How do I use JMQ from a servlet?

I need to satisfy the following requirements. Please follow the sequence (I dont have Rational Rose with me! :-))
1.A end user sends a web request (for a servlet) through the browser.
2.Servlet sends a message to a backend process via JMS.
3.backend process does something and creates display data for the servlet.
4.backend process sends a message containing this data back to the servlet via JMS.
The stringent requirements are that step 2 and 4 have to be achieved using JMS. This is not negotiable! :-) Based on my limited knowledge of JMS, the way to achieve this is by
1.Having a Destination (Queue/Topic) for which the backend process is the consumer and all servlet instances are producers.
2.Or every request that the servlet receives, create a TemporaryQueue and send its name to the backend process through the message sent by the servlet. The servlet is the consumer of this queue and the backend process becomes the producer to send the display data to the servlet.
Is anybody knowledgable enough in JMS, to tell me if this is likely to fail? Or if there is a better solution?

Sounds reasonable to me. Take a look at the JMS javadoc for TopicRequestor
or QueueRequestor. Same idea. The client receiving the first message gets
the reply destination from the ReplyTo field in the incomming message.

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    Sweep is correct about requestDispatcher being another approach for inter-servlet delegation; the only issue that i recall with this approach is that it defaults the method of the destination servlet to the one it was called from...for example, calling servlet2 from within resulted in the dispatcher attempting to utilize - i believe that i searched for a parameterize solution to no avail :( (ended up handling the request by placing a "fake" doPost() in servlet2 that simply called servlet2.doGet())
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    If you dump all the data from request (see the javadoc, and especially the "header methods" ) you'll see the data you can get are quite simple.
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    - the User-Agent header : from this, you can guess the OS and the browser used
    - the Referer header : usefull to get where your user comes from (where they found a link to your site)
    - the Cookie header : if you're using a servlet container with session id stored in cookie, you should see the Cookie header appear on the second request to your site. That helps finding out wether your user accep cookie or not (from a server point).
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