How can I calculate the value of the cell, which depends on other rows?

Hi, all!
I have an application with table. In this table i have calculate some fields, that doesn't exists in data class and depends on other row values, e.g. current row number, or sum of previous rows. How can i calculate this values in TableView?
The problem is that I have no information about the current row number in the cell value factory.
public class Transaction {
     public String getName();
     public BigInteger getAmount();
} // There is no getter for "Balance"
Result table should be something like this:
Also, after sorting by "Amount", "Balance" should be recalculated:

Strings can be converted to numbers by various parse methods. For instance Strings can be converted to double via Double.parseDouble(myString).
That being said, it appears that your textfield will contain numbers and operators, and so these operators will need to be parsed too. I would advise you to search on the terms Java infix postfix.

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    Maybe you could make each property a list (so you have a
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    Richard Smith

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    Here is a snippet from that explains how in detail.
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("myprog.exe") will spawn an external process that runs in parallel with the Java execution. In Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP, you must use an explicit *.exe or *.com extension on the parameter. It is also best to fully qualify those names so that the system executable search path is irrelevant, and so you don't pick up some stray program off the path with the same name.
    To run a *.BAT, *.CMD, *.html *.BTM or URL you must invoke the command processor with these as a parameter. These extensions are not first class executables in Windows. They are input data for the command processor. You must also invoke the command processor when you want to use the < > | piping options, Here's how, presuming you are not interested in looking at the output:
    Runtime.getRuntime( ).exec (" /E:1900 /C MyBat.bat" );
    Runtime.getRuntime( ).exec ("cmd.exe /E:1900 /C MyCmd.cmd" );
    Runtime.getRuntime( ).exec ("C:\\4DOS601\\4DOS.COM /E:1900 /C MyBtm.btm" );
    Runtime.getRuntime( ).exec ("D:\\4NT301\\4NT.EXE /E:1900 /C MyBtm.btm" );
    There are also overloaded forms of exec(),
    Runtime.getRuntime( ).exec (" /E:1900 /C MyBat.bat", null);
    Runtime.getRuntime( ).exec (" /E:1900 /C MyBat.bat", null, "C:\\SomeDirectory");
    The second argument can be a String [], and can be used to set environment variables. In the second case, "C:\\SomeDirectory" specifies a directory for the process to start in. If, for instance, your process saves files to disk, then this form allows you to specify which directory they will be saved in.
    Windows and NT will let you feed a URL string to the command processor and it will find a browser, launch the browser, and render the page, e.g.
    Runtime.getRuntime( ).exec ("" );
    Another lower level approach that does not require extension associations to be quite as well set up is:
    Runtime.getRuntime( ).exec ("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler" );
    Note that a URL is not the same thing as a file name. You can point your browser at a local file with something like this: file://localhost/E:/mindprod/jgloss.html or file:///E|/mindprod/jgloss.html.
    Composing just the right platform-specific command to launch browser and feed it a URL to display can be frustrating. You can use the BrowserLauncher package to do that for you.
    Note that
    rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler file:///E|/mindprod/jgloss.html
    won't work on the command line because | is reserved as the piping operator, though it will work as an exec parameter passed directly to the rundll32.exe executable.
    With explicit extensions and appropriately set up associations in Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP you can often bypass the command processor and invoke the file directly, even *.bat.
    Similarly, for Unix/Linux you must spawn the program that can process the script, e.g. bash. However, you can run scripts directly with exec if you do two things:
    Start the script with #!bash or whatever the interpreter's name is.
    Mark the script file itself with the executable attribute.
    Alternatively start the script interpreter, e.g.
    Runtime.getRuntime( ).exec (new String[]{"/bin/sh", "-c", "echo $SHELL"}";

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    In the tld you write for the tag handler mention the following sub tags in the attribute
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    Its better if you SimpleTagSupport class to be extended.

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    I'm using FM F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST to show a pop-up with my internal table values.  The internal table has 3 fields, ATINN, ATZHL and a description field ATWTB.  ATINN and ATZHL are needed to complete the unique table key, however this FM will only return the value of one field in any line I select.
    How can I see all the values in the line I select in the return table?
    My code is as follows:
      DATA: tbl_cawnt LIKE cawnt OCCURS 0,
            wa_cawnt LIKE cawnt,
            BEGIN OF tbl_list OCCURS 0,
              atinn LIKE cawnt-atinn,
              atzhl LIKE cawnt-atzhl,
              atwtb LIKE cawnt-atwtb,
            END OF tbl_list,
            wa_list LIKE tbl_list,
            tbl_return LIKE ddshretval OCCURS 0,
            wa_return LIKE ddshretval,
            tbl_fields LIKE dfies OCCURS 0,
            tbl_dynp LIKE dselc OCCURS 0.
      REFRESH: tbl_list, tbl_cawnt.
      SELECT atinn atzhl atwtb
        FROM cawnt
        WHERE spras EQ sy-langu.
      LOOP AT tbl_cawnt INTO wa_cawnt.
        CLEAR wa_list.
        MOVE: wa_cawnt-atwtb TO wa_list-atwtb,
              wa_cawnt-atinn TO wa_list-atinn,
              wa_cawnt-atzhl TO wa_list-atzhl.
        APPEND wa_list TO tbl_list.
          retfield        = 'ATWTB'
          dynpprog        = sy-repid
          dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
          value_org       = 'S'
          value_tab       = tbl_list
          return_tab      = tbl_return
          parameter_error = 1
          no_values_found = 2
          OTHERS          = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

      Use the structure DYNPFLD_MAPPING
    With this internal table you can easily define that you want to return
    other columns of the hit list in addition to field RETFIELD to the
    In this IT you can MAP the screen fields to the serch help screen fields this has three fields
    FLDNAME this is the field anme from the search help
    FLDINH This has to be blank which would be field with the field value that you want to map
    DYFLDNAME THis is the screen field name.
    So here you can get the values for the other fields that you want which are on the search help just populate the name of the fields in FLDNAME.

  • How can I get null values for the later weeks

    Hi All,
    When I execute this code I get the records till current week.
    How can I display the output so that I get null values for the later weeks. (with the help of v_numOfWeeks variable in the code)
       v_query VARCHAR2(4000);
       TYPE ref_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
       v_refcur ref_cursor;
       v_sum NUMBER;
       v_id NUMBER;
       v_name VARCHAR2(1000);
       v_weeknum NUMBER;
       v_pernum NUMBER;
       v_numOfWeeks NUMBER := 5;
    v_query := ' SELECT SUM(product_bkg), postn_id, postn_tbl.postn_name, b.week_num, b.period_num
                              FROM ops_cv_extract b, (SELECT row_id, desc_text postn_name
                          FROM s_postn) postn_tbl
                          WHERE lvl_6_id = 5767
                          AND fiscal_year = 2008
                          AND b.week_num < 4
                          AND b.period_num = 3
                          AND b.postn_id = TO_NUMBER(postn_tbl.row_id)
                          GROUP BY postn_id, postn_tbl.postn_name, b.week_num, b.period_num
                          ORDER BY  postn_tbl.postn_name, b.week_num';
    OPEN v_refcur FOR v_query;
       FETCH v_refcur INTO v_sum, v_id, v_name, v_weeknum, v_pernum;
       EXIT WHEN v_refcur%notfound;
       dbms_output.put_line('P'|| v_pernum||'W'|| v_weeknum||' '||v_name||' '||v_sum);
    This is the output when I execute this code.
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 26961.61
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 12870.4
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 245.88
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 72831.2
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 8739.38
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 3764.92
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 49844
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 20515.17
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 16167.46
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 216 12561.4
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 216 2027.1
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -3336.71
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -1376.68
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 19707.42
    P3W1 Damon Walters -609.07
    P3W2 Damon Walters 30030.24
    P3W3 Damon Walters 37475.1
    This is the output I'd like to get
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 26961.61
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 12870.4
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 245.88
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 72831.2
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 8739.38
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 3764.92
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 49844
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 20515.17
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 16167.46
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -3336.71
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -1376.68
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 19707.42
    P3W1 Damon Walters -609.07
    P3W2 Damon Walters 30030.24
    P3W3 Damon Walters 37475.1
    P3W4 Damon Walters
    P3W5 Damon Walters Edited by: polasa on Oct 28, 2008 6:42 PM

    Sure, in a Single SQL ->
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    satyaki>-- Start Of Test Data --
    satyaki>with week_tab
      2  as
      3    (
      4      select 1 period_num, 1 week_num, 10 bkg1 from dual
      5      union all
      6      select 1, 2, 40 from dual
      7      union all
      8      select 1, 3, 30 from dual
      9      union all
    10      select 1, 2, 20 from dual
    11      union all
    12      select 1, 1, 10 from dual
    13      union all
    14      select 1, 1, 20 from dual
    15      union all
    16      select 1, 3, 10 from dual
    17      union all
    18      select 2, 1, 15 from dual
    19      union all
    20      select 2, 2, 20 from dual
    21      union all
    22      select 2, 3, 10 from dual
    23      union all
    24      select 2, 1, 15 from dual
    25      union all
    26      select 2, 2, 30 from dual
    27      union all
    28      select 2, 3, 20 from dual
    29    )
    30  -- End Of Test Data --
    31  select period_num,
    32         week_num,
    33         (
    34            select sum(week_tab.bkg1)
    35            from week_tab
    36            where period_num = m.period_num
    37            and   week_num   = m.week_num
    38            group by week_num, period_num
    39         ) sum_bkg1
    40  from (
    41        select dum.week_num,
    42              wk.period_num
    43        from (
    44                select 1 week_num from dual
    45                union all
    46                select 2 from dual
    47                union all
    48                select 3 from dual
    49                union all
    50                select 4 from dual
    51                union all
    52                select 5 from dual
    53              ) dum ,
    54              (
    55                select distinct period_num
    56                from week_tab
    57          ) wk
    58      ) m;
             1          1         40
             1          2         60
             1          3         40
             1          4
             1          5
             2          1         30
             2          2         50
             2          3         30
             2          4
             2          5
    10 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.48
    Satyaki De.

  • How can I dynamically pass values to the DayOfWeek array given below?

    I have this below code:
    var onMondayAndTuesday = DailyTimeIntervalScheduleBuilder.Create()
    .OnDaysOfTheWeek(new DayOfWeek[] { DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeek.Tuesday });
    var trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
    .StartAt(DateBuilder.DateOf(StartHour, StartMinute, StartSeconds, StartDate, StartMonth, StartYear))
    .WithCalendarIntervalSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInWeeks(Int32.Parse(nWeekInterval)))
    .EndAt(DateBuilder.DateOf(0, 0, 0, EndDay, EndMonth, EndYear))
    Here depending on the days users have selected any weekday would be passed in to the DaysOfWeek array. It might be just monday or monday
    and friday etc. How can I achieve this? Please advice.

    Try this:
    DayOfWeek[] days = new DayOfWeek[7];
    days[0] = DayOfWeek.Friday;
    days[1] = DayOfWeek.Monday;
    days[2] = DayOfWeek.Saturday;
    var onMondayAndTuesday = DailyTimeIntervalScheduleBuilder.Create()
    also you can use it as a list:
    List<DayOfWeek> d = new List<DayOfWeek>();
    Fouad Roumieh

  • How can I insert a value into the Oracle Date column using JDBC?

    Suppose I have a table TEST created by "create table TEST (c1 INT, c2 Date);"
    Now I want to insert some proper value into the table TEST's column c2. I couldn't do that by TRYing using Java.sql.Date, Java.Util.Date, Java.String.
    Could anyone give me some suggestions by providing the sample code?
    Many thanks for your help!

    What about building the java string:
    "Insert into test (c1,d1) values ("+
    ", TO_DATE("
    and executing it ??

  • How can i calculate excisable value

    actually excisable column is disable mode in my sales order..i want calculate excisable value...shall i create udf fields or not.any other way.if i  create udf, how i calculate..what is process..
    plz suggest me...

    You need to create tax code which is given in standard by SAP.
    You need to only modify the Tax Rates or Add new Tax Rates......
    And create Tax Code accordingly. Your Tax 10.3% will calculate automatically.
    No need to work around with UDF.....

  • How to Get the value of a variable which is inside other variable

    Hi All Experts,
    I have some tricky kind of situation. Actually there is one deep structure <is_input>-create_posting_lock_req-request_body-reference and this path is stored in a variable v_field.
    i mean to say the value of v_field is <is_input>-create_posting_lock_req-request_body-reference i.e. the path.
    now i want to value stored in this path to go to some other varible v_field2.
    Kindly help me with the situation.
    I even tried to use
    v_field2 = ( V_field ), but it dint help.
    Thanks a lot experts

    field-symbols:    <fs_field> TYPE any.
      LOOP AT lo_strucdescr_ref->components INTO ls_components.
        CLEAR ls_components1.
        READ TABLE lo_strucdescr_ref1->components INTO ls_components1 WITH KEY name = ls_components-name.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          CLEAR lv_field.
          CONCATENATE lc_struc ls_components-name INTO lv_field SEPARATED BY '-'.
         lv_field = ls_components-name.
          ls_extensionin-valuepart1 = ls_components-name.
          unassign <fs_field>.
    assign (lv_field) to <fs_field>.
    *move <fs_field> to lv_var.
         move <fs_field> to ls_extensionin-valuepart2.
          APPEND ls_extensionin TO lt_extensionin.
          clear ls_extensionin.
        clear ls_components.
    this is the code and it dumps if i declare the field symbol as character, for charater field i don have any problem

  • How can I pass a value from the datagrid to my textinput

    Hi i am new in adobe flex!
    I have only one row in my datagrid and it has 5 dataField. Those dataFields are id, ln, fn, kurs, yr. I want to pass those value into a textinput respectively.
    Heres my code:
    <mx:DataGrid x="396" y="10" width="110" height="124" id="dginfo" enabled="true" dataProvider="{}" creationComplete="studinfo.send()" editable="false" visible="true">
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C0" dataField="username" visible="false"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C1" dataField="id"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C2" dataField="ln"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C3" dataField="fn"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C4" dataField="kurs"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="C5" dataField="yr"/>
    I want to pass it here (code)
    <mx:TextInput backgroundColor="#ABA5A5" editable="false" enabled="true" color="#000000" horizontalCenter="-50" verticalCenter="-71" id="idview" text="{}"/>
                        <mx:TextInput  id = "idview" editable="false" enabled="true" text="{data.ln}"/>
                        <mx:TextInput  id="lnview"editable="false" enabled="true"text="{data.fn}"/>
                        <mx:TextInput id="fnview" editable="false" enabled="true" text="{data.kurs}"/>
                        <mx:TextInput backgroundColor="#ABA5A5" editable="false" enabled="true"  id="yrview" text="{data.yr}"/>
    My problem is that this code won't work, it won't diplay anything...:D

    it must not display anything as data.ln doesnot have any value. in your code, in the text property of textfield, data is considered as a property of your application, a dynamic object; so even it doesnot have ln property, it is not showing error, neither displaying anything.
    do you mean to populate your textfields if the datagrid row is selected? if so:
    <mx:TextInput  id = "idview" editable="false" enabled="true" text="{dginfo.selectedItem.ln}"/>
    if you want to populate the same data without caring if it is selected in datagrid, you should not think like you are getting data from datagrid, instead, you are getting your values directly from the studinfo.lastResult
    in such:
    <mx:TextInput  id = "idview" editable="false" enabled="true" text="{}"/>
    note: if your result contains more than one data, you should treat it as array:[0].ln

  • How can I add a condition to the MIN function?

    is there a MIN "conditional" function, something like a MIN.IF (just like AVERAGE.IF), to find the minimum value meeting a certain condition? Or, what should I do to obtain the same result? Thank you!

    Create a column in which you will insert this kind of formula :
    Then you will be able to apply the function MIN() to the new column.
    In this example, the formula inserted in standard cells of column C is :
    In C46 (footer row) the formula is :
    I use the value 99999 for cells which don't match the condition because I know that it's greater than every value stored in  column A.
    An alternate scheme would be :
    The formula using a fixed, predefined value is just faster than the alternate one.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 23 août 2011 16:15:55
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

  • To read the values in the spreadsheet

    I have an excel sheet with some values quoted and ended with a comma at the end ( so as to place in the where condition of the sql query)
    I need to use these values in the where condition of the sql query to get the result. I will use this query in the shell script.
    How can i read each value from the spreadsheet.
    Values in the spreadsheet:
    Please guide me.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Whats the file format? Is it XLS. If thats the case then you cant use External Table. You may need to go for Hetrogeneous Services. You can follow this link to know more about it
    On the other hand if your file format is CSV then you can go for external tables. Once you have your external table in place its just a matter of how you query it. But mind that the file need to be in the DB server and not on your client machine.

  • How can I calculate which is the index (x-value) correspondant to a certain value of a signal?

    I just want to calculate the quality of the peak in a FFT, defined as you can see in the attached file.
    For that, I would need to know how can I calculate in Labview the index or indices (x-value) correspondant to a certain amplitude value of the function.
    Kind regards, and thank you for reading,
    Go to Solution.
    quality.jpg ‏6 KB

    If you know the lineshape (e.g. Lorentzian), you can use nonlinear fit. This will give you the most accurate value.
    In the most simple case (insignificant offset and noise, no other peaks) you can apply the following code (if there are other peaks, then take a apropriate array subset before applying the code). To get correct units, just scale with df.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    WidthAtHalfHeight.png ‏52 KB

  • How can we calculate no.of leave used by the employee except sunday.

    Dear Friends,
    i have query how can we calculate no.of leave taken by the employee except sunday & government holiday.
    Example: A person take a sick leave From 13/02/2008 to 20/02/2008 with in that period 17th was sunday.
    when we calculate absence day for that person,Total value is 8 days but exact output is 7days only.How can i get exact result,any function module is avilable for this issue .
    Thanks & Regards,

    you have to consider SL leave as in holiday's So you can check with clinet if client says consider you can otherwise you con't
    its depend client requirement
    and you can go to controlls inSAP and change absence controlls for SL with holidays

Maybe you are looking for

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