How can I add a new field for Belgium in T588M?

Hi experts,
I am trying to change the infotype 0002 screen for BElgium. This is how I am doing T588M > new entry > MP000200 > alt. screen 2012 > var. key 12 >  feature p0002 >.
I also maintained 12 as the var. key for the countr yBE in P0002 feature. I want to add P0002-GBDEP (state) field which is already there for MP000200 screen 2000 which is the SAP standard screen. why it  does not copy this field when I create this field for Belgium. HOw can I bring it for BEl. Please advise.
Thanks a ton,

As P0002-GBDEP is not included in screen '2012', you'll need to create an additional custom screen to show this field. Then, you'll need to config table 'T582C' to have 'MP000200' / screen '2012' to have this custom screen as an 'include' screen (e.g. if your new custom screen is ZP000200 / screen '0100', then in T582C, you'll need an entry with 'MP000200' '2012' ZP000200' '0100'.

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    report  zgs_barkodla_hizli_giris.
    tables: mara,
            mchb ,
    type-pools: esp1.
    data: i_message_tab  type esp1_message_tab_type,
          wa_message_tab type esp1_message_wa_type ,
          sc_count type i.
    type-pools: slis, kkblo.
    data: gs_layout   type slis_layout_alv                     ,
          gt_fldcat   type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line,
          gt_header   type slis_t_listheader   with header line,
          gt_sortin   type slis_t_sortinfo_alv with header line,
          g_repid     like sy-repid                            .
    define add-fieldcat.
      gt_fldcat-fieldname     = &1.
      gt_fldcat-ref_tabname   = &2.
      gt_fldcat-seltext_s     = &3.
      gt_fldcat-seltext_m     = &3.
      gt_fldcat-seltext_l     = &3.
      gt_fldcat-reptext_ddic  = &3.
      gt_fldcat-ddictxt       = 'M'.
      append gt_fldcat.
      clear  gt_fldcat.
    types: begin of titab,
            sel   type xfeld,
            matnr type matnr,
            maktx type maktx,
            charg type charg_d,
            menge type menge_d,
            erfmg type erfmg,
           end of titab.
    data : witab type titab.
    data : itab type table of titab.
    data : ok_code type sy-ucomm.
    controls: tc_itab type tableview using screen 0100.
    data: gv_header like bapi2017_gm_head_01,
          gv_code   like bapi2017_gm_code.
    BAPI export parameters
    data: gv_headret type bapi2017_gm_head_ret,
          gv_matdoc  type bapi2017_gm_head_ret-mat_doc,
          gv_matyear type bapi2017_gm_head_ret-doc_year.
    data : lv_objek like inob-objek .
    data : ls_inob  like inob .
    data : imseg type ty_t_mseg.
    data : wmseg type mseg.
    data : answer.
    data : count type i.
    data : v_atinn type atinn.
    BAPI movement details
    data: i_goodsmvt_items type bapi2017_gm_item_create occurs 0
          with header line.
    data: i_return type bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line.
         input  = 'Z_ORAN'
         output = v_atinn.
      call screen 100.
    *&      Module  status_0100  OUTPUT
    module status_0100 output.
      set pf-status '100'.
      set titlebar '100'.
      mseg-werks = 1000.
      mseg-umwrk = 1000.
      sc_count = sc_count + 1.
      if sc_count eq 1.
        mseg-bwart = 313.
      mkpf-budat = sy-datum.
      describe table itab lines tc_itab-lines.
    endmodule.                 " status_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  user_command_0100  INPUT
    module user_command_0100 input.
      data field(20).
      data: line_t like sy-index.
      data: lines  like sy-index.
      data line_count like sy-loopc.
      data: begin of cols,
             screen      like screen,
             index       type i,
             selected(1) type c,
             vislength   like icon-oleng,
             invisible(1) type c,
           end   of cols.
      case ok_code.
        when 'DELE'.
          delete itab where sel eq 'X'.
        when 'ENTE'.
          check *mch1-charg is not initial.
          read table itab into witab with key charg = *mch1-charg.
          if not sy-subrc is initial.
            witab-charg = *mch1-charg.
            select single matnr from mch1 into witab-matnr
                               where charg eq witab-charg.
            if not syst-subrc is initial.
              set cursor field '*MCH1-CHARG'.
              message e115(12) with *mch1-charg.
            select single maktx from makt into witab-maktx
                               where matnr eq witab-matnr
                                 and spras eq syst-langu.
            witab-erfmg = 1.
            concatenate witab-matnr witab-charg into lv_objek .
            clear ls_inob .
            select single * into ls_inob
                            from inob
                            where objek = lv_objek and
                                  klart = '023'    and
                                  obtab = 'MCH1' .
            select single atflv from ausp into witab-menge
                     where objek = ls_inob-cuobj and
                           klart = '023' .
            append witab to itab.
            clear *mch1-charg.
        when 'SAVE'.
          if mkpf-budat is initial.
            set cursor field 'MKPF-BUDAT'.
            message e055(00).
          if mseg-lgort is initial.
            set cursor field 'MSEG-LGORT'.
            message e055(00).
          if mseg-umlgo is initial.
            set cursor field 'MSEG-UMLGO'.
            message e055(00).
          if mseg-bwart is initial.
            set cursor field 'MSEG-BWART'.
            message e055(00).
          refresh imseg.
          loop at itab into witab.
            move-corresponding witab to wmseg.
            append wmseg to imseg.
          call function 'ZMM_POPUP_WITH_DATA'
              imseg  = imseg
              answer = answer.
          if answer eq 'Y'.
            perform create_goods_movement.
        when 'P--'.
          clear ok_code.
          perform paging using 'P--'.
          set cursor field 'MARA-MATNR' line 1.
        when 'P-'.
          clear ok_code.
          perform paging using 'P-'.
          set cursor field 'MARA-MATNR' line 1.
        when 'P+'.
          clear ok_code.
          clear lines.
          perform paging using 'P+'.
          set cursor field 'MARA-MATNR' line 1.
        when 'P++'.
          clear ok_code.
          perform paging using 'P++'.
          set cursor field 'MARA-MATNR' line 1.
        when 'SORA'.
          read table tc_itab-cols into cols with key selected = 'X'.
          if sy-subrc is initial.
            field = cols-screen.
            field = field+5(10).
            sort itab ascending by (field).
        when 'SORZ'.
          read table tc_itab-cols into cols with key selected = 'X'.
          if sy-subrc is initial.
            field = cols-screen.
            field = field+5(10).
            sort itab descending by (field).
        when 'PRNT'.
          perform write_alv.
    endmodule.                 " user_command_0100  INPUT
    *&      Module  read_table  OUTPUT
    module read_table output.
      mara-matnr = witab-matnr.
      makt-maktx = witab-maktx.
      mch1-charg = witab-charg.
      mseg-menge = witab-menge.
      mseg-erfmg = witab-erfmg.
      line_count = sy-loopc.
    endmodule.                 " read_table  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  write_table  INPUT
    module write_table input.
      witab-matnr = mara-matnr.
      witab-maktx = makt-maktx.
      witab-charg = mch1-charg.
      witab-menge = mseg-menge.
      witab-erfmg = mseg-erfmg.
      modify itab from witab index tc_itab-current_line.
    endmodule.                 " write_table  INPUT
    *&      Module  exit  INPUT
    module exit input.
      leave to screen 0 .
    endmodule.                 " exit  INPUT
    *&      Form  create_goods_movement
    form create_goods_movement .
      clear : gv_header, i_return[], i_goodsmvt_items[].
      gv_header-doc_date = gv_header-pstng_date = mkpf-budat.
      gv_header-pr_uname = sy-uname.
    GM with reference to reservation
      loop at itab into witab.
        i_goodsmvt_items-material   = witab-matnr.
        i_goodsmvt_items-entry_qnt  = witab-erfmg.
        i_goodsmvt_items-entry_uom  = 'ST'.
        i_goodsmvt_items-move_type  = mseg-bwart.
        i_goodsmvt_items-plant      = mseg-werks.
        i_goodsmvt_items-stge_loc   = mseg-lgort.
        i_goodsmvt_items-move_plant = mseg-umwrk.
        i_goodsmvt_items-move_stloc = mseg-umlgo.
        i_goodsmvt_items-batch      = witab-charg.
        append i_goodsmvt_items.
    find BAPI processing transaction
      if gv_code is initial.
        perform determine_bapi_code using mseg-bwart
                                 changing gv_code.
      call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'
          goodsmvt_header  = gv_header
          goodsmvt_code    = gv_code
          goodsmvt_headret = gv_headret
          materialdocument = gv_matdoc
          matdocumentyear  = gv_matyear
          goodsmvt_item    = i_goodsmvt_items
          return           = i_return[].
    cancel blocking process
      loop at i_return where type eq 'E' or type eq 'A' or type eq 'X'.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        refresh i_message_tab.
        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'
            wait = 'X'.
        wa_message_tab-msgid = 'M7'..
        wa_message_tab-msgty = 'S'.
        wa_message_tab-msgno = '060'.
        wa_message_tab-msgv1 = gv_matdoc.
        wa_message_tab-msgv2 = ''.
        wa_message_tab-msgv3 = ''.
        wa_message_tab-msgv4 = ''.
        append wa_message_tab to i_message_tab.
        refresh i_message_tab.
        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.
    write a message as there is an unexpected error.
        loop at i_return.
          wa_message_tab-msgid = i_return-id.
          wa_message_tab-msgty = i_return-type.
          wa_message_tab-msgno = i_return-number.
          wa_message_tab-msgv1 = i_return-message_v1.
          wa_message_tab-msgv2 = i_return-message_v2.
          wa_message_tab-msgv3 = i_return-message_v3.
          wa_message_tab-msgv4 = i_return-message_v4.
          append wa_message_tab to i_message_tab.
      call function 'C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP'
          i_message_tab = i_message_tab.
    endform.                    " create_goods_movement
    *&      Form  determine_bapi_code
    form determine_bapi_code using p_bwart type bwart
    changing p_code type bapi2017_gm_code.
      data: lt_t158b type table of t158b with header line.
      clear p_code.
      select tcode from t158b into corresponding fields of table lt_t158b
      where bwart eq p_bwart.
      loop at lt_t158b.
        select single gmcode from t158g into p_code
        where tcode eq lt_t158b-tcode.
        if sy-subrc is initial.
    endform. " determine_bapi_code
    *&      Form  paging
    form paging using code.
      data: i type i,
            j type i.
      case code.
        when 'P--'. tc_itab-top_line = 1.
        when 'P-'.
          tc_itab-top_line = tc_itab-top_line - line_count.
          if tc_itab-top_line le 0.
            tc_itab-top_line = 1.
        when 'P+'.
          i = tc_itab-top_line +  line_count.
          j = tc_itab-lines -  line_count + 1.
          if j le 0.
            j = 1.
          if i le j.
            tc_itab-top_line = i.
            tc_itab-top_line = j.
        when 'P++'.
          tc_itab-top_line = tc_itab-lines - line_count + 1.
          if tc_itab-top_line le 0.
            tc_itab-top_line = 1.
    endform.                    " paging
    *&      Form  write_alv
    form write_alv .
      perform find_list_header.
      perform fill_field_cat.
      perform fill_sortinfo.
      g_repid = sy-repid.
      gs_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
      gs_layout-zebra             = 'X'.
      answer = 'Y'.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
          i_buffer_active        = ''
          i_callback_program     = g_repid
          i_save                 = 'A'
        i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
          is_layout              = gs_layout
          it_fieldcat            = gt_fldcat[]
         it_sort                = gt_sortin[]
          t_outtab               = itab[].
    endform.                    " write_alv
         Form  find_list_header
    form find_list_header.
      data : v_datum(10),
      clear: gt_header, gt_header[].
      gt_header-typ  = 'H'.
      gt_header-info = sy-title.
      append gt_header.
      clear gt_header.
      gt_header-typ  = 'S'.
      gt_header-key  = 'Çalıştırma Zamanı : '.
      write syst-datum to v_datum.
      write syst-uzeit to v_uzeit.
      concatenate v_datum '/' v_uzeit into gt_header-info.
      append gt_header.
    endform.                    " find_list_header
         Form  fill_field_cat
    form fill_field_cat.
      refresh gt_fldcat.
      clear   gt_fldcat.
      gt_fldcat-key = 'X'.
      add-fieldcat 'MATNR'  'MARA' ''.
      add-fieldcat 'MAKTX'  'MAKT' ''.
      add-fieldcat 'CHARG'  'MSEG' ''.
      gt_fldcat-do_sum = 'X'.
      add-fieldcat 'MEINS'  'MARA' 'Olcu Birimi '.
      gt_fldcat-do_sum = 'X'.
      add-fieldcat 'ERFMG'  'MSEG' 'Adet'.
    endform.                    " fill_field_cat
         Form  fill_sortinfo
    form fill_sortinfo.
      gt_sortin-up            = 'X'.
      gt_sortin-fieldname     = 'MATNR'.  append gt_sortin.
    endform.                    " fill_sortinfo
         Form  top_of_page                                              *
    form top_of_page.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE'
          i_logo             = 'ZKUTAS'
          it_list_commentary = gt_header[].
    endform.                    " top_of_page

    if it is a normal report program then you can directly create a Selection screen field.
    After the Type-pool you can use Parameters or Select-options to create the selection screen field..
    If it is a Modulpool program then you can create a selection scren field like
    PARAMETERS: p1(10) TYPE c.
    defines a selection screens – 1100 – as subscreens.
    The next screen number of screen 100 is 100 (statically-defined).
      MODULE status_0100.
      CALL SUBSCREEN area INCLUDING sy-repid number.
      CALL SUBSCREEN area.
      MODULE user_command_0100.
    look at the below link

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    This seems to be such a basic function, I can't believe I'm having so much trouble. I don't have a blog or a podcast on my new website that I'm in the process of designing. So how do I allow people who'll visit my site to search there for specified content? The only instructions I find are for the RSS in inspector for blogs or podcasts. All I want is for people to be able to search my site/web pages (that have no blogs or podcasts on them). This must be a common request... or am I crazy? How do I do that?
    Thanks for your help.

    I think I've answered my own question after a few hours of searching:
    Thank you Google.

  • How can I add Vender Batch FIELD for Movement Type 511

    Hi, guys,
    I tired to add a Vender Batch FIELD (LICHA) entry for Movement Type 511 through OMJJ/Field selection(Enjoy), but it's not allowed, is there any approach else to get it done? Thanks.

    Try this path as SPRO-Materials Management-Inventory management and physical inventory-settings for enjoy transactions-settings for goods movement(MIGO)--field selection per movement type.
    If you add the field LICHA for movt 511.Make it optional or required entry whatever you want. It will come at the time of MIGO.

  • Add a new field for the movement 551

    Hey SAP folks,
    I am having a situation that while doing the overage receipt(551) in MIGO transaction system having an option to enter the Purchase order number in the screen but not for PO item number.
    When i went into the config under <b>Field selection for mvt type</b> , it doesn't give me an option to make an entry for 551 with PO item number.
    Let me know how can we add a new fields that is not listed on F4 help under 551 mvt type in the config under <b>Field selection for mvt type</b>.

    Dear John,
    Are you sure that mov type 551 is movement for receipt PO?Cause as i know 551 is Good issue for Scrapping.
    Btw, you can check to this path :
    IMG> Material management> Inventory management and physical Inventory>Setting for enjoy transaction>Setting for MIGO-
    IMG> Material management> Inventory management and physical Inventory>Good issue/TP>Define screen layout
    IMG> Material management> Inventory management and physical Inventory>Good receipt>Define screen layout.

  • Hi All ,How to add a new  field for MEDRUCK if we havea ZMEDRUCK

    Hi All ,
            How to add a new  field for MEDRUCK if we have a ZMEDRUCK
    Req: If I want to add a new field for the following text editor line :
    In that we will have
    &ekko-waers&    &komkfkwrt&
    (currency)       (numerics)
    Pls send the Code to make these changes .Pls its urgent

    If that field which you wants to add is available in one of the structures like EKKO,EKPO then you can add that field just beside the other fields
    If that field is not there in the any of the structures then you can define a variable using define command
    /: DEFINE  &VAR&
    / &VAR&  = <some value>
    or you can write subroutines to fetch the data from outside tables and can use those fields data in the script
    <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

  • How can I add a new line item for production order?

    HI all,
    How can I add a new line item for production order through BAPI/FM? Thanks in advance.

    Hi Mil,
      Unfortunetly SAP is not in front of me.
    But if possible go to BAPI transaction , check for any production order's bapi for CHANGE purpose. Where you will be able to add your new line.
    Reward if useful!

  • How can I add a new Template to My Templates in Pages? I've read most of the discussions on the subject but it doesn't work for me. By the time I reach the Templates folder, I only see templates for Numbers and not for Pages. Need help, please.  Thanks

    How can I add a new Template to My Templates in Pages? I've read most of the discussions on the subject but it doesn't work for me. By the time I reach the Templates folder, I only see templates for Numbers and not for Pages. Need help, please.  Thanks

    Si vous avez utilisé la commande Save As Template depuis Pages, il y a forcément un dossier
    iWork > Pages
    contenant Templates > My Templates
    comme il y a un dossier
    iWork > Numbers
    contenant Templates > My Templates
    Depuis le Finder, tapez cmd + f
    puis configurez la recherche comme sur cette recopie d'écran.
    puis lancez la recherche.
    Ainsi, vous allez trouver vos modèles personnalisés dans leur dossier.
    Chez moi, il y en a une kyrielle en dehors des dossiers standards parce que je renomme wxcvb.template quasiment tous mes documents Pages et wxcvb.nmbtemplate à peu près tous mes documents Numbers.
    Ainsi, quand je travaille sur un document, je ne suis pas ralenti par Autosave.
    Désolé mais je ne répondrai plus avant demain.
    Pour moi il est temps de dormir.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)  mercredi 23 janvier 2011 22:39:28
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community

  • When I try to print sth I can´t choose my printer. Adobe Reader only shows a printer I used years ago.I aleady deleted and reinstalled the Reader and deleted all other printers from the computer.How can I add a new printer to Adobe Reader?Thanks for help!

    When I try to print sth I can´t choose my printer. Adobe Reader only shows a printer I used years ago.I aleady deleted and reinstalled the Reader and deleted all other printers from the computer.How can I add a new printer to Adobe Reader?Thanks for help!

    I would suggest you to uninstall Adobe Reader using the cleaner tool and then re-install the latest version.
    Adobe Cleaner Tool:- Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool - Adobe Labs.
    Latest version of Adobe Reader:-
    If you still experience the same issue, please share the following information:-
    - Screenshot of Adobe Reader showing printer options
    - Screenshot of Microsoft Word showing printer options
    - Screenshot of control panel- Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Devices and Printers

  • HT1711 how can i add a new card to pay for my music on itunes

    how can i add a new card to buy songs from itunes

    If you are referring to an iTunes gift card, follow the instructions here >  iTunes Store: How to redeem a code
    If you are referring to editing your payment method, you can do this on your iPod touch.
    Tap Settings > Store > Use Existing Apple ID and sign in.
    That should take you the Account Setttings window where you can change your payment type.

  • How can I add a new filed to standart SAP Screen

    Hi eveybody,
    I am using ima11 t-code and I need to add A new screen field to standart SAP screen(program No SAPLAIA1 Screen:1001 ).I have found five user-exits(AAIR0001,AAIR0002A,AIR0003,AAIR0004,AAIR0006) but there is no screen-exit. How can I add a new filed to standart SAP Screen.Is it possible? If it is possible, how can I do that?

    yes you can add a search help for a filed on the screen
    but you need to find out for the USER EXIT available for that T-CODE
    because it is a standard T-CODE we can't add code directly to the standard T-code
    1st we need to find out for a user exit and then add code in that user exit
    reward if usefull

  • How can i add STORAGE LOCATION field which is not...............

    sap gurus,
    good morning to all,
    how can i add STORAGE LOCATION field which is not in the standard tables namely
    KOMP, KOMK, and KOMG.
    how to include it in our FIELDS FROM FIELD CATALOGUE.
    if we include this field is there any impact on the standard tables.
    plz let me know this.
    we are selling our products in two ways
    (1). one is straight from factory ie direct sales from factory
    if customer asks for excise invoice then we will sell thru factory and keeping freight in mind we will
    deliver him which ever is economical either rail or road.
    before coming to second case of selling the goods
    we will do STOCK TRANSPORT ORDER from plant to different storage locations.
    if we did STO thru road we have to sell the goods thru road only.
    if we did STO thru rail we have to sell the goods thru rail route only.
    (2). if the customer is not asking any excise invoice then we will send the goods thru depo/storage
    location which is not registered under excise.
    if the goods came by road then it will be delivered by road only.
    if the goods came by rail then it will be delivered by rail only.
    my logic here is
    basing on the
    storage location, transportation types, and distance i want to create condition record
    that captures exact frieght at the sales order level.
    confirm whether i am right or wrong.

    It is not recommended to add new fields to any SAP standard tables. It disturbs the whole SAP functionality.
    But if you have no choice expcept to change the standard tables to meet your requirement -  then you need an access key to modify the object, which is available from the market place.
    Nevertheless, the better option is to create a 'Z' table with the required fields and use that accordingly.
    Changing standard tables will have serious impact when you apply patches or do an upgrade on the existing functionality.

  • How can i add a new 53 rd week to calendar

    Hi All,
    we have requirment i need to add a new week to fiscal year 2011 for septemebr,2011
    Please let me know how can i add a new week to this month,
    Thanks & regards,

    Hi All,
    we have requirment i need to add a new week to fiscal year 2011 for septemebr,2011
    Please let me know how can i add a new week to this month,
    Thanks & regards,

  • How can i add a new characteristic to Sap standard InfoObject?

    Hi Experts,
    Please anyone let me know how can I add a new characteristic or a key figure into an SAP standard InfoObject in order to add it to the standard InfoCube? The situation is I would like to add region and business unit to the characteristics of the Industrial Hygiene and Safety. After that, I would like to add them to the InfoCube called Accidents: Person Involved [0EIH_C02] that is located in the MultiProvider called Accidents: Complete View [0EIH_MC01]. Is it feasible to do this way?
    I just learned the BW/BI, so please help me with this. I would really appreciate your responses.

    Hi Napadol,
    To add a attribute in a char:
    1) Go to info object/char in change mode and add the additional attribute you want and select navigational attribute in attribute tab if you want. (Create these additional attribute first in info object catalouge)
    2) Activate the Object/Char
    3) open info cube in change mode and pick the characteristic from left panel to info cube dimension.
    4) Activate infocube.
    5) Go to multi provider add the char in one of the dimension and do identification for this char and activate.

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