How can I cut the head of the SDK general dialog

I would like to cut the 'head of dialog', how can I do it with ID SDK? anyone knew? thanks

which platform are you on?
Mac used to have a "Plain" style dialog box but I have not seen being used for a long time!

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    I've moved your question to the InDesign SDK forum.

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    It is that simple.
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    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions...
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    nbbbn wrote:
    In the other words how can i call the *"certificate selection dialog box"* from source code?You can't " call the *"certificate selection dialog box"* from source code" as such. What one can do is iterate through the keys and certificates in the keystore and use the results to populate a dialog.
    The problem I have is that you seem to not want to go through the documentation. Most people here will assist when you have problems but they do like to see some effort. If you had read though the JCE tutorial and done a Google search then you would have found out how process the content of a keystore. If at this point you still had a problem then posting the problem code would likely to be profitable but ...
    Best of luck.

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    I would point out that Standard Def here in Australia(576) is 12% better vertical resolution that in USA(480).
    So European & Aussie SD doesnt look quite so bad compared with full HD
    In fact if you stand more than 4 metres from a 40" screen, most people cant see the difference between good SD and full HD.because the eye cant resolve such fine detail at that dustance even with perfect vision.
    This is providing the original material was shot with a good camera capable of HD and it was downscaled properly.
    I. downloaded trials of the following converters and rank them in the following order
    1. 4Media version 6 AVCHD to AVI converter ($37)
    2. Prism
    3. AVS
    4. Wondershare
    5. PE9 making seperate SD projects
    I found them obviously different with PE9 right at the bottom of the scale! I will never use it again to make a SD project.
    Blurryness and jagged or twinkling diagonal lines were the most common faults.
    4Media shone above all the others. When used on the highest bit rate was only slightly softer than the ACVHD material with no jagged diagonal lines but it produced an AVI file the same size as the AVCHD.
    When I set the bit rate so the AVI file produced was half the original AVCHD, the quality was equal to original SD video Shot on my old Sony Camera that cost me $2000 5 years ago.
    I can split the files with this program too!
    Judging picture quality
    All pictures will have errors and be less than ideal. It's just a matter of how many are acceptable.
    The ONLY way to evaluate how good a picture is to view it on the best  possible setup. You can't judge vertical resolution on an old CRT TV  which is a different number of lines anyway (525 or 625) so evaluation  is impossible. Digital TV thru a set top box to a CRT TV is far worse  than the original analog.
    Because everyone knows SD is worse then HD but it should only be half as bad (576 is about half of 1080)
    Because I wear glasses that perfectly correct my focus and slight astigmatism, I have a good rough method of calibrating my eyes so I can relatively judge quality of different pictures on different systems.
    I vary the difference between myself and the screen so the left and right edges are in line with my fingers inside the frames of my glasses!
    This is equivalent to  sitting two thirds from the screen in the average picture theatre where  you can comfortably sit without being disturbed by deficiencies of  most film and HD projection.
    Applying this to my computer screen I can now judge pretty well. If a picture looks really good under these circumstamces it IS good and I can easily see any meaningfull errors.
    Using my calibration "method", I found that full HD on my 40" LCD is noticeably sharper than the best cinema in our city (we have 39 of them, some with 8 theaters ) and after enquiries found they are all 1440x768 and not true HD at all.If you get there earlier than when they boot up their projector you can often see this in their boot up screen.
    Worse still they slightly defocus them so you can see the pixel structure close up!
    The now rare 35mm Film projection ranks even lower by the time copies are distributed.
    You can't buy analog TVs or CRT screens anymore here anyway and Analog TV finishes here completely next year.

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    Yes, that makes it pretty much impossible if you need to grab text from various places first and assemble it into the file name you want.
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