How do you increase the speed of an audiobook?

I am trying to increase the speed of an audiobook but don't know how to do so on my MacBook Pro.  My computer is on OS X Yosemite.  Please let me know as soon as possible how to do this, as it is sort of urgent. 
Thank you so much!

I do not think this is a feature of iTunes.  I recall a post recently where somebody mentioned doing this with Garageband.

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    Will have to try going through Cinema Tools per the similar issues noted in this conversation:
    Curious to see what FCPX would do with this media, importing the 24p file to a 25 Project cause a noticeable shift in both time and pitch.
    I imported the time coded audio separately, and played it against the obviously speed and pitched changed video with embedded audio. The files did not sync.
    The audio remained in time and pitch, while the video didn't. So the audio tc doesn't seem to effect playback in FCPX, but video definitely does, and it seems rather buggy.
    So, if your video is 24.0 and your audio is 23.98 and you are in a 23.98 timeline, FCPX might be changing the speed of the video without really reporting it. Resetting speed doesn't do anything, hitting "automatic speed" screws it up a bit more (it goes the wrong way). Changing the speed to something like 96% (FCPX reports 96% but I know it's really ((24000/1001)/25) which is just short of 96%. Turning off the "preserve pitch" checkbox actually pitched the audio back to normal.
    I didn't create the 24.0 vs 23.9 media that you have, but perhaps you are having similar issues, or a different combination/permutation therein.
    But to answer your question, the time coded audio was not changed, only embedded audio.
    But here some notes which makes things hopefully clearer.
    Resampling and changing playback speed are two totally different things.
    Samplerate for audio is the same as fps for video (not dpi for video) so let's call it sps.
    You can record audio at any sampling rate. But let's take 48 kHz and 32 kHz here.
    Record 60 seconds. Once recorded both files as stand alone files will play 60 seconds.
    But forced to play back in a NLE timeline with a fixed sps of 48 the first file will playback correctly. The second one will play at 2/3 of the time (32/48). The other way round the 48 sps file will play longer in a 32 sps timeline.
    Now for those poor guys who have to work with NTSC:
    A real world second is not a second in NTSC video world. Its 1001/1000 seconds.
    So selecting a 48k sps audio preset in a timeline preset means that a real world audio of 60 seconds is only 1000/1001x60. That means that those 60 seconds are only 59.94 seconds long. Its too short.
    One way - if you stay strictly in NTSC - is to record audio with 48048 Hz. This way a real world 1 second audio will match a 1 second NTSC video.
    Next option with BWAVE files is to change the playback settings in the BEXT header of the file. This won't resample the file!!!
    Now about the TC. BWAVE doesn't have a TC in a way you're used when handling video. It has a timestamp in the header. This timestamp contains the Samples after Midnight. Based on that the NLE will convert this to TC which can be displayed. So in NTSC world this might give a wrong interpretation.
    For example if you have a "Start TC" of 00:10:00:00 (thats what you see on your audio recorder) it means that using 48kHz the timestamp is at 600x48,000 = 28,800,000 samples. Since the real sampling rate in the timeline though is 48048 Hz you have to divide the source stamp by this number. This results in 9.99000999000999 minutes. So for a 23.976 fps project this is a TC of 00:09:59:10.
    So setting the Bext header and/or iXML chunk to the correct playback speed will keep everything intact. Again this is without resampling!
    Using an AIFF there aren't these options.
    So you can edit all the stuff without resampling when using BWAVE. But resampling will happen when you export a final movie.

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    Hi WinndowsGuy,
    Is there any update on this thread?
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

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    We are trying to acquire data rapidly during a 1.5 second test. We are able to acquire the data at a variety of speeds, but are unable to write it to an Excel spreadsheet any faster than 10 Hz. Is there a way to speed the writing to a file or are we stuck with this rate?

    I noticed your post was in the DAQ group, but you didn�t mention which
    programming language you are using. This answer is tailored to
    LabVIEW, but if you are using something else, let me know. Since you
    are running such a short test, it might be easier to acquire all of
    your data first and then write it to a spreadsheet file.
    If this is not preferable, you could use lower-level file VIs. Using
    a VI such as the �Write To Spreadsheet File� within a while loop is
    inefficient since it opens and closes the file each time it writes a
    new value. One of the fastest ways to write to a file is to first
    open the file. Then in your while loop, perform your data acquisition
    and write to the file. Finally, close the file after your while loop
    completes. If thi
    s is what you are already doing, you could try
    writing to a binary file instead of an ASCII file.
    Try acquiring your data and then writing it to a file. Or try using
    lower-level file VIs to increase the speed of file writing. If this
    does not address your problem, please provide some additional
    information such as the VIs you are currently using to write to the
    file or post all or part of your VI.
    Grant M.
    National Instruments

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