How do I reformat a ZFS external HDD?

Hi. I recently tried rebuilding an old PC as a FreeNAS device, including 2 external hard drives.  Long story short - it was a disaster!  I have managed to recover the PC back to Windows but I'm struggling with the HDDs.  I can see the disks
in Computer Management but right-clicking only gives me the option to convert to a dynamic disk.  How do I get these back to NTFS?  All the data is safely store elsewhere so I don't need to preserve anything currently on the disks.  Any help
or advice will be greatly appreciated!  Thanks.

As I known, to control this FreeNAS device, we have to remote its IP on IE interface. We cannot do many operation in remote Mode. 
Since we know little about FreeNAS, I suggest contacting their support for further help.
Meanwhile, if the FreeNAS device besides your hands, we may have to start it via Windows 7 disc or usb drive and reinstall it if we can change the BIOS settings about boot order for a try.
You may also capture a screenshot of the computer management for further research.
Hope it helps.
Blair Deng
Blair Deng
TechNet Community Support

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    For details please check the Microsoft knowledge document;
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    General File Recovery
    If you stop using the drive it's possible to recover deleted files that have not been overwritten by using recovery software such as MAC Data Recovery, Data Rescue II, File Salvage or TechTool Pro.  Each of the preceding come on bootable CDs to enable usage without risk of writing more data to the hard drive.  Two free alternatives are Disk Drill and TestDisk.  Look for them and demos at MacUpdate or CNET Downloads. Recovery software usually provide trial versions that enable you to determine if the software would help before actually paying for it. Beyond this or if the drive has completely failed, then you would need to send the drive to a recovery service which is very expensive.
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    Also visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on Data Recovery.
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    If I understand you correctly you want to back up two drives simultaneously. If that is correct, you will find a guide here:

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    General File Recovery
    If you stop using the drive it's possible to recover deleted files that have not been overwritten by using recovery software such as MAC Data Recovery, Data Rescue II, File Salvage or TechTool Pro.  Each of the preceding come on bootable CDs to enable usage without risk of writing more data to the hard drive.  Two free alternatives are Disk Drill and TestDisk.  Look for them and demos at MacUpdate or CNET Downloads. Recovery software usually provide trial versions that enable you to determine if the software would help before actually paying for it. Beyond this or if the drive has completely failed, then you would need to send the drive to a recovery service which is very expensive.
    The longer the hard drive remains in use and data are written to it, the greater the risk your deleted files will be overwritten.
    Also visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on Data Recovery.

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    A few weeks ago, I was putting some documents onto the disk from one of my W7 PCs.
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    I just clicked once and yanked the USB
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    Uh oh.
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    A week later, I needed to transfer a rather large .mov file from my PC to my Mac for editing. I plugged in the Elements, and waited for it to come up. And waited. And waited.
    And restarted the PC, and waited.
    So I plugged it into my Mac.
    No icon appeared on the desktop like normal, but “WD Elements” showed up in Disk Utility. I verified and repaired it, not too worried.
    It sat there repairing it for about 15 minutes or so, then it came back with an error saying it could not repair the disk.
    This was two weeks ago.
    I have now found that the drive is corrupted.
    When i plug it in now, it shows up, but it takes a very long time to open files on it, and copy/paste and navigate.
    it needs to be reformatted.
    but, it has 264.3 GB of files on it, a conglomeration of PC and Mac files.
    and my hard drive has 60 GB of free space.
    I need to get the files off, reformat, the put them back on.
    i cant lose any of these files, some are pictures i have no where else (i know, i know...)
    if i make a disk image of the drive with Disk utility how large will the file be? 1TB? 264.3GB? or is there some way i can compress it or something?
    and, if I make a disk image of the drive, how will i be able to get the files back on?

    Take the drive to a Windows PC and install Data Rescue ($100) and let it work on reading the 1's and 0's of the files themselves, outputing the recovered files to another large external hard drive (formatted exFaT on the PC, not on the Mac and not NTFS!)
    This is going to take hours to complete, so buy the software upfront and get it over with.
    Once it's finished you can hook up the drive to the Mac and it will read it, no NTFS reading/writing software required.
    If the PC your using is a Windows XP machine and there is no exFAT, then install the free exFAT for XP from Microsoft first.
    Take a second to learn about drives and formatting, it's not wise to use NTFS software as you see now the problem.
    Drives, partitions, formatting w/Mac's + PC's

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    Tiger on Intel Macs will support such a configuration. See the following:
    Drive Preparation
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.
    7. After the formatting has completed re-select the main drive entry in the left sidebar and click on the Partition tab in DU's main window. Use the Partition Scheme dropdown menu to create two partitions. Resize the partitions to your liking. The second partition should be the one you will use with Windows. Select that partition and set the Format Type to MSDOS then click on the Erase button.
    You should now have two volumes. The first is for use on the Mac. The second is for Windows. When you boot into Windows you may want to reformat the Windows volume to use NTFS instead of FAT32. Note that NTFS is a read-only filesystem in OS X.

  • How do I reformat a Toshiba external hard drive to work with my MacBook?

    I purchased a Toshiba Canvio 3.0 external hard drive and I need to reformat it to work with my Mac. Any help is greatly apprecaited.

    Open Disk Utility
    Select the disk
    Click on partition and select Mac OS Extended (journaled) and the number of partition you wish to create.
    Enter name or names for partition/s
    Click Apply.

  • How do you use templates from external hdd? (without copying them over)

    When I installed DVD Studio Pro 4, I had to install the Templates, Styles, Transitions, etc... into an external for lack of space in my MBP. Now comes the time when I need to use those templates, so how do I access them without having to reimport them? Importing them copies the template files over from the external to the internal and I can't afford the space.

    How did you install them onto an external? If you did it via the FCS installer, then DVDSP should automatically link to them. If you just copied them over, it would probably be easiest to jus reinstall from the original discs, this time telling it to put the additional content on your external.

Maybe you are looking for