How can I advance in learning Java?

It seems to me that there are so many branches in Java! Having completed basics of Java, I don't understand what to learn next. There are so many topics - JDBC, Enterprise JavaBeans, J2EE, Java Network Programming....... and many more!
Any kind of suggestion from the experts would be much appreciated.

They are really only API's, you don't need to learn them until you require them in a project. Your basic java knowledge and google should be more than enough to get you going with most Java API's.
J2EE is somewhat more advanced material, containing enterprise javabeans and web technologies such as JSP and servlets. I suggest you start learning that, as the whole world seems to have caught the internet bug. Most applications developed today appear to be webbased or at least utilizing the web (such as through SOAP).

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    No link sigs in here please.
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    %n may work for you:
            String subjectsMonday = " math and philosophy";
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
            System.out.format("School begins at" + " 08:10%n", c, c, c);
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    In Java 1.5, you can use the JVM's own monitoring APIs to examine what other JVMs are running on the system, and what applications they're running.
    It's general and powerful, but complex. The socket/file/whatever approach is cleaner, and probably more suited to your usage.
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    You can create a messenger-style application using JavaTV fairly easily. JavaTV supports standard, and so any IP-based connection is pretty easy to do. The hard part of the application will be text input, but people have been using cellphone keypads to send SMS messages for long enough that they're familiar with doing this. This doesn't work well for long messages, where you really need a decent keyboard, but for short SMS-type messages it's acceptable.
    The biggest problem that you need to work around is the return channel. Many receivers only have a dial-up connection, ties up the phone line and potentially costs people money if they don't get free local calls. Always-on return channels (e.g. ADSL or cable modem) are still pretty uncommon, so it's something that you nee to think about. Of course, if you do have an always-on connection then this problem just goes away.
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    It can be done, but it's ugly...
    Add in a listener to your topmost JFrame to sense when the focus is lost, since this happens when a help window comes up. When the focus leaves the main window, check all the windows that are up to see if one is a help window. If so, this will give you a reference to the help window and you can drill down to change what you want.
    Here's an example that changes the icon and removes the borders from the javahelp buttons.
    WindowListener wndCloser = new WindowAdapter() {
              //A necessarily roundabout method to affect
              //look and feel aspects of the javahelp viewer.
              //(there is no way to get at these components directly.)
              //When the main frame loses focus, it may be because
              //the help viewer was brought up. Look through all
              //the current frames to see if one is a help viewer.
              //If it is, change the look of the help viewer
              //to what we want.
              Frame m_helpFrame = null;
              public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {
              if (m_helpFrame != null)
              Frame[] frames = getFrames();
              for (int k = 0; k < frames.length; k++) {
                   if (!(frames[k] instanceof JFrame))
                   JFrame jf = (JFrame)frames[k];
                   if (jf.getContentPane().getComponentCount()==0)
                   Component c = jf.getContentPane().
                   if (c == null || !(c instanceof JHelp))
                   m_helpFrame = jf;
                   //now that we know the Frame, we can change the title icon
                   final Image image2 = <your icon here>
                   JHelp jh = (JHelp)c;
                   for (int s=0; s<jh.getComponentCount(); s++) {
                   c = jh.getComponent(s);
                   if (c == null || !(c instanceof JToolBar))
                   JToolBar jtb = (JToolBar)c;
                   //now that we've accessed the toolbar, we can
                   //modify the look of the buttons.
                   for(int i=0; i<jtb.getComponentCount(); i++) {
                        Component comp = jtb.getComponentAtIndex(i);
                        if(comp instanceof JButton) {
                        JButton button = (JButton)comp;

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    Hope u know getText() method returns string
    i.e text1.getText() returns string.
    U need to convert the string to integer with integer class. Go
    to the documentation to search for it.
    Then attach a conditional statement stating if not numeric
    , then not valid. if u have little knowledge of java, u will understand it.
    Otherwise, wait till tomorrow bcos I'm late for xmas carol.

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    * Installed Oracle Java 7 update 7 dmg
    * Misread an out of date OS X Daily blog where I got this Terminal command java -version. It lead me to think Java 7 wasn't installed
    * Installed Apple Java 6 via the Java Prefs app. Thought this would somehow lead to a Java 7 upgrade along the way.
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    How can I uninstall Apple's Java 6?

    Reinstall the OS …  meaning reinstall OS X?!   Is that not a bit over the top?
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    I believe you may have posted your question to the wrong forum. This forum is for the JavaHelp system, which is used for developing online Help for applications, not for general help on Java.

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    How can I make it valid?

    Dear Chris,
    Sorry to disturb you.
    As I didn't browse Metalink yet, How could I browse METALINK With below Category?
    Thanks in advance,

  • Need advice/suggestions on HOW and WHERE to START learning JAVA Prog.

    MY educational background is Bachleor in Computer Science and Engg. (BE). I just landed in US and need to learn Basic JAVA programming , fundamentals, concepts of swing, JSP, JDBC might sound wierd seeing the above list but all i need to do at my work in future is all about DOCUMENTUM and i have very little time say 40 days to learn core java and its concepts coz that wuld come to play when i work on documentum.......even if come across something which i havent learnt in java, i guess i culd manage looking up some reference books, learn and do the can someone guide me thru the learning process of core java........i have been using " JAVA 2 Fundamentals Cay S Horstmann and Gary Cornell" and the basic tutorials which is available at but i am finding difficulty in remembering the concepts although i have understood it earlier. Is there a comprehensive online tutorial which can guide me through the learning process of core java?
    The resources available :
    P4 HP laptop
    24/7 High speed LAN
    the book i have mentioned earlier.
    just cant wait to start learning java

    MY educational background is Bachleor in Computer
    Science and Engg. (BE). I just landed in US and need
    to learn Basic JAVA programming , fundamentals,
    concepts of swing, JSP, JDBC might sound wierd seeing
    the above list but all i need to do at my work in
    future is all about DOCUMENTUM and i have very
    little time say 40 days to learn core java and its
    concepts coz that wuld come to play when i work on
    documentum.......even if come across something which
    i havent learnt in java, i guess i culd manage
    looking up some reference books, learn and do the can someone guide me thru the learning
    process of core java........i have been using " JAVA
    2 Fundamentals Cay S Horstmann and Gary Cornell" and
    the basic tutorials which is available at but
    i am finding difficulty in remembering the concepts
    although i have understood it earlier. Is there a
    comprehensive online tutorial which can guide me
    through the learning process of core java?
    The resources available :
    P4 HP laptop
    24/7 High speed LAN
    the book i have mentioned earlier.
    just cant wait to start learning java
    ThanksOk, I haven't been much help here lately, but I'd like to help here if I can. In my opinion, you're talking about Advanced Java topics here. You are basically asking to run before you walk.
    Can you compile and run a simple 'Hello World' program in Java?
    I've always found that a positive way to start.

  • How can i use twain from java servlet?

    dear all
    iam a web developer ,iam haviving now a task to search in point pf scanning image through web (Intranet) using java
    can any one tell where can i find resources how to deal with Twain using java (On web specially not from a desktop application)
    i hope u can help me
    Thanks in advance
    Senior Java Web developer

    You can try a package named: JTwain, which is available at
    JTwain supports all kinds of digital cameras and scanners. You can use Java to access, contorl digital cameras and scanners, and of course, to acquire images with flexible settings.
    The developers' guide is available @
    In the simplest case, one line of Java code can solve your problem.
    Good luck!

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