How do I request a Digital Certificate?

Hi, I'm starting in this world of App development. I've got an HP PC with Windows 7 so I can't install Xcode or anything like that. I was using a program for iOS Apps development and I tried to build an App but it asked me for a "Digital Certificate". I've done a little research and I found that I have to request it to Apple. I'm a member of the iOS Development Centre but I can find where to request it. Help please!

You need a Mac for that, Developing for Mac/Apple devices are not supported using Windows.

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    Please continue here: [/questions/780242]</blockquote><br>
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    You would have to manage the bookmark folders on a Desktop computer. [[How do I set up Firefox Sync?]] would allow you to do this.
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    Hmmm. Think I just solved this myself...
    For those others that have this problem,
    System Preferences
              Recent Items
    Set recent items to zero then back again.
         This will remove your recent apps and documents as well.
    Thanks anyway!

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    Hi Carla,
    Unfortunately, Extended Key Usage is not one of the properties you can enforce.
    The things you can set are:
    appearanceFilter (i.e. enforce the use of a custom signature appearance)
    certspec(i.e. the signing certificate must meet some specific criteria)  <<<----- This is what you are more interested in, more below
    digestMethod(i.e. enforce the use of a specific cryptographic hashing algorithm)
    filter (i.e. enforce the use of a specific security handler if you want to use something other than the one built into Acrobat)
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    lockDocument (i.e. enforce any further changes to the document after the signature is applied)
    mdp (i.e. the rules for changing the document applied as part of a certifying signature)
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    version (i.e the minimum version of Acrobat that can decipher the signature. the only two options are versions 6 or 8)
    The second item is the certspec, and this is what I've been pointing you towards. For the sake of discussion, think of everything you can read in a certificate as an extension. The serial number is an extension, the subject is an extension, the valid from date is an extension, etc. When a certificate is created, some of these extensions are required, other optional, and you can even add in extension that are not publicly defined, and only you will know about.
    Acrobat has the ability to enforce the signer to use a certificate that contains some, but not all of the known extensions. The extensions it can enforce are:
    issuer (i.e. require the use of a certificate that is issued by a specific Certificate Authority)
    keyUsage (i.e. require the signers certificate contain one or more of the nine possible values that can be included)
    oid (i.e. require that the Certificate Policy extension contain a specific value)
    subject (i.e. require that the document is signed by one specific person using one specific digital ID)
    subjectDN (i.e. require that the document is signed by one specific person, but they get to choose which digital ID to use)
    url (i.e. if a required digital ID is not available, where the signer can procure an acceptable digital ID)
    urlType (i.e. if the user is directed to the URL, should it be a web server where they can download a digital ID or a remote signing server where the digital ID stays on the remote server)
    That's it. If it's not one of these items then Acrobat cannot enforce that the item is available. Extended Key Usage is not on the list.

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    at weblogic.t3.srvr.SSLListenThread.<init>(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initializeListenThreads(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
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    Just a guess, but sometimes this happens when the .der file is actually in .pem format, or vice versa. You might try changing the name of the cert to .pem, specify it in the console and see if that helps.
    You also might get a better answer posting this question on the security newsgroup.
    javachina wrote:
    I has three files(*.der, *.pem, *.pem)generated by weblogic certificate sevlet. And I has also got file from verisign throuth my CSR file. But when I give the *.der file to server key file name field on the console, some error occur in my weblogic:
    <2002-6-12 %u4E0A%u534811%u65F622%u520614%u79D2> <Alert> <WebLogicServer> <Security configuration pr
    oblem with certificate file config/mydomain/eintech-key.der,
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.SSLListenThread.<init>(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.SSLListenThread.<init>(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initializeListenThreads(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    I don't know where is the error raise? help me?--
    Michael Young
    Developer Relations Engineer
    BEA Support

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    installed on the same server)
    a. Open the web browser, go to http://IP_of_CA_server/certsrv/
    b. Select "Retrieve the CA certificate or certificate revocation list", and click Next
    c. Select "Base 64 encoded" and click "Download CA certificate"
    d. Click Open, and click "Install certificate"
    e. Click Next
    f. Select "Place all certificates in the following store" and click Browse
    g. Check the "Show physical stores" box
    h. Expand "Trusted root certification authorities", select Local Computer, and click Ok
    i. Click Next, FINISH, and click Ok for "The import was successful" box

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    Hi Aj,
    When your SAP passport expires SAP recommends to delete your old SAP Passport and create new passport. Since the new SAP Passport is valid already, there is no reason to retain the old one.
    Please check and let me know if you need any information.
    Kiran .V

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    Message was edited by: Spring Tang

    refer the following links
    please let me know if u dont find relevant information

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    Hi Oscar !!
    refer this blog & links , you will get all you are looking for
    <b>How to use Digital Certificates for Signing & Encrypting Messages in XI</b>
    Thanks !
    Abhishek Agrahari

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    Backup the library with this User Tip. (Also any other personal data)
    Deauthorize the old computer before it goes away.
    Restore the backup to your new computer using the same tool used to back it up.
    Keep your backup up-to-date in future.

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    One way is to email your cert to yourself; another is to use cloud-based storage (e.g., Dropbox) that allows you to reference files via URL. In either case, once the file is selected it will be recognized as a digital certificate and you will be asked if you want to install it.
    Hope this helps.

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