Ho to Comapre with Number Data Type

My reqt is to do validation in ValidateEntity Method.
How to compare the with Number Data type:
For ex: Number a = gatAbc();
throw new oaExcption...
But while comapring i got compiler Error
Error(218,17): method >(oracle.jbo.domain.Number, int) not found in class abc.oracle.apps.per.irc.pqr.schema.server.XxabcEOImpl
So plz tell me how to compare the integer value with Number data type

Check with float. It will work definitely.
float number = Float.parseFloat(HrsPerDay); //HrsPerDay is a String and I am converting it to float
if(( number <= 0) || (number >= 21))
                        throw new OAAttrValException(OAAttrValException.TYP_VIEW_OBJECT,
                   }Here in this code i am also checking that the Hours cannot be less then 0 and greater than 20.

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    Hi All,
    I have few issues with "Number" data type
    1) trying to convert string "0.0000007" to Number i am getting value with exponential (1e-7). This is only when we have more than 5 0's after decimal.
    2) If i try to do below calculation, i am not getting exact value:
    ex: 999999.999999+999999999999=1000000999999-999999999999 = 1000000(expected should be:999999.999999)
    0.3*6=1.79999998 (exact value: 1.8)
    Please let me know what might be the issue......
    Thanks in advance to all....

    That's standard behavior for floating point.  If you search the forum for
    past discussions of floating point and Number you'll see explanations why.
    To get displayable strings, use toPrecision or toFixed

  • Error ORA-01426: numeric overflow when Creating table with double data type

    I am using ODP.NET to create a table with data from SQL to Oracle. The problem is with double data type fields that is equivalent to FLOAT(49) in Oracle. My syntax is:
    F1 NUMBER(10),
    F10 DATE,
    F2 NUMBER(10),
    F3 NUMBER(5),
    F4 NUMBER(3),
    F5 FLOAT(23),
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    F7 NUMBER (38,5),
    F8 NVARCHAR2(500),
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    I woul appreciate if anyone can help me with this problem.

    Does this simple test work for you?
    In database:
    create table float_test
      f1 float(49)
    );C# code:
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Text;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
    namespace FloatTest
      /// <summary>
      /// Summary description for Class1.
      /// </summary>
      class Class1
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
          // connect to local db using o/s authenticated account
          OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection("User Id=/");
          // will hold the value to insert
          StringBuilder sbValue = new StringBuilder();
          // create a string of 49 number 9's
          for (int i = 0; i < 49; i++)
          // command object to perform the insert
          OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
          cmd.CommandText = "insert into float_test values (:1)";
          // bind variable for the value to be inserted
          OracleParameter p_value = new OracleParameter();
          p_value.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Double;
          p_value.Value = Convert.ToDouble(sbValue.ToString());
          // add parameter to collection
          // execute the insert operation
          // clean up
    }SQL*Plus after executing above code:
    SQL> select * from float_test;
    1 row selected.- Mark

  • Data_length of number data type

    when I checked for the columns with data type as number in dba_tab_cols it is showing 22 for all the columns irrespective of the precision and scale. why is it so?
    also can you tell what data length exactly means?
    Edited by: user12288160 on May 19, 2010 3:04 AM

    Hi tom,
    I am doing database sizeing. I am expecting that one of my table will have 50,000,000 records in
    future(say within 6 month). That table has composite primary key(5 columns). All the columns are
    NUMBER data type. In All_tab_column I could see the data length is always 22. So I tried to
    decrease the length( Number(10)). Then also its saying data length is 22. But I Know that I can't
    enter data in this field more than 10 digits. So In this case it should be 12. But why its showing
    22(Data_length field in All_tab_columns).
    My question is, for my sizeing calculation, should I take this length 12 or 22?.
    Followup August 12, 2004 - 9am Central time zone:
    that is the max length -- numbers are stored as varying length character strings.
    Source: http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:1619552483055
    Asif Kabir

  • NUMBER Data type's Negative Scale

    This is what I read in the 1z0-051 Study Guide:
    The NUMBER data type may optionally be qualified with a precision and a scale. The precision sets the maximum number of digits in the number, and the scale is how many of those digits are to the right of the decimal point. If the scale is negative, this has the effect of replacing the last digits of any number inserted with zeros, which do not count toward the number of digits specified for the precision. If the number of digits exceeds the precision, there will be an error; if it is within the precision but outside the scale, the number will be rounded (up or down) to the nearest value within the scale. I am not sure if I understood this paragraph the correct way or not and hence this query:
    I created this table t1
    create table t1
    (col1 number,
    col2 number(4),
    col3 number(4,2),
    col4 number(4,-2));
    INSERT INTO T1 (COL4) VALUES (1234); = 1200 is inserted
    INSERT INTO T1 (COL4) VALUES (12.34); = 0 is inserted
    INSERT INTO T1 (COL4) VALUES (12345.34); = 12300 is inserted. Should is not throw an error as the whole value should be of length 4 (including the precision).
    However, INSERT INTO T1 (COL4) VALUES (123456789.34); throws error.How is this working? Please help!
    Edited by: TuX4EvA on Sep 29, 2009 4:12 AM

    Please, observe the following example:
    CREATE TABLE test1
    col1 NUMBER (6, 2),
    col2 NUMBER (6, -1),
    col3 NUMBER (6, -2),
    col4 NUMBER (6, -3)
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (1234.89, 1234.89, 1234.89, 1234.89);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (1000.89, 1000.89, 1000.89, 1000.89);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (2020.02, 2020.02, 2020.02, 2020.02);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (56, 56, 56, 56);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (56.89, 56.89, 56.89, 56.89);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (20.89, 20.89, 20.89, 20.89);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (49.89, 49.89, 49.89, 49.89);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (50.89, 50.89, 50.89, 50.89);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (501.89, 501.89, 501.89, 501.89);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (158.23, 158.23, 158.23, 158.23);
    SELECT * FROM test1;When you select from the table, you will receive:
            col1          col2         col3     col4
       1234,89           1230           1200     1000
       1000,89           1000           1000     1000
       2020,02           2020           2000     2000
            56             60            100     0
         56,89             60            100     0
         20,89             20              0     0
         49,89             50              0     0
         50,89             50            100     0
        501,89            500            500     1000
        158,23            160            200     0From this example and according to the oracle documentation SQL Reference one could see that scale equal to -1 means to round the precision to the tens, -2 means to the hundreds, -3 - to the thousands and so on. But I cannot say it as well as it is said on page 44 from [Oracle Database SQL Reference|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200.pdf].
    Hope it was useful :)

  • DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR with NCLOB data type

    Hi ,
    When I am trying to extract part of the string from Comments column(NCLOB datatype) am facing issue.
    ORA-06502:PL/SQL Numeric or value error :Character string buffer too small
    select dbms_lob.substr(a.COMMENTS, 4000, 1),
    from VW_DETAILS a
    where a.id = 6210872
    DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR with NCLOB data type
    Table structure :
    Column_name Data_type
    Comments NCLOB

    DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR parameter amount for CLOB/NCLOB indicates number of characters to substring, not bytes. And 4000 multi-byte characters (since you are using NCLOB) is greater than 4000 bytes which is absolute limit for VARCHAR2 in SQL.

  • Number data type and schematool kodo2.3.3

    I have a class that has a data member of type 'Number' (java.lang.Number).
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    I have a class that has a data member of type 'Number' (java.lang.Number).
    When I run the 'schematool' to generate the tables in the datastore, it
    seems to ignore this Number field.It's pretty strnage, but the Number type isn't mentioned as a supported
    persistent type in the JDO specification, and so Kodo doesn't yet support
    it. I say it's strange because as you pointed out, all concrete subclasses
    of Number are supported: Integer, Float, Double, BigDecimal, BigInteger,
    We recently realized this oversite ourselves, and so supporting Number fields
    is on our to-do list. For the time being, however, you're stuck with
    declaring the field to be some conrete type.

  • How to insert data in a column with uniqueidefier data type

    I need insert data in a column with uniqueidefier data type, when i am trying to that getting error.
    error message says: "Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier."
    I have data in table a col1,col2,col3,col4 - col3,col4 has datatype as varchar and i am updating table b columns col1,col2 with table a col3 and col4.
    Please guide how to do it.

    Not any String can be convert to uniqueidentifier.
    1. you have to make sure u use a value which is fir to be uniqueidentifier
    2. Use convert or cast in the insert query in order to convert the string into uniqueidentifier
    insert X ... convert(uniqueidentifier, 'string which fit to be convert to uniqueidentifier')
    Please post DDL+DML for more specific help
    DDL = Data Definition Language. In our case that is, CREATE TABLE statements for your tables and other definitions that are needed to understand your tables structure and there for let us to test and reproduce the problem in our server. Without DDL no one
    can execute any query.
    How to get DDL: Right click on the table in Object Explorer and select script table as CREATE. Post these create table scripts here.
    DML = data manipulation language is a family of queries used for manipulating the data it self like: inserting, deleting and updating data. In our case we need some sample data in order to check the query and get result, so we need some indert query for
    sample data.
    If you post a "create query" for the tables and "insert query" with some sample, then we could help you without Assuming/Guessing. There is a reason that DDL is generally asked for and expected when discussing query problems - it helps
    to identify issues, clarify terminology and prevent incorrect assumptions.  Sample data also provides a common point of reference for the discussion. A script that can be used to illustrate or reproduce the issue you have, will encourage others to help.
    [Personal Site] [Blog] [Facebook]

  • Same Input name with different data type cause the reflection exception

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    But when I ran the RFC, it generates the reflection exception below:
    Method SAPProxy1.Z_F_Tre_R_Pre_Trade_Fx can not be reflected. --> There was an error reflecting 'In_Company_Code'. > The XML element named 'IN_5fCOMPANY_--5fCODE' from namespace '' references distinct types System.String and MSTRFOREX.ZTRE_FX_BUKRSTable. Use XML attributes to specify another XML name or namespace for the element or types.
    I realize the conflict introduced by the same name with difference data type. But I would like to know if this is fixable as a bug or if there is any best practice and/or some manual intervention to make it work.

    Please install fix from OSS note 506603. After this, right-click .sapwsdl file and select "Run custom tool".

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    I have a win32 API with a dll file, and I am trying to call some methods from it in the labview. To do this, I used the import library wizard, and everything is working as expected. The only problem which I have is with a method with complex data type as return type (a vector). According to this link, import library wizard can not import methods with complex data type.
    The name of this method is this:   const std::vector< BlackfinInterfaces::Count > Counts ()
    where Count is a structure defined as below:
    struct Count
       Count() : countTime(0) {}
       std::vector<unsigned long> countLines;
       time_t countTime;
    It seems that I should manually use the Call Library Function Node. How can I configure parameters for the above method?

    You cannot configure Call Library Function Node to call this function.  LabVIEW has no way to pass a C++ class such as vector to a DLL.

  • JDBC insert with XMLTYPE data type

    SOAP to JDBC scenario. Oracle 11G as a receiver.
    Requirement is to  insert whole xml payload message in one of Oracle table fields as a xml string. Target oracle DB table column is defined with XMLTYPE data type, it has capacity to hold xml data more than 4GB. I am using graphical mapping with direct INSERT statement.
    When I try to insert xml payload with smaller size transaction goes through. However when the xml payload size increases it is giving following error in JDBC receiver communication channel monitoring.
    Could not execute statement for table/stored proc. "TABLE_NAME" (structure "StructName") due to java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01704: string literal too long
    Here is insert statement as in communication channel monitoring. (Note: XML payload with bold characters is truncated)
    INSERT INTO  TABLE_NAME (REQ_ID, OUTAGE_OBJ, TIMESTAMP, PROCESSED_FLAG) VALUES (VAL1, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>............</>, TO_DATE(2010-11-15 10:21:52,YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS), N)
    Any suggestions to handle this requirement?
    Thank you in advance.
    Anand More.

    Hi Anand,
    The problem here is definitely the length of the SQL query. i.e "INSERT INTO ......... VALUES......."
    This is what i got when i searched for this ORACLE error code:
    ORA-01704: string literal too long
    Cause: The string literal is longer than 4000 characters.
    Action: Use a string literal of at most 4000 characters. Longer values may only be entered using bind variables.
    Please ask a ORACLE DB expert on how to handle this Also i am not sure how can we handle Bind Varibales in SAP PI.
    I hope this helps.
    Regards, Gaurav.

  • Check box with Boolean data type is not behaving properly

    I create a sample application with one entity driven view object with two attributes. One is of String data type [Value will be Y/N] and another (transient) attribute with Boolean data type. I planned to bind this boolean data type attribute to UI. I overridded the view row impl class and included setting of boolean attribute inside the setter of String attribute. Also in the getter of boolean attribute, added code to check the string attribute and return true/false based on that. Everything is working fine in application module tester. But when i test the same in view controller project in a page, it is not working. Always Check box component is not checked eventhough when i explicitly check it.
    [NOTE: I have given the control hint of Boolean attribute as check_box. Also i don't want selected/unselected entries in the page def file. That's why followed this approach]
    Have i missed out anything? Why this behaviour.
    Thanks in advance.

    what is the value that is going in when u check it.. did u debug it.. is the viewRowimps setter and getter getting called.. and is it having the right value set and got.. and ur sure that ur using selectBooleanCheckBox..
    ur binding the checkbox to the transient value right??

  • Problem with bool data type in overloading

    Please find the following error.
    I did following typedef:
    typedef bool Boolean;
    typedef signed int Sint32;
    Problem description:
    This error is occurring because Sun CC 5.9 or Solaris 9 g++ considers bool data type as signed Integer, when passed as an constructor argument. First, it is overloading the constructor with �bool� data type and when it comes the turn of �signed integer� to overload constructor, the compiler is giving an error �cannot be overloaded�. The error �redefinition� is also due to bool data type.
    Could please let me know, whether i need to add ant compiler option on Sun CC
    ERROR in g++:-
    In file included from /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/Array.h:74,
    from /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMName.h:40,
    from /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Client/CIMClient.h:39,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTVAIInterface.h:4,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTCaVAI.h:24,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTBase.h:11,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTBase.cpp:1:
    /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/ArrayInter.h:49: error: redefinition of `class Pegasus::Array<Pegasus::Boolean>'
    /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/ArrayInter.h:49: error: previous definition of `class Pegasus::Array<Pegasus::Boolean>'
    In file included from /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/MessageLoader.h:42,
    from /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/Exception.h:44,
    from /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMName.h:41,
    from /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Client/CIMClient.h:39,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTVAIInterface.h:4,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTCaVAI.h:24,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTBase.h:11,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTBase.cpp:1:
    /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/Formatter.h:114: error: `Pegasus::Formatter::Arg::Arg(Pegasus::Sint32)' and `Pegasus::Formatter::Arg::Arg(Pegasus::Boolean)' cannot be overloaded
    In file included from /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMProperty.h:40,
    from /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMObject.h:42,
    from /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Client/CIMClient.h:41,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTVAIInterface.h:4,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTCaVAI.h:24,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTBase.h:11,
    from /TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTBase.cpp:1:
    /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h:92: error: `Pegasus::CIMValue::CIMValue(Pegasus::Sint32)' and `Pegasus::CIMValue::CIMValue(Pegasus::Boolean)' cannot be overloaded
    /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h:147: error: `Pegasus::CIMValue::CIMValue(const Pegasus::Array<Pegasus::Boolean>&)' and `Pegasus::CIMValue::CIMValue(const Pegasus::Array<Pegasus::Boolean>&)' cannot be overloaded
    /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h:291: error: `void Pegasus::CIMValue::set(Pegasus::Sint32)' and `void Pegasus::CIMValue::set(Pegasus::Boolean)' cannot be overloaded
    /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h:323: error: `void Pegasus::CIMValue::set(const Pegasus::Array<Pegasus::Boolean>&)' and `void Pegasus::CIMValue::set(const Pegasus::Array<Pegasus::Boolean>&)' cannot be overloaded
    /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h:377: error: `void Pegasus::CIMValue::get(Pegasus::Sint32&) const' and `void Pegasus::CIMValue::get(Pegasus::Boolean&) const' cannot be overloaded
    /TESTBUILD/pegasus/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h:409: error: `void Pegasus::CIMValue::get(Pegasus::Array<Pegasus::Boolean>&) const' and `void Pegasus::CIMValue::get(Pegasus::Array<Pegasus::Boolean>&) const' cannot be overloaded
    *** Error code 1
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `/TESTBUILD/v2.08.00/TESTsrc/TESTBase.or'
    Same ERROR in Sun CC:-
    palace /TESTBUILD/p2.08.00/TESTobj-> make -ef Make_SolarisVAICC TESTVAIrun
    "/Pegasus/pegasus-2.5/src/Pegasus/Common/ArrayInter.h", line 47: Error: Multiple declaration for Pegasus::Array<int>.
    "/Pegasus/pegasus-2.5/src/Pegasus/Common/Formatter.h", line 103: Error: Multiple declaration for Pegasus::Formatter::Arg::Arg(int).
    "/Pegasus/pegasus-2.5/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h", line 90: Error: Multiple declaration for Pegasus::CIMValue::CIMValue(int).
    "/Pegasus/pegasus-2.5/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h", line 145: Error: Multiple declaration for Pegasus::CIMValue::CIMValue(const Pegasus::Array<int>&).
    "/Pegasus/pegasus-2.5/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h", line 289: Error: Multiple declaration for Pegasus::CIMValue::set(int).
    "/Pegasus/pegasus-2.5/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h", line 321: Error: Multiple declaration for Pegasus::CIMValue::set(const Pegasus::Array<int>&).
    "/Pegasus/pegasus-2.5/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h", line 375: Error: Multiple declaration for Pegasus::CIMValue::get(int&) const.
    "/Pegasus/pegasus-2.5/src/Pegasus/Common/CIMValue.h", line 407: Error: Multiple declaration for Pegasus::CIMValue::get(Pegasus::Array<int>&) const.
    Thank and Regards,

    In Sun C++, type bool is not equivalent to signed int. I don't think g++ makes it equivalent either.
    Please show an example of source code that is causing the problem.

  • Problem with packed data type variable?

    Hi all,
    I have a problem while doing calculations with packed data type variables . As they are saving in the format '0,00'. so unable to do calulations because of ',' . 
    To convert these fields into str and replacing ',' with '.' is very time consuming because i have many packed data type variables.
    Can you please provide any other alternative for over coming this problem? Is there any option while defining these variables?

    First check out SU01 Tcode (if u don't have permission then u can ask BASIS to do it)
    Enter User Name
    Goto Defaults Tab
    Check Out Decimal Notation here... set it 1,234,567.89
    SAVE it
    Log Off once and again login with the same user id and check the result...
    Hope it will solve your problem..
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7

  • Creating Web service for PL/SQL Procedure with Complex Data Types

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    When you are creating a service from a Stored Procedure, the OracleAS WS tools will create necessary Java and PL wrapper code to handle the complex types (table of record) properly and make them compatible with XML format for SOAP messages.
    So what you should do is to use JDeveloper or WSA command line, to create a service from your store procedure and you will see that most of the work will be done for you.
    You can find more information in the:
    - Developing Web Services that Expose Database Resources
    chapter of the Web Service Developer's guide.
    Tugdual Grall

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