How Aperture plays with iPhoto

Could someone tell me how Aperture and iPhoto play together? I shoot with a Nikon D200 use Photoshop for editing and iPhoto for cataloging.
Having watched some of the Aperture videos it looks as if Aperture may be a better choice for me than Photoshop and from the screen shots it almost seems as if it kind of replaces iPhoto. Is this the case? If you edit in Aperture does it also act as your photo catalog or would I still be using iPhoto? If you use Aperture for editing can it save the edited photos in Aperture?
Message was edited by: Benjamin Parco

Agree with the above post, You'll use PS less.
When both are installed (aperture 2.x and photoshop) go in Aperture > Preferences > Export> then set the external editor to Photoshop. Then on the 'rare' occasion you need to do something aperture won't do, just click image, edit image with > photoshop and when done click save and it saves as a new version. Nice integration!.
Just my 2 cents but I am really liking this setup.
Message was edited by: gearloos

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    What happens when you try, and how are you doing it ? To sync photos to the iPad you need to do it via your computer's iTunes i.e. select the iPad on the left-hand sidebar of your Mac's iTunes and on the Photos tab on the right-hand side of iTunes selecting iPhoto as where to sync photos from.
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    If you know python, the package community/python-mechanize lets you automate a lot of this kind of thing. You can tell it to go to url so-and-so, simulate a click on the third link matching regexp such-and-such, preserving cookies the original page gave you, and so on.
    Has made most of my webpage scraping a hell of lot easier.
    EDIT: but I don't know whether it processes embedded Javascript, perhaps not.
    Last edited by Profjim (2009-09-03 11:22:37)

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    Here's how I solved this problem:
    In Aperture, select File -> Import -> iPhoto Library
    Then under the "Store Files" dropdown, be sure "In their Original Location" is select. This will allow Aperture to see your iPhoto library, but it will be managed by reference rather than phyisically imported.
    Now, in iTunes, select Aperture as the application from which you want to synch photos, and select the option to synch specific albums.
    You should be able to see the names of albums in iPhoto as well as those created in Aperture.

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    If I access the iPhoto library from within Aperture and edit a photo:
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    - Will it leave an original copy in the iPhoto library structure, and put a new 'modified' file in the iPhoto library?
    If not, what is the easiest way to achieve my aims? In particular I'd like to preserve the original date, time and location the photos were taken.
    Thanks in advance.

    No and No.
    In more details:
    - Will the file appear as normal the next time I start iPhoto,
    Yes... but
    ...reflecting the edits I've done in Aperture ?
    No. Like iPhoto Aperture is a Database and can only "see" and "process" photos that have been imported to it. So there's no option to "open" a photo, just one to "import". Once imported and edited or processed you would need to export to the desktop and import to iPhoto as a new image.
    Will it leave an original copy in the iPhoto library structure,
    Yes, Importing is copying, not moving...
    and put a new 'modified' file in the iPhoto library?
    No. This is perhaps the biggest difference between the two apps. When iPhoto edits a pic is preserves the original by making a copy in the "Modified" folder. When Aperture performs the same task it records your decisions in the database and applies them live each time you view the pic. There is no "modified" file, only the original and a record in the database.
    For the kind of operation you are describing you require an external editor for iPhoto. In order of price here are some suggestions:
    Seashore (free)
    _[The Gimp|>_ also free
    Graphic Coverter ($45 approx)
    Acorn ($50 approx)
    [Pixelmator|> ($60 approx.)
    Photoshop Elements ($75 approx)
    There are many, many other options. Search on MacUpdate.
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.
    These will work in precisely the way you describe.

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    No. The Aperture database is not comprehendible to iPhoto.

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    Simple, effective answer:  Yes, make copies of your Libraries as back-ups and don't use the Vault feature.
    Vaults are no more than a back-up created from within Aperture.  (I suspect Apple added this feature on the assumption that users of Aperture did not regularly back up their data.)  They can be problematic (they can also be problem-free).  If you are comfortable with Finder or with a program such as SuperDuper or CCC, use it and don't bother with Vaults.  (That's what I do, and that's what other top posters here do as well.)
    As far as data back-up goes, I recommend that all users maintain at all time three copies of their data.  A working copy, a copy of the working copy that gets regularly updated (no less than once a day, unless the data is unchanged), and another copy of the working copy that is kept off-site.  Never have all three copies in the same physical location (don't bring your off-site copy on-site.  Take your on-site copy off-site, and then bring the off-site copy on-site, effectively swapping them while never having all three copies in the same location).
    As for making on Library for each project ... it is generally not recommended.  One of the great empowerments of Aperture is that it functions as an index of all the work it contains.  I have _every photo I've ever taken_ in my personal Library.  I can search my entire oevre.  Your needs may be different -- and may be different enough that making one Library for each project you do is sensible -- but using separate Libraries takes the power of this global indexing away.  (Fwiw, the reasons I can think of having separate Libraries:  image security, image quarantine, multiple photographers, and Libraries of images where the photographer is not important.)
    (Sent from my magic glass.)

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    Thank U for your help

    Hi Japib
    Alternative solution with an iPad?
    Do you know if it's possible to connect (by USB or BLUETOOTH?) 2 keyboards to an iPad, running "MainStage" application
    Becose during a live performance :
    - multitouch control is much more comfortable than a mouse
    - it's easy to place the iPad on the keyboard
    I understand that an iPad can be used as an instrument or as a multitrack recorder, but professional musicians say that physical connectors (câbles) are better than bluetooth ones
    Thank you again and best:)

  • Using Aperture along with iPhoto

    I use iPhoto for my image importing... basically everything..
    I got my canon xsi and i like to edit some of my pictures more professionally
    i have photoshop too.. and i failed to learn to use..
    so i was thinking of getting Aperture, and use it only for images that i want to edit.. and stay using iphoto for everything else!
    is this stupid? Is Aperture really an effective editing program?

    Hi Joe Shaheen;
    Personally I think that Aperture is a very good way to process my photos. I find that I am able to process a shot in a much short period of time then with anything else I have used. I especially like it for processing my photos I take in RAW with my D300.
    Message was edited by: Allan Eckert

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    How do I get gmail contacts using gdata library? I searched gdata libary, but I couldn't find any hint.
    Right now I am able to insert any contacts to my gmail id. But how can I get all my contacts in my java program?
    Here is a program I am using to create new contact and insert it to my gmail id
    public class Gcontacts {
         public static ContactEntry createContact(ContactsService myService,
                   String name, String notes) throws ServiceException, IOException {
              // Create the entry to insert
              ContactEntry contact = new ContactEntry();
              contact.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(name));
              contact.setContent(new PlainTextConstruct(notes));
              Email primaryMail = new Email();
              primaryMail.setAddress("[email protected]");
         URL postUrl = new URL("[email protected]/full");
              return myService.insert(postUrl, contact);
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              ContactsService myService = new ContactsService("exampleCo-exampleApp-1");
              try {
                   myService.setUserCredentials("[email protected]", "************");
                   ContactEntry cobj=createContact(myService,"Harshit","Test purpose");
                   System.out.println("Returned :"+cobj.toString());          
              } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              } catch (ServiceException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    }which method should I use to get all my contacts list? and Also how do I update particular contact from this kind of program?
    Please help.

    You're probably better off finding a forum on specifically dealing with their APIs.


    Hi Sir,
    It would be pleasure to get any suggestion to know why i am geting following error and how to solve this problem ?
    Error Message: JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. Statement: SELECT REF(ExperienceTab), ExperienceTab.SYS_NC_OID$ FROM EXPERIENCE_TAB ExperienceTab
    SCENERIO IS LIKE : I m trying to create Business Components .JSP Appl using wizard and then select view objects which has nested table. it is generated successful.
    NOW when i try to run it is executing without any errors but it doesn't show any object of nested table. THEN i decide to select nested tables to generate ViewObjects of business components and then generate .JSP file but when i try to execute application to see the result of .JSP pages which has been generated by viewobjects. And this viewobject is generated by the nested tables the above error occurs. I am quite new in Jdev enviornment , your suggestion will be higly appreciated.
    I hope my explaination is sufficient to know problem.
    Thank you very much.
    Musahib : [email protected]

    Hi Sir,
    It would be pleasure to get any suggestion to know why i am geting following error and how to solve this problem ?
    Error Message: JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. Statement: SELECT REF(ExperienceTab), ExperienceTab.SYS_NC_OID$ FROM EXPERIENCE_TAB ExperienceTab
    SCENERIO IS LIKE : I m trying to create Business Components .JSP Appl using wizard and then select view objects which has nested table. it is generated successful.
    NOW when i try to run it is executing without any errors but it doesn't show any object of nested table. THEN i decide to select nested tables to generate ViewObjects of business components and then generate .JSP file but when i try to execute application to see the result of .JSP pages which has been generated by viewobjects. And this viewobject is generated by the nested tables the above error occurs. I am quite new in Jdev enviornment , your suggestion will be higly appreciated.
    I hope my explaination is sufficient to know problem.
    Thank you very much.
    Musahib : [email protected]

  • Just got a new iMac.  Was playing with iPhoto.  Put a picture on my screen.  Cant get it off.  It says locked - what do I do

    I just got a imac desktop - put a picture on and it now saye locked.  Hkow do I remove it from screen.

    Two macs? Just connect them together and skip the "middle man".

  • Aperture 3.5 library not comparable with iPhoto 9.5

    I have upgraded to Mavericks, i received the updates fot iPhoto and aperture, so now iPhoto is now 9.5 and Aperture is 3.5.  i previously shared my aperture library with iPhoto, as i work with both apps.  The aperture library had no problems in opening in either app.  Now i received the following error message.
    To open this Aperture library in iPhoto, it first needs to be upgraded with Aperture 3.3 or later. Quit iPhoto and then open your library in Aperture to upgrade it.
    When i first started Aperture after the update, a message appeared requesting to up date the library which i allowed it to do so.  However the message keeps showing.  i have found that i can open the aperture library in iPhoto, only by selecting the option from the aperture menu.
    does any know how i can fix the library issue, as before the updates i could open either app, using the aperture library.

    Andrew, thank you for your suggestions.  I have tried all you have suggested before writing for help.
    ok, to try and unconfuse my question.  Before i upgraded to Mavericks, iPhoto and Aperture, I hade mountain lion and the latest updates at that time of Aperture and iPhoto. 
    My photo library is an Aperture library which i share with both iPhoto and Aperture.  This worked very well together, for fault messages.
    I upgraded to Mavericks, iPhoto to 9.5 and Aperture to 3.5.  Once install was completed, i opened Aperture, a messaged appeared asking to upgrade the library which i did.  this took a little while.  i then left Aperture to complete all its processing of importing all the details into Aperture this took an hour or 2.  once this was completed, i checked my library in Aperture and everything was there.
    I closed down Aperture and i opened iPhoto, the following fault message appeared,
    To open this Aperture library in iPhoto, it first needs to be upgraded with Aperture 3.3 or later. Quit iPhoto and then open your library in Aperture to upgrade it.
    I quite iPhoto and tired to the option of selecting the library from the iPhoto prestart menu.  I had the same error message.  i tried carrying out an repair with the prestart menu of aperture which only had the same error message come up.  i tried using the my back up aperture library and doing the whole process again, the same message appears.  i have reloaded the iphoto and aperture updates incase there was some kind of app error.  The same error message appears.
    However after doing some investigating in aperture i found that there is an option under 'file' to open the library in iPhoto.  doing this my aperture then opens iPhoto, aperture quite's and iphoto opens. 
    after quitting iphoto, and restarting it the same same fault message appears that i have to upgrade my aperture library.
    i hope that this clears my fault up a bit.  please any suggestions would be most grateful.

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