /> YES
<! ------------------------ html genterated ------------------------------------------------>
the HTML generated as folllows:
          Accounting Studies
     <input type="radio" name="poDisplayVO[0]" value="Accounting">
     <input type="radio" name="poDisplayVO[0]" value="no"> NO
     <input type="radio" name="poDisplayVO[0]" value="yes"> YES
          Accounting Studies
     <input type="radio" name="poDisplayVO[1]" value="Bookkeeping">
     <input type="radio" name="poDisplayVO[1]" value="no"> NO
     <input type="radio" name="poDisplayVO[1]" value="yes"> YES
          Accounting Studies
     <input type="radio" name="poDisplayVO[2]" value="Computerized Accounting(Duplicate)">
          Computerized Accounting(Duplicate)
<input type="radio" name="poDisplayVO[2]" value="no"> NO
<input type="radio" name="poDisplayVO[2]" value="yes"> YES
<! ------------------------ action form-----------------------------------------------
public ArrayList getPoDisplayVOList() {
     return poDisplayVOList;
public void setPoDisplayVOList(ArrayList list) {
     poDisplayVOList = list;
public Hashtable getPoDisplayVO(int i) {
     Object obj = poDisplayVOList.get(i);
     if (obj == null)
          obj = new Hashtable();
     return (Hashtable)poDisplayVOList.get(i);
public void setPoDisplayVO(Hashtable programDisplayVO, int i) {
          poDisplayVOList.add(i, programDisplayVO);

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  • ServletException: Cannot create iterator for this collection

    i am using struts action class with struts tags to display
    data in jsp page.
    in struts class i am return arraylist ,
    same list i am displaing in jsp.
    if Arraylist have data ,i am not getting error.
    but if arraylist empty ,i am getting ServletException: Cannot create iterator for this collection
    <logic:iterate id="result" name="fileList" >
    <td><bean:write name="result" property="fileName"/></td>
    can any one help how to avoid this exception?

    You could use <bean:size> to get the size of the list
    and conditionally execute the logic:iterate,
    something like this :
    That will work, but not necessary. If the collection is empty, the iterate tag just skips - it doesnt throw an exception (tested)
    The problem I guess is that the bean with the specified name is not a Collection. It may be a property of the bean that is a collection in which case the tag should have a property attribute.

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    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>The Lighthouse Church</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        font: 100%/1.4 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        background: #42413C;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        color: #000;
        background-color: #000;
    /* ~~ Element/tag selectors ~~ */
    ul, ol, dl { /* Due to variations between browsers, it's best practices to zero padding and margin on lists. For consistency, you can either specify the amounts you want here, or on the list items (LI, DT, DD) they contain. Remember that what you do here will cascade to the .nav list unless you write a more specific selector. */
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {
        margin-top: 0;     /* removing the top margin gets around an issue where margins can escape from their containing div. The remaining bottom margin will hold it away from any elements that follow. */
        padding-right: 15px;
        padding-left: 15px; /* adding the padding to the sides of the elements within the divs, instead of the divs themselves, gets rid of any box model math. A nested div with side padding can also be used as an alternate method. */
    a img { /* this selector removes the default blue border displayed in some browsers around an image when it is surrounded by a link */
        border: none;
    /* ~~ Styling for your site's links must remain in this order - including the group of selectors that create the hover effect. ~~ */
    a:link {
        color: #42413C;
        text-decoration: underline; /* unless you style your links to look extremely unique, it's best to provide underlines for quick visual identification */
    a:visited {
        color: #6E6C64;
        text-decoration: underline;
    a:hover, a:active, a:focus { /* this group of selectors will give a keyboard navigator the same hover experience as the person using a mouse. */
        text-decoration: none;
    /* ~~ this fixed width container surrounds all other elements ~~ */
    .container {
        width: 960px;
        background: #FFF;
        margin: 0 auto; /* the auto value on the sides, coupled with the width, centers the layout */
    /* ~~ This is the layout information. ~~
    1) Padding is only placed on the top and/or bottom of the div. The elements within this div have padding on their sides. This saves you from any "box model math". Keep in mind, if you add any side padding or border to the div itself, it will be added to the width you define to create the *total* width. You may also choose to remove the padding on the element in the div and place a second div within it with no width and the padding necessary for your design.
    .content {
        padding: 10px 0;
    /* ~~ miscellaneous float/clear classes ~~ */
    .fltrt {  /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
        float: right;
        margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
        float: left;
        margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* this class can be placed on a <br /> or empty div as the final element following the last floated div (within the #container) if the overflow:hidden on the .container is removed */
        font-size: 1px;
        line-height: 0px;
    #apDiv1 {
        top: 171px;
        left: 507px;
    #apDiv2 {
        left: 187px;
        top: 1px;
    #apDiv3 {
        top: -2px;
    #apDiv4 {
        left: 0px;
        top: 101px;
    #apDiv5 {
        top: -5px;
    #apDiv6 {
        left: 0px;
        top: -1px;
    #apDiv7 {
        left: 35px;
        top: 1308px;
    #apDiv8 {
        left: 200px;
        top: 1479px;
    #apDiv9 {
        left: -10px;
        top: -1292px;
    #apDiv10 {
        left: 200px;
        top: 1478px;
    #apDiv11 {
        left: 195px;
        top: 183px;
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    #apDiv12 {
        left: 198px;
        top: 1px;
    #apDiv13 {
        left: 1001px;
        top: 3px;
    #apDiv14 {
        left: 33px;
        top: 479px;
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        left: 324px;
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    #apDiv20 {
        left: 384px;
        top: 1477px;
    body {
        background-color: #000;
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    #apDiv21 {
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    <div class="container">
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                  <p> Special Message from Perry Stone </p>
                  <h2> Was Jesus Born on December 25?</h2>
                  <p> 12/20/2010 </p>
                  <p><img alt="iStock_000003631829XSmall" src="" width="300" height="234" /></p>
                  <p>Last   year, in response to the growing number of Christians who celebrate   Hanukkah but hate Christmas, I wrote an article for this website titled   &ldquo;Hanukkah or Christmas?&rdquo; I explained why I think Jesus was either   conceived or birthed on December 25.</p>
                <div><a href=""> READ MORE</a>
                  <p> Prophecy Update </p>
                  <h2> What Happened to Global Warming?</h2>
                  <p> 12/17/2010 </p>
                  <p> </p>
              <p><font size="2">Special Word</font></p>
              <p><font size="2">January 7th, 2011</font></p>
              <p> <font size="2">Dear Viewers:</font></p>
              <p><font size="2">We have now entered into one of the most trying times; but also one of the most glorious            times in church history.  Many things are coming upon the world and also upon the church and we (the church) must be totally            prepared to take up our cross daily and venture out into the lost and</font></p>
              <p>  <a href=" h.aspx" target="_parent">Click Here for More</a></p>
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    Look at all the apdiv's you have.  Those are absolutely positioned layers.  I'm assuming by your post that you are very new to Dreamweaver and HTML and CSS.  I would highly recommend not using absolutely positioned layers until you have a better grasp on HTML and CSS.
    Looking at your code I would suggest that you consider using one of Dreamweaver's built in, or downloadable templates as a starting point and work from there.

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    I have an existing ipod that I use with my mac. I am trying to connect an additional ipod to it but when I try and register, it just brings up the existing info. I don't want to lose the original info or library - just create new for this device. Pls help...

    We are starting from the beginning like its a new ipod starts out asking language, country,location services,choose a network,and when we get to "setup ipod touch  " there are 3 options 1..setup as new ipod, 2.restore from ipod backup 3 restore from itunes backup and when we hit setup as new ipod and click next it comes up with sign in with apple id or create a free apple id  we clicked create a free apple id....then comes up with bday,1st name last name, use your current email address, get a free icloud email address or change email address and THIS is where we have problems....if we hit change email address it means that sis's stuff goes under his name and moves all her stuff to this older ipod which the brother does not want. sorry this is so long but its the only way I knew to do it.

  • Time Capsule 4 gen. with iMac OS X Lion   3 Windows PC (XP OS, Vista OS, Seven OS) cable modem with TC as Wi-Fi. Time Machine on iMac found TC for backup easily. Have Wi-Fi access on PC XP with Airport utility but cannot create TC.

    Installed today Time Capsule 4 gen. with iMac OS X Lion. I also have  3 Windows PC (XP OS, Vista OS, Seven OS). Internet Access is cable modem with TC as Wi-Fi. Time Machine on iMac found TC for backup easily. Have Wi-Fi access on PC XP with Airport utility but cannot create TC. Does the Airport utility under Windows is way to access backup capabilities with TC ?

    The TC is really just an external networked hard disk plus router.. you can access the hard disk and place files on it from any computer. You can backup any computer to the TC but it will have to use a backup software in windows.. there are literally thousands available. The built in msbackup is horrible.. but you can download lots of different software and buy then online for not a lot. Macrium Reflect has a free disk image backup, and when you pay for it includes incremental. I think disk images are well worth it, as they recover much better.. and their is a proper method of recovery using a boot cd.
    BTW the TC space is not endless. And it is designed to hold a large number of incremental backups.. so anything you do in backing up several machines will make the number of backups limited. Remember you can also use a usb hard disk plugged in as a Network accessible disk. But it has to be formatted HFS+ or Fat32.. the later being highly undesirable.

  • C:forEach and logic:iterate tags repeating elements of a collection

    I have an issue that makes absolutely no sense to me. Basically I am using struts, and I am returning a form that contains a List of customers. I am simply trying to iterate that list into a simple table for each customer. The end result will have rows for each table, but I tried to simplify this example.
    The only filter is that I don't want to display customers that don't contain any data that I care to display. In my dataset, there is only one customer that has any data that I care about, and that has been verified in the database and in the backend action feeding the struts page.
    I first attempted this with the c:forEach JSTL tag. What I saw was that the customers were just getting repeated. Instead of showing one table for each customer, it was repeating the tables for each customer equal to the size of the Collection. For example, there were *5* customers in the List, only customer C should have been set into a table, but the table for customer C was being repeated *5* times. I went into the backend code, and made sure the object being sent back to struts contained the correct number of records.
    I then tried the same thing using the logic:iterate Struts EL tag. This did exactly the same thing. Instead of one table for customer C, I had 5 tables, all for customer C.
    Frustrated, I then went back to just writing a basic scriptlet in the JSP, to iterate over the object returned from the struts action. When I did this, everything came back as normal. Only customer C met my conditional statement, and only customer C had a table created in the generated HTML.
    Now I must be missing something with how the JSTL tags are handling the iteration, so I wanted to post the code to see if anyone had any idea what I am doing wrong here.
    The JSP page is found below. As you can see, the first part is done as a scriptlet, and the last part is done with JSTL tags. Unless I am mistaken, the 2 approaches should produce the same result. Please let me know if I am missing something here.
    <%@ include file="/common/"%>
    <%@ page import="java.util.Iterator,,"%>
    Write table with straight scriptlets...
    <br />
    <br />
        CempDocumentsForm cdForm =
            (CempDocumentsForm) session.getAttribute("cempDocsForm");
        Iterator itCustomers = cdForm.getCustomers().iterator();
        while (itCustomers.hasNext())
            int idx = 0;
            CustomerView customer = (CustomerView);
            if (customer.getCemps() != null && !customer.getCemps().isEmpty())
                <% if (idx == 0) { %>
                        Customer CEMP Listing
                <% } %>
                        <td class="level1">
                            <%=customer.getName() %> -
                            <%=customer.getSapCustomerId() %>
            idx ++;
    <br />
    <br />
    Now try using JSTL...
    <br />
    <br />
        <logic:iterate name="cempDocsForm" property="customers" id="customer" indexId="index">
        <!-- <c:forEach items="${cempDocsForm.customers}" var="customer" varStatus="status"> -->
            <c:if test="${not empty customer.cemps}">           
                <c:if test="${index == 0}">
                        Customer CEMP Listing
                        <td class="level1">
                            <c:out value="${}" /> -
                            <c:out value="${customer.sapCustomerId}" />
        <!-- </c:forEach> -->
        <br />
        <br />The code above produced the following HTML. As you can see, the scriptlet did exactly what I wanted, it produced 1 table for the only company that met the conditional statement. The JSTL section repeated the table for that one company, equal to the number of items in my List.
    Write table with straight scriptlets...
    <br />
    <br />
                        Customer CEMP Listing
                        <td class="level1">
                            FMP Test Company -
    <br />
    <br />
    Now try using JSTL...
    <br />
    <br />
                        Customer CEMP Listing
                        <td class="level1">
                            FMP Test Company -
                        <td class="level1">
                            FMP Test Company -
                        <td class="level1">
                            FMP Test Company -
                        <td class="level1">
                            FMP Test Company -
                        <td class="level1">
                            FMP Test Company -
        <br />
        <br />Thanks in advance...
    Edited by: cdbyrd on Feb 28, 2008 4:22 PM
    Edited by: cdbyrd on Feb 28, 2008 5:12 PM

    Okay, it looks like I kept moving things around until I stumbled upon something. One thing to note is that I am using Tiles in my struts 1.2.9 application. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but this is what I found.
    If you notice in my code, with the iteration tags, I had one active and one commented version of the tag. I kept flipping them around, thinking it was some kind of syntax problem or it was specific to either the logic:iterate or c:forEach tag.
    Well, as it turns out, when you comment something the way I did, I think the custom tag processor doesn't ignore the commented sections. I had things commented like the following.
        <logic:iterate name="cempDocsForm" property="customers" id="customer" indexId="index">
        <!-- <c:forEach items="${cempDocsForm.customers}" var="customer" varStatus="status"> -->Now I have done this many times in the past, and I have never noticed any adverse behavior. I guess it was just the correct situation here to make the problem come to the surface. As soon as I removed any comments on the JSP, the page started working as expected. I can't explain why it happens, I just know it happened.
    Does anyone out there have a good explanation for this, so I can put a reason to why I lost so much hair today? Also, does anyone have the proper way to comment out JSTL tags to keep them from being parsed?

  • Cannot create cursor for group

    Hi All,
    Iam trying to Integrate Reports(jsp) with our J2ee application. I have deployed the Application throgh OEM . I have a created sample report JSP through Reports Devloper Suite and it is displaying fine. Now when I try to run the JSP created by the Reports Devloper team. They are not running fine.One of the reports gives the following message in browser "Cannot create cursor for group " . I see no exception in the logs too.
    Iam using 10g Oracle Application server.
    Iam also using thin Client.
    Thanks In Advance for the Help.

    seel my previous posting

  • Cannot get Membership Provider with name RoleProvider. The membership provider for this process was not properly configured. You must configure the membership provider in the .config file for every SharePoint process.

    I am trying to create a web application that uses AD LDS as its authentication provider. I have followed all the steps and verified all the web.config files, but I receive the error below:
    Cannot get Membership Provider with name CustomRoleProvider. The membership provider for this process was not properly configured. You must configure the membership provider in the .config file for every SharePoint process.
    Has anyone come across this error before?

    There seems to be some issues in your web.config files. Please make sure your Web application entries for membership and role provider(at central admin site) are matching with Web.config entries. your error
    "Cannot get Membership Provider with name CustomRoleProvider.
    ", indicating that you may have used role provider name in Membership provider text box or in web.config.
    Also please make sure that you have correct entries in all 3 web.config files - Central Administration , Security Token Service (STS), Web application .
    Please refer  -
    Forms Based Authentication (FBA) in SharePoint 2013
    Ganesh Jat [My Blog |
    LinkedIn | Twitter ]
    Please click 'Mark As Answer' if a post solves your problem or 'Vote As Helpful' if it was useful.

  • Cannot create reservation for a closed sales order

    IN the mtl_resrevation_interface errors iam getting the message as Cannot create reservation for a closed sales order for most of the items .
    when i check the details of the sales order line it is already closed.
    but why it is trying to insert the line in mtl_reservation though it is already closed.
    i want to know what would be the reason.

    You may have a custom program that creates the records in the reservations interface table.
    That program may have a bug.
    Hope this helps
    Sandeep Gandhi
    Independent Techno-functional Consultant

  • Cannot create Acknowledgement for msd ID:.....

    I am getting following error msg frequently in my JMS receiver comm channel:
    "Cannot create Acknowledgement for msd ID :....."
    This msg is displayed in Runtime workbench for my JMS Receiver comm channel
    Please provide a solution to prevent this error.
    This error comes certain times, and after sometime comm channels starts as usual without any error..

    You want ;
    request.setAttribute("customers", customers);
    request.setAttribute("customers", "customers");

  • You cannot create ARE3 for duty paid Deemed exports excise invoice!

    You cannot create ARE3 for duty paid Deemed exports excise invoice!
    Message no. 4F326

    Hi murali,
    How can you create ARE document for duty paid excise invoice
    ARE docs are for excise exption purpose only

  • Please help me  incorrect apple id cannot be usedto unlock this iphone

    Please help me  incorrect apple id cannot be usedto unlock this iphone

    Use another device (Mac, Macbook) to reset your Apple ID...just had a similar experience.

  • Why am I getting the error "Coercion Failed: Input cannot be null for this coercion"?

    I created a OOTB team site, with a OOTB document library and an OOTB "Approval - SharePoint 2010" workflow.  Under the workflow's start options I have "Allow this workflow to be manually..." checked.  On the next workflow setup page, I put
    myself in the Assign To field and put "test" in the Request field.  I left everything else blank. 
    Then, I setup a retention stage in the Information Management Policy settings for the library.  The event is Modified + 1 days, action is Start a workflow and I selected the workflow described above.  I set the Recurrence for 1 days.
    If I execute the workflow manually, it executes without error. 
    When the IMP executes the workflow, the status indicated in the column added to the library is "Canceled".  Clicking on the Canceled link opens the Workflow Information.  In the Workflow History section the Event Type is Error, User ID is System
    Account and Description is "Coercion Failed: Input cannot be null for this coercion". 
    Research shows that this error can be invoked when creating custom workflows that contain empty input fields when executed.  I would think that if there were required input fields in the workflow
    configuration, that the workflow would error when manually executed. 
    Any help is appreciated.  Thank you.
    Matt H.

    I had found that article previously but it doesn't seem to apply since this is OOTB and not a workflow created in SD.  I would expect that MS would have created the workflow in such a manner that it would work with IMP.  Besides, I don't think
    it's possible to edit the default Approvers workflow.  Also, I'm sure I'm not the first one out there to use the Approvers workflow with IMP.  If it was broken OOTB, someone else would have discovered it.  My guess is that there is something
    not configured correctly on the server, but I don't know how to start to diagnose it based on this error message.Matt H.

  • HT201210 I have a message saying "iTunes could not back up the "Owner's iPhone" because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone. Delete the backup for this iPhone, then try again. My question is, how do i locate and delete the backup in q

    While trying to update my iPhone 4s I received this "iTunes could not backup the i Phone "Owner's iPhone" because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone. Delete the backup for this iPhone, then try again. I have a PC and cannot find the backup in question to delete. Any ideas?

    Here are location of your Backup folder(s):
    Win7 - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Mobile Sync\Backup
    Vista - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Mobile Sync\Backup
    Winxp- C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Apple Computer\Mobile Sync\Backup

  • How to resolve error message "iTunes could not back up the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone. Delete the backup for this iPhone, then try again."

    I inadvertently deleted my iPhone backup on my MacBook Pro. I restored iPhone to factory settings and then synced remotely with iCloud. However the error message repeatedly states:
    iTunes could not back up the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone. Delete the backup for this iPhone, then try again.
    Any ideas as to how this can be resolved please. Thank you very much.

    My wife's iPhone 5 would not backup, after upgrading to iOS 8.     The "genius" at the Apple store succeeded in DELETING, the only recent backup of her phone so
    recovery became more critical.
    I followed all the procedures for troubleshooting it, but still it would try to backup and then stop due to an error. We particularly wanted to preserve some game data/history/progress that she'd been working on for years.      This game (Dream Fish) would no longer open after the iOS 8 upgrade ... and the phone would not successfully backup, and so we had no confidence that it would restore from an older backup either.       I googled for solution and found Phoneview and iFunBox.      These apps allow you to see & access data files in the iPhone.      Phoneview was too fragile and crashed when copying a file any size.     
    I found "iFunBox".     iFunBox was excellent.      I used iFunBox to recover her game data.    It allows you to make a copy of data files that reside on the iPhone... and store them as a manual backup on the Mac.
    And in the process I found 2 games that caused iFunBox to crash.      The 2 games in question were not important enough to try to keep, so I deleted them from the iPhone.
    So then, I had a manual backup of the important iPhone data, and had eliminated two game files that apparently had a conflict with iOS 8.
    My next Backup attempt was successful.        The iPhone with iOS 8 would now backup to both the Mac and to the Cloud.
    Next I deleted Dream Fish from the iPhone and downloaded a fresh version from the Cloud.    The new Dream Fish with no history opened in iOS 8.
    Then I used iFunBox to copy my wife's Dream Fish data history from the Mac back into the new game.
    Once the transfer was complete, Dream Fish would now OPEN and all of her progress was there and working like normal.
    Hope this helps.

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