Hide Toolbar via Applescript?

Is it possible to use an applescript to automatically hide the toolbar in new Finder windows?

There aren't plists for every single folder (so it's impossible to 'write every value to false').
The Finder 'metadata' (in this case I mean window location, view style, size, toolbar state etc) is stored in the hidden .DS_Store files, there should be one inside every folder with custom settings.
There are scripts out there to remove them all, but I think it's risky, I think Finder comments are also stored in these files.
Terminal can find the .DS_Store files via the find command (this searches home a.k.a '~')…
find ~ -name .DS_Store
I don't know of ways to edit these, so the usual solution is to delete them! Search around here for other ideas, ripping them out isn't the best idea. Sometimes permissions can prevent changes from sticking - repair disk permissions & user account permissions to set these to default values…
Backup before you begin just in case.
Boot holding cmd+R. Recovery mode should startup (assuming you have a recovery partition).
Select Terminal from the Utilities menu.
Enter the word…
… & hit return.
The GUI app will open, select the main boot HD.
Select your user account in the popup menu.
Then click the Reset button at the bottom right. It will "Reset Home Folder Permissions & ACL's"
Repeat for the other users.
Quit ResetPassword from the menu,
Quit Terminal
You can also select Disk Utility and repair the system permissions & repair any disk damage that is reported via 'verify disk'.

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    I would like this
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    Found a brute force way of this which walks a tight rope.
    First,close all of your Finder windows. Then delete all the hidden files named ".DS_Store" on every hard disk (volume) you have.  Then open a finder window on each disk, hide the toolbar with Command-Shift-T, then close the Finder window. After this, your default view for that disk becomes that last view you saw.  You have to do this for each disk which is kind of a pain but better than the "open folder, press command-shift-T" for every bloody folder.
    To do this via Terminal...
    1) Close all Finder windows (hold option key, close one of them)
    2) use SpotLight to find "Terminal" and launch Terminal
    3) type
    and a space in the terminal window after the ">" prompt appears
    4) drag and drop a hard disk into the Terminal window after the "cd ". This puts the "path" name in there...
    5) press return. This sets the default folder location for Terminal (default directory) to the hard disk
    6) run this command (copy and paste it into terminal, press return after pasting)
         sudo find . -name '*.DS_Store' -type f -delete
    7) when prompted, enter your administrator account password (yes, you need to be admin, sorry)
    This will take a long time if you have a big disk, lots of folders, etc.  The square 1970's terminal cursor will sit there and blink under the "P" in the word "Password" for quite a while. (shades of the original "Tron" movie). There may be a couple of errors spit out by this command line tool, don't worry it continues on riding it's little light cycle through your hard disk wacking only the ".DS_Store" files as it goes.  The program named "find" will be eating quite a bit of processor if you are into checking on that sort of thing with Activity Monitor or another Terminal window with "top".
    At the end you will have your display looking something like this (without all the red ink):
    You need to repeat for each disk you have. Be aware that if you set the view to the "show toolbar" and then open a new folder below, that button junk-loaded window view default starts to take root again and spreads. (technically it's not a virus but it sure acts like one).

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    thanks a million,

    You can't hide the toolbar in full-screen mode. That's the design. Before you ask, I have nothing to do with Apple and I don't know any more than you do about its design decisions.

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    key - text (eg. 0001 - Holiday)
    The pdfMode is "UpdateDataInPdf".
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    Hope somebody can helps me.
    Kind regards,
    Maarten Duits

    Hi Maarten
    in general, right now there is no standard (i.e. non-hack) way to make a physical interactive PDF form read-only.
    The only sure way this would work in your process is to send the data back to the backend and have a second (practically identical) template ready in the background to generate a read-only version of what the user saw previously.
    Best regards,
    Markus Meisl
    SAP NetWeaver Product Management

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    Press the escape (esc) key to exit full-screen mode.

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    Hold down the OPTION key. The Save As option should appear in the File menu.

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    In Firefox Options / Privacy be sure "Remember download history" is checked. To see all of the options on that panel, "Firefox will" must be set to "Use custom settings for history".
    To find your OS information, on your Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon, choose Properties, under System on that small window is info about your OS.
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''

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    How to expand the folder via applescript?
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    Thanks in advance,

    Finder's container's "expanded" and "completely expanded" properties have long been marked "NOT AVAILABLE YET" under OSX:
    Finder.sdef > Containers and Folders suite
    container n [inh. item] : An item that contains other items
            contains items, containers, folders, files, alias files, application files, document files, internet location files, clippings, packages.
            entire contents (specifier, r/o) : the entire contents of the container, including the contents of its children
            expandable (boolean, r/o) : (NOT AVAILABLE YET) Is the container capable of being expanded as an outline?
            expanded (boolean) : (NOT AVAILABLE YET) Is the container opened as an outline? (can only be set for containers viewed as lists)
            completely expanded (boolean) : (NOT AVAILABLE YET) Are the container and all of its children opened as outlines? (can only be set for containers viewed as lists)
            container window (specifier, r/o) : the container window for this folder
    A way to expand a given folder is to use keystroke command of System Events to invoke the keyboard shortcut in Finder. Something like the following script.
      kLeftArrowCharCode            = 28,
      kRightArrowCharCode           = 29,
      kUpArrowCharCode              = 30,
      kDownArrowCharCode            = 31,
    --set f to (path to downloads folder from user domain) -- target folder e.g.
    set f to (choose folder)
    tell application "Finder"
        reveal f
        tell Finder window 1
            set cv to current view
            if cv = column view then return -- do nothing
            if cv = icon view then set current view to list view
        end tell
        my _keystroke(it, character id 29, {option down, command down}, 0.2)
    end tell
    on _keystroke(_app, _key, _modifiers, _delay)
            reference _app : application reference
            string _key : character(s) to be keystroked [1]
            list _modifiers : list of modifier key to be pressed; enumerations are
                    command down
                    option down
                    shift down
                    control down
            number _delay : post-delay amount [sec]
            [1] Character must be present on the current keyboard layout. Otherwise, it is replaced by 'a'.
        tell _app to activate
        tell application "System Events"
            tell (process 1 whose bundle identifier = (_app's id))
                keystroke _key using _modifiers
            end tell
        end tell
        if _delay > 0 then delay _delay
    end _keystroke

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    - Brian

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    At present when I right click on the toolbar the option to hide toolbar is no longer there.
    When I go to Menu then View the option Hide Toolbar is greyed out.
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    Why are Apple driving people to other web browsers?

    Hide/Show Toolbar grayed out?
    Perhaps a Safari extension causing this ...
    From the Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Extensions tab. Turn that OFF, quit and relaunch Safari to test.
    If that helped, turn one extension on then quit and relaunch Safari to test until you find the incompatible extension then click uninstall.

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    display notification "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" with title "Title"
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    Thanks in advance for any insight.

    Dimiter Dimitrov
    For push notification, you have to use security profile as "Notification" and have to add required role as "Notification User". You can also add other authentication providers as you mentioned for MYSAPSSO2.
    Settings>Security profiles>Notification(Cannot be deleted)
    For APNs traffic to get past your firewall, you'll need to open these ports:
    TCP port 5223 (used by devices to communicate to the APNs servers)
    TCP port 2195 (used to send notifications to the APNs)
    TCP port 2196 (used by the APNs feedback service)
    TCP Port 443 (used as a fallback on Wi-fi only, when devices are unable to communicate to APNs on port 5223)
    Send Push Notifications to the Device
    Enabling Apple Push Notifications (APNS)

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    Thanks for any reply,

    Very often I end up copying my tables and then startup Preview and do "New from Clipboard". Has anybody found a way to automate this via Applescript?
    There's no starting code by me as I haven't been able to find the command for select table.
    Thanks for any reply,

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