How can I measure power consumed by a digital cmos circuit

I'm trying to measure the power consumed by a cmos digital circuit. Can anyone please give me the steps to do that?
I have already created a simple XOR circuit using basic CMOS gates. I understand that I can measure the power by conecting a wattmeter, but how exactly do I connect it to my circuit?
Please help.

Hi Asmit,
Digital parts in Multisim behave base on on/off and there are pin drivers at the gate input/output pins to drive a high or low logic to the appropriate voltage level. The model doesn't provide you with power consumption.
Tien P.
National Instruments

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    Hello Raven24,
    Thank you for contacting National Instruments. NUDrive 4SX-411 is a value motion drive and you can connect to it using any of the ValueMotion boards. When using a ValueMotion NUDrive with steppers you have I/O ports 1-4 available for general purpose use, I/O ports 5-8 are reserved for axis inhibit output signals. Refer to section 4-7 of the ValueMotion Hardware User Manual linked below, for information about the jumper settings.
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    As an example, this is from BBC Technical Requirements for HD material:
    3.1.1 Stereo line-up tones
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    And for BBC Radio:
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    Reference tone, where used, should be at -18dBFS or PPM 4 on A, B and/or M.
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    Many thanks to all. It's a ghreat community!
    Brian Rose

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    Long ll_perd,ll_lnperd,ll_mon,ll_effmon,ll_instno,ll_odno
    Decimal{5} ldl_actual,ldl_diff,ldl_inst
    Datetime ldt_first,ldt_exp,ldt_oddt, ldt_lastprod
    String ls_instmode,ls_inst
    str_batch lstr_od //Structure to store odamt and oddate
    Select pay_c_final,lon_d_expiry, lon_d_lastprod
    Into     :ls_inst,:ldt_exp, :ldt_lastprod
    From      loan_mast
    Where branch_c_code = :gs_branch and
              act_c_type      = :as_actype and
              act_c_no           = :as_acno;
    If Sqlca.Sqlcode = -1 Then
         lstr_od.batchslno = -1
         Return lstr_od
    End If
    If adt_prodt > ldt_exp Then
         Select Ceil(months_between(:adt_prodt,:ldt_exp)) Into :lstr_od.batchslno From dual;
         lstr_od.cheqdt = ldt_exp
         lstr_od.batchslno = DaysAfter(Date(ldt_lastprod), Date(adt_prodt))
         If ls_inst = 'N' Then
              If adt_prodt > ldt_exp Then
                   Select Ceil(months_between(:adt_prodt,:ldt_exp)) Into :lstr_od.batchslno From dual;
                   lstr_od.cheqdt = ldt_exp
                   lstr_od.batchslno = 1
              End If
         ElseIf ls_inst = 'Y' Then
              Select first_d_due,lon_c_instperd,lon_n_perd
              Into     :ldt_first,:ls_instmode,:ll_lnperd
              From     loan_mast
              Where branch_c_code = :gs_branch and
                        act_c_type      = :as_actype and
                        act_c_no          = :as_acno;
              If Sqlca.Sqlcode = -1 Then
                   lstr_od.batchslno = -1
                   Return lstr_od // Return Structure
              End If
              Select Ceil(months_between(:adt_prodt,:ldt_first)) Into :ll_mon from dual;
              If ll_mon > 0 Then
                   Select Nvl(ln_n_balance,0),Nvl(ln_n_instlamt,0),Nvl(ln_n_instlno,0)
                   Into     :ldl_actual,:ldl_inst,:ll_instno
                   From     loan_inst_sch
                   Where act_c_type = :as_actype and
                             act_c_no     = :as_acno and
                             ln_d_effdate = (Select Max(ln_d_effdate)
                                                           From     loan_inst_sch
                                                           Where act_c_type = :as_actype and
                                                                     act_c_no     = :as_acno and
                                                                     ln_d_effdate < :adt_prodt);
                   If Sqlca.Sqlcode = -1 Then
                        f_message('FT-0224', Sqlca.Sqlerrtext)
                        lstr_od.batchslno = -1
                        Return lstr_od
                   ElseIf Sqlca.Sqlcode = 100 Then
                        lstr_od.batchslno = 1
    *                    Return lstr_od*
                   End If
                   If adl_bal > ldl_actual Then
                        If ldl_inst > 0 Then
                             lstr_od.batchslno = (adl_bal - ldl_actual) / ldl_inst
                        End If
                        lstr_od.batchslno = 1
                   End If     
                   If lstr_od.batchslno = 0 Then lstr_od.batchslno = 1
                   //For full OD
                   If ll_mon > ll_lnperd Then
                        lstr_od.batchslno = (ll_mon - ll_lnperd) + lstr_od.batchslno
                   End If
                   If ls_instmode = 'Q' Then
                        lstr_od.batchslno = lstr_od.batchslno * 3
                   ElseIf ls_instmode = 'H' Then
                        lstr_od.batchslno = lstr_od.batchslno * 6
                   ElseIf ls_instmode = 'Y' Then
                        lstr_od.batchslno = lstr_od.batchslno * 12
                   End If
                   Select :adt_prodt - :lstr_od.batchslno Into :lstr_od.cheqdt From dual;
                   If ls_instmode = 'M' Then
                        ll_odno = ll_instno - lstr_od.batchslno // To get OD Date
                        Select ln_d_effdate
                        Into     :lstr_od.cheqdt
                        From     loan_inst_sch
                        Where act_c_type = :as_actype and
                                  act_c_no     = :as_acno and
                                  ln_n_instlno = :ll_odno;
                        If Sqlca.Sqlcode = -1 Then
                             f_message('FT-0224', + Sqlca.Sqlerrtext)
                             lstr_od.batchslno = -1
                             Return lstr_od
                        End If
                   End If
                   lstr_od.batchslno = 1
              End If
         End If
    End if
    Return lstr_od
    Thanks in adance
    Arun M M

    What are you going to return the structure to? What I would normally use here if the code was going to be used by other PL/SQL would be a PL/SQL object type.
    However, if PowerBuilder is still in the equation (you're moving the logic to PL/SQL but keeping PowerBuilder for the GUI ), then you'll have to return something else, because PowerBuilder doesn't understand PL/SQL object types. Perhaps passing a REF CURSOR as a OUT argument and populating it from the procedure. PowerBuilder could then retrieve the result of the procedure using a stored procedure based DataWindow.

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    Remove it from the list in Startup Items (System Preferences).

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    <How can I calc sizing of TREX server
    I'd like to install minimum TREX server for Nakisa.
    A document of nakisa is written about nakisa server but it isn't written trex server.
    I found SAP note 1266024 which is written about sizing guide line of Nakisa but it's so difficult to calc.
    How can I measure TREX server and which minimun sizing is best to use Nakisa?
    Hope you can help us.
    Best regards,

    Hi Makoto,
    try the infos for TREX under
    They are not made for Nakisa. But I am sure you will be able to roughly map them to your use case.
    best, Karsten

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    It is difficult to gauge memory usage from a Java application as the JVM handles garbage collection and even if objects are not referenced they might still be sitting in memory until the next garbage collect.
    Anyhow, a way to query available memory is:
    You can run this at the begining of a process and at the end and examine the difference. You should call System.gc() before each freeMemory() call in order to try to force garbage collection.
    Another method would be to turn to the underlying OS. On linux you could use 'top' or 'ps'. With ps you could do something like:
    ps -o rss,vsz,%mem <pid>
    Where <pid> is the parent Tomcat process' id. The resulting three columns are:
    - Amount of real memory used.
    - Amount of virtual memory used.
    - Percentage of real memory used.
    'man ps' wil give you more options on how to use ps.
    There are also fancy graphical stuff like 'gtop' as well.
    Hope this helps.

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    How can I measure how much data I am using?
    Thanks in advance.

    Not a problem at all - without wishing to push the point at all, the manual really is very good and worth a read ! although I must admit I have never read it all

  • How can i measure distance ?

    i am making afire fighting robot that us camera to detect the fire i made the vi which find the fire through match pattern but now i want to measure the distance between the camera (which on th robot ) and the fire (which located in the image using match pattern) so how can i measure this distance?

    Ok... this is sad, I should be asleep now instead I'm here thinking about this problem.
    I've worked out how to do the distance caluclation with no extra H/W and only 1 camera - as Henrik said, the standard solution is triangulation, but you just want to measure distance, so I'm going to assume you're already pointing in the right direction.
    1) It is usual to use triangulation to to measure intenisity, this is because light will have 2 different distances to travel from source to sink.
    2) It is possible to use 1 sink if you use mirrors to increase the path of the light so you can have 2 seperate source -> sink distances.
    3) having 2 cameras (sinks) next to each other, one covered with a physical filter would have the same effect as the amount of light reaching the 2 sinks from the source will be different.
    ... following on from 3, it can be assumed that taking 1 image and applying 2 levels of filtering to it before processing will give the same result as if we had 2 different images. Careful setting of the software filter level will then allow it to remain contstant and then the system can be calibrated just as any other system would be calibrated:
    Measure the intensity of the source from sink A at distance X
    Measure the intensity of the source from sink B at distance X
    Measure the intensity of the source from sink A at distance Y
    Measure the intensity of the source from sink B at distance Y
    If Y=2X the calibration calulation is easy....
    Hope this provides more food for thought.
    P.S. Lynn - currently a firefighter and worked for the emergency services ehh? Always good to see your posts when you have something to add. (Firefighter / Software programmer - what's the difference?)
    Message Edited by James W on 04-22-2010 10:56 PM
    Message Edited by James W on 04-22-2010 10:56 PM

  • How can i measure the speed of the fan in sound and vibration signal simulator box

    how can i measure the speed of the fan in sound and vibration signal simulator box
    provided the values  tach out:2 pulses/revolution and  maximum speed = 6000rpm

    Hi. I tried your suggestion and I could not get it to work well. In
    fact it worked better without the running average (which suprised me).
    I also played with the number of data points but still could not get it
    to work well.
    Do you have any other suggestions on how I could sort this problem out?
    have attached a screen shot of the signal. To recap, I'm trying to
    measure the'y' position of the flat regions of the signal. The signal
    does not have a constant level, so this 'y' position varies with time
    in a non-unform manner.
    I am currently differentiating
    the signal and selecting the y position when the differential is equal
    to zero (within a tolerance band).
    In the screenshot, the
    signal has been zeroed using the method I have described above.
    However, it occasionally has glitches which may be caused when the code
    picks up a zero gradient at a peak or valley in the signal.
    I therefore need some kind of algorithm that only measures the position of the flat regions.
    Many thanks
    screenshot.gif ‏121 KB

  • How can I measure selected area of pixels using photoshop elements 12?

    how can I measure selected area of pixels using photoshop elements 12?

    Show the 'information' panel F8).
    In the middle horizontal section, select 'pixels' on the left drop-down menu.
    Use the rectangular marquee tool to select your area: the dimensions in pixels of the rectangle is shown under 'dimensions' on the right.
    I think there are other ways to measure a line segment, but you could use the above measure by adjusting the rectangular marquee tools to both extremities of the segment,
    - use the move tool to rotate the rectangle so that the diagonal measuring the segment is horizontal,
    - move the rectangle to the left, and check validate, which creates another rectangle including the first one
    - read the pixel dimension (L:) in the info panel like above.

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    Hi Steve Zavodny;
    Generally compact flash cards or basically slow because of them being flash memory and USB. What are you after here?

  • How can I import data in to the digital word generator in Multisim?

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    I just  received this comment from a friend, a RADAR engineer, who has just down loaded Multisim.  He has been using HP/Agilent software.  He has a work around using a piecewise linear voltage waveform with data imported from Excel but this is not really a good solution.  It would also be helpful to import data from Mathcad or equivalent.
    "I thought I was about to be impressed with MultiSim but it ended only in disappointment. There is a word generator in the simulation instrument panel which can drive the DAC with a waveform and it can have thousands of lines of values. I opened Excel, wrote the formula to generate the time and voltage points for a chirp, converted to DAC values in Hex and then went back to the word generator in MultiSim to load the values only to find that you have to enter each value manually. It doesn’t even allow you to paste in a list of values from a text file. I’m not going to type 5000 values by hand. If you get the chance to give feedback to National Instruments please ask them if the paste option can be added to the word generator. MultiSim is useful in many regards, but in this case, it left me with the impression that it is considerably limited in capability compared to what I’m used to."

    You can load your data automatically in the Multisim word generator. Follow these steps:
    - Save your data file (in excel .xslx ir .csv format) on your computer
    - Change the extension of the file to ".dp"
    - Double-click the word generator in Multisim and click on Set...
    - In the Settings dialog box, click on Load and then Accept
    - This will prompt you to select the .dp file you have on your computer, select it and you're good to go
    However, in Multisim you have the option of creating your own custom simulation analysis and instrument.
    I will try creating the instrument and send it back to you but it might take some time.
    Multisim and LabVIEW are very powerful in test automation, with the custom instruments you create for Multisim you don't need to export your data file into excel from LabVIEW (or MathCAD or other tools) and then reload it into Multisim. The test procedure is automated instead.
    Please check this reference design about automated simulation
    Here is how you can create your own custom measurement tool in Multisim and LabVIEW, but as I mentioned, I will create the word generator and come back to you anyways
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    Mahmoud W
    National Instruments

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