Hidden Custom DataType

I'm using TestStand 4.0.1 and I have launched a TestStand 3.x sequence with a Custom Data Type.
I have made some modifications in this container Type and renamed it.
Now, I can't see (and modify) this Data Type anymore ; when I try to create a new Data Type with the same name, TestStand informs me that this type already exists !
What can I do to retrieve this Data Type ?
Message Edité par E.Boivin le 04-28-2008 07:25 AM

Hi, I'm back with an explanation !
Because the Data Type should also appear in Station Globals Type I have converted "StationGlobals.ini" to previous INI file format (TestStand 3.x and prior) and I have noticed that in the definition of my Custom Data Type, the location was empty :
[DEF, MyNewType]
So I have changed it into :
%LOCATION = "UserTypes"
Relaunched TS and My Type is now available !!!!
I just cant' explain why in the "StationGlobals.ini" binary file, the location was lost !? So dear TestStand Users TAKE CARE !!!!
Best regards,

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  • WSDL, custom datatypes, fault element name issues

    Hello all,
    I am having a LOT of problems with BEAs webservices. I am posting
    this here in the hope that someone can help me and tell me what I am
    doing incorrectly. I am running
    WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1 Mon Sep 9 22:46:58 PDT 2002 206753
    WebLogic XMLX Module 7.0 SP1 Mon Sep 9 22:54:41 PDT 2002 206753
    My goal is to make my company's product web services aware. I take an
    EJB, try to run it through the standard ant tasks and generate a web
    services accessible EJB. Sounds pretty easy, but complex types seem
    to make this quite difficult.
    I have been able to create a web service accessible EJB (only since
    7.0.1), but I am quite unhappy with the quality of what I am able to
    I have a datatype which acts as a key, but it does not follow the
    javabeans idiom - i.e. it does not have a default constructor or
    accessor methods and I am not in the position to change it. I have
    created a codec for this class which works and an xml schema (both by
    hand). Its name is AgentKey. I have also had to use the autotyper to
    create codecs and typemapping entries for java.util.Properties,
    I can connect using the WebLogic classes and I am now trying to
    interact using MS Excel and Apache's Axis as my test clients.
    My first question deals with generating a client. There seem to be
    two ways to generate a client. Firstly via the <client> subtask of
    <servicegen><service>, the second way via <clientgen> task. Since I
    am using a custom data type (AgentKey) I have to manually insert the
    AgentKey schema into the web-services.xml file generated by
    servicegen. When I try to generate a client via the
    servicegen/service/client task there is no opportunity for me to
    insert this datatype schema information and I therefore get the
    following messages (lots of them, but I'm only including one):
    [servicegen] WARNINIG: Unable to find a javaType for the xmlType:['java:net.agentis.apml.runtime']:AgentKey.
    Make sure that you have registered this xml type in the type mapping
    [servicegen] Using SOAPElement instead
    BTW: I am also receiving the same problem with java.util.Properties.
    BTW: WARNING is misspelt
    If I attempt to generate a client class via the <clientgen> task, I
    need to supply either a wsdl or ear file as a parameter. I cannot
    supply a wsdl file because I haven't deployed the EAR yet (and I don't
    want to until the EAR has the client classes in it), and I can't
    supply the EAR because I want the ear to include the client classes.
    It is a bit of a catch 22 situation. Is there a solution I can't see?
    NOTE: it would be very, very nice if you added a schemaMapping
    attribute to the <servicegen/service> task so the web-services.xml
    file didn't have to be manually hacked. Something similar to the
    typemapping attribute already in the servicegen/service task would do
    My next problem deals with the validity of the WSDL. I am seeing that
    the WSDL created has exceptions defined multiple times. I saw a
    message from Manjo saying that it looked like a bug. I agree and
    would like to get a copy of the patch. On a more significant note,
    when is either SP2 or 7.1 due for release?
    Another problem with the WSDL (once you have cleansed the multiple
    exception messages) is that the fault elements of the
    binding/operation elements require names and they don't have any. For
    example, this is straight from the deployed EJB WSDL file:
    <binding name="ExampleAgentPortSoapBinding" type="tns:ExampleAgentPort">
    <soap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
    <operation name="serviceWithPrimitiveDatatypes">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://sillyurl.com/reallysilly"
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://sillyurl.com/reallysilly"
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://sillyurl.com/reallysilly"
    <operation ...
    The schema definition at http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/ says the
    fault element require a name attribute:
    <complexType name =" tBindingOperationFault">
    <extension base="wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented">
    <attribute name="name" type="NCName" use="required"/>
    The name of the fault should be the same name as the fault in the
    portType definition. In my example the name is "AgentisException" as
    evidenced by this snippet:
    <portType name="ExampleAgentPort">
    <operation name="serviceWithPrimitiveDatatypes">
    <input message="tns:serviceWithPrimitiveDatatypes"/>
    <output message="tns:serviceWithPrimitiveDatatypesResponse"/>
    <fault name="AgentisException" message="tns:AgentisException"/>
    Once these changes have been made then the WSDL will validate. Are
    there plans to fix these bugs?
    On a different note, when I try to interact with a method that uses a
    custom data type, such as AgentKey, via the "WebLogic Webservice
    standard testing home page" the custom data type without a default
    constructor cannot be rendered correctly. For instance, the AgentKey
    value is:
    <!-- Do not know how to create a sample instance for this part due to the following
    exception:java.lang.InstantiationException: net.agentis.apml.runtime.AgentKey.
    Pls replace this with the correct XML before invoking the service. --->
    Since I can't deploy a valid WSDL, I can't get either Axis or Excel to
    connect to my web services.
    When I attempt to invoke Axis' (beta 1.1) wsdl2java I recieve the
    following message.
    java.io.IOException: ERROR: Fault is missing a name= attribute in operation
    "serviceWithPrimitiveDatatypes", in binding {http://sillyurl.com/reallysilly}ExampleAgentPortSoapBinding.
    This seems understandable considering the issues I mentioned earlier.
    Unfortunately Excel doesn't really give me anything to go with. If I
    type in the WSDL URI then it will give me a list of methods I can
    invoke, but if I try to add the service I get the very unhelpful "The
    Web Service References Tool could not generate the requested code.
    Any changes that were made to your project have been rolled back."
    Any help with those two issues would be greatly appreciated also.
    One final issue is that I cannot seem to fix is taskdef'ing
    <servicegen> properly from Ant. I can do the actual taskdef but then
    it cannot find classes from within the weblogic.jar. If I run the
    setExamplesEnv.cmd first the I don't need to do the taskdef and
    everything works fine. Has anyone else had this issue? (we can't run
    that command on our clients desktops before we build our build scripts
    - anyway, I've put it down to one of those weird Ant classpath
    In summary:
    Problems I can see and would like some help on are:
    - multiple exception messages
    - fault operations with no name
    - the ability to generate client code with complex data types before
    the EAR is deployed.
    Could the product team add
    - a clean way to add in schema datatypes without having to manually
    hack the web-services.xml file.
    I know this has been quite a long email, but it has been months in the
    making. Anyone's time would be greatly appreciated.
    Mark Mansour
    Agentis Software
    [email protected]

    Hi Mark,
    From your base post:
    My next problem deals with the validity of the WSDL. I am seeing that
    the WSDL created has exceptions defined multiple times. I saw a
    message from Manjo saying that it looked like a bug. I agree and
    would like to get a copy of the patch. On a more significant note,
    when is either SP2 or 7.1 due for release?I would recommend starting here with support since getting valid WSDL seems to be the root of most of
    your issues.
    Concerning the upcoming release, I believe it is scheduled for late this quarter; contact Michael
    ([email protected]) for more information.
    Also, at the bottom of this post:
    I would just like to see an automated way to do this (I've had to write my own
    utility to do this for me :(Does the autotype ant task help in this situation? Have you taken a look at this?
    Mark Mansour wrote:
    Hiya Bruce,
    I will try and get some time to follow this up with the support people too.
    In response:
    Problems I can see and would like some help on are:
    - multiple exception messages
    In your client code, you can set the following property to avoid the exceptionmessages so that the typemapping
    registry can be setup.
    //dont parse wsdl till we set the typemapping
    System.setProperty( "weblogic.webservice.servicenamechecking","false" );
    This is not a client issue. The WSDL is generating incorrect WSDL. Here is a
    little snippet :
    <message name="AgentisException" >
    <part name="AgentisException" xmlns:partns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    type="partns:string" />
    <message name="setTraceLevel" >
    <part name="agentKey" xmlns:partns="java:net.agentis.apml.runtime" type="partns:AgentKey"
    <part name="intVal" xmlns:partns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" type="partns:int"
    <message name="AgentisException" >
    <part name="AgentisException" xmlns:partns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    type="partns:string" />
    As you can see the AgentisException is defined twice (in my real WSDL it is redefined
    every time a method has the AgentisException in its interface (which in my case
    is 5 times))
    - fault operations with no nameI believe the fault issues that you have raised have been addressed in the upcomingrelease that will be
    available for beta testing shortly. Contact [email protected] if you
    want to participate in the beta.
    great. Is there any ETA on the final release date?
    - the ability to generate client code with complex data types before
    the EAR is deployed.
    There is an example to show how to do this: http://dev2dev.bea.com/direct/webservice/dyncmplx.zip
    Unfortunately this doesn't solve my problem. I still don't have an EAR or WSDL
    file from which I can generate a client to be included in the final EAR file that
    gets deployed to the server. My original post explains this a bit better.
    Could the product team add
    - a clean way to add in schema datatypes without having to manually
    hack the web-services.xml file.
    Take a look at http://dev2dev.bea.com/direct/webservice/wswa.html#qz50 and others
    in this area.
    This was more in reference to the building of the web services in the first place
    rather than registering custom datatypes at runtime. The manual procedure is
    documented at http://edocs.bea.com/wls/docs70/webserv/customdata.html#1058102,
    I would just like to see an automated way to do this (I've had to write my own
    utility to do this for me :(
    Hope this helps,
    Thanks Bruce.

  • Mapping Custom datatypes

    Hi All,
    I am trying to figure out how to map custom datatypes.My scenario is simple.Employee table has address information in a column named addr which is of a custom datatype called Address.I have Employee and Address classes in my object model.
    I have mapped all the fields (except address) of employee class to respective fields in employee table and I have used the Descriptor amendment method to map the address field of employee class using StructureMapping
    StructureMapping mapping = new StructureMapping();
    mapping.setFieldName("ADDR"); // Database Field Name in employee table
    mapping.setAttributeName("addr"); //Address field in Employee class
    I get the following error when I try to login to the session
    Exception [TOPLINK-197] (Oracle TopLink - 10g Release 3 ( (Build 060118)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: The mapping [addr] is not the appropriate type for this descriptor
    Please let me know where I am going wrong.
    Thanks in advance

    The source descriptor also needs to be of type ObjectRelationalDescriptor. If you are using the MW to map the source you can edit the XML or source and change the descriptor type. Or you could create a new ObjectRelationalDescriptor and copy the mappings and properties over from the RelationalDescriptor and replace it in the Session. Or just map the source in code as well.

  • Can I use custom datatype on a column?

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    Something like this?????????????
    ALTER TABLE ed_fotos ADD foto "ORDSYS.ORDVIR";
    The datatype "ORDSYS.ORDVIR" has been created to replace a virage datatype on my development environment.
              return 1000;
         END getwidth;
              return 1000;
         END getheight;

    Hi, tks for the help.
    It is almost working... I can create a column but I cant select the data:
    select foto from ed_fotos
    ORA-00932: unconsistent data types: NUMBER expected ORDVIR returned
    select foto.getwidth() from ed_fotos
    ORA-00904: "FOTO"."GETWIDTH": invalid identifier
    This is my methods:
         ID NUMBER,
              return 1000;
         END getwidth;
              return 1000;
         END getheight;

  • Custom datatypes in oracle

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    How about starting with the documentation...

  • Proplem by custom datatype

    hello everyone,
    I want to implement a web service between server and mobile phone, the web service is in dotnet plattform and the client is in java plattform (j2me), now i can only receive a response with simple datatype, i.e., int and string or their arrays. but i have now a custom datatype, Address include name and address etc. and i want to receive an array of such dataype, how can i do it?
    now i have the following exception:
    the server is unable to process the request....
    an error occurs when generating the xml documents.....
    thx in advance
    best regards

    maksim, thanks for ur tips, but now i have such a problem, i send my request, but the content in buffer as response is such exception:
    SoapFault - faultcode: 'soap:Server' faultstring: 'System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException:
    the server is unable to process the request
    ---> System.InvalidOperationException:
    an error occurs when generating the xml documents ---> System.InvalidOperationException:
    the type System.Object can not be used in this context
    at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriter.WriteReferencedElement(String name, String ns, Object o, Type ambientType)........
    the soap sample for this function is as following:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    Content-Length: length
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:types="" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <soap:Body soap:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
        <q2:getAddressesResponse xmlns:q2="">
          <getAddressesResult href="#id1" />
        <soapenc:Array id="id1" xmlns:q1="" soapenc:arrayType="q1:CAS_Address[2]">
          <Item href="#id2" />
          <Item href="#id3" />
        <q4:CAS_Address id="id2" xsi:type="q4:CAS_Address" xmlns:q4="">
          <CAS_GUID xsi:type="xsd:int">int</CAS_GUID>
    so i dont know how can i resolve this problem at the server side or web service side, can you tell me where did i something wrong?
    thanks in advance

  • Data Adapter Configuration Wizard and custom datatype's

    I was wondering if there is planned support for GUI wizards similar to the Microsoft wizards that appear when you add a data adapter to a form at design time. These wizards appear when you use the Microsoft OracleClient, OLEDB or SQL Server client.
    These wizards are great for generating a bases SELECT statement and testing it quickly and it also assists by creating the Insert, Update, and DELETE statements for an adapter which in turn help greatly when filling a dataset. If this is possible or there are other quick was of generating these statements I appreciate any feedback.
    On a second topic, has there been any progress on allowing a custom Oracle datatype to be passed through ODP to .Net? Any planned date this will be supported?
    Thanks in advance,

    Anyone have any comments on the use of data configuration wizards?

  • Hidden custom toolbar appears visible on every browser start

    I created one custom toolbar which i want to be hidden by default but with every browser start it appears visible. Any solution for this?

    It is not because of the firefox 3.6. I have the same problem with firefox 12.

  • A Problem with custom Datatype

    I have a container i've defined that is passed between different sequnces as a parameter.
    As shown i the first window, there is a parameter of type BMR_RESET_REQUESTS.
    HOWEVER, in the second window it does not appear in the list of the custom data types of that file.
    How can that be??
    Thanks, Danny

    Not sure why its happened, but I can help correct it.
    Open the sequence file in notepad.exe or your favourite text editor.
    Find the lines
    %LOCATION = ""
    (its down the bottom of the file.
    Change the location to read
    %LOCATION = "UserTypes"
    Do the same for the line
    [DEF, port_to_reset]
    %LOCATION = ""
    to read as
    [DEF, port_to_reset]
    %LOCATION = "UserTypes"
    Now save the file and open in SeqEditor. Your Custom type should now appear.
    Ray farmer
    Ray Farmer

  • How to return a list of customer  datatype in jax-ws 2.0?

    public class TestWS{
         public List<CustomType> doWS(Integer userId)
            Business biz = new Business();
            return biz.doWS();

    This should work, what problem you are facing?

  • Custom JSF component with custom value datatype

    I've created a simple custom JSF component with a decode, encodeBegin as follows:
    public void decode(FacesContext context) {
        Map<String, String> requestParameters = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
        String clientId = getClientId(context);
        String value = requestParameters.get(clientId);
    public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
        ResponseWriter response = context.getResponseWriter();
        String clientId = getClientId(context);
        response.startElement("input", this);
        response.writeAttribute("name", clientId, "id");
        response.writeAttribute("type", "text", null);
        String value = (String) getValue();
        if (null != value) {
             response.writeAttribute("value", value, "value");
    }With also:
    setRendererType(null);as part of the constructor.
    This component works just fine both inside and outside of a dataTable component, as expected.
    What I would like to do now is to replace the String value datatype with a custom class, for example MyDataType. For this I do:
    public void decode(FacesContext context) {
        Map<String, String> requestParameters = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
        String clientId = getClientId(context);
        String value = requestParameters.get(clientId);
        MyDataType myData = (MyDataType) getValue();
        MyDataType newData = (MyDataType) myData.clone();
        // copy old object and only update the changed field of this object
    public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
        ResponseWriter response = context.getResponseWriter();
        String clientId = getClientId(context);
        response.startElement("input", this);
        response.writeAttribute("name", clientId, "id");
        response.writeAttribute("type", "text", null);
        MyDataType value = (MyDataType) getValue();
        if (null != value) {
             response.writeAttribute("value", value.getValue(), "value");
    }Now this works perfect outside of a dataTable component, but inside it fails to update the property on the BB.
    Are there somewhere examples on how to properly use custom datatypes as values for UIInput components? Also how to only partially update the value (like I do, I only want to update the value field of the MyDataType object)

    Even if I encode the entire MyDataType via hidden input elements and decode it again (i.e. not using a cloned getValue) it's still not working side a dataTable.
    Could it have to do something with me using Facelets?

  • How can take a Custom Data Type in TestStand and create a LabVIEW DataType?

    I am using LV 8.2 and TS 3.5.
    I have an existing Custom Data Type in TestStand and I want to make a LabView Type Def.  The TS DataType contains 11 elements: a Visa Resource Container of 2 elements (String, DeviceName and Number, Session), 9 Numerics and 1 String Array.  For Backwards compatability, I cannot modify the TestStand DataType.

    Hi Goldee,
    You should be able to do that. It's a two step procedure.
    1) Creates in LV a custom datatype that maps 1:1 yours TS datatype.
    2) Go in the TypePalette in the properties of yours TS Datatype and check into LV Cluster Passing Menu'. Here you can Connect a specific Field of the TS datatype to a Specific Label of the corresponding LV datatype. Once you've done it the TS datatype will result modified, I mean "starred" but the change you applied should not impact the datatype structure itself only the way you pass it to LV.
    Have a good day
    It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.
    Richard P. Feynman

  • Issue with creating array of custom data type - WebLogic Integration

    We are doing WebLogic integration with Siebel for which from Siebel side we have generated java wrapper class which has all the methods, input\outputs defined and in\out params are serialized along with get\set methods. Following are the details of the input\output args.
    public class Account_EMRIO implements Serializable, Cloneable, SiebelHierarchy {
    protected String fIntObjectFormat = null;
    protected String fMessageType = "Integration Object";
    protected String fMessageId = null;
    protected String fIntObjectName = "Account_EMR";
    protected String fOutputIntObjectName = "Account_EMR";
    protected ArrayList <AccountIC> fintObjInst = null;
    Above class also includes constructors\overloaded constructor\getters\setters
    public AccountIC getfintObjInst() {    
    if(fintObjInst != null) {
    return (AccountIC)fintObjInst.clone();
    return null;
    public void setfintObjInst(AccountIC val) {
    if(val != null) {
    if(fintObjInst == null) { 
    fintObjInst = new ArrayList<AccountIC>();
    For the nested user defined data type AccountIC, it is defined in another java class as below
    public class AccountIC implements Serializable, Cloneable, SiebelHierarchy {
    protected String fname = null;
    protected String fParent_Account_Id= null;
    protected String fPrimary_Organization = null;
    With the above, I was able to get all the AccountIC in the wsdl correctly and using this I was able to set the input param in the client
    <xs:complexType name="accountEMRIO">
    <xs:element name="fIntObjectFormat" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fIntObjectName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fMessageId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fMessageType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fOutputIntObjectName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fintObjInst" type="tns:accountIC" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:complexType name="accountIC">
    <xs:element name="fName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fParent_Account_Id" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fPrimary_Organization" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    Now, I wanted to make slight difference in getter method of class Account_EMRIO method getfintObjInst so that an array of AccountIC is retured as output.
    public ArrayList<AccountIC> getfintObjInst() {    
    if(fintObjInst != null) {
    return (ArrayList<AccountIC>)fintObjInst.clone();
    return null;
    With the above change, once the wsdl is generated, I am no longer getting fintObjInst field for AccountIC due to which I am unable to get the array list of accountIC
    <xs:complexType name="accountEMRIO">
    <xs:element name="fIntObjectFormat" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fIntObjectName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fMessageId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fMessageType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="fOutputIntObjectName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    The issue that I am facing here is, we have a custom data type(AccountIC) which has several fields in it. In the output I need a array of AccountIC. In the java bean, when this type was defined as
    protected ArrayList <AccountIC> fintObjInst = null; I was unable to get a array of AccountIC. this gets complicated as inside a AccountIC there is array of contacts as well and all the time I am getting just the first records and not a array.
    To summarize: How to get xsd:list or maxoccurs property for a field in WSDL for the user defined\custom datatype?
    Can someone help me with this.

    can someone help with this??

  • Custom step type

    I am using TS4.0.1. and LV 7.1.
    I tried to create a custom step type (MultipleNumericTest_VBATPXI), which similiar to NI_MultipleNumeriLimitTest.  The difference is, I have two additional measured data. (I don't want to check those against Limit, but want to log to the database. )
    So I created the custome Datatype (Limit_test_VBATPXI) similar to "NI_LimitMeasurement" and add required two fields.  This datatype is passed to the "MultipleNumericTest_VBATPXI" steptype for Result.Measurement  type.
    In property browser it shows Results.Measurement as Limit_test_VBATPXI type. But when I add one value in Limit window, Result.Measurements.Measurement[0] becomes type of NI_LimitMeasurement !
    How to solve this?
    Test_Type1.seq ‏30 KB
    test38.vi ‏13 KB

    Hello Vishal,
    When you click the "Add Measurement" button on the Limits tab of this step, it is actually calling the EditSubstep of the NI Multiple Numeric Limit Step type.  This Edit substep function, EditMultiNumericMeasurementStepUsingExpr(), is located in the  "<TestStand>\Components\NI\StepTypes\CommonSubsteps\CommonSubsteps.dll" file.  If you wanted to change the behavior of your custom step type, you would need to make your own dll (all of the source code for the CommonSubsteps.dll is provided) that would add your custom type instead of the NI_LimitMeasurement type.  I hope this helps alleviate any confusion.
    Best Regards,
    Software Engineer
    Jett R

  • Dynamic declaration of XSD datatype in Java

    I am writing a dynamic client for invoking web service solely based on the information from their wsdl documents. Suppose the service uses some customized datatype defined with XSD. Assume I have those datatypes in Java class already. Now I can parse the wsdl document to get the name of a specific datatype of an input part. But how can I declare an object of that datatype in Java with the name of that datatypestored in a variable? One possible solution is to compare it against all possible datatype names, like
    if (name.equals("string") {
    String myObject = new String();
    }else if (name.equals("integer") {
    Integer myInteger = new Integer();
    But obviously this isn't a practical solution since thedatatypes are so many, not even mention user defined ones.
    Can anyone giveme some suggestion? Thanks a lot.

    Class.forName(String name)
    The Java Tutorial� - Trail: The Reflection API

Maybe you are looking for