How do I set up [Flash Player] cloud on a website

I was wondering is there is a way to setup or a wordpress plugin to install flash player into a website.
[Title edited... Mod]

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    Basic Overview
    I have this working fine at my home laptop, however I need this working for projects at school.
    Whenever I want to open an SWF file at home, I simply double click it and open it in Adobe Flash Player (Adobe Flash Player 10.0 r22) and I have no problems!
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    Thanks you to everyone who helps!
    -Charlie! (Yes I know I don't need to write this in a forum)

    The standard Flash Player is a browser add-on, and not a standalone player.  So what actually opens when you open an SWF file at home?  Flash Player Projector?
    If so, you also need to download it at your school, from, then do the file association.

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    This is asking you to store persistent Flash Cookies (meaning, they are not deleted when you delete your ordinary cookies.) Some sites will not work unless you allow them. Here's how to prevent them from getting on your computer in the first place, while keeping Flash and these sites working.
    If you use Firefox, get the Add-on Better Privacy, which will delete them when you quit Firefox.
    Or, trick these sites into thinking they are actually storing this crap: (These directions are for Flash Player 10 and above.)
    Using the following, no LSOs (Flash Cookies) will be stored and yet Flash is tricked into thinking they are. As far as I can tell all sites employing Flash will function properly; nothing will be broken, including Comedy Central with its streaming video content. (In the directions above, I had mistakenly recommended setting the Storage panel in the local Flash Pref Pane to not allow. It must be left as "Allow sites to store...." This was why the Comedy Central clip I had been trying to play wasn't working.)
    First, to get a new, clean folder, start by trashing the Macromedia folder in ~/Library/Preferences. That's in your user Library. Next, do not visit the local Flash Pref Pane in Sys Prefs. Instead, go directly to Adobe Global Privacy settings in the Adobe Settings Manager and set Camera and Mic to "Always deny." Visiting the Settings Manager will automatically create a new, clean Macromedia folder.
    (If you first visit the local Flash Pref Pane, the new Macromedia folder will lack the empty default #shared objects folder and its also empty enclosed folder (this is the one with a combination of characters and numerals.) I haven't tested to see what will happen if those two folders are not present. I assume, providing the Macromedia folder is unlocked, they would be created as soon as one visits a Flash site, but they will not be empty and this would defeat the entire purpose.)
    If you visit the local Flash Pref Pane now, all the defaults will remain, except for the Camera and Mic panel, where "Always deny" will be checked. Next, it seems prudent to go to the Playback panel and check "Block all sites from using peer assisted networking." But, important, in the Storage panel, you must leave the default "Allow sites to save...." checked. This is how sites using Flash are tricked into thinking storage of Flash Cookies is being allowed when they are, in fact, not.
    Next, go back to the Macromedia Folder and, using GetInfo/CMD-I, recursively lock all its enclosed folders. This means starting from the back working ones way up to the front. And, finally, lock the enclosing Macromedia folder itself. Nothing gets stored and everything keeps on working.
    (Thanks to Anon at XYMer's for this.)
    EDIT: Maybe something I don't know, but I don't think AdBlock in Safari will defeat Flash Cookies. There may be some Safari extension that will.
    Maybe this extension
    EDIT: in order to see and access your Users Library in Lion:
    Message was edited by: WZZZ

  • HT1338 how do i install adobe flash player on macbook pro

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    Download the player from the link that Allan provided.
    Doubleclick the downloaded file to mount the .dmg file.
    When a window opens with the 'Install Adobe Flash Player', doubleclick that file to start the install.

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    That message is just a standard one issued, mainly for Windows users, you can disregard it if you didn't install any anti-virus. (OS X has one installed by Apple that doesn't interfere)
    It's just some forms of anti-malware are really paranoid and lock the entire machine down. (like Norton)
    If you need assistance installing Flash
    How to install/uninstall Flash, fix problems
    How to uninstall/install software on your Mac

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    You cannot.  Adobe does not make it for ipad.
    This has been discussed over and over and over and over and over and over again on these forums.  Please do a forums search - right side of this page.
    There is no need to add yet another thread on this very tired subject.
    Adobe has announces d that they are selling a platforms that will allow ipad users to view flash content.  This is nothing that users will have.  The developer of the video will have to do this.

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    You can't, it's not supported on any iOS device (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch) : . Apps such as Skyfire claim to support flash, but their reviews are mixed. Some websites (especially news sites) have their own apps in the App Store, so you could check to see if your favourite(s) have apps.

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    Click here and download it.

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    Or if I just go to and download version will remove the older version?
    It confuses me because on this page
    it says that "
    Before you install Flash Player for any Windows browser, uninstall all previous versions and restart your computer. For instructions on removing the player, please see "How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control" (TechNote tn_14157)."
    then gives you this to run
    Windows: uninstall_flash_player.exe
    so do I need to use this uninstaller first? Then reboot, the install the new version?

    Theoretically, updating to the latest Flash Player should remove all previous versions.  However, that does not always work.  I often find old OCX files in people's systems.
    I always use the uninstaller, reboot if there are any files left in the Flash folder, then install the latest version.  Never had any problem with this method on any of my machines.

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    Please see this page for a list of all certified devices:
    Flash Player Certified Devices
    If your device is supported, this FAQ will walk you through the process of manually installing the plugin:
    How do I manually install Flash Player on my Android device?

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    1. System Preferences > Security & Privacy
        Unlock the lock, if you have to.
        Allow apps downloaded from:
        Select “Mac App store and identified developers”.
    2. System Preferences >  Flash Player > Advanced >  Delete  All
         Press the "Delete All" button
         Install Adobe Flash Player.
        Follow the prompts.
        Quit Safari.
        Restart computer. Relaunch Safari.
    3.  Allow  Plug-ins
        Safari > Preferences > Security
        Internet Plug-ins >  "Allow  plug-ins"
        Enable it.
        Press " Manage Website Settings" button for more options.

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    There is no way to install flash player.  Adobe abandoned its development for mobile devices years ago.

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    I have successfully installed Flash Player on All Winner Android 4.4.2 100.1" Tablet. You have to use the following link to Archive Flash Player  Archived Flash Player versions and download Flash Player 11.1 for Android 4.0 ( It has to be used in conjunction with UC Browser, Dolphin Browser, Boat Browser or any other which supports Flash player & make some changes to settings. It worked for me.

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    To elaborate a little, Apple never permitted the installation of Flash on an iPad or iPhone. A couple years ago, Adobe withdrew the installation of Flash on any mobile device.

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