How do I get back to QT 6.5.2?

I have a g4 dual 1-gig running Panther (a single app keeps me in Panther... I'd need to spend about 5k to upgrade to Tiger). I was running QT 6.5.2 and things were working just fine. I had some codecs installed (I forgot which and where) and was playing AVIs no problem. I stayed clear of QT 7 due to the problems people were having. Foolishly, I saw that QT was up to 7.0.4 and I thought everything would be worked out and it would be OK to install QT7.
Well, needless to say, after doing that I could no longer play the AVI files. I tried to install the codecs but nothing worked.
I have since gone back to 6.5.2 and tried to install the codecs but I get video but no audio.
My questions are...
What should I do? What's the easiest way to get Quicktime running so i can play AVIs again?
Should I try to get 6.5.2 going again or is 7.0.x the way to go?
Also, can someone explain clearly which codecs I will need to play AVIs and where to put them.
Thanks in advance.

What should I do? What's the easiest way to get Quicktime running so i can play AVIs again?
If AVI audio is the problem and you were using QT v6.5.2, would assume you were either running the DivX v5.1.1 component or the 3ivX component and using DivX Doctor. Here is the URL for DivX codec:
Should I try to get 6.5.2 going again or is 7.0.x the way to go?
If you don't use H.264 and are happy with QT 6, then there may not be any pressing reason to switch. But in the end, the decision is yours to make.
Also, can someone explain clearly which codecs I will need to play AVIs and where to put them.
It really depends on which compression formats your AVIs contain. Would assume DivX, 3ivX, Filp4Mac, and M$ are the most widely used components. QTKirk could probably better expand on various differences. I rarely use anything but DivX v5.1.1/v5.2.1 for MPEG Streamclip/QT Pro conversions.

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