Help with report VA03!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all,
i need to develop a report that show some characteristics that u can see in the va03 transaccion, in the tab configuration you can see the specification of each material in each position? the cuestion is where that information is store? in wich table?

i had to use a bapi.
José Roberto

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    Customer Number:
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    Order Detail:
    Line number | Order No | Order description | Order Status

    ssk1974 wrote:
    I have a report designed like the below, I have used "narrative view" for customer detail and "table view" for order detail. In the narrative view I can say row = 1 and it picks up the first record of the customer detail, but order detail shows all rows. How can I control it so the order detail shows only the detail record of the customer associated. Also how do I go to the second record and so forth. Please help. If this is not possible and if there are any alternates, please let me know. Thanks for your time and help.
    Customer Number:
    Customer Name:
    Customer Address:
    Order Detail:
    Line number | Order No | Order description | Order StatusWhy don't you do this?
    1) Build a dashboard prompt for Customer Number. and save to a PV.
    2) Build a report with all the columns for customer and order (in Criteria View) with a filter for the PV to capture the dashboard prompt.
    3) Build a pivot table with Customer Number and Customer Name in the Rows section. Put the Customer Address in the Measures section and change the Aggregation Rule to Max.
    This will serve as the summary table showing only the information of the customer selected.
    2) Build Pivot Table:2 with the Order details.
    3) In the Compound Layout, put Pivot table one on the top and Pivot Table:2 below it.
    When a customer is selected, you will have the customer data with the order details under it for that customer only.

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    Since no one mentioned it, I'll add this as well:
    In the Compound Layout View, in the top left corner, there is a Print and PDF button. Click it and there are options to included a HEADER and FOOTER. You can add a timestamp for the report, date, page numbers, author, etc. See if these may help you as well.

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                               i have  a requirement of listing purchase orders created only on Sunday and Saturday,please help me out im struggling  with is report from 2 days. any sample code will help

    Use as follows
    Parameters : P_startdate type dats,
    P_enddate type dats.
    data: days_between type i.
    ranges : r_days type dats.
    days_between = p_startdate – p_enddate.
    do days_between times.
    Call function module “DATE_TO_DAY” to see if the day is sat or sun.
    Call function DATE_TO_DAY
    DATE = p_startdate
    WEEKDAY = g_day.
    *if the day is sat ir sun populate u'r ranges
    <b>If g_day = ‘Sat’ or g_day = ‘Sunday’.</b> Changed
    R_days – low = p_startdate.
    R_days- high = ‘’.
    R_days – sign = I.
    R_days – option = EQ.
    Append r_days.
    P_startdate = p_startdate + 1.
    Select * from vbak
    into table lt_vbak
    where erdat in r_days.
    This works only in Enlgish logon
    For better results I advise you to check the Function module DATE_TO_DAY and see the Text elements used for the Day texts.
    And create in your program also similar text elements and compare using the text elements rather than hard coded stuff in one language.

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    account 100 for all Entities in RI-IFRS REPORTING ADJS. = 25
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    "FY10" "Current" "Currency" "Actual" "InterCompany" "Entity" "Cost Center" "AB_CON_USD" "Reporting"
    <ROW ("Account")
    <LINK(<DESCENDANTS("Total Balance Sheet Accounts","Lev0,Account"))
    { CALCULATE ROW "Entity" = "Entity" + "RI-IFRS REPORTING ADJS."})
    <COL (Period)

    Dreamscapeuk wrote:
    Hi Robert,  I wasn't getting any data, but I managed to figure that out.  Basically I created 2 columns with the values I needed and then added them up with a calc cloumn.  However I can't get my essbase substitution variables working.  So I created a substitution variable called CurrQtr  and set this to Quarter3.  In my script I'm using this @CurrQtr as  a period however it doesn't use it as it's just giving me the total for the Period dimension.  Any help?
    Here's the script:
    <PAGE ( DataSrc, Years, Version, "P&L Type", Currency, Scenario, InterCompany, "Cost Center","Set of Books","Reporting")
         "DataSrc" "FY10" "Current" "No_Type" "USD" "Actual" "InterCompany" "Cost Center" "AB_CON_USD" "No_Cost_Type"
    <COLUMN (Period)
    CALCULATE COLUMN "Gaap" = 1 - 2
    ORDER 0,3,1,2
    <ROW (Account)
    <LINK(<DESCENDANTS("Global Accounts","Lev0,Account"))
    In my script I'm using this @CurrQtr as a period however it doesn't use it as it's just giving me the total for the Period dimension. Any help?
    I don't understand this...
    *<COLUMN (Period)*
    *          Qtr3      WWL "RIA-IFRS REPORTING ADJS."*
    have you tried like this.??
    Edited by: Prabhas on Feb 1, 2011 12:05 AM

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    Willi, I have a question concerning your query.
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    I don't normally use as an LMS, but from memory Adobe has some kind of email verification mechanism whereby once a person registers an email address as their Adobe ID then they receive a verification email sent to that address and they're expected to confirm they are a real person by clicking a link or something.  Is it possible that your employees did not receive this verification email or that it was picked up and ditched by your company's antivirus software thinking it was a virus?  If their email addresses were never verified then that would explain why they were not able to log in just because you set up their Adobe IDs.

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    I'm trying to write a report script with a slight calculation and would really appreciate some help.
    Ideally I want to create a report where I only get the Account and Value. I select all my members but I need a calculation on the Entity dimension. Here's what i am trying to achieve:
    (All selected members for all Entities + All selected members for all Entities in group RIA-IFRS REPORTING ADJS. ) Yes I'm duplicating the members of group RI-IFRS REPORTING ADJS.
    So account 100 for all Entities = 50
    account 100 for all Entities in RI-IFRS REPORTING ADJS. = 25
    I want to display account 100 grouped as 75 without showing a line for each entity.
    This is what I have so far but it doesn't work right:
    <PAGE ( Years, Version, Currency, Scenario, InterCompany, "Entity", "Cost Center","Set of Books","Reporting")
    "FY10" "Current" "Currency" "Actual" "InterCompany" "Entity" "Cost Center" "AB_CON_USD" "Reporting"
    <ROW ("Account")
         <LINK(<DESCENDANTS("Total Balance Sheet Accounts","Lev0,Account"))
    { CALCULATE ROW "Entity" = "Entity" + "RI-IFRS REPORTING ADJS."})
         <COL (Period)

    For the benefit of anyone else looking for this answer, I figured it out.
    //To do this it's better to create 2 columns:
    <COLUMN (Period)
    //Then add the 2 columns up:
    CALCULATE COLUMN "Q4 Gaap" = 1 - 2
    //And order the column how you want
    ORDER 0,3,1,2
    Hope this help someone out.

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    You could change the display type of the longer fields to be text areas.
    You may also want to look at Carl AJAX app which has a feature which hides/shows detail data without the page being refreshed.
    Select the HTMLDB and Javascript -> AJAX and DHTML -> AJAX -> Show Report with Detail option.
    Hope this helps

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    Attachments: ‏129 KB

    If you want a nice graph in Excel based on your data you have input there, I would recommend creating a macro that builds your graph. Read more about macro, Excel and LabVIEW here. I don't have the Report Generation toolkit, but I think you can send macros with it too. 
    Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
    Automated Test Developer
    Topro AS

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    You can refer to Wikipedia help as follows:
    It is the part of legislation and makes sure that tax deferral of HCEs - highly compensated is not more than some percentage of the tax deferral of NHCEs non-highly compensated.
    Edited by: Dilek Ersoz Adak on Mar 23, 2010 3:59 PM

  • Help with Report Condition

    I have three parameters in my report which are academic year, instance code and id number. Only two parameter values are entered when user runs report, that is, either academic year and id number or academic year and instance code.
    The report produces a student’s statement of results and should show all results for the previous years. E.g. if student did c-inst1 in 2009, c-inst2 in 2010, c-inst3 in 2011, when user enters 2011 for parameter academic year and c-inst3 as course instance, the report should display all the results of students starting from 2011 going back to 2009 for all the three course instances c-inst1, c-inst2 and c-inst3.
    My report conditions are as below:
    (Id_NUMBER = :ID_NUMBER OR (:ID_NUMBER IS NULL AND (CI.INSTANCE_CODE = :course_instance OR What?? ) What condition should I add here in order to get all those records with course instance entered as well as previous course instances done by a student?
    Please assist. Thanks.

    user8655468 wrote:
    I have three parameters in my report which are academic year, instance code and id number. Only two parameter values are entered when user runs report, that is, either academic year and id number or academic year and instance code.
    The report produces a student’s statement of results and should show all results for the previous years. E.g. if student did c-inst1 in 2009, c-inst2 in 2010, c-inst3 in 2011, when user enters 2011 for parameter academic year and c-inst3 as course instance, the report should display all the results of students starting from 2011 going back to 2009 for all the three course instances c-inst1, c-inst2 and c-inst3.
    My report conditions are as below:
    (Id_NUMBER = :ID_NUMBER OR (:ID_NUMBER IS NULL AND (CI.INSTANCE_CODE = :course_instance OR What?? ) What condition should I add here in order to get all those records with course instance entered as well as previous course instances done by a student?You can use lexical parameter in reports sql and pass the condition whatever u want. How can we do that ?
    1. create a parameter like PR with char data type.
    2. pass the column name and other parameter to this parameter via After Parameter Form trigger.
    Hope this will help you.

  • Weblogic, Forms and reports 11g - help with report server

    Hi Everyone
    To start with i'm very new to forms and reports (3 months!!!) so my question may sound a bit silly.
    At the moment we have 10 apps using forms and about 6 of them using reports. All the reports get run from the forms. We are upgrading forms and reports from 10g to 11g and the dev teams are not willing to recode the forms to pick up ENVID's etc. i have 1 reports server running and have configured to run one of the apps reports but my question is how do i get the other apps to run under that report server, can this be done.
    I have thought about creating a report sever for each app but not sure if this is best practice and a bit over kill.
    Would i be wrong to create a report server for each app.
    Edited by: Zantie on May 11, 2011 2:27 PM

    If both apps are using the same middle-tier home, then forms built-in run_report_object should submit reports to the this url. i.e <protocol://<mid-tier or LBR>:<port>/reports/rwservlet?. Assuming you are using the in-process reports server no need to specify reports_server parameter. Also if the envid is missing, you can move all the .rdf or .rep files to the default reports server directory $mid-tier_home/reports/samples/demo directory.

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