How do I upload a font family?

I''m uploading a book as PDF pages to an on demand printer.
The printer would like the entire font family included even though
I'm only using one weight (style) each of 2 fonts.
How do I go about uploading the entire font families?
I seem to think I did this once before, but don't recall the step.
Please give me a step by step instructions.
Thank you.

I think I see what you're going after.
Open your project in Quark 8. Choose File > Collect for Output. The first thing it asks is "Save Project before continuing with Collect for Output?" Meaning, it wants to save the file even if you haven't changed anything. That's okay, you can just dump the copy of the document later. Click "Save".
A dialogue box will come up. Create a new folder somewhere using the button at the lower left. The desktop is usually the easiest place to put things. If you want, you can change the name of the file at the top, but it usually makes the most sense to leave it the same name as the file you opened. Choose the new folder you created and click "Save".
That just writes the open document to the newly created folder. Now you get the opportunity to save the rest of the related items. Turn on the check boxes for "Linked Pictures", "Printer Fonts", "Color Profiles" and "Screen Fonts". You don't want "Layout" on because you just did that. Having it on will cause the rest of the collection to fail. Click "Save". Actually, since you already have everything but the fonts as part of the PDF file, all you need is the "Printer Fonts" and "Screen Fonts".
A nag box will appear explaining the legality of copying fonts that may be copyrighted. Click "OK".
A copy of your document, images and fonts will now all be in the folder you created. You don't need the Quark document or images, but all of the fonts you need to send to the publisher will be there.

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    i tried this code.but i got only font styles.but i need font family.observ this code
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class fontSelect extends java.awt.Dialog implements AdjustmentListener, ItemListener, TextListener, ActionListener {
    public Font selectedFont; //to get result
    public boolean isSelected = false;
    public Color selectedBackground, selectedForeground;
         public fontSelect(Frame parent, boolean modal) {
              super(parent, modal);
         String fntName[] = getToolkit().getFontList();
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    String[] names = ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames();
              setSize(insets().left + insets().right + 380,insets().top + insets().bottom + 282);
    fontList = new java.awt.Choice();
              //fontList = new java.awt.List(0,false);
              fontList.setBounds(insets().left +25,insets().top + 50,137,144);
              //label1 = new java.awt.Label("Example:-");
              //label1.setBounds(insets().left + 220,insets().top + 36,84,30);
              exampleText = new java.awt.TextField();
              //exampleText.setText("sample string ");
              //exampleText.setBounds(insets().left + 40,insets().top + 50,84,21);
              label2 = new java.awt.Label("Font Family:-");
              label2.setBounds(insets().left + 25,insets().top + 30,70,19);
              isBold = new java.awt.Checkbox("Bold");
              isBold.setBounds(insets().left + 320,insets().top + 90,60,18);
              isBold.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              isItalic = new java.awt.Checkbox("Italic");
              isItalic.setBounds(insets().left + 250,insets().top + 90,48,17);
              isItalic.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.ITALIC, 12));
              showFont = new java.awt.Label("samplestring ",Label.CENTER);
              showFont.setBounds(insets().left + 240,insets().top +50,120,30);
    label11 = new java.awt.Label("Size:-");
              label11.setBounds(insets().left + 290,insets().top + 120,70,19);
              fontSize = new java.awt.Choice();
              //label11 = new java.awt.Label("Example string");
              fontSize.setBounds(insets().left + 290,insets().top + 140,60,23);
              btnSelect = new java.awt.Button();
              btnSelect.setBounds(insets().left + 280,insets().top + 190,87,24);
              btnCancel = new java.awt.Button();
              btnCancel.setBounds(insets().left + 280,insets().top + 230,91,24);
              label3 = new java.awt.Label("Background:-");
              label3.setBounds(insets().left + 24,insets().top + 90,94,18);
              rBackground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,255,0,0,255);
              rBackground.setBounds(insets().left + 24,insets().top +110 ,197,21);
              gBackground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,255,0,0,255);
              gBackground.setBounds(insets().left + 24,insets().top + 135,197,21);
              bBackground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,255,0,0,255);
              bBackground.setBounds(insets().left + 24,insets().top + 160,197,21);
              label4 = new java.awt.Label("R");
              label4.setBounds(insets().left + 12,insets().top + 110,12,18);
              label4.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              label5 = new java.awt.Label("G");
              label5.setBounds(insets().left + 12,insets().top + 135,12,18);
              label5.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              label5.setForeground(new Color(-16744448));
              label6 = new java.awt.Label("B");
              label6.setBounds(insets().left + 12,insets().top + 160,12,18);
              label6.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              rBackValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              rBackValue.setBounds(insets().left + 225,insets().top + 110,24,12);
              rBackValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              gBackValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              gBackValue.setBounds(insets().left + 225,insets().top + 135,24,12);
              gBackValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              gBackValue.setForeground(new Color(-16744384));
              bBackValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              bBackValue.setBounds(insets().left + 225,insets().top + 160,24,12);
              bBackValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              label7 = new java.awt.Label("Foreground:-");
              label7.setBounds(insets().left + 20,insets().top + 185,94,18);
              rForeground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,0,0,255);
              rForeground.setBounds(insets().left + 20,insets().top + 205,197,21);
              gForeground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,0,0,255);
              gForeground.setBounds(insets().left + 20,insets().top + 230,197,21);
              bForeground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,0,0,255);
              bForeground.setBounds(insets().left + 20,insets().top + 255,197,21);
              label8 = new java.awt.Label("R");
              label8.setBounds(insets().left + 10,insets().top + 205,12,18);
              label8.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              label9 = new java.awt.Label("G");
              label9.setBounds(insets().left + 10,insets().top + 230,12,18);
              label9.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              label9.setForeground(new Color(-16744448));
              label10 = new java.awt.Label("B");
              label10.setBounds(insets().left + 10,insets().top + 255,12,18);
              label10.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              rForeValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              rForeValue.setBounds(insets().left + 220,insets().top + 205,24,12);
              rForeValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              gForeValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              gForeValue.setBounds(insets().left + 220,insets().top + 230,24,12);
              gForeValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              gForeValue.setForeground(new Color(-16744384));
              bForeValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              bForeValue.setBounds(insets().left + 220,insets().top + 255,24,12);
              bForeValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              setTitle("Choosing font");
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)fntName.length; i++)
              showFont.setFont(new Font(fntName[0], Font.PLAIN, 12));
    // GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    //String[] names = ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames();
    for ( int i=0; i<names.length; i++ )
    System.out.println( names[i] );
              selectedBackground = showFont.getBackground();
              selectedForeground = showFont.getForeground();
              int i = 8;
              do {
                   if (i<=30) i+=2;
                   else if (i<=70) i+=4;
                   else i+=8;
              } while (i<150);
              try {
              } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { }
         //java.awt.List fontList;
    java.awt.Label label11;
         java.awt.Label label1;
         java.awt.TextField exampleText;
         java.awt.Label label2;
         java.awt.Checkbox isBold;
         java.awt.Checkbox isItalic;
         java.awt.Label showFont;
         java.awt.Choice fontSize;
    java.awt.Choice fontList;
         java.awt.Button btnSelect;
         java.awt.Button btnCancel;
         java.awt.Label label3;
         java.awt.Scrollbar rBackground;
         java.awt.Scrollbar gBackground;
         java.awt.Scrollbar bBackground;
         java.awt.Label label4;
         java.awt.Label label5;
         java.awt.Label label6;
         java.awt.Label rBackValue;
         java.awt.Label gBackValue;
         java.awt.Label bBackValue;
         java.awt.Label label7;
         java.awt.Scrollbar rForeground;
         java.awt.Scrollbar gForeground;
         java.awt.Scrollbar bForeground;
         java.awt.Label label8;
         java.awt.Label label9;
         java.awt.Label label10;
         java.awt.Label rForeValue;
         java.awt.Label gForeValue;
         java.awt.Label bForeValue;
    private Font constructFont() {
    int l;
    try {
    l = Integer.parseInt(fontSize.getSelectedItem());
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {l = 12;}
    selectedFont = new Font(fontList.getItem(fontList.getSelectedIndex()>=0?fontList.getSelectedIndex():0 ), (isBold.getState()?Font.BOLD:0)+(isItalic.getState()?Font.ITALIC:0), l);
    selectedBackground = new Color(rBackground.getValue(), gBackground.getValue(), bBackground.getValue());
    selectedForeground = new Color(rForeground.getValue(), gForeground.getValue(), bForeground.getValue());
    return (selectedFont);
         public void textValueChanged(java.awt.event.TextEvent event) {
              Object object = event.getSource();
              if (object == exampleText) showFont.setText(exampleText.getText());
         public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event) {
              Object object = event.getSource();
              if (object == btnSelect) {
    isSelected = true;
    selectedFont = constructFont();
    } else if (object == btnCancel) {
         selectedFont = null;
    selectedBackground = null;
    selectedForeground = null;
         public void itemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent event) {
              Object object = event.getSource();
              if (object == isBold) showFont.setFont(constructFont());
              else if (object == fontList) showFont.setFont(constructFont());
              else if (object == isItalic) showFont.setFont(constructFont());
              else if (object == fontSize) showFont.setFont(constructFont());
         public void adjustmentValueChanged(java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent event)
              Object object = event.getSource();
    showFont.setBackground(new Color(rBackground.getValue(), gBackground.getValue(), bBackground.getValue()));
    showFont.setForeground(new Color(rForeground.getValue(), gForeground.getValue(), bForeground.getValue()));
    if (object == rBackground) rBackValue.setText(""+rBackground.getValue());
              else if (object == gBackground) gBackValue.setText(""+gBackground.getValue());
              else if (object == bBackground) bBackValue.setText(""+bBackground.getValue());
              else if (object == rForeground) rForeValue.setText(""+rForeground.getValue());
              else if (object == gForeground) gForeValue.setText(""+gForeground.getValue());
              else if (object == bForeground) bForeValue.setText(""+bForeground.getValue());

    Okay, that's better. It would have been nice if the code was formatted, and if there was about 20% of that code. (Your example could have been just one JLabel and nothing else, for example.)
    Anyway, now that you've posted that code, what is your question about it? I see you are calling a "getAvailableFontFamilyNames" method; do you have a question about that? If so, what is the question?

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    <scriptsrc="//,i3,n7:all;open-sans:n3,i3,n4,i4,n6, i6,n7,i7,n8,i8:all.js">
    How do I use the i3 variation in css?
    My css looks like this: font: 16px 'open-sans-condensed';

    Thank you.
    But I want to use the [i3] variation font.
    <scriptsrc="//,i3,n7:all;open-sans:n3,i3,n4,i4,n6, i6,n7,i7,n8,i8:all.js">
    Would look like?
    CSS Selector {
    font-family: open-sans-condensed:i3, sans-serif;
    font-size: 16px;

  • How to discover all available font styles for a given family?

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    I was just searching the web trying to find why this piece of code:
    for (var i = 0; i <app.fonts.length;i++) {
         app.fonts[i]..... some other code
    take 4+ minutes to execute.
    app.fonts.everyItem().getElements(); did the trick, sweet!!
    However, I would like to ask you whether you know if there is some handout or some guide (possibly online page) for such advanced scripting...
    or how did you find this solution?
    thank you very much for this post, anyway

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    how to set custom font family in label text  qml in black berry 10 OS

    AFAIK, this is not the correct way to set the image location.
    We call the working directory as context, so inside the context root along with WEB-INF, maintain a folder with name img and put all the images in that directory.
    You can use either .\<image_folder> or the optimum way would be (if you are using JSPs) to use getContext() method and traverse accordingly.
    FYI,,, using getContext() will give you context root directory, from there it is as simple as accessing any other folder.
    Hope this answers your question.

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    I was testing the preciseness & efficiency of Adobe acrobat x professional's doc conversion capabilities. As i have to take a document editing project in future which is going to need lot of pdf to word and vice versa conversions . What I did was I created a test word document converted into a pdf using a pdf maker in my word 2007 , Acrobat did convert the document from word to pdf keeping everything in the source file intact , However when i tried the other way round and attempted to convert the same pdf to word 2007 file format I lost my formatting ?So the font that I used to create the pdf are the ones taken from word 2007 which i believe is using the fonts that are installed in my computer. Any suggestions on how to preserve the formatting of the document after converting it from pdf to word file format?

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    in SE71 only u can define ur font .
    if u want same font for whole paragraph go  to paragraph format.otherwise go for charactor format.
    down u ll see some tab like standard font tabs and outline
    for font family go clik on font and chose ur fotn family.

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    The font I am referring to is the one on the two-line nav menu at the top of the page, beginning with "TV" on the first line, and ending with "Blogs" on the second. The same font also appears to be used in the "More from our partners" section that follows the movie listings at the bottom.
    I'd like to know what font EW is using here, as it does not seem to be anything I have installed on my system. I'd also like to know how they're calling it (which line in the code is the one making this call?) so I can study it more closely.
    Please note than I am specifically looking for how EW did it, and not alternate methods of calling the font that may be considered equally effective (first things first).

    There seems to be some confusion to clear up : I can see jaf-bernini-sans-condensed without having it installed on my system. The EW website is serving it to me through the web somehow.
    Not sure what exactly you are seeing on your system but the code to render fonts on your system is this:
    @import url('');
    Now the css that actually defines the fonts is this:
    #primary-nav li.first-level > a {
    z-index : 50;
    line-height : 37px;
    text-align : center;
    display : block;
    font-size : 20px;
    font-family : jaf-bernino-sans-condensed, 'Francois One', arial, sans-serif;
    font-weight : 500;
    color : #fff;
    If you don't have the first fonts defined then you are likely to get the second.  Its picture is here:
    Does this answer your question?  If not please post a picture of what exactly you are seeing on your screen.

  • How do i upload font files into photoshop?

    How do i upload fonts from websites into photoshop cs2? Heres
    the fgont im trying to get in there.

    Or... how do I get my logo to appear in the address bar and
    centered at any
    screen resolution?
    "Brendon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:elq601$bfj$[email protected]..
    > Much do I get my logo to appear in the
    address bar?
    > :-p
    > "Kim" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:elq3n6$8kg$[email protected]..
    >> Later... how do I export my sliced image into
    Dreamweaver :P
    >> Brendon skrev:
    >>> Then restart photoshop....
    >>> Not sure what this has to do with Dreamweaver
    >>> "Brendon" <[email protected]> wrote in
    >>> news:elpvg3$4f2$[email protected]..
    >>>> On a PC, install it through the Font section
    in your Control Panel.
    >>>> Brendon.
    >>>> "BryanRob"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>> news:elpuka$3d2$[email protected]..
    >>>>> How do i upload fonts from websites into
    photoshop cs2? Heres the
    >>>>> fgont im trying to get in there.
    >> --
    >> Kim
    >> ---------------------------

  • I have Maveriks. I downloaded numerous ACID Fonts and purchased Stuffit as instructed by ACID Fonts in order to use them. However, now I am unable to figure out how to get them into my Font Family drop down list or insert into Pages. PLS HELP!

    I have Maveriks. I downloaded numerous ACID Fonts and purchased Stuffit as instructed by ACID Fonts in order to use them. However, now I am unable to figure out how to get them into my Font Family drop down list or insert into Pages. PLS HELP!

    Hi FancyJean!
    Here is an article for you about using Font Book and installing fonts that you have downloaded:
    Mac Basics: Font Book
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

  • Elements 9 - text, font family - how can I get the drop down menu to work?

    I can't change the text fonts in Elements 9.  Most everything else seems to work except the font family drop down menu.  When I click on the arrow, the menu drops but immediately dissappears.  The font size drop down works but not the family menu.  Help please.

    I think it's usually a restriction of short displays on netbooks and laptops etc. You may have to live with it unless you can change display resolution via the control panel.

  • How do I get more font styles in css please

    How to I find different fonts when selecting "font-family" or is that it?

    You can use absolutely any font you like.
    Honstly, you can. Just type in the name in the font-family and it will show up (use ' ' around two word fonts).
    The only problem is, if the viewer's computer doesn't have a font that you list in the font-family rule, it won't show. They'll see the second font in the rule, or third or fourth.
    That is, unless you use the @font-face Rule in CSS3...
    Then you can use any font available to you through places like or
    You will always be stuck with that original limited handful of web-safe fonts for the old junk browsers people still use, but @font-face is very well supported in modern browsers.

  • How to print true type font in smartform with ECC6

    I want to use true type font "Comic Sans MS.ttf".
    I upload this font file by SE73 named ZTT2I.
    In SE73.. select the Radio button "Font Families" And click on the "True type Font Installation" button. click the font attribute ITALIC。
    Our print device is LP01 and driver is CNSAPWIN
    when I create a new style in smartform using the font ZTT, in preview window the font still like other font.
    Our system is IDES ECC6, SAP_BASIS SAPKB70014
    Now when I create smartfrom in language EN adn logon with language EN,it can print correct style of that font.
    But if the smartform is base on language ZH or logon with language ZH, the output is not correct.
    why? How to solve it?
    how can I solve this problem?
    thaks a lot

    Is the problem that uploaded true type font ZTT is not used when language is ZH? Did you update the chinese version of the style associated with the smartform? There is a separate style for each language version. So you need to log on in Chinese language and update the style with new paragraph, character formats. Then you need to activate the style and smartform for ZH langauge also.

  • How to use true type font in smartform with ECC6

    I want to use true type font "Comic Sans MS.ttf".
    I upload this font file by SE73 named ZTT2I.
    In SE73.. select the Radio button "Font Families" And click on the "True type Font Installation" button. click the font attribute ITALIC。
    Our print device is LP01 and driver is CNSAPWIN
    when I create a new style in smartform using the font ZTT, in preview window the font still like other font.
    Our system is ECC6, SAP_BASIS 700 level0017 packeg SAPKB70017
    how can I solve this problem?
    thaks a lot

    the ABAP forum administrator take this question to netweaver forum.
    Now when I create smartfrom in language EN,it can output correct style of that font.
    But if the smartform is base on language ZH, the output is not correct.
    why? How to solve it?
    thanks a lot

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