How do I delete purchased content from atv1 without syncing with computer?

I need more space on my atv1.

Welcome to the Apple Community.
Just to be sure you want to delete your purchased content without saving it to iTunes ?
If so just to and select the trash icon to the right of the title on screen.

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    Click here and follow the instructions. You may also need to turn off automatic downloads.

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    I had this problem as well. You can't delete them but you can hide them by swiping across from the cloud to. The other side then pressing hide

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    If the song has been purchased from itunes store, you cannot delete the song from the cloud but you can hide it. -
    You do not need to subscribe itunes match which is a different product from itunes in the Cloud.

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    Content purchased on ATV should automatically sync to a computer you connected it with. If you have not alreday done so, in ATV go to Settings -> Computer. Select the computer that has your iTunes library, follow the instructions and sync. Quickly disable syncing of music, photos, movies etc. so that you dont move content from iTunes to ATV. The purchases on your ATV will sync back to your iTunes anyway.
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    Thanks for your help.

    We're sorry to learn that you wish to deactivate your account. If there is a specific issue which is unresolved, kindly respond and let us know the details so we can try to help. We hate to see you go!we ask that you delete all the documents in your account.
    If you wish to have your Adobe ID deactivated, you'll need to contact Adobe support directly at:
    Kind Regards,

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    Sync Music 9d90384222f75.jpg
    Sync Photos def748e732d5a.jpg
    Sync Movies 9a8b2adc4dc59.jpg
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    Hey Yusef 89,
    Thanks for the question. With iOS 7, you can delete a song by doing the following:
    Remove a song from iPhone. Tap Songs, swipe the song, then tap Delete. The song is deleted from iPhone, but not from your iTunes library on your Mac or PC, or from iCloud.
    via page 62 of the iPhone User Guide for iOS 7
    Please note that if you have "Show All Music" enabled in Settings > iTunes & App Store, the above will delete the song from your device, but it will still appear available (with a cloud symbol to re-download).
    Matt M.

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    I hope this helps!

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    I think the layout in sync could be improved for movies perhaps putting Purchased Movies right after Rental Movies. When I am on that tab, Rental Movies (I have none and it tells me so) and then TV shows are visible on the screen with lots of blank space under. I had to scroll down to find the movie sync option (which may seem pretty obvious - but with all the white space after TV shows, I didn't notice that the scroll bar had room to scroll further). Yes, I feel a little stupid (and grateful to you for making the solution so obvious), but I do think the tab layout contributed to my ineptness.

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    What you should have done was review something like the user tip Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device before syncing with a new computer. Depending on your region you may well be able to download your past iTunes purchases from the store, however you have lost the chance to recover other content. Links in the tip.

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    any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance

    how can i remove this old back up from the time capsule
    click here for instructions.

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    In the LEFT pane of iTunes, you can see under your library "Apps"...
    Delete it from there, and you're free !

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    That is, I have HomeSharing turned on now, but I'm not interested in having all of my playlists pop up. I'd like to make it so just particular songs, movies, and TV shows sync. Is there a way to do this?
    Thank you!

    No. Apple TV has no syncing capabilities. Home sharing will give access to your full iTunes library.

  • How can I delete EVERY song from my iPhone

    I'm a user of Spotify so I have no need to have all of my songs on my iPhone, since I can just listen to all of them over the internet through Spotify.
    I have an iPhone 3GS. I want to preserve as much hard drive space on my iPhone as I can and thus I want to delete every piece of music from my iPhone. When I tap that Music button on the home screen, I want it to bring up an empty screen, I want all of my songs blasted off into oblivion.
    I've been spending the past hour trying to remove my songs and they just won't budge I don't use playlists. I simply have all of my music in my Music Library on iTunes. I have tried deleting every song from that library, syncing, with no luck. I've tried unticking everything, changing the sync options to only include ticked items, and it hasn't worked. I've tried enabling the manual settings, I went into my iPhone through iTunes, deleted every song and yet when I bring up the Music menu; every damned song is still there. I've tried disabling the syncing of music, then pressing the sync button (so that it syncs my other stuff, just not the music) and guess what; the **** songs are still there.
    It really is annoying me now, so I thought I'd bring it to infinite wisdom of the minds of the internet. Anyone got an idea of how I can do it? I'm not great with Apple technology so I would appreciate any help anyone could give me. (I miss the days of cheap MP3 players when you could just go into Windows, select everything and tap the delete key.)
    Thanks in advance.

    With Sync Music selected under the Music tab for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes, deslecting Sync Music followed by a sync should remove all music from your iPhone. The same when switching from transferring music via the sync process to manually managing music and videos.
    Since neither has worked, something is wrong.
    I suggest restoring your iPhone with iTunes. Before doing so, don't have sync music selected under the Music tab and don't have manually manage music and videos selected under the Summary tab either so no music will be transferred to your iPhone after your iPhone is restored.

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