How I use DAO

I built a struts application .It is working well.Now I want use DAOand .How I use?
My struts application :
Get the input form user and store it in file or datadase. Here I want to use DAO.
There 6 files .
They are
1.inputname.jsp ----------->used for getting input from client.inputs are mail id and password. --------->It is Bean having setter and getter including 2 methods are like filehandler(),dbConnection()(here only implementations).
dbConnection method just sample i did. From MSAccess database, get Age field and print it in tomcat prompt. Here only i have probs.*What probs that I need to use DAO. ------>It is servlet and I call FormBean Method
By ((sample.GetNameForm)form).filehandler();
String name=((sample.GetNameForm)form).getName();
String pass=((sample.GetNameForm)form).getPass();
Thus I called that methods.
It is good one or Not.
Note. Both java file under the package name is sample.
4.greeting.jsp--------> It is output file which is used to expose the output that mail id and password what we gave.
5.index.jsp---------->It is global forward used to forward client request to inputname.jsp.(It is not a matter to consider with out this file applkication working well.)
5.struts-config.xml file here only direction controls and mapping items and brief links (we know that).
package sample;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
public class GetNameForm extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm {
private String name="";
private String pass="";
public GetNameForm() {
// TODO: Write constructor body
public void reset(ActionMapping actionMapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
// TODO: Write method body
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not implemented");"";
public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping actionMapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
// TODO: Write method body
//throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not implemented");
ActionErrors errors=new ActionErrors();
if( getName() == null || getName().length() < 1 ) {
errors.add("name",new ActionMessage(""));
// actionMapping.findForward("goInput");
if( getPass() == null || getPass().length() < 1 ) {
errors.add("pass",new ActionMessage("error.pass.required"));
// actionMapping.findForward("goInput");
return errors;
public String getName()
public void setName(String name)"Please Enter The Name":name);
public String getPass()
return this.pass;
public void setPass(String pass)
this.pass=(pass==null?"Please Enter The ID":pass);
public void dBConnection()
Statement st;
Connection con;
ResultSet rs;
catch(Exception e)
rs=st.executeQuery("Select * from emp ");
          int a=rs.getInt("Age");
catch(Exception e)
public void filehandler() throws IOException
String name=getName();
String pass=getPass();
//Store the Details of User and Password in File
Writer output = null;
try {
//use buffering
File testFile = new File("C:\\gandhi\\mail_det.txt");
BufferedReader input = null;
input = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(testFile) );
StringBuffer Contents=new StringBuffer();
String line=null;
while (( line = input.readLine()) != null)
{System.out.println("From the file value=" +line);
      java.util.StringTokenizer st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(line,"@");
      System.out.println("The file contains data:"+Contents.append(line+"\n"));
     /* System.out.println(st.nextToken("@"));
      while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            if( st.equals("name") ){
String str=Contents.toString();
System.out.println("The file Contains"+str);
output = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(testFile) );
finally {
//flush and close both "output" and its underlying FileWriter
if (output != null)
This is my Bean How I use DAO replace of dBConnection()
1.What is important of DAO pls explain me with small codings.
2.How I use DAO in this coding?
[Note: I use Exadel StrutsStudio.]
Anyone have idea pls guide me.

Well in a DAO pattern you usually have one DAO class for each table in the database so there is for instance one PersonDAO and one ItemDAO which have their respective create, read, update and delete methods. Each DAO also hides its implementation through an interface defining the DAO methods, furthermore there's a DAO factory determining what class to load at runtime. My advice is to start out simple and not too abstract, try looking at the following example - it involves EJBs but explains the pattern.
Also keep in mind that implementing the DAO pattern using frameworks such as Spring simplifies the process, as illustrated here
I hope that helps.

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    Ok, Finally I switched my coding to use DAO and DTO, and I learned it through internet.
    I removed all of data access codes from my jsp file(lets say 'functions.jsp'). I then created one interface and two clasess.
    here is my DAO interface.
    public interface UserFunctionsDAO{
        public List<UserFunctionsDTO> selectUserList();
    }here is DTO class
    public class UserFunctionsDTO{
        private String category = "";
        private String sub_category = "";
        private int cat_id = 0;
        private int sub_cat_id = 0;
        public UserFunctionsDTO(){}
        public UserFunctionsDTO(String category, String sub_category, int cat_id, int sub_cat_id){
            this.category = category;
            this.sub_category = sub_category;
            this.cat_id = cat_id;
            this.sub_cat_id = sub_cat_id;
        //Setters and getters will go here.
    }my concrete data access class is like this.
    public class UserFunctionsDataAccess implements UserFunctionsDAO{
        MyDB dbObject = null;
       private static final String SQL_GET_DISTINCT_CAT= "SELECT DISTINCT cat FROM cat_table";
       public List<UserFunctionsDTO> selectUserList(){
           dbObject = new MyDB();
           ResultSet rs = dbObject.getResultSet();
           ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
               list.add(new UserFunctionsDTO(rs.getString('category'), .......................));
           return list;     
    }I think now im following good coding practices, but I have one problem.
    1. How do I retrieve this userlist from my jsp page?
    2. Should I include UserFunctionsDTO in my jsp page as a bean?
    3. If I include it, how can I get the list from it?
    thanks in advance,

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    You should be able to use Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(<your-persistence-unit-name>, properties), and create your EntityManager from that.
    To have TopLink integrated with JTA, in your persistence.xml (or properties) you need to use a JTA DataSource, and set the ServerPlatform for your JEE server.

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    You use the DataSource to get connections (by calling getConnection()). "jdbc/IFPWAFCAD" is the JNDI name for your resource and you use that to get the actual DataSource object that the container should've loaded for you. So you get the DataSource by it's JNDI name and then get connections from the DataSource. Once you have a Connection, you can do all the stuff you'd normally do with JDBC, using PreparedStatements etc.
    It's is advisable to use a DAO in order to separate your business logic from your data access logic. Check out this tutorial: []

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    You should read this documents first:
    Using Hibernate on SAP WAS -
    Hibernate on SAP NetWeaver -
    and then considering integration of your app with DAO design pattern proposed by Spring Framework. More on this is available here:
    Spring Integration on SAP NetWeaver -
    and here:
      Marcin Zduniak

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    Hi there, what's your name by the way?
    What is a VO or DTO, and why would you use it?
    This was copy from the Java world, so it's a very OOP principle, basically in the OOP world everything is a class that has methods and properties, and you represent everything with classes, a VO is just that a class that represents an entity in your app. You use it for a few reasons in my opinion:
    It allows you to pass strongly typed data between different layers in your app.
    It's more verbose, it's a good OOP practice, and also makes debugging and reading you code easier.
    It allows easy data type conversion between CF and Flex.
    You obviously know how to use the wizards, after you select your table and open the wizard you'll see three different CFC types, if you're using LCDS then select that type if you don't I'll recommend you to go with BEAN/DAO. In Flex Builder you can create a folder link to a system folder, so if you create a folder named MyCFCs and you set this virtual folder to be hold inside c:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot every file that you put in this folder will be place in c:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot so you don't have to manually copy those files.
    In this wizard you'll see CFC folder in there you can select your virtual folder, you'll see below the CFC package name this is extremely important to be set right, what is the CFC package name? Basically it's the same folder structure where your CFCs will be located for instance let's say you're gonna place the files in this folder structure c:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\com\myPersonalDomain\ so your CFC package name will be com.myPersonalDomain.
    You'll probably also would like to enable the option: Create an ActionScript value object in addition to CFCs, the folder where you place this file have to mimic the CFCs folder structure so for an instance you'll have to save inside your src folder, inside a folder com, an finally inside a folder myPersonalDomain . src/com/myPersonalDomain, and the AS Package name should be the same as the CFC.
    Once you're done and click finish, you'll see for files created, one of the the AS VO , and three CFCs.
    This is a CFC that creates the VO or DTO in CFC, it has the same properties definition that the AS version has, also the setters and getter for every property.
    This CFC contains all the code that handles the database access it a could be an insert, update delete or just a read query.
    This is a bridge between your Flex app and your CFCs, it contains a set of methods commonly use when you access a DB, this CFC invocates the methods in the yourDataTableDAO.cfc and returns an object or an array of objects of yourDataTable.CFC type to Flex.
    In Flex what do you have to do in order to use VOs?
    Add a reference to class
    Create a remote object.
    Create the event handler(s)
    Make a call to the remote object.
                   import com.myPersonalDomain;
                   import mx.controls.Alert;
                  private var myDummyVar:myDataTable;
              private function myEventHandler(e:ResultEvent):void{
                   //do Something
    <mx:RemoteObject id="myRO" destination="ColdFusion"
         <mx:method name="getAll" result="myResultHandler(event)"
    fault="" >
    <mx:Button label="Call CF" click="myRO.getAll()" />
    Well I hope this would help you, I'm kinda tired this has been by far the largest post I've written.

  • Use DAO or plain SQL?

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    I wouldn't do any application without using DAOs and
    Perhaps you are focusing to much on the examples
    rather than on the pattern itself. Just because the
    examples do it does not mean that you have to do it.
    You can do with with just one infrustructure class (to
    do the connections, statement, etc) and then the
    class MyDTO
    public String field1;
    public String field2;
    class MyDAO
    static void create(MyDTO p) {...}
    static void update(MyDTO p) {...}
    static void delete(MyDTO p) {...}
    static MyDTO getById(String id) {...}
    static ArrayList getBySomethingElse(String
    somethingElse) {...}
    }And of course if you don't need one of the above
    methods then do not implement it.i have been doing almost everything in dao but i m not so sure why dtos are so essential, if you write your pojo well, dtos seem to be totally not needed; unless of course you are passing them across networks in ejb systems, and even that, theses days xmls are recommended instead. am i right?
    and lately i havee started using hibernate which i think is great even for small not complecated projects: it does not complicate things, and further, you can still do things in dao with hibernate, i dont see any conficts there: hibernate, jdo are mostly mapping mechnism, and dao is a design pattern.

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    Thanks for the help.

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    Thanks and Regards,

    Batch processing usually involves using actions you have recorded.  In Action you can insert Path that can be used during processing documents.  Path have some size so you may want to only process document that have the same size.  Look in the Actions Palette fly-out menu for insert path.  It inserts|records the current document work path into the action being worked on and when the action is played it inserts the path into the document as the current work path..

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    I'm sure there are some thread about this but i couldn't find it... so sorry for that but hear me out! =)
    I bought the AirPort Time Capsule to back up my MBP
    And so i did.
    then i thought "let give this one a fresh start" so i erased all of it with the disk utility and re-installed the MBP from the recovery disk.
    I dont want all of the stuff i backed up just a few files and some pictures so i brought that back.. so far so good.
    Now i want to do a new back up of my MBP so i open time machine settings, pick the drive on the time capsule and then "Choose" i wait for the beck up to begin, and then it fails.  It says (sorry for my bad english, im swedish haha) "the mount /Volume/Data-1/StiflersMBP.sparsebundle is already in use for back up.
    this is what i want:
    i want the "StiflersMBP.sparsebundle" to just be so i can get some stuf when i need them. it's never to be erased.
    i want to make a new back up of my MBP as if it's a second computer...
    so guys and girls, what is the easiest and best solution?
    Best regards!

    TM does not work like that.
    If you want files to use later.. do not use TM.
    Or do not use TM to the same location. Plug a USB drive into the computer and use that as the target for the permanent backup.
    Read some details of how TM works so you understand what it will do.
    Use a clone or different software for a permanent backup.
    How to use TC
    This is helpful.. particularly Q3.
    Why you don't want to use TM.
    Q20 here.

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    Take a look here:
    How to use multiple iPods with one computer
    Forum Tip: Since you're new here, you've probably not discovered the Search feature available on every Discussions page, but next time, it might save you time (and everyone else from having to answer the same question multiple times) if you search a couple of ways for a topic, both in the relevant forums, in the User Tips Library and in the Apple Knowledge Base before you post a question.

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    Hi all,
    Actually i need some more clarification. How to use the same select statement, if i've to use the tabname in the where clause too?
    for ex : select * from (tab_name) where....?
    Can we do inner join on such select statements? If so how?
    Thanks & Regards,

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    i want the output should be seprated by '|' delimited when i download the file.

    We will pass the seperator to the WRITE_FIELD_SEPARATOR parameter as
    filename = v_file
    write_field_separator = '|'
    data_tab = itab[] . "Our internal talbe filled with data
    Re: Why Function GUI_DOWNLOAD can create XML file but not a flat file?
    Award points if useful

  • ** How to use TO_DATE function in Stored Proc. for JDBC in ABAP-XSL mapping

    Hi friends,
    I use ABAP-XSL mapping to insert records in Oracle table. My Sender is File and receiver is JDBC. We use Oracle 10g database. All fields in table are VARCHAR2 except one field; this is having type 'DATE'.
    I use Stored procedure to update the records in table. I have converted my string into date using the Oracle TO_DATE function. But, when I use this format, it throws an error in the Receiver CC. (But, the message is processed successfully in SXMB_MONI).
    The input format I formed like below:
    <X_EMP_START_DT hasQuot="No" isInput="1" type="DATE">
    Value in Payload is like below.
    <X_EMP_START_DT hasQuot="No" isInput="1" type="DATE">TO_DATE('18-11-1991','DD-MM-YYYY')</X_EMP_START_DT>
    Error in CC comes as below:
    Error processing request in sax parser: Error when executing statement for table/stored proc. 'SP_EMP_DETAILS' (structure 'STATEMENT'): java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "TO_DATE('18"
    Friends, I have tried, but unable to find the correct solution to insert.
    Kindly help me to solve this issue.
    Kind Regards,
    Jegathees P.
    (But, the same is working fine if we use direct method in ABAP-XSL ie. not thru Stored Procedure)

    Hi Sinha,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I used the syntax
    <xsl:call-template name="date:format-date">
       <xsl:with-param name="date-time" select="string" />
       <xsl:with-param name="pattern" select="string" />
    in my Abap XSL.  But, its not working correctly. The problem is 'href' function to import "date.xsl" in my XSLT is not able to do that. The system throws an error. Moreover, it is not able to write the command 'extension-element-prefixes' in my <xsl:stylesheet namespace>
    May be I am not able to understand how to use this.
    Anyway, I solved this problem by handling date conversion inside Oracle Stored Procedure. Now, its working fine.
    Thank you.

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