How data gets to 0BCS_C11?

I have activated 0BCS_C11 infocube from business content.
there is no update rule, infosource or anything to load data into this cube.
¿is there a content to activate or I need to build the data flow to the cube by my self?
thanks for the help.

You might want to look at the Virtual Cube 0BCS_VC11 as well as some of the reporting for this application is actually off of the virtual cube. Also, you may need to customize the cubes or create  custom cubes depending on how BCS gets configured.
Also, BCS itself may need the FI-GL cube to be activated if they plan on using that as the data bases for the Consolidation workbench.
If I remember right 0BCS_C11 is a remote cube and reads data using a Function Module from the Consolidation Application itself. So you do not have any data load processes for this cube.
Are you guys implementing SEM-BCS? I believe SAP's strategic direction is to move away from SEM-BCS for consolidations and towards SAP BPC (formerly OutlookSoft) for consolidations. You might want to check out on that if you are very early in the project.

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    To get only the changed data in the ALV grid of a WD, you need to capture the "ON_DATA_CHECK" of the ALV grid.
    To this please do the following in the ALV initialization of the ALV table settings :
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    Per my understanding that you want to get the period date based on the month selected and the given date, right?
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    Preview you will get all the date in the given Period:
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    Hi Rajeev,
    To retrieve a FilterContainer you will need to traverse the report structure:
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    From Node A, get the values of the attributes as
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    here is a short report which converts S012 entries to strings with separator semicolon. Perhaps this will help you?
    Walter Habich
    REPORT habitest2 LINE-SIZE 255.
      strtab_t TYPE TABLE OF string.
      separator VALUE ';'.
      it_s012 LIKE s012 OCCURS 0,
      wa_s012 LIKE s012,
      strtab TYPE strtab_t,
      strele TYPE string.
    SELECT * FROM s012 INTO TABLE it_s012 UP TO 100 ROWS.
    PERFORM data_to_string
        'S012'. "requires it_s012 and wa_s012
    LOOP AT strtab INTO strele.
      WRITE: / strele.
    *&      Form  data_to_string
    FORM data_to_string TABLES strtab TYPE strtab_t
                        USING  ittab TYPE any.
        h_zaehler TYPE i,
        line_str TYPE string,
        l_tabellenname(10) TYPE c,
        l_arbeitsbereichsname(10) TYPE c,
        h_string TYPE string,
        h_char(255) TYPE c.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_tabelle> TYPE ANY TABLE,
                     <l_arbeits> TYPE ANY,
                     <feldzeiger> TYPE ANY.
      CLEAR strtab.
      CONCATENATE 'IT_' ittab INTO l_tabellenname.
      ASSIGN (l_tabellenname) TO <l_tabelle>.
      CONCATENATE 'WA_' ittab INTO l_arbeitsbereichsname.
      ASSIGN (l_arbeitsbereichsname) TO <l_arbeits>.
      LOOP AT <l_tabelle> INTO <l_arbeits>.
        CLEAR: h_zaehler, line_str.
        line_str = ittab.
          ADD 1 TO h_zaehler.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT h_zaehler OF
            STRUCTURE <l_arbeits> TO <feldzeiger>.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF.
          WRITE <feldzeiger> TO h_char LEFT-JUSTIFIED.          "#EC *
          h_string = h_char.
          CONCATENATE line_str separator h_string INTO line_str.
        APPEND line_str TO strtab.
    ENDFORM.                    "data_to_string

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    Also, in Flash Builder 4 they've added a lot of remote-data-connection functionality, including a lot that's designed for PHP. Take a look at the Flash Builder 4 public beta for more on that:

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    with regards,

    Hi Saravana
    I am sure you must be getting the values in tables of table parameters from every FM.
    consolidate the values from tables of all FMs in one table and built ALV for that table only.
    I hope this way you can show the actual data in ALV.

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                     
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    The missing apps could have been done by setting the Restrictions that can hid those apps. If the backup was made with those retrictions set the the Restrictions are also restored.
    Thus, if you get it to work restore to factory settings/new iPod, not from backup                               
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:        
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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