HELP! Working with WEB-INF.

I'm working on a project where I want to change what subdirectory my web-inf folder shows up as.
Here's what I'm after, let's say my site URL is:
servlets in my WEB-INF are linked with the URL:
and my project is in the directory:
and I would therefore like my servlets to be linked to the URL: or
I'm thinking that the real directory that my servlets are held in is WEB-INF, and the referenced directory is "servlet", this seems to be an arbitrary name, and if it is, can't I change it somehow? using a .htaccess file or PHP or something?
By the way, I'm using Tomcat on Unix, and Perl/CGI, JSP, & PHP are at my disposal.

Editting the web.xml will work but you'll need to give each servlet a unique name. (I wouldn't use "/bar" )

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    #1 programmers excuse: It works for me. You must be doing something wrong.
    Finding out what is the trick.
    I have Tomcat 5.0.28, but I don't think it would make THAT much difference.
    What version of Java are you running?
    You shouldn't need the entry for the JSTL library c. That works without an entry in web.xml, provided you use the correct URI.
    First step: make a test page that only uses that one taglib - eg an html:base tag.
    Confirm that it breaks with the current setup.
    Backup web.xml, and start it from scratch with an absolute minimal one - only import the struts-html library.
    Does that work?
    Slowly copy and paste in the different bits of web.xml until you find what breaks it.
    Hope this helps,

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    buckdice wrote:
    A numerous amount of songs that have been released in the past few months have had these deep and long basslines. Ive been working with logic trying to figure out what the trick is behind creating this sound, but I don't think it has to do with sidechaining, but I would really appreciate it if anyone could fill me in on what the trick is. Here are 2 sample tracks.
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