How hard is it to morph a moving object? (aka Superman?)

Hi everyone,
This is one of my first posts, and I want to thank you all for contributing great posts here. I am a newbie to Shake, so I have a feeling the answer will be "Read The Manual!" But here goes...
I want to know how difficult it will be to morph a moving object. For example, my 2 1/2 year old son loves Superman, I mean loves Superman, toys, pajamas, movies, cant get enough. So I just finished shooting a very amateur mission impossible type short film with him, and he loved doing that so much that I thought I would go ahead and try this again with him. Instead this time, I will have him dress like Clark Kent and run and change into Superman, with flying scenes and the whole bit. So my question is this, how difficult would it be to morph him running, opening the shirt, and changing into a running Superman? Yes I will read the manual, but I first wanted some serious opinions if my attempts will be valid and worth while. I do not have a green screen for the flying scenes yet, but have searched other forums and have scene that taping of noeon greem posterboard to work equally as well for that. As for the morphing, I planned on having my Sony HDV-HC1 camera on a tripod, and just retaking him running with the Kent outfit, and then with the Superman outfit, and morphing the object from that point, hoping to start and stop in the same manner on each take.
I realize this isnt Hollywood, but its something that I want to look back on, no matter how amateur it is, and just say that I felt proud doing that for both him and me. Thanks for the input everyone and God Bless!

Thnak you for the reply. I watched the tutorial and it is very ineteresting. Although the morphing is performed with 2 pictures, I believe I would hjust have to morph two frames together, however my fear is that it will be so quick that the viewer will not have the opportunity to see the change take place. Am I correct in saying that I would have to morph several frames in order to see a less drastic effect, and if so, how is that done? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
(The effect I am thinking of is in Superman II, when Kent runs down an alley and morphs into Superman, gradual but very cool and effective.)
Thanks again and God Bless.

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    *private int centerX, centerY, radius;*
    *private Color color;*
    *private int direction, velocity;*
    *private boolean filled;*
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    *centerY = y;*
    *radius = r;*
    *color = c;*
    *direction = 0;*
    *velocity = 0;*
    *filled = false;*
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    *g.fillOval(centerX - radius, centerY - radius, radius*  2, radius  *2);*
    *g.drawOval(centerX - radius, centerY - radius, radius*  2, radius  *2);*
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    *Color oldColor = g.getColor();*
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    *public boolean containsPoint(int x, int y){*
    *int xSquared = (x - centerX)*  (x - centerX);
    int ySquared = (y - centerY)  *(y - centerY);*
    *int radiusSquared = radius*  radius;
    return xSquared  +ySquared - radiusSquared <= 0;+
    +public void move(int xAmount, int yAmount){+
    +centerX = centerX+  xAmount;
    centerY = centerY  +yAmount;+
    +public int getRadius(){+
    +return radius;+
    +public int getX(){+
    +return centerX;+
    +public int getY(){+
    +return centerY;+
    +public void setVelocity(int v){+
    +velocity = v;+
    +public void setDirection(int d){+
    +direction = d % 360;+
    +public void turn(int degrees){+
    +direction = (direction+  degrees) % 360;
    // Moves the circle in the current direction using its
    // current velocity
    public void move(){
    move((int)(velocity  *Math.cos(Math.toRadians(direction))),*
    *(int)(velocity*  Math.sin(Math.toRadians(direction))));
    public void setFilled(boolean b){
    filled = b;
    import javax.swing.*;*
    *import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class ColorPanel extends JPanel{
    private Circle circle;
    private javax.swing.Timer timer;
    public ColorPanel(Color backColor, int width, int height){
    setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
    // Circle with center point (25, 100) and radius 25
    circle = new Circle(25, height / 2, 25,;
    // Aim due west to hit left boundary first
    // Move 5 pixels per unit of time
    // Move every 5 milliseconds
    timer = new javax.swing.Timer(5, new MoveListener());
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
    private class MoveListener implements ActionListener{
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    int x = circle.getX();
    int radius = circle.getRadius();
    int width = getWidth();
    // Check for boundaries and reverse direction
    // if necessary
    if (x - radius <= 0 || x + radius >= width)
    }with that code my circle just spins back n forth rapidly. How can i make it so it drop to a certain location everytime i click the mouse?

    lilkenny1337 wrote:
    I am trying to make a connect four program for class, and i am trying to make it so the red check piece move down.
    How can i make it so it drop to a certain location everytime i click the mouse?Try this:
    public class ColorPanel extends JPanel {
        private Circle circle;
        private Timer timer;
        private int stepX, stepY, xM, yM;
        public ColorPanel(final Color backColor, final int width, final int height) {
            setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
            // Circle with center point (25, 100) and radius 25
            circle = new Circle(25, height / 2, 25,;
            // Aim due west to hit left boundary first
            // Move 5 pixels per unit of time
            // Move every 5 milliseconds
            final MoveListener ml = new MoveListener();
            timer = new Timer(5, ml);
            addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
                public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) {
                    if (timer.isRunning()) {
                    xM = e.getX();
                    yM = e.getY();
                    int xC = circle.getX();
                    int yC = circle.getY();
                    stepX = (xM - xC) / 10;
                    stepY = (yM - yC) / 10;
        public void paintComponent(final Graphics g) {
        private class MoveListener implements ActionListener {
            public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
                if ((stepX > 0 && circle.getX() >= xM)
                        || (stepX < 0 && circle.getX() <= xM)) {
                    stepX = 0;
                if ((stepY > 0 && circle.getY() >= yM)
                        || (stepY < 0 && circle.getY() <= yM)) {
                    stepY = 0;
                if (stepX == 0 && stepY == 0) {
                    circle.setLocation(xM, yM);
    /* add this method in the class "Circle":
        public void setLocation(int xM, int yM) {
            centerX = xM;
            centerY = yM;
                } else {
                    circle.move(stepX, stepY);

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    Not a dumb question at all, welcome to the family.
    Unfortunately, we don't have enough information from you or about what might be a huge issue with other folks, although they are using different media types like jpegs.
    Very sorry your initial experience has not been satisfactory.
    In other versions of Motion, tutorial footage and projects were supplied on the installation disks. I think they've all been moved online. Have you tried any of them?
    BTW: If we make any progress on your issues, you should start a new thread.

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    Go to Solution.

    atreid, welcome to the forum,
    not wanting to be the "boo-man", are you sure your T500 has Bluetooth? It's not showing as having it on the support site when I look up your system.
    Product: ThinkPad T500 2055-RH2
    Original description: Based on 2055-CTO: T9400(2.53GHz), 4GB RAM, 320GB 7200rpm HD, 15.4in 1680x1050, 256MB ATI Radeon HD3650, CDRW/DVDRW, Intel 802.11agn, WWAN upgradeable, Modem, 1Gb Ethernet, UltraNav, Secure chip, Camera, 6c Li-Ion, WinVista Home Basic 32
    If I select another system, e.g. 20552BG, Bluetooth is listed as a component. T500 Display Parts List - Bluetooth daughter card.
    Maybe you could check if the hardware should be installed? You need to enter your type and s/n on this site and see if it mentions anything about Bluetooth, let us know what you find out.
    A just in case: -  Please do not post you s/n on these boards.
    Andy  ______________________________________
    Please remember to come back and mark the post that you feel solved your question as the solution, it earns the member + points
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    Are you running a Managed or a Referenced Library?
    A Managed Library, is the default setting, and iPhoto copies files into the iPhoto Library when Importing. The files are then stored in the Library package
    A Referenced Library is when iPhoto is NOT copying the files into the iPhoto Library when importing because you made a change at iPhoto -> Preferences -> Advanced. (You unchecked the option to copy files into the Library on import) The files are then stored where ever you put them and not in the Library package. In this scenario you are responsible for the File Management.
    Assuming a Managed Library:
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

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    Do you mean this one:
    If so, go to the Window menu and make sure that Tools is checked.

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    So how hard is it, and Where should i start learning java.swing. Ps I don't know anything about Swing, I don't even know what it is.
    Thanks you

    As the previous guy said it is quite easy, and that link should teach you the basics. What I want to remind you of is that Swing uses up more memory when run. But it also have a few nicer extra goodies that make coding a little bit easier. Have fun with it.
    Here are a few more sites

  • How does one perform mailbox to mailbox moving of email messages w/ Messaging 3.X?

    How does one perform mailbox to mailbox moving of email messages with Messaging 3.X?
    In an ISP environment there are times that a user changes his
    login name (his unique identifier in the ISP's network, also used as
    his email address) from one value to another. It is very convenient
    for the ISP to be able to move messages from the user's old mailbox
    to the user's new mailbox when this situation occurs.
    With Messaging Server 2.0, this was easily accomplished by simply
    moving the mail messages on disk. However, with the added complexity
    of Messaging 3.0 where there are back links, reference counts, etc.,
    associated with mail messages, moving files on disk from one mailbox
    to another is no longer valid.
    The MoveUser utility, which is new in MS 3.X, moves messages from
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    The answer is yes, it can. The user should be aware that if
    duplicate email message id's exist in the mailbox before the
    move, the messages related to the duplicate message id's will
    be duplicated in the target mailbox.
    See the online documentation contained with the product or the
    Messaging 3.X Administrator's Guide for exact syntax.

    If I understand you correctly and if you are using Apple Mail version 2.0 or above navigate to /Users/Home folder. The Home folder is the one with the house icon, within that folder you will see a Library folder, within that folder you’ll see a Mail folder, within that folder you’ll see a folder that begins with POP followed by your name, within that folder will be a folder called INBOX.mbox, within that folder is a Messages folder. All the mail that you see within the application are there. They will be numbered and have a file suffix of .emlx. You can move these wherever you like.
    If you are using Entourage X, or Entourage 2004 you can easily multiple select mail messages, addresses etc from within the application and drag whatever you’ve selected to wherever you like.

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    thats price includes shippign too!! go to .