How can I tell if my disc is case-sensative?

I got to Disk Utility and select the drive, then click on "info". I don't see anything about case sensitivity listed. I see:
File System: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
Partition type: Apple_HFS
and other non-related items.

Alfredo Jahn wrote:
I got to Disk Utility and select the drive, then click on "info". I don't see anything about case sensitivity listed. I see:
File System: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
That tells you it's not. If it were case-sensitive, it would say either +Mac OS Extended (Case-Sensitive)+ or +Mac OS Extended (Case-sensitive, Journalled).+
See the pink box in #5 of Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum), for more information.

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    The best option is an appointment at an Apple store genius bar.  The evaluation will be for FREE!

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        Managing your data usage is very important Bag02231958. I would like to thank ttipgem for the great suggestion to see what is using data on your phone. However, when you access the internet, social media apps, stream data, videos, music, etc. that uses data on your phone. Unfortunately, we do not have a list of what specifically is being accessed on the device to incur data. You do have the ability to view data records and time frames online via My Verizon
    Thank You,
    VZW Support
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSUPPORT

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    The 3 libraries was managed the same way. Meaning: Ive imported photos to iphoto from external disk LACIE in a iphotolibrary stored in another external disk PASSPORT.
    This is not clear, especially when you say
    I don't have unchecked the option "copy to file" or something like that. photos where moved, not copied.
    Especially as the message you're getting is typical of a library where the ' option "copy to file" or something like that' is unchecked.
    So it's a simple question:
    Are you these Managed or Referenced Libraries?
    A Managed Library, is the default setting, and iPhoto copies files into the iPhoto Library when Importing. The files are then stored in the Library package
    A Referenced Library is when iPhoto is NOT copying the files into the iPhoto Library when importing because you made a change at iPhoto -> Preferences -> Advanced. (You unchecked the option to copy files into the Library on import) The files are then stored where ever you put them and not in the Library package. In this scenario you are responsible for the File Management.

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    You cannot. You can see the number of authorised machines.
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    Thanks in advance!!

    List of authorized computers - - there isn't one.

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    kahjot wrote:
    Snow Leopard's Startup Disk pref can’t see Yosemite volumes. So the only way to switch from Snow Leopard to Yosemite is to do what Niel mentioned. Doesn't matter whether it's connected by USB or Firewire, although performance via FW would be faster.
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    Within FCP, there is a menu item called "Media Manager" (depending on what version you are in). This would be worth your while to look into. It basically organizes your project by moving/archiving any used assets of a project and leaving out un-used assets. It saves a ton of disk space.
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    Start a separate thread to the original sender.

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