How can I get controller .java files

I have craeted OA extension pages in which I have created Entiy object, module and view objects
in JDeveloper for 12.1.1 in windows and it working fine.
Now I want to extend one of the page of payable module (payable vision operation (USA))
and the page name is SuppSummaryPG.xml .
The problem is that how can I open or import SuppSummaryPG.xml in my jdeveloper ID
and all the related files which belongs to SuppSummaryPG.xml , example raleated VO, entity objects
module file and controller servlet.
I move all the files from
apps server to jdeveloper directory , i did the same thing which is running
and working fine but the problem is with all of ViewObject and aplication module
I am not able to open these in Jdeveloper , because when I try to open these files
it gives me error that you dont have .java files , and it opens view objects and applicatino
moudel files in read only mode
the page is a standrad java moudle page
suppSummaryPG is a standard page and it is in
payable moudle herachy is
what should I do

You can use decompiler to read java code. Oracle doesn't have any policy to prevent you from reading the class files.
However you cannot change the java code and replace the standard files.
Source Code:
Oracle sells the just the software. So they are not obligated to provide source code.
The reason why they provided soruce code for forms and reports is that there is no robust personalzation and extention concepts available for them.
As per Oracle Support services, you dont need OAF code for extension and personalization.

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    ======== BEGIN OF HEAPDIAGNOSTIC =========================
    Invoked from ctrlbreakhandler
    Total memory in system: 402075648 bytes
    Available physical memory in system: 54231040 bytes
    -Xmx (maximal heap size) is 314572800 bytes
    Heapsize: 314572800 bytes
    Free heap-memory: 0 bytes
    mmStartCompaction = 0x01DC0000, mmEndCompaction = 0x03080000
    3 GB mode was not used
    --------- Detailed Heap Statistics: ---------
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    17.0% 31916k 1361767 +31916k java/lang/String
    16.6% 31021k 1323579 +31021k java/util/HashMap$Entry
    4.7% 8766k 1909 +8766k [Ljava/util/HashMap$Entry;
    0.8% 1470k 2256 +1470k [B
    0.3% 491k 480 +491k [Lweblogic/servlet/utils/URLMatchMap$URLMatchNode;
    0.2% 342k 4871 +342k java/lang/Class
    0.2% 283k 3942 +283k [Ljava/lang/Object;
    0.1% 215k 1536 +215k [I
    0.1% 172k 7376 +172k java/util/Hashtable$Entry
    0.1% 157k 1552 +157k weblogic/management/tools/AttributeInfo
    0.0% 83k 2421 +83k [Ljava/lang/String;
    0.0% 83k 299 +83k [Ljava/util/Hashtable$Entry;
    0.0% 74k 1900 +74k java/util/HashMap
    0.0% 71k 1530 +71k java/lang/reflect/Method
    0.0% 62k 472 +62k weblogic/servlet/internal/ServletStubImpl
    0.0% 61k 461 +61k weblogic/management/runtime/ServletRuntimeMBean_Stub
    0.0% 55k 2383 +55k java/util/ArrayList
    0.0% 50k 3227 +50k java/lang/Integer
    0.0% 48k 1552 +48k weblogic/management/internal/DynamicMBeanImpl$XAttributeInfo
    0.0% 48k 1229 +48k java/util/WeakHashMap$Entry
    0.0% 43k 1840 +43k java/lang/ref/WeakReference
    0.0% 41k 528 +41k weblogic/rmi/internal/MethodDescriptor
    0.0% 38k 1768 +38k [Ljava/lang/Class;
    0.0% 38k 1637 +38k javax/management/modelmbean/DescriptorSupport$Pair
    0.0% 37k 805 +37k weblogic/management/WebLogicObjectName
    0.0% 34k 480 +34k [Lweblogic/servlet/utils/URLMatchMap$URLExtensionNode;
    0.0% 33k 532 +33k weblogic/management/tools/OperationInfo
    0.0% 32k 461 +32k weblogic/servlet/internal/ServletRuntimeMBeanImpl
    0.0% 30k 982 +30k java/lang/ref/SoftReference
    0.0% 26k 419 +26k weblogic/servlet/internal/dd/ServletDescriptor
    0.0% 20k 423 +20k [Lweblogic/utils/collections/ConcurrentHashMap$Entry;
    0.0% 19k 423 +19k weblogic/utils/collections/ConcurrentHashMap
    0.0% 19k 1222 +19k java/util/jar/Attributes$Name
    0.0% 18k 100 +18k [Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
    0.0% 17k 447 +17k weblogic/servlet/utils/URLMatchMap$URLMatchNode
    0.0% 17k 12 +17k [J
    0.0% 16k 425 +16k weblogic/servlet/internal/dd/UIDescriptor
    0.0% 16k 684 +16k javax/management/MBeanParameterInfo
    0.0% 15k 480 +15k weblogic/servlet/utils/URLMatchMap
    0.0% 14k 471 +14k java/util/TreeMap$Entry
    0.0% 14k 453 +14k javax/management/modelmbean/DescriptorSupport
    0.0% 14k 638 +14k [Ljavax/management/MBeanParameterInfo;
    0.0% 13k 431 +13k weblogic/servlet/internal/dd/ServletMappingDescriptor
    0.0% 13k 852 +13k com/octetstring/vde/syntax/DirectoryString
    0.0% 13k 431 +13k [S
    0.0% 12k 553 +12k java/util/Vector
    0.0% 11k 302 +11k java/lang/Package
    0.0% 11k 369 +11k weblogic/xml/util/TernarySearchTree$Node
    0.0% 11k 727 +11k java/lang/Boolean
    0.0% 10k 266 +10k java/util/Hashtable
    0.0% 9k 182 +9k java/net/URL
    0.0% 9k 15 +9k [Ljava/util/WeakHashMap$Entry;
    0.0% 9k 386 +9k weblogic/rmi/internal/ClientMethodDescriptor
    0.0% 8k 158 +8k com/octetstring/vde/schema/AttributeType
    0.0% 8k 90 +8k weblogic/logging/WLServerLogRecord
    0.0% 8k 211 +8k weblogic/management/commo/CommoModelMBeanAttributeInfo
    0.0% 8k 2 +8k [Lcom/octetstring/vde/backend/standard/KeyPtr;
    0.0% 7k 322 +7k jrockit/vm/FCECache$FCE
    0.0% 7k 471 +7k weblogic/servlet/internal/URLMatchHelper
    0.0% 7k 58 +7k [Lweblogic/management/tools/AttributeInfo;
    0.0% 7k 58 +7k [Lweblogic/management/internal/DynamicMBeanImpl$XAttributeInfo;
    0.0% 6k 288 +6k weblogic/utils/collections/ConcurrentHashMap$Entry
    0.0% 6k 431 +6k java/util/HashMap$EntrySet
    0.0% 6k 428 +6k java/util/jar/Attributes
    0.0% 6k 156 +6k jrockit/memory/SoftCache$ValueCell
    0.0% 5k 379 +5k java/lang/Long
    0.0% 5k 751 +5k java/lang/Object
    0.0% 5k 77 +5k java/util/GregorianCalendar
    0.0% 5k 231 +5k java/util/LinkedList$Entry
    0.0% 5k 32 +5k weblogic/kernel/ExecuteThread
    0.0% 4k 25 +4k weblogic/rmi/internal/BasicRuntimeDescriptor
    0.0% 4k 111 +4k [Z
    0.0% 4k 204 +4k com/octetstring/vde/backend/standard/KeyPtr
    0.0% 4k 301 +4k com/bea/utils/misc/ProcessProperty
    0.0% 4k 49 +4k weblogic/apache/xerces/impl/dv/xs/XSSimpleTypeDecl
    0.0% 4k 73 +4k weblogic/jndi/internal/ApplicationNamingNode
    0.0% 4k 58 +4k weblogic/management/tools/Info
    0.0% 4k 290 +4k java/lang/Byte
    0.0% 4k 289 +4k java/lang/Short
    0.0% 4k 57 +4k [Ljava/lang/ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry;
    0.0% 4k 275 +4k java/lang/Character
    0.0% 4k 108 +4k java/math/BigInteger
    0.0% 4k 60 +4k weblogic/management/commo/ModelMBeanTypeMBean
    0.0% 4k 106 +4k java/util/TreeMap
    0.0% 4k 172 +4k java/text/EntryPair
    0.0% 3k 99 +3k weblogic/management/commo/CommoModelMBeanOperationInfo
    0.0% 3k 12 +3k weblogic/management/configuration/WebAppComponentMBean_Stub
    0.0% 3k 81 +3k sun/util/calendar/ZoneInfo
    0.0% 3k 9 +3k [Lweblogic/utils/collections/WeakConcurrentHashMap$Entry;
    0.0% 3k 95 +3k sun/misc/SoftCache$ValueCell
    0.0% 3k 93 +3k weblogic/management/commo/CommoModelMBeanInfoSupport
    0.0% 3k 115 +3k weblogic/servlet/internal/dd/ParameterDescriptor
    0.0% 3k 108 +3k javax/management/ObjectName
    0.0% 3k 104 +3k java/lang/StackTraceElement
    0.0% 3k 137 +3k java/io/ExpiringCache$Entry
    0.0% 3k 58 +3k [Lweblogic/management/tools/OperationInfo;
    0.0% 3k 7 +3k weblogic/servlet/internal/WebAppServletContext
    0.0% 3k 49 +3k jrockit/vm/ObjectMonitor
    0.0% 2k 191 +2k java/util/HashSet
    0.0% 2k 91 +2k java/util/ResourceBundle$LoaderReference
    0.0% 2k 121 +2k weblogic/management/commo/Commo$Pair
    0.0% 2k 4 +2k [Ljrockit/vm/FCECache$FCE;
    0.0% 2k 7 +2k [[Ljava/lang/String;
    0.0% 2k 30 +2k weblogic/management/internal/ConfigurationMBeanImpl
    0.0% 2k 107 +2k jrockit/reflect/VirtualNativeMethodInvoker
    0.0% 2k 12 +2k weblogic/management/configuration/ApplicationMBean_Stub
    0.0% 2k 73 +2k java/lang/ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry
    0.0% 2k 97 +2k java/util/LinkedList
    0.0% 2k 95 +2k weblogic/apache/xerces/util/SymbolHash$Entry
    0.0% 2k 56 +2k com/octetstring/vde/schema/ObjectClass
    0.0% 2k 93 +2k sun/security/util/ObjectIdentifier
    0.0% 2k 92 +2k java/util/ResourceBundle$ResourceCacheKey
    0.0% 2k 92 +2k java/util/regex/Pattern$Range
    0.0% 2k 91 +2k com/octetstring/vde/backend/standard/KeyEidList
    0.0% 2k 25 +2k [Lweblogic/management/commo/CommoModelMBeanAttributeInfo;
    0.0% 2k 12 +2k weblogic/management/mbeans/custom/Application
    0.0% 1k 25 +1k [Lweblogic/rmi/internal/MethodDescriptor;
    0.0% 1k 81 +1k weblogic/management/internal/Pair
    0.0% 1k 30 +1k com/bea/utils/misc/Process
    0.0% 1k 86 +1k [Lweblogic/management/WebLogicObjectName;
    0.0% 1k 58 +1k weblogic/management/internal/DynamicMBeanImpl$XInfo
    0.0% 1k 33 +1k sun/net/www/protocol/jar/URLJarFile
    0.0% 1k 38 +1k java/util/jar/JarFile
    0.0% 1k 74 +1k javax/management/NotificationBroadcasterSupport$Triple
    0.0% 1k 72 +1k com/sun/management/jmx/MBeanServerNotificationListener
    0.0% 1k 12 +1k weblogic/management/mbeans/custom/WebAppComponent
    0.0% 1k 72 +1k weblogic/management/internal/OnewayNotificationListenerImpl
    0.0% 1k 4 +1k [Lcom/sun/corba/se/internal/util/IdentityHashtableEntry;
    0.0% 1k 30 +1k [Lcom/bea/utils/misc/ProcessProperty;
    0.0% 1k 70 +1k java/util/Collections$SynchronizedList
    0.0% 1k 2 +1k weblogic/management/configuration/ServerMBean_Stub
    0.0% 1k 51 +1k weblogic/rmi/internal/PhantomRef
    0.0% 1k 3 +1k [Ljava/util/TimerTask;
    0.0% 1k 49 +1k weblogic/apache/xerces/dom/DeferredAttrImpl
    0.0% 1k 39 +1k weblogic/jndi/internal/WLEventContextImpl
    0.0% 1k 19 +1k weblogic/rmi/internal/BasicServerRef
    0.0% 1k 92 +1k jrockit/memory/AtomicIntImpl
    0.0% 1k 90 +1k weblogic/utils/DebugCategory
    0.0% 1k 59 +1k javax/management/loading/MLetContent
    0.0% 1k 16 +1k java/util/jar/JarFile$JarFileEntry
    0.0% 1k 87 +1k weblogic/utils/collections/Stack
    0.0% 1k 57 +1k java/lang/ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap
    0.0% 1k 13 +1k weblogic/jndi/internal/AdminRoleBasedDispatchServerRef
    0.0% 1k 13 +1k [Ljava/lang/Byte;
    0.0% 1k 41 +1k weblogic/xml/babel/scanner/Token
    0.0% 1k 25 +1k [Lweblogic/management/commo/CommoModelMBeanOperationInfo;
    0.0% 1k 53 +1k java/util/Collections$SynchronizedRandomAccessList
    0.0% 1k 52 +1k java/util/Date
    0.0% 1k 12 +1k java/text/DecimalFormat
    0.0% 1k 38 +1k sun/misc/URLClassPath$JarLoader
    0.0% 1k 6 +1k weblogic/management/runtime/WebAppComponentRuntimeMBean_Stub
    0.0% 1k 15 +1k [Lweblogic/apache/xerces/util/SymbolHash$Entry;
    0.0% 1k 48 +1k java/util/Locale
    0.0% 1k 14 +1k weblogic/common/internal/PeerInfo
    0.0% 1k 20 +1k sun/nio/cs/ext/GBK$Encoder
    0.0% 1k 44 +1k [Ljavax/management/NotificationBroadcasterSupport$Triple;
    0.0% 1k 23 +1k weblogic/jndi/internal/ServerNamingNode
    0.0% 1k 20 +1k [[B
    0.0% 1k 27 +1k java/lang/reflect/Constructor
    0.0% 1k 33 +1k java/util/zip/Inflater
    0.0% 1k 1 +1k [Ljava/lang/Character;
    0.0% 1k 1 +1k [Ljava/lang/Short;
    0.0% 1k 1 +1k [Ljava/lang/Integer;
    0.0% 1k 43 +1k sun/security/util/DerValue
    0.0% 1k 43 +1k sun/security/util/DerInputBuffer
    0.0% 1k 43 +1k java/security/AccessControlContext
    0.0% 0k 9 +0k java/lang/Thread
    0.0% 0k 21 +0k java/util/Properties
    0.0% 0k 31 +0k java/util/Collections$SynchronizedSortedMap
    0.0% 0k 31 +0k weblogic/servlet/utils/URLMatchMap$URLExtensionNode
    0.0% 0k 4 +0k weblogic/management/configuration/JMSQueueMBean_Stub
    0.0% 0k 11 +0k weblogic/kernel/ExecuteThreadManager
    0.0% 0k 6 +0k weblogic/j2ee/J2EEApplicationContainer
    0.0% 0k 20 +0k java/nio/HeapByteBuffer
    187413kB total ---
    --------- End of Detailed Heap Statistics ---
    ------------------- Printing heap ---------------------
    "o"/"p" = 1k normal/pinned objects
    "O"/"P" = 50k normal/pinned objects
    "."/"/" = <1k normal/pinned objects (fragmentation)
    " "/"_" = 1k/50k free space
    OOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo     0x00B3BD08
    ........oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo     0x00B48058     0x00B6C278
    OOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo....ooooooooooooooooooo     0x00BB42D0     0x00BC0620
    oooooooooooooo.Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo     0x00BD88D8
    oo.....Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..     0x00BF0B90
    ...oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...     0x00BFCEE0
    ...ooooo.....................................Ooooo     0x00C15198
    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo................     0x00C214E8
    ......o........oooo.oooooo....oo.Ooooooooooooooooo     0x00C397A0
    ooooooooooooo.............................Oooooooo     0x00C51A58
    ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. . ...oooooooooooo     0x00C5DDA8
    o..........................ooooooooooooooooooooooo     0x00C6A0F8     0x00C76448

    Hi all,
    We have HPROF functionality in our latest roadmap, so you will see that feature in our next major release called JRockit R28.
    I recommend, above from the MemLeak documentation suggested by Makiey, the following information on how to use JRockit tools.
    Performance Tuning & Profiling:
    Using JRockit tools:
    Diagnostics & Troubleshooting
    Best Regards,
    JRockit PM

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    You're welcome, and thank you for the reply.
    2) Yesterday I made the subclips with the In-Out Points and Command-U, the benefit is that I've seen the clip before naming it. Now I'm using markers, it's benefit is that I can write comment and (the later) clip name at once, the drawback is that I have to view to the next shot's beginning before knowing what the shot contains.
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    1) Ok, I tried something similar within FCE. Just worked, but the file size still remains. Which codec settings should I use? Is the export to DV in MOV with a quality of 75% acceptable for both file size and quality? Or would be encoding as H.264 with best quality an option for archiving, knowing that I have to convert it back to DV if I (maybe) wan't to use it for editing later? Or anything else?
    Thank's in advance again,

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    Unfortunately logging into your account won't help, because then I don't have access to Illustrator.
    I was just trying around a little if you could share it with me, but unfortunately sharing doesn't seem to work with Draw files. You could try and find someone near you who also has an iPad and Illustrator and then try to send it to them via AirDrop. But I don't know if that actually shares the file or just a PNG.
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    The document saving portion of the app was moved to the printer control app for the 5.0 update. You can use file sharing to copy the files from your device with 4.1, and then copy them in to the printer control app after. This can either be done wirelessly, or by USB through itunes. The document below will show you how to do both options to get them copied off of the device. Then you simply do the same steps in the printer control app to copy files back in.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution.
    Click the KUDOS STAR on the left to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    The title of this forum is...
    Community Feedback and Suggestions (Do Not Post Product-Related Questions Here)
    And you thought this was the appropriate place to post this question ?:|

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    The download link for all the Java tutorial is here:

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    pjava is pretty much the same as regular java 1.1.x, so you could just look at any java examples. has a learning center with tutorials if that's what you're looking for

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    I create separate folders based on the year and then the actual date of when I take images. You can make those folders anywhere on any hard drive that is connected to your Mac whether internal or external. I also use the Photoshop Photo Downloader that is included with Photoshop/Bridge and it will create the date folder so all I do is create a Year folder.
    Open Bridge or click on the Bridge icon in PS and in the File menu item in Bridge select "Get photos from Camera". It can be a camera connected to your Mac or a memory card from a camera. A window will open and you then select the camera or memory card. Set the location they will be downloaded to, just the folder and you can Browse to a folder that you created, then in the "Create  Subfolders drop down select what date stamp you want to use or or custom name or not to create subfolders at all.
    I've never cared for iPhoto one bit. I tried it but found it way to restrictive. It likes to have full control over how you interact with your images.

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    Lion will only let you add documents to iCloud through, requires the iOS apps before you can use it.
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