How do i get my ipod update and get my ipod changed

How do i get updates for my ipod and get my ipod changed when my charger won't work

if i am reading this right your ipod is unable to charge due to the charge/sync cable no longer working, i'm assuming that also the ipod's battery is completely drained and won't turn on i am recomending that you go to walmart or best buy or any other electronics store and tell them that your charge/sync cable is no longer working and they should help ya get a new cable be sure to tell them what generation your ipod is because the cable end that goes into the ipod has changed

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      CALL 'C_DIR_READ_FINISH'.             " just to be sure
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        EXIT. "Error
        CLEAR l_srvfil.
          ID 'TYPE'   FIELD l_srvfil-type
          ID 'NAME'   FIELD l_srvfil-file
          ID 'LEN'    FIELD l_srvfil-size
          ID 'OWNER'  FIELD l_srvfil-owner
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          ID 'MODE'   FIELD l_srvfil-attri.
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        ENDIF." sy-subrc <> 0.
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          CHANGING l_srvfil-mod_time
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        PERFORM translate_attribute CHANGING l_srvfil-attri.
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          l_srvfil-type = 'D' OR
          l_srvfil-type = 'F' .
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    FORM p_to_date_time_tz  USING    p_ptime  TYPE p
                            CHANGING p_time   TYPE syuzeit
                                     p_date   TYPE sydatum.
        l_abaptstamp TYPE timestamp,
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        l_opcode     TYPE x VALUE 3,
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        ID 'TIMESTAMP' FIELD l_time
        ID 'ABAPSTAMP' FIELD l_abstamp.
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          TIME p_time.
    ENDFORM.                    " p_to_date_time_tz

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