How do I make RSS readers work?

I've been trying to use an RSS Reader on my iPad (3) with the ease of use that *used* to be built in to OS X.
When the was installed Safari kept sending feed links to, even though I was not looking at podcast links.
I uninstalled the and now Safari just says it can't open the page, and would I like to look on the iTunes Store for an app to open the RSS feed (even though I've already installed 3 RSS readers trying to get any of them to work automatically).
When I click search, iTunes opens but says "Cannot connect to the iTunes Store" - I've tried the date/time fixes, and the DNS fix (even though DNS was fine), and it still spits out the error even when I'm already connected to the iTunes Store.
Given that I already have RSS readers installed, how do I simply set one of them as the default reader?
And why is RSS support removed from Mountain Lion? What kind of bass-ackwards decision was that to make?

You wrote, "start and stop apache with apachectl start or apachectl stop (or restart with apachectl graceful)."
Are you saying that it's wrong to use System Preferences > Web Sharing to stop Apache - I should use the apachectl command instead?
"without blasting anything, you can specify the right one with an alias in your .bashrc file. do something like: alias apachectl="/usr/local/sbin/apachectl""
I'm searching for .bashrc with Spotlight right now, but I haven't found it yet; there was one reference to it, but I haven't yet been able to open it. Should there be a second .bashrc file for MAMP, or just a total of one?
"type "which apachectl" to determine which you're using by default. the default apache executable (1.3.x) is actually /usr/sbin/httpd. apachectl is just a wrapper script to control it."
I typed "which apachectl" into Terminal, and it displayed the following:
What does that mean?
"so if mamp installed another apache instance, it probably ha its own conf file. edit that, and you should be set."
I'm sorry; edit what? Am I supposed to look for a reference to usr/sbin or apachectl in my httpd.conf file? I've already added virtual hosts to MAMP's httpd.conf file.

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    Hello estebie67,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like the iPhone is experiencing issues upon startup, and may not be loading the firmware or operating system correctly. If you have not already done so, try resetting the iPhone while connected to power:
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    So maybe it's a problem with the printer's IP?
    Yes. As far as your network is concerned, the printer is just not there.
    You will not be able to progress until you assign it an IP address accessible to your LAN. Apparently it needs to be 192.168.1.x (a 1 in the place that is now a 5), where x = a large enough number that is not likely for router to assign to other equipment.
    Your challenge is to assign the printer that IP address. Let's use the address
    HP's support pages for that printer and its Jetdirect card say, rather unhelpfully:
    Using the front panel of printer
    The IP address may also be changed using the front panel of the HP Jetdirect device. This method of front panel configuration varies greatly depending on the model of HP printer that is being used (consult the User's Guide for the front panel instructions for a particular printer). Click here to go to the HP Web site. Use the Search and search for Front Control Panel TCP/IP Configuration .
    I did that and it didn't really get me anywhere, since there seem to be few if any references to the non- "MP" or "V" etc. variants of the original LaserJet 4. So, try to find a setting in the printer's front panel that bears any resemblance to "network settings" or "IP address".
    If you are able to navigate its front panel to a place where you can enter the IP address be sure to press GO or ENTER or ONLINE or whatever you think might make the setting "stick" after you enter those digits. Print the same test page you did before, and ensure its IP address has really been changed. Then, then try the ping command again, with its new IP address:
    If you are unable to determine a way to use the printer's front panel to change its IP address, you should be able to use Terminal to set it. This will get a bit cumbersome so use it only if you are unable to change the printer's IP address some other way:
    Terminal is a program in your Mac's Utilities folder.
    Locate Terminal and open it. At the command prompt, type the following exactly as written (copy and paste the following to avoid errors):
    sudo arp -s 00:60:b0:91:21:e7
    ... and press Return. You will get a warning of impending disaster should you make a mistake, and requesting your Mac's Administrator password to proceed. Type your password (which will not appear as you type it) and press Return. Unless something went wrong the command prompt should immediately reappear as if nothing happened.
    Next try the ping command again:
    You should receive ping responses from the printer as in my earlier example.
    If you do, then congratulations because you have made it all the way to Step 1
    You still have to add the printer in System Preferences > Print & Fax, using this new IP address, and make sure the Gutenprint driver works.
    Edit: The reason your printer works with your old G5 running Tiger is that it is using AppleTalk for communication. AppleTalk doesn't exist in Snow Leopard. This is the reason you must use IP for communication on your Mac Pro. Your old G5 should continue to work with the printer as it always has.
    another Edit: HP's support page alleges that the Terminal command arp above will only work with JetDirect firmware versions x.08.03 and later only. Yours appears to be A.05.05, so the front panel option may be all there is. If that does not work I have one more idea but it's an even bigger pain.

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    Does anyone have any ideas on how to make the drill down or navigation work on custom formulas?

    Using the Paint demo
    Report 1 Saved as: */shared/Paint Demo/Sample Analyses/Color Analysis*
    <saw:report xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:sawx="" xmlVersion="200705140">
    <saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simple" subjectArea="Paint">
    <saw:column formula="case WHEN Markets.Region IN ('CENTRAL REGION', 'EASTERN REGION') then 'East Central' WHEN Markets.Region IN ('SOUTHERN REGION', 'WESTERN REGION') then 'South West' else Markets.Region end" columnID="c4">
    <saw:displayFormat interaction="default"/></saw:columnHeading>
    <saw:displayFormat suppress="default" interaction="navigate" wrapText="true">
    <saw:navigation xsi:type="saw:sawNavLink">
    <saw:navTarget xsi:type="saw:reportLink" path="/shared/Paint Demo/Sample Analyses/Color Analysis Navigate"/></saw:navTargets></saw:navigation></saw:displayFormat></saw:column>
    <saw:column formula="&quot;Sales Measures&quot;.&quot;% Chg Year Ago Dollars&quot;" alias="" columnID="c3"/></saw:columns>
    <saw:filter subjectArea="Paint">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">case WHEN Markets.Region IN ('CENTRAL REGION', 'EASTERN REGION') then 'East Central' WHEN Markets.Region IN ('SOUTHERN REGION', 'WESTERN REGION') then 'South West' else Markets.Region end</sawx:expr></sawx:expr></saw:filter></saw:criteria>
    <saw:views currentView="0">
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:compoundView" name="compoundView!1" rptViewVers="200510010">
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Title"/></saw:cvRow>
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Table"/></saw:cvRow></saw:cvTable></saw:view>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:tableView" deck="bottom" headingDisplay="table2Rows" visibleFormats="all" name="Table" rptViewVers="200510010"/>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:titleView" name="Title" rptViewVers="200510010"/></saw:views>
    Report 2 Saved as: */shared/Paint Demo/Sample Analyses/Color Analysis Navigate*
    <saw:report xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:sawx="" xmlVersion="200705140">
    <saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simple" subjectArea="Paint">
    <saw:column formula="Markets.Region" columnID="c5"/>
    <saw:column formula="&quot;Sales Measures&quot;.&quot;% Chg Year Ago Dollars&quot;" alias="" columnID="c3"/></saw:columns>
    <saw:filter subjectArea="Paint">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">case WHEN Markets.Region IN ('CENTRAL REGION', 'EASTERN REGION') then 'East Central' WHEN Markets.Region IN ('SOUTHERN REGION', 'WESTERN REGION') then 'South West' else Markets.Region end</sawx:expr></sawx:expr></saw:filter></saw:criteria>
    <saw:views currentView="0">
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:compoundView" name="compoundView!1" rptViewVers="200510010">
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Title"/></saw:cvRow>
    <saw:cvCell viewName="staticchart!1"/></saw:cvRow>
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Table"/></saw:cvRow></saw:cvTable></saw:view>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:tableView" deck="bottom" headingDisplay="table2Rows" visibleFormats="all" name="Table" rptViewVers="200510010"/>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:titleView" name="Title" rptViewVers="200510010"/>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:staticchart" name="staticchart!1" rptViewVers="200510010">
    <saw:template tid="charts/pie.cxml"/>
    <saw:category position="0">
    <saw:constant value="1"/></saw:category></saw:categories>
    <saw:column columnID="c3" position="0"/></saw:measures>
    <saw:column columnID="c5"/>
    The first report navigates and prompts the second report on the calculated field.

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    PS. If it uses coordinates, how would I find those?

    which one?
    there are 2 different suggestions.  using coordinates is easiest to use but only works well if the area is rectangular.

Maybe you are looking for