How do I remove a space between tables?

In dreamweaver there appears to be no space and the page looks fine, however when I go into
internet explorer there is a gap between the tables.  I want my image to be
at the bottom of my table, resting on the footer.
I have tried for hours to resolve this and I can't, there is still a space between my HR helpline image and my footer.
I have set all the borders and cell spacing to 0 but nothing seems to work.
I have not yet got my web site on line so can't tell you what the URL is, but when I go and view source from the internet explorer this is the code:
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td>
    <td width="430" height="200" align="center" valign="bottom" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion2" -->
    <p><img src="../frustrated helpline.jpg" alt="HR helpline" width="331" height="282" border="0" longdesc="http://HR telephone helpline" /><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></td>
<table width="900" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <td valign="top"><img src="images/Core HR Web footer 900.jpg" width="900" height="81" alt="london surrey berkshire kingston" longdesc="http://footer" /></td>
Thanks if anyone can help, I am really new to this.

HI Again
here is the code for my page
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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img {margin:0; padding:0;}
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          margin-right: auto;
          margin-bottom: 0px;
          margin-left: auto;
          border-top-color: #FFF;
          border-right-color: #FFF;
          border-bottom-color: #FFF;
          border-left-color: #FFF;
body,td,th {
          color: #6A6A6A;
          font-size: 18px;
          font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
.FirstLetterBigger {
          font-size: 42px;
.Pt17 {
          font-size: 17px;
          text-align: center;
.Front18 {
          font-size: 19px;
a:link {
          color: #385399;
a:visited {
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.FourPTszbtwnchars {
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.FirstLetter36 {
          font-size: 36px;
          width: 1000px;
          margin-right: auto;
          margin-left: auto;
/**border added to table cells to see them, you can remove this**/
td {border: 0px solid #333}
/**styles added to paragraphs**/
p {
padding: 10px 12px 0 12px;
line-height: 1.5;
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    SRiegel wrote: may be that the black bar is created with a paragraph rule instead of cell color.
    I hadn't considered that, and your example is proof-of-concept. However, now that you made me look closer, I still don't think that's the OP's case, seeing as the text in the OP's header rows appears to span more than one column, belying what I suppose must be merged cells.* The column strokes in the "gap" appear to disqualify it (the gap) as part of a row with merged cells.
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    Well the good news is it looks like it's going to be some css and html issues the bad news (for most people) is it looks like it's going to be some css and html issues.
    Couple things.
    Are you looking at vertical or horizontal spacing?
    Region 1 in the shipped themes are used for breadcrumbs and usually have set vertical spacing and margins.
    Have you looked at the other layout examples in that application, there's 2 that show different ways of getting exact layout.
    Look at your page template there is an attribute called
    Region Table attributes
    if it looks like
    summary="" cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"
    change it to
    summary="" cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0"
    and see if that helps?
    If you can put an example on thats the easiest way to help you out, as a rule it's very hard to debug UI issues without seeing them.

  • How Can I Tighten the Space Between Table Rows?

    I am trying to reproduce the resume I created in a different word processing application several years ago. I have created a table that lists all the work for a given employer with each row representing a different employer. I do want a little more space between text rows when I jump from one employer to the next (one row in the table to the next), but not as much as it is creating. Is there a way to tighten this?
    I like the amount of space between lines within a row just as it is.
    OS 10.9.5
    Pages v. 5.2 (1860)

    That looks to be the idea, but adjusting the Text Inset is giving me inconsistent results from row to row. The first attached image shows the table (I've included grid lines here to help illustrate) with the default Text Inset of 4 for all cells.
    Note the consistent spacing before and after each row. Here is the same document with a Text Inset of 0 on all cells:
    Note the large gap between the first and second rows (OWN and Investigative etc.) and the extremely tight gap between the second row and third (Investigative etc. and CNBC). Then a big gap, a tight gap, two big gaps, a tight gap and a big in subsequent rows.
    I keep looking to see if I have some sort of other inconsistent formatting going on, but I can't find one. All cells have the Text set (in the style tab) to "Align text to the top of a table cell."

  • How do I remove extra space between paragraphs

    I'm writing a research paper, and between paragraphs an extra line of space is added.  My professor isn't happy about this.  Help me eliminate the space.

    The default after paragraph spacing in Pages is 12 points. With a 12 point font, this puts a whole line-worth of space after each paragraph return. It is very easy to change this in the text inspector.
    If you don't want to have to remember to change it each time you open a new blank word processing document, create your own template. Open the blank template & set up your document with the line spacing, margins, headers, etc. as you'd like. Redefine all of the paragraph & character styles to have your desired font. You can set default wrap for any object as well as many other settings. Insert a table, click in it & choose the font, size, color, etc. you want in the fonts panel or format bar. You can do similar changes to inserted objects & text boxes. While you're at it resize the box if you want, set the amount of extra space in the wrap inspector, etc. Delete each text box, object & table after you've set them.
    Now, save this document as a template & select that template as default in preferences. If you decide to make any changes to the template down the road, just Save As Template again with the same name & replace the previous version. All of your new documents will have these settings for inserted objects, images & tables. Unfortunately, the settings won't apply to any other templates or "foreign" documents you open with Pages.

  • How can i remove white space between pics in picture package

    i am using ps elements 3 and want to use picture package to set up and print multiple passport photos on a single page.  passport photos must be 2"x2".  When I import or select a photo taken with my photobooth app on my mac and select custom size, i get 20 images on a page.  however, there is a white space of 1/2 inch around each image and the images are 1.5 " square rather than 2" square.  How do i get rid of the white margins around the images so that they will come out to be 2x2?

    The easiest answer would be to just get a Friskars cutter or something similar. I have one like this that I use to cut my photos apart. I found mine at a Walmart in either the scrapbook aisle or the hobby aisle.
    However, if you are determined to make a custom picture package you can try making a custom layout with a text editor. I know you can control the white space amount but not sure if you can totally eliminate it.
    A simple text editor will work...notepad works for this on Windows...not sure what is comparable on the mac.
    In PSE3, the layouts are found following this path Adobe<Photoshop Elements 3.0<Shared Assets<Layouts...note there is also a folder titled Layouts readmes which shows the formula to edit the layouts.
    Here is a link that details how to create a picture package layout using a text editor:
    Caution: Make sure you save your custom layout with a new name so you don't overwrite the ones that ship with elements.

  • Need to remove the space between  af:panelGrouplayout & af:panelBox

    Hi All,
    I am using JDeveloper
    My Scenario is I need to stretch some fields for all the browsers so I am using Panel box inside the panelStretchLayout<f:facet  name=center>.
    It's working fine.But Some Scenarios need to show header items  above panel box .So I try to add panelGroupLayout in <f:facet name=top> .It's stretching fine but always it's showing space between <af:panelBox>.
    How can I remove the Space between <af:panelGroupLayout > & <af:panelBox>?
    My Codes like this ,,
      <af:panelStretchLayout id="psl1" inlineStyle="margin-top:30px;">
                  <f:facet name="top">
                    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl4" layout="vertical"
                      <af:panelGroupLayout layout="horizontal" id="pgl1">
                        <af:outputText value="Day" id="ot1"/>
                        <af:outputText value="Week" id="ot2"/>
                        <af:outputText value="Month" id="ot3"/>
                        <af:outputText value="Year" id="ot4"/>
                  <f:facet name="center">
                    <af:panelDashboard columns="1" rowHeight="100%" id="pd1">
                      <af:panelBox id="pb1" showDisclosure="false"

    You have not specified explicit height for the top facet, so its height is 50px (which is the default height for "top" and "bottom" facets if they exist). You can specify an exact height for the top facet using the "topHeight" property of the <af:panelStretchLayout> tag:
    <af:panelStretchLayout ... topHeight="25px">
    Alternatively, you can specify height "auto" in order to instruct the component to calculate the height automatically depending on the content within the facet:
    <af:panelStretchLayout ... topHeight="auto">
    Note, that specifying an "auto" height puts little overhead to the layout manager which has to calculate the height first and to render the panel after that.

  • How to remove white space between two answer reports

    How to remove white space between two answer reports
    In Dashboard section I have 2 rqeuest. Each request renders Table View. When I display dashboard, it show white space separating the 2 table views. How do I get rid of the white space/white band ?

    See this link
    Re: Eliminating the space between two reports in OBIEE dashboard page Section

  • How to remove extract space between pages in smartform without changing output

    Hello Experts,
    I've been given a requirement where I need to remove extra space between pages of a smartform (refer to the attachment). If you look at the following screen shot then you will notice that that there is a command provided to display details on these pages which has a checkbox 'Go to New Page'.
    When I removed the above New Page comment then still I don't see the expected output (Refer to the attached screen shot 'Expected' to see what I need).
    Also there is another there is another New Page command (as shown below).
    When I tried to removed the above New Page Command then output was totally changed which user don't want (as shown below. Table should have been break on BCVI on red line, which happens today but with so much extra space).
    To view the correct output how user want please have a look at 'Expected' screen shot.
    Now the question is what change I should make in my smartform to accomplish the expected output.
    Many thanks in advance.

    I think that it should work, this construction of an loop node including all relevant items and at the event TAB event sort field only these items are copied in the OUTPUT_TAB which should be printed in a separate table on the form. After having printed the table, the content of the internal table is cleared.
    I suppose that you first should check if this TAB "event sort field" includes the correct criteria for the necessary group change. If this event is really defined correctly, then I only have one hint for you.
    I know that the only possibility to define a page break in a table in the Window MAIN is to use the following technique:
    Define an outside loop node and in this loop node a table node, but this table does not have a internal table to be looped through. It includes only the fields to be printed, maybe you have to re-design your table node.
    By the way only then you can define a command node including a page break during the processing of an internal table.

  • How to remove footer space in Table

    I have created a table in main window. after creating main area section, the footer section is appearing as an empty at the bottom. I tried to remove this space by giving zero height to the footer height, but the value is not accepted by the system. How can I remove the space created by the footer?

    Hi Rajan,
    Can you please tell me how did you solve this problem ?
    I am facing the same issue in smartforms.

  • How can I change the space between a checkbox and text all at one time? I have a lot of checkboxes in my form.

    How can I change the space between a checkbox and text all at one time? I have a lot of checkboxes in my form.

    Okay, I haven't found a way to add an extra space using Find/replace, but you might be able to add some text wrap to the check boxes that will push the text away from them.
    Open Find/Replace and click the Object tab.
    Click the Specify attributes to find button to the right of the Find Object Format: field.
    Under Basic Attributes, choose Stroke and then the Black swatch (assuming the black swatch is applied to the strokes of your check boxes). If there are no other stand-alone objects in your form with a Black stroke, this should be all you need. (If there are Black strokes on your table cells, they will be ignored.)
    Click OK
    Click the Specify attributes to change button to the right of the Change Object Format: field.
    Under Basic Attributes, choose Text Wrap & Other > Text Wrap > Type: > Wrap around bounding box (2nd button from left)
    Under Offset, set a Right offset at the distance you'd like to add (I don't know what units you use, but the 3-5 points might work for your purposes...might take some trial-and-error to get it where you want)
    Click OK
    Click Change All

  • How can I adjust the space between the dividing line of the footnotes and the continuous text?

    How can I adjust the space between the dividing line of the footnotes and the continuous text?

    I want to extend the space so the dividing line does not stuck to the normal (continuous) text in my thesis. Do you have a solution? That would be perfect. Thanks a lot!

  • How do I remove the space key on my keyboard for cleaning underneath?

    How do I remove the space key on my keyboard for cleaning underneath?

    Don't.  It will void the warranty.  Take is to an Apple store or an AASP and have them do it.

  • Space between tables in dreamweaver

    Cellpad = 0, Cellspace = 0 and Border = 0 but there is still a space between tables. I checked in explorer and chrome, same thing. Suggestions?

    This is not a DW or even a table problem - it's a 'you' problem! ;-)
    What you are seeing is the space that is reserved below inline elements to accommodate text descenders. Make that image have the CSS style of "display:block" and you will see the gap vanish.

  • How to I increase the space between the top of tabs and the frame of the entire window? It was fine until Firefox updated

    How to I increase the space between the top of tabs and the frame of the entire window? It was fine until Firefox updated and since it updated it reduced the space. Now the space is too thin which makes it more difficult to move the open window frame around when I need to grab something from Desktop. Image attached.

    In the image, see how thin the space is right above the tab? It was much wider before Firefox update so if any know how to make it wider again, please let me know. Thank you
    ''troyable7 [[#question-1058550|said]]''
    How to I increase the space between the top of tabs and the frame of the entire window? It was fine until Firefox updated and since it updated it reduced the space. Now the space is too thin which makes it more difficult to move the open window frame around when I need to grab something from Desktop. Image attached.
    In the image, see how thin the space is right above the tab? It was much wider before Firefox update so if any know how to make it wider again, please let me know. Thank you

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