How do I reference a dynamically created MovieClip from another MovieClip?

I'd be grateful for any pointers to the following problem:
     I'm having trouble referencing dynamically created MovieClips (links in a side panel on a Flash website, created from an XML file) from the current MovieClip (the currently selected link).
     I wish to freeze the the link/MovieClip in its mouseOver state once it has been clicked - this part works. When a new link/MovieClip is clicked on, I wish to release the previously clicked-on link from its mouseOver state, which is what I've so far been unable to do.
     My problem seems to be referencing the previous link/MoveClip. I've used the trace statement trace(MovieClip(this).name) to determine that the MovieClips are named item0, item1, item2 and so on. However, I've been unable thus far to reference the previous clip thus far. I've tried to trace the route to the MovieClip from the stage, and also tried MovieClip(parent).item0.gotoAndStop and lots of other different permutations, but to no avail. It's the fact they seem to be in a container called 'panel' which is defeating me.
     Here's a live version I've uploaded, which might explain the problem better. Click on "UBER UNS" in the top menu bar to get to the page in question. It's the links on the left-hand side (Historie, Unser Team, etc.) which are the problem. You'll see that once they've been clicked on they remain in their mouseOver state.
     This is the code in question on the fla file, which is a file I did not create myself. The parts in black work fine; it's the red parts where the problem lies:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
panel.buttonMode = true;
var lang:uint = 1;
var url_Link:String=MovieClip(root).program.websiteXML .language[lang].pages.titlePage[MovieClip(root).program.linkPage].texts.pageList.txt[numT XT].@link;
var urlPage:Number=Number(MovieClip(root).program.webs iteXML.language[lang].pages.titlePage[MovieClip(root).program.linkPage].texts.pageList.tx t[numTXT].@linkPage);
var request:URLRequest;
var linkIndex:uint;
var lastClickedLink:MovieClip;   //This is supposed to store the last link that has been clicked - it doesn't work
panel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicLink);
panel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseOverLink);
panel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseOutLink);
function mouseOverLink(event:MouseEvent):void {
function mouseOutLink(event:MouseEvent):void {
      if(numTXT !== (linkIndex - 1)/5){         //freezes mouseOver state if this is the link for the current page
function clicLink(event:MouseEvent):void {
      var linkpage:uint = MovieClip(root).program.linkPage;
      if (url_Link) {
           request = new URLRequest(url_Link);
      } else {
           linkIndex = numTXT * 5 + 1;
           if(linkpage == 1){
               MovieClip(root).chPages.cont.page_about_mc.page3Tu  rner_mc.gotoAndStop([linkIndex]);
          } else if (linkpage == 2){
               MovieClip(root).chPages.cont.page3_mc.page3Turner_  mc.gotoAndStop([linkIndex]);
     lastClickedLink.gotoAndPlay('s2');  // this is supposed to release the previous clicked-on link from it's mouseOver state - doesn't work
     lastClickedLink = MovieClip(this).name;    //this is supposed to set the new link as the last link clicked after the old one has been released from it's mouseOver state - doesn't work
If anyone can help, that would be great.

What you might be after for that line is to use:
lastClickedLink = MovieClip(event.currentTarget);
For what you show, the name property of an object is a String, so I would expect you to be getting an error regarding trying to get a String to act like a MovieClip when you try to tell it to gotoAndPlay('s2').

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    if (current==keytimer[i]) {
    Any help is more than welcome
    Flash file:
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showXML);xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("for_elise_by_beethoven.xml"));function showXML(e:Event):void { XML.ignoreWhitespace=true; var songs:XML=new XML(; trace(songs.Track.Event.length()); var i:Number; var keytimer:Array = new Array(); for (i=0; i < songs.Track.Event.length(); i++) { keytimer[i] =(" Time of the key: "+ songs.Track.Event[i].Absolute.text()); if (current==keytimer[i]) { trace("yes"); } //trace(keytimer[i]); //trace(" NoteOn: "+ songs.Track.Event[i].NoteOn.@Note); //trace(" NoteOff: "+ songs.Track.Event[i].NoteOff.@Note); //trace(" "); } var myTimer:Timer=new Timer(1,190000); myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,doStuff); var current:Number=0; myTimer.start(); function doStuff(event:TimerEvent):void { current++; trace("current: "+ current); trace("keytimer: "+ keytimer[i]); //trace("keytimer: "+ keytimer[i]); /*if (current==keytimer[i]) { trace("yes"); }*/  }}
    The current xml file: (name: for_elise_by_beethoven.xml)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!DOCTYPE MIDIFile PUBLIC  "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 0.9 MIDI//EN"  ""><MIDIFile><Format>1</Format><TrackCount>4</TrackCount><TicksPerBeat>960</TicksPerBeat><TimestampType>Absolute</TimestampType><Track Number="0">  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 12 00 00 7f 7f 00</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 1c 32 30 30 35 2e 31 32 2e 30 32</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <TrackName>Track 0</TrackName>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <SetTempo Value="857143"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <EndOfTrack/>  </Event></Track><Track Number="1">  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <ProgramChange Channel="1" Number="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 09 40 48</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <CopyrightNotice>2006 by</CopyrightNotice>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <InstrumentName>Piano</InstrumentName>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <TrackName>Für Elise</TrackName>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 06 47 65 6e 65 72 61 6c 20 4d 49 44 49</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <TimeSignature Numerator="3" LogDenominator="3" MIDIClocksPerMetronomeClick="12" ThirtySecondsPer24Clocks="8"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <MIDIChannelPrefix Value="00"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>960</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="71"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>1200</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>1200</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="75" Velocity="38"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>1440</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="75" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>1440</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="57"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>1680</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>1680</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="75" Velocity="70"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>1920</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="75" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>1920</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>2160</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>2160</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="71" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>2400</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="71" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>2400</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="74" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>2640</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="74" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>2640</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="72" Velocity="83"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>2880</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="72" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>2880</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="69" Velocity="89"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>2880</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 0f 02</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>2880</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="45" Velocity="64"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>3120</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="45" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>3120</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="52" Velocity="64"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>3360</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="52" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>3360</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="57" Velocity="70"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>3600</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="69" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>3600</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="57" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>3600</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="60" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>3840</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="60" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>3840</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="64" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>4080</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="64" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>4080</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="69" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>4320</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="69" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>4320</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="71" Velocity="83"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>4320</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 0f 02</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>4320</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="40" Velocity="64"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>4560</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="40" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>4560</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="52" Velocity="64"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>4800</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="52" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>4800</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="56" Velocity="70"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>5040</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="71" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>5040</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="56" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>5040</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="64" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>5280</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="64" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>5280</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="68" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>5520</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="68" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>5520</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="71" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>5760</Absolute>    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Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>6720</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>6960</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>6960</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="75" Velocity="64"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>7200</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="75" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>7200</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>7440</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>7440</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="75" Velocity="70"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>7680</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="75" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>7680</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>7920</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="76" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>7920</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="71" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>8160</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="71" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>8160</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="74" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>8400</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="74" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>8400</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="72" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>8640</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="72" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>8640</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="69" Velocity="83"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>8640</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 0f 02</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>8640</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="45" Velocity="57"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>8880</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="45" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>8880</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="52" Velocity="64"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>9120</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="52" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>9120</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="57" Velocity="70"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>9360</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="69" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>9360</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="57" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>9360</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="60" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>9600</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="60" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>9600</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="64" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>9840</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="64" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>9840</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="69" Velocity="76"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>10080</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="69" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>10080</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="71" Velocity="83"/>  </Event> 
      <Event>    <Absolute>185040</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="56" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185040</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="64" Velocity="51"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185280</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="64" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185280</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="72" Velocity="51"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185520</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="72" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185520</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="71" Velocity="51"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185733</Absolute>    <ControlChange Channel="1" Control="64" Value="127"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185760</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="71" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185760</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 0e</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185760</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="60" Velocity="45"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185760</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="69" Velocity="45"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185760</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="45" Velocity="45"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>185760</Absolute>    <NoteOn Channel="1" Note="33" Velocity="45"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>187200</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="45" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>187200</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="33" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>187200</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="60" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>187200</Absolute>    <NoteOff Channel="1" Note="69" Velocity="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>190048</Absolute>    <ControlChange Channel="1" Control="64" Value="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>190080</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 0a</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>190080</Absolute>    <EndOfTrack/>  </Event></Track><Track Number="2">  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 09 00 40</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 06 47 65 6e 65 72 61 6c 20 4d 49 44 49</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <TrackName></TrackName>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <TimeSignature Numerator="3" LogDenominator="3" MIDIClocksPerMetronomeClick="12" ThirtySecondsPer24Clocks="8"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <ProgramChange Channel="2" Number="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <MIDIChannelPrefix Value="01"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <EndOfTrack/>  </Event></Track><Track Number="3">  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 09 00 40</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <SequencerSpecific>05 0f 06 47 65 6e 65 72 61 6c 20 4d 49 44 49</SequencerSpecific>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <TrackName>Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven</TrackName>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <TimeSignature Numerator="3" LogDenominator="3" MIDIClocksPerMetronomeClick="12" ThirtySecondsPer24Clocks="8"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <ProgramChange Channel="3" Number="0"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <MIDIChannelPrefix Value="02"/>  </Event>  <Event>    <Absolute>0</Absolute>    <EndOfTrack/>  </Event></Track></MIDIFile>

    var current:int=0;
    function doStuff(event:TimerEvent):void {
    trace("current: "+ current);
    trace("keytimer: "+ keytimer[i]);
    //trace("keytimer: "+ keytimer[i]);
    if (current==int(keytimer[i)]) {

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    help me, How to add ComboBox to dynamically created DataGridColumn

    public     function docfoldercurtainmanagerResult(event):void
    headerText="Rights Level" minWidth="75" sortable="true" >
    <mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{outerDocument.rightslistArray}" labelField="sec_rights_level" />

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    Thanks Paul,
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    I have an application that I am adding movieclips to a
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    myClip.addChild(theNewClip). Now I have a dozen clips in my
    container and it seems like the only way to access the clip is to
    use the getChildByName() method and cast it into a temporary clip
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    In AS3, this is probably not much better, but you can
    generically loop through all movie clips:

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    you can nest movieclips by using your commented code.
    however, you cannot change a movieclip's parentage after it's
    you can "fake" a parentage change by creating a movieclip
    with the parentage you want, copying its assets to the newly
    created movieclip with the desired parentage and finally removing
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  • Get the ID of a dynamically created symbol from library, INSIDE another symbol.

    Hi everyone,
    I'm trying to get the id from a dynamic created symbol from library.
    When dynamically creating the symbol directly on the stage (or composition level), there's no problem.
    But I just can't get it to work when creating the symbol inside another symbol. 
    Below some examples using both "getChildSymbols()" and "aSymbolInstances" 
    // USING "getChildSymbols()" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
    // ON THE STAGE 
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item","Stage");
    var symbolChildren = sym.getChildSymbols(); 
    console.log(symbolChildren[0].getSymbolElement().attr('id')); // ok eid_1391853893203
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item", sym.getSymbol("holder").getSymbolElement()); 
    var symbolChildren = sym.getSymbol("holder").getChildSymbols(); // Am i using this wrong maybe?
    console.log(symbolChildren.length) // returns 0 so can't get no ID either
    // USING "aSymbolInstances"" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item","Stage"); 
    console.log(sym.aSymbolInstances[0]); // ok (i guess) x.fn.x.init[1] 0: div#eid_1391854141436
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item", sym.getSymbol("holder").getSymbolElement());
    console.log(sym.getSymbol("holder").aSymbolInstances[0]); // Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = element 
    In this post is written: "mySym.aSymbolInstances will give you an array with all "names" when you create symbols"
    Could it be this only works on the stage/ composition level only and not inside a symbol? 
    The following methods to achieve the same are indeed possible, but i simply DON'T want to use them in this case:
    1) Storing a reference of the created symbol in an array and call it later by index.
    2) Giving the items an ID manually on creation and use document.getElementById() afterwards.
    I can't believe this isn't possible. I am probably missing something here.
    Forgive me I am a newbie using Adobe Edge!
    I really hope someone can help me out here.
    Anyway, thnx in advance people!
    Kind Regards,

    Thanks for the quick response!
    True this is also a possibility. But this method is almost the same of "Giving the items an ID manually on creation and use document.getElementById() afterwards".
    In this way (correct me if i'm wrong) you have to give it an unique ID yourself. In a (very) big project this isn't the most practical way.
    Although I know it is possible.
    Now when Edge creates a symbol dynamically on the Stage (or composition level) or inside another symbol it always gives the symbol an ID like "eid_1391853893203".
    I want to reuse this (unique) ID given by Edge after creation.
    If created on the stage directly you can get this ID very easy. Like this;
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item","Stage");
    var symbolChildren = sym.getChildSymbols(); 
    console.log(symbolChildren[0].getSymbolElement().attr('id')); // ok eid_1391853893203
    I want to do exactly the same when created INSIDE another symbol.
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item", sym.getSymbol("holder").getSymbolElement());
    Now how can I accomplish this? How can I get the Id of a dynamically created symbol INSIDE another symbol instead of created directly on the stage?
    This is what i'm after.
    Thnx in advance!

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    the same data source (CSV) file with a view to increasing performance?
    We are aware of the reference sub menu option with Power Query. However the new query created by the "reference" option still seems to refresh data from the data source (CSV) rather than just referencing the base query. Is this understanding
    correct? There does seem to be a lot of hard disk activity when re-running the new query which is based on a base query rather than a data source.  So we were hoping the new query would just need to reference the base query in memory rather than rescanning
    the hard disk. Is there any way to ensure that the reference query just rescans the base query in memory?
    Kind Regards,
    Kieran Patrick Wood

    Hi Kieran,
    This sounds like something to be suggested for a future release. At the present time, Power Query will always re-run the entire Power Query query when refreshed. The Reference feature is analogous to a SQL view whereby the underlying query is always re-executed
    when it's queried, or in this case refreshed. Even something like using the Power Query cache to minimise the amount of data re-read from the disk would be helpful for performance but the cache is only used for the preview data and stored locally.
    It would be a good idea to suggest this feature to the Power BI team via the feedback smiley face.
    Michael Amadi
    Please use the 'Mark as answer' link to mark a post that answers your question. If you find a reply helpful, please remember to vote it as helpful :)
    Website:, Twitter:
    Hi Michael, 
    Glad to hear from you about this.  And thanks to Kieran for bringing a very good valid point to debate. Will be glad to see this in future release. 
    - please mark correct answers

  • How do I save and import my bookmarks from another hard drive? When I try to open the installed Firefox on the old drive, it (obviously) opens a browser from the new main drive, free of bookmarks. Is there a way I can save the bookmarks on the old drive w

    How do I save and import my bookmarks from another hard drive? When I try to open the installed Firefox on the old drive, it (obviously) opens a browser from the new main drive, free of bookmarks. Is there a way I can save the bookmarks on the old drive without opening a browser?
    The guts of my computer were rearranged and I got a new main hard drive. My old one is still in there and I can get stuff from it, but when I go to the Mozilla folder on the old one, I can't figure out if there's anything I can do to get all my bookmarks from that drive to my new one, where Firefox is newly installed.

    If you open Firefox then Firefox will always use the default profile folder as found via profiles.ini on your system drive.
    You either need to import the file in your current default profile or copy the file to your current profile folder while Firefox is closed.
    Firefox 3 stores the bookmarks and the browser history in [ places.sqlite] and no longer creates an HTML backup by default.
    There are also (five) JSON backups in the bookmarkbackups folder within the Firefox profile folder.
    You can either copy the file places.sqlite to your [ Firefox Profile Folder] or import the most recent JSON backup from the bookmarkbackups folder of that old profile.
    "Application Data" in XP/Win2K and "AppData" in Vista/Windows 7 are hidden folders.
    Go to: Control Panel > Folder Options > "View" tab > under "Hidden files and folders", select "Show hidden files and folders".
    You may want to un-check the box "Hide extensions for known file types" to see the file extensions of all files.

  • I am trying to publish a web site using my own domain. How do I transfer my host to mac from another server?

    I am trying to publish a web site using my own domain. How do I transfer my host to mac from another server?

    I've created a CNAME entry to redirect the domain to apple but the site is still not live! Can anyone help please?
    Did you also do what is required in the .Mac account settings?
    Could you provide your urls?

  • How to compile and run a .java file from another java program

    can any one tell me how to compile and run a *.java* file from another java program which is not in same directory?

    Well a smarter way of implementing this is by using a solution provided by Java Itself.
    If you are using J2SE 6.0+ there is an in built solution provided along with JDK itself and inorder to go ahead with solution the below are set of API which you;d be using it for compiling Java Programs (Files)
    How do i do that ??
    Check out the below articles which would help you of how to do that
    Now once we are done with compilation.In order to run a Specific class all you ought to do is create an object and its specific methods of a specified class included in the CLASSPATH which you can manage it easily by usage little bit reflections.
    Hope that might help :)

  • After upgrading to Photos, how can I work on a Book Project from another apple device?

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    I'm not sure I understand what you are asking, but on the device/Settings, do you have iCloud and Photos sync turned on?

  • How do i access my mac email account from another computer?

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    Go to and sign-in

  • My one DAG fail then how to run e-mails in my organisation from another DAG that is located another Location.

    DAG Failed then how to run e-mails in my organisation from another DAG.
    means the another DAG work automatically or i will do something for outside the DAG.
    Anil kumar Gangwar

    In order to resolve the problem more efficiently, I need to clarify some information.
    1. Do you have two AD sites in your environment?
    2. If you have two AD site, do you have active users in these two AD sites?
    3. Does each AD site have a DAG which is cross-site?
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

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    Depending on your carrier, you may be able to see recent calls by logging into your account on the carrier's web site, if they offer such a feature, though incoming calls being shown is not usual. There will, as diesel said, be no way to see messages already received, either SMS/MMS or iMessages, without having the phone.

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