How i use start with and rollup both in one query

hi master
sir i use rollup function for subtotal but rollup not give tree
for tree i want to use start with and connect by function
but that query give error
sir how i use both rollup and start with connect by in one query
for tree wise subtotal
please give me idea
thanking you

hi master
thank for your reply
sir i get accid and title from master table and balance from detial table then system give me error
sir i send me all table and data with query and error
Sir this is my master table
SQL> desc chartofacc;
Name Null? Type
Parent child accid
     1     K1
1     11     K11
11     1101     K1101
11     1102     K1102
11     1103     K1103
11     1104     K1104
11     1105     K1105
11     1106     K1106
11     1107     K1107
11     1108     K1108
11     1109     K1109
11     1110     K1110
11     1111     K1111
11     1112     K1112
11     1113     K1113
11     1114     K1114
1     12     K12
12     1201     K1201
12     1202     K1202
12     1203     K1203
1     13     K13
13     1301     K1301
1301     130101     K130101
1301     130102     K130102
1301     130103     K130103
1301     130104     K130104
1301     130105     K130105
1301     130106     K130106
1301     130107     K130107
1301     130108     K130108
1301     130109     K130109
1301     130110     K130110
1301     130111     K130111
1301     130112     K130112
1301     130113     K130113
1301     130114     K130114
1301     130115     K130115
13     1302     K1302
1302     130201     K130201
1302     130202     K130202
1302     130203     K130203
1302     130204     K130204
1302     130205     K130205
13     1303     K1303
1303     130301     K130301
1303     130302     K130302
1303     130303     K130303
13     1304     K1304
1304     130401     K130401
1304     130402     K130402
1304     130403     K130403
1304     130404     K130404
1304     130405     K130405
1304     130406     K130406
1304     130407     K130407
1304     130408     K130408
13     1305     K1305
1305     130501     K130501
1305     130502     K130502
13     1306     K1306
1306     130601     K130601
13     1307     K1307
1307     130701     K130701
1307     130702     K130702
1307     130703     K130703
1307     130704     K130704
13     1308     K1308
1308     130801     K130801
1308     130802     K130802
1308     130803     K130803
1308     130804     K130804
1308     130805     K130805
1308     130806     K130806
1308     130807     K130807
1308     130808     K130808
1308     130809     K130809
1308     130810     K130810
1308     130811     K130811
1308     130812     K130812
1308     130813     K130813
13     1309     K1309
13     1310     K1310
13     1311     K1311
1311     131101     K131101
     2     K2
2     21     K21
21     2101     K2101
2101     210101     K210101
2101     210102     K210102
2101     210103     K210103
2101     210104     K210104
21     2102     K2102
2102     210201     K210201
2102     210202     K210202
2102     210203     K210203
2102     210204     K210204
21     2103     K2103
2103     210301     K210301
2103     210302     K210302
2103     210303     K210303
2103     210304     K210304
21     2104     K2104
2104     210401     K210401
2104     210402     K210402
2104     210403     K210403
2104     210404     K210404
2     22     K22
22     2201     K2201
2201     220101     K220101
2201     220102     K220102
2201     220103     K220103
2201     220104     K220104
2201     220105     K220105
22     2202     K2202
2202     220201     K220201
2202     220202     K220202
2202     220203     K220203
2202     220204     K220204
22     2203     K2203
2203     220301     K220301
2203     220302     K220302
2203     220303     K220303
2203     220304     K220304
22     2204     K2204
2204     220401     K220401
2204     220402     K220402
2204     220403     K220403
22     2205     K2205
2205     220501     K220501
2205     220502     K220502
220502     22050201     K22050201
220502     22050202     K22050202
220502     22050203     K22050203
220502     22050204     K22050204
22     2206     K2206
2206     220601     K220601
2206     220602     K220602
2206     220603     K220603
2206     220604     K220604
2     23     K23
23     2301     K2301
2301     230101     K230101
2301     230102     K230102
2301     230103     K230103
2301     230104     K230104
2301     230105     K230105
2301     230106     K230106
2301     230107     K230107
2301     230108     K230108
23     2302     K2302
2302     230201     K230201
2302     230202     K230202
2302     230203     K230203
2302     230204     K230204
23     2303     K2303
2303     230301     K230301
2303     230302     K230302
23     2304     K2304
2304     230401     K230401
2304     230402     K230402
2304     230403     K230403
23     2305     K2305
2305     230501     K230501
23     2306     K2306
2306     230601     K230601
2306     230602     K230602
2306     230603     K230603
2306     230604     K230604
23     2307     K2307
23     2308     K2308
2308     230801     K230801
2308     230802     K230802
2308     230803     K230803
23     2309     K2309
2309     230901     K230901
2309     230902     K230902
2309     230903     K230903
2309     230904     K230904
23     2310     K2310
2310     231001     K231001
2310     231002     K231002
2310     231003     K231003
23     2311     K2311
2311     231101     K231101
2311     231102     K231102
2311     231103     K231103
23     2312     K2312
2312     231201     K231201
2312     231202     K231202
2312     231203     K231203
2312     231204     K231204
23     2313     K2313
2313     231301     K231301
2313     231302     K231302
2313     231303     K231303
2313     231304     K231304
2313     231305     K231305
2313     231306     K231306
2313     231307     K231307
2313     231308     K231308
2313     231309     K231309
2313     231310     K231310
2313     231311     K231311
2313     231312     K231312
2313     231313     K231313
2313     231314     K231314
2313     231315     K231315
23     2314     K2314
2314     231401     K231401
2314     231402     K231402
2314     231403     K231403
2314     231404     K231404
2314     231405     K231405
2314     231406     K231406
2314     231407     K231407
23     2315     K2315
23     2316     K2316
2316     231601     K231601
2316     231602     K231602
23     2317     K2317
23     2318     K2318
23     2319     K2319
2319     231901     K231901
2319     231902     K231902
2319     231903     K231903
2319     231904     K231904
2319     231905     K231905
2319     231906     K231906
23     2320     K2320
2320     232001     K232001
     3     K3
3     31     K31
31     3101     K3101
31     3102     K3102
31     3103     K3103
31     3104     K3104
31     3105     K3105
3     32     K32
32     3201     K3201
32     3202     K3202
32     3203     K3203
32     3204     K3204
32     3205     K3205
32     3206     K3206
32     3207     K3207
     4     K4
4     41     K41
41     4101     K4101
4101     410101     K410101
4101     410102     K410102
4101     410103     K410103
4101     410104     K410104
4101     410105     K410105
4101     410106     K410106
4101     410107     K410107
4101     410108     K410108
4101     410109     K410109
4101     410110     K410110
4101     410111     K410111
4101     410112     K410112
4101     410113     K410113
4101     410114     K410114
4101     410115     K410115
4101     410116     K410116
4101     410117     K410117
4101     410118     K410118
4101     410119     K410119
4101     410120     K410120
4101     410121     K410121
4101     410122     K410122
4101     410123     K410123
4101     410124     K410124
4101     410125     K410125
4101     410126     K410126
4101     410127     K410127
4101     410128     K410128
4101     410129     K410129
4101     410130     K410130
4101     410131     K410131
4101     410132     K410132
41     4102     K4102
41     4103     K4103
41     4104     K4104
4104     410401     K410401
4104     410402     K410402
4104     410403     K410403
4104     410404     K410404
41     4105     K4105
41     4106     K4106
41     4107     K4107
41     4108     K4108
4108     410801     K410801
4108     410802     K410802
4108     410803     K410803
41     4109     K4109
4109     410901     K410901
4109     410902     K410902
4109     410903     K410903
41     4110     K4110
41     4111     K4111
4111     411101     K411101
4111     411102     K411102
4111     411103     K411103
41     4112     K4112
4112     411201     K411201
41     4113     K4113
4113     411301     K411301
41     4114     K4114
4114     411401     K411401
4114     411402     K411402
     5     K5
5     51     K51
51     5101     K5101
51     5102     K5102
51     5103     K5103
51     5104     K5104
51     5105     K5105
51     5106     K5106
51     5107     K5107
51     5108     K5108
51     5109     K5109
51     5110     K5110
51     5111     K5111
51     5112     K5112
51     5113     K5113
51     5114     K5114
     6     K6
6     61     K61
     7     K7
7     71     K71
7     72     K72
7     73     K73
7     74     K74
7     75     K75
7     76     K76
This is my detil table
SQL> desc accbal;
Name Null? Type
Data in detail
K1101     46291132     
K1102     13182173     
K1103     23784045     
K1107     10001795     
K1108     9083529     
K1110     4224350     
K1112     6696832     
K1113     7963381     
K1114     742766     
K1201     1486082     
K130104     1977616     
K130106     736266     
K130107     396673     
K130108     42751     
K130109     298362     
K130110     187696     
K130111     537     
K130112     942     
K130113     987     
K130114     1272     
K130115     40000     
K130205     259941     
K130303     177716     
K130406     809719     
K130408     1786091     
K130701     301000     
K130702     151200     
K130703     7570     
K130704     34400     
K130801     5400     
K130802     45000     
K130803     10856     
K130807     24300     
K130808     16500     
K130810     104500     
K130811     60000     
K130812     181000     
K130813     1750000     
K1309     1225565     
K1310     2176259     
K131101     788780     
K410101          24926
K410102          9545
K410103          28500
K410104          8192
K410105          847
K410106          37100
K410107          2332
K410108          9844
K410109          7843
K410110          9313
K410111          1425
K410112          6089
K410113          15497
K410114          5790
K410115          4251
K410116          22293
K410117          855
K410118          6497
K410119          14996
K410120          124214
K410121          6713
K410122          1567
K410123          75821
K410124          5085
K410125          7125
K410126          4342
K410127          21485
K410128          641111
K410129          589
K410130          50
K410131          163900
K410132          3849
K4105          3946489
K4107          100000
K410801          972011
K410802          1707806
K410803          116450
K4110          13113874
K411101          98335
K411102          32454
K411103          53569
K411201          25327406
K411301          7143103
K411401          4500000
K411402          12754
K5102          2120031
K5103          13543810
K5107          4596103
K5108          5604493
K5110          2008401
K5112          2182778
K5113          4748537
K5114          556914
K61          43297680
Sir I use this query
select lpad(' ',2*(level-1)) || to_char(child),title,sum(drbal),sum(crbal),
from chartofacc, accbal
where chartofacc.accid=accbal.accid(+)
start with parent is null
connect by prior child = parent
group by rollup(substr(mas.accid,2,1),substr(mas.accid,3,1),substr(mas.accid,4,2),substr(mas.accid,6,2) ,chartofacc.accid,title,fstatus);
sir this query not give me result and give me error this
SQL> /
from chartofacc, accbal
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00936: missing expression
Please give me idea how I get tree type subtotal tribalance
Thanking you

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    END_PAGE          VARCHAR2(8)
    END_PAGE_NUM          NUMBER
    VOLUME          VARCHAR2(8)
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    TO_BE_REVISED          CHAR(1)
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    How rto resolve this????

    Hello Prasad,
    Most likely the user km_admin still has system principal roles assigned, even though you removed the Super Admin role, you should check that this user doesn't have any other admin roles, otherwise it will be considered a System Principal user and will therefore still have access to all content. For more information see
    Try creating a new user with just read access to the content and you should see that it will not be able to make any changes etc.

  • How to use the eventing and databag with a WAS 6.20 ?

    How to use the eventing and databag with a WAS 6.20 ?
    Is what there is a good guide for these services?

    In the raise event you can pass the value
    like below.
    function raiseEvt(value1){
    if(window.document.domain == window.location.hostname){
    if ( document.domain.indexOf(".") > 0 ) document.domain = document.domain.substr(document.domain.indexOf(".")+1);
       EPCMPROXY.raiseEvent( "","BWiViewevent", value1, null );
      // alert('tree domain'+document.domain);
    and in the
    subscribe event you can get the values like below.
    <script language="javascript">
    if(window.document.domain == window.location.hostname){
    document.domain = document.domain.substring(document.domain.indexOf('.')+1);
        EPCMPROXY.subscribeEvent("","BWiViewevent", window, "myreceiveEvent");
    function myreceiveEvent( eventObj ) {
          document.forms[0].gp_hidden.value = eventObj.dataObject;
    Also look at the following link for a complete documentation.

  • How to use CVS with JDeveloper

    Hi all!
    I'm starting a new project and I would like to know how to use CVS with JDeveloper. This is my first project where I will have two more people working with me and I don't know what the better approach is. Should I use CVS that come with JDeveloper (option Internal to Oracle JDeveloper 10g) or should I configure an external repository? In both cases, I don't know what I have to do to have CVS working properly with JDeveloper. Actually I tried to create a new CVS connection in CVS navigator (using the access method Password Server), but when I test I receive the message: Could not open connection to CVS server: general socket failure, sure I must doing something wrong.
    I'm using JDeveloper
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for you help John!
    I installed cvsnt and when I try to create a new CVS connection inside JDeveloper I receive the message: authorization failed: server rejected access to /Diversos/DownLoad/CVS/usr/local/cvsroot for user JMartins
    I using pserver method and JMartins is my user in windows
    There is something that I'm curious about, when I was installing CVSNT I didn't configure any user and password, is there any default user/password?

  • How should i start with web dyn pro abap

    I have been working on webdynpro java now i would like to start working on webdynpro abap
    could any one tel me how should i start with it.. pdfs, blogs would surely help??
    i do have sufficient knowledge of abap too..
    some brief idea about what is "web dynpro for abap" would surely help me
    Thank u in advance...

    please do a search before posting for basic questions, i searched the same and got around 700 hit.
    any ways check these links.
    As the name suggests Web Dynpro for ABAP uses exactly the same meta model as its cousin Web Dynpro for Java. A Web Dynpro component, a Web Dynpro view, a Web Dynpro model, a Web Dynpro controller have the same semantics both for ABAP and Java. The main difference is the designtime environment, the development infrastructure and the runtime environment.
    The designtime environment is properly embedded in the ABAP Workbench where Web Dynpro artifacts are simply a new category like BSP applications or classical dynpro based applications before. Also no surprises regarding the development infrastructure. The correction and transport system keeps track on all changes that are done, versions them and helps to propagate the Web Dynpro application from development to production like you would do with ordinary BSP or dynpro-based applications.
    Last not least the execution platform is the ABAP server that produces application content ready to be integrated in the NetWeaver Portal seamlessly. Features like portal eventing can be used between applications written in ABAP or applications developed with Java.
    The following r excellent websites containing PDF & PPT docs on ABAP Web Dynpro:
    Web Dynpro for ABAP in SDN
    Developing ABAP Applications Using Web Dynpro
    Web Dynpro ABAP: Development in Detail
    WDA Sample programs & tutorials
    Web Dynpro ABAP Demonstration Videos
    Web Dynpro ABAP Demonstration Videos
    SAP Web Dynpro Overview
    Web Dynpro General Concepts
    Web Dynpro
    Web Dynpro for ABAP: Tutorials for Beginners
    Web Dynpro for ABAP: Tutorials for Beginners
    Developing ABAP applications using Web Dynpro Configuration Scenario
    Web Dynpro for ABAP
    Yogesh N

  • How to use variables with

    I need to get the number of lines in internal table, which would
    be easy, using DESCRIBE TABLE itab LINES lines. But the problem
    is, that I get the name of this internal table in the field of
    another internal table, so I have to use the name of internal
    table as variable, but I don't know how to use variables with
    DESCRIBE TABLE (or if this is possible).

    define two tables with diferent structures.
    data: begin of table1 occurs 0,
    registro type i,
    end of table1.
    data: begin of table2 occurs 0,
    registro type i,
    repid like sy-repid,
    end of table2.
    data: rows type i.
    fill them with data
    do 1000 times.
    table1-registro = sy-tabix.
    append table1.
    do 1757 times.
    table2-registro = sy-tabix.
    table2-repid = sy-repid.
    append table2.
    call a form that receives as input the table and returns the number
    of rows as output.
    perform howmanyrows tables table2 changing rows.
    break-point. "evaluate the number of rows
    perform howmanyrows tables table1 changing rows.
    break-point. "evaluate the number of rows
    form howmanyrows tables itable changing rows.
    rows = 0.
    loop at itable.
    add 1 to rows.
    You can try it if you don't find a better solution.

  • How to use Count with Date Parameters

    I am having issues using the Count() function in conjunction with date parameters.
    This is a Siebel report and in my report I have 2 date parameters(From Date, To Date). In a nutshell I am basically trying to count Opportunities that has a start date within the given date period. However I don't see a reasonable way to put my date parameters within the Count() function. The reason being is that I need to have a huge chunk of code to convert the dates into a common format that can be compared, and it won't even fit within the code block in my rtf template. I am not even sure how to put multiple conditional statements inside a Count() function since all the examples I have seen are very simple.
    Anyone have a suggestion on how to use Count() with date parameters?

    Any chance you can get the date formats in the correct format from siebel?
    I don't know Siebel - so I can't help you with that. If you get the correct format it is just
    <?count(row[(FromDate>=date) and  (date<=ToDate))?>
    Otherwise the approach would probably need to use string function to get year/monthd/day from the date
    and store it into a varialbe and compare later the same way
    <?variable@incontext:from; ....?>
    <?variable@incontext:to; ...?>
    <?count(row[($from>=date) and  (date<=$to))?>
    Potentially you can use the date functions such as xdofx:to_date to do the conversion
    But I am not sure if they are available in your siebel implementation.
    Hope that helps

  • Gantt chart: Don't know how to use the tooltipkeys and toolkeylabel

    I have a problem. Don't know how to use the tooltipkeys and toolkeylabel. I used jquery to select the gantt bars and on mouse over i was getting the task id "tid" then passing it to adf bean with serverlistener and showing a popup that is adf component with javascript. For positioning of the popup I used a button that has width and height 0 and has position absolute and gets the coordinates of the mouse.
    "div[et]" is a jquery selector that selects all the elements that have attribute et. I noticed that all the bars have that attribute as a few other attributes as well "part"...
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <f:view xmlns:f="" xmlns:af=""
        <af:document title="untitled1.jsf" id="d1">
            <af:resource type="javascript" source=""/>
            <af:resource type="javascript" source="resources/js/home.js"/>
            <af:messages id="m1"/>
            <af:form id="f1">
               <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1" id="cb1" inlineStyle="visibility:hidden; width:0; height:0" />
                <af:popup id="noteWindow" contentDelivery="lazyUncached" binding="#{homeBean.popup}">
                    <af:noteWindow id="popupWindow">
                        <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl2">
                            <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="Task id" id="plam5">
                                <af:outputText value="#{homeBean.taskId1}" id="ot64"/>
                            <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="Start Location Name" id="plam6">
                                <af:outputText value="#{homeBean.startLocation}" id="ot7"/>
                            <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="Stop Location Name" id="plam7">
                                <af:outputText value="#{homeBean.stopLocation}" id="ot8"/>
                            <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="tasktype" id="pla2m7">
                                <af:outputText value="#{homeBean.taskType}" id="ot9"/>
                <af:serverListener type="jsServerListener" method="#{homeBean.serverEventHandler}"/>
                <dvt:schedulingGantt id="gantt1" value="#{bindings.PersonView1.schedulingGanttModel}" var="row"
                                     startTime="2011-07-04 00:00:00" endTime="2011-07-04 23:00:00" summary="gsg"
                                     showMenuBar="false" showToolbar="false" iconPlacement="left"
                    <f:facet name="major">
                        <dvt:timeAxis scale="days" id="ta1"/>
                    <f:facet name="minor">
                        <dvt:timeAxis scale="hours" id="ta2"/>
                    <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
                        <af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
                                   headerText="#{bindings.PersonView1.hints.PersonId.label}" id="c1">
                            <af:outputText value="#{row.PersonId}" id="ot1">
                                <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
    function bindEvents() {
        $("div[et]").live('mouseover', function (e) {
             $('#cb1').css("position", 'absolute');
             $('#cb1').css("top", e.pageY-4);
             $('#cb1').css("left", e.pageX);
            var popup = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId("noteWindow");
            var element = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent("f1");
            var taskIdToPass = null;
            if ($(this).attr("tid") !=undefined) {
                 taskIdToPass = $(this).attr('tid').toString();
            } else {
                taskIdToPass = $(this).parent().attr('tid').toString();
            var param = {            taskId : taskIdToPass        };
            AdfCustomEvent.queue(element, "jsServerListener", param, true);
            if (!popup.isPopupVisible()) {
                var hints = {};
                hints[AdfRichPopup.HINT_LAUNCH_ID] = "cb1";
                hints[AdfRichPopup.HINT_ALIGN_ID] =  "cb1";
                hints[AdfRichPopup.HINT_ALIGN] = AdfRichPopup.ALIGN_AFTER_START;
        }).live("mouseout", function () {
            var popup = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId("noteWindow");
    };My bean that is session bean:
    package view;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl;
    import oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule;
    import oracle.jbo.Key;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import oracle.jbo.ViewObject;
    public class HomeBean {
        private RichPopup popup;
        private String taskId1;
        private String startLocation;
        private String stopLocation;
        private long taskId;
        private String taskType;
        public HomeBean() {
        public void serverEventHandler(ClientEvent clientEvent) {    
            String taskIdString = clientEvent.getParameters().get("taskId").toString();
            this.taskId = Long.parseLong(taskIdString);
            DCDataControl dc1 = BindingContext.getCurrent().findDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
            ApplicationModule am = dc1.getApplicationModule();
            ViewObject vo = am.findViewObject("PdTrfDayView1");  
            RowSetIterator rowSetIterator = vo.createRowSetIterator(null);
            Row[] rows = rowSetIterator.findByKey(new Key(new Object[] {taskId}), 1);
            Row row = rows[0];
           this.taskId1 =  row.getAttribute("PdTrfDayId").toString();
           this.startLocation = row.getAttribute("StartLocation").toString();
           this.stopLocation = row.getAttribute("StopLocation").toString();
           this.taskType = row.getAttribute ("PdTrfTypeId").toString();
            RichPopup.PopupHints ph = new RichPopup.PopupHints();
        public long getTaskId() {
            return taskId;
        public void setPopup(RichPopup popup) {
            this.popup = popup;
        public RichPopup getPopup() {
            return popup;
        public String getTaskId1() {
            return taskId1;
        public String getStartLocation() {
            return startLocation;
        public String getStopLocation() {
            return stopLocation;
        public String getTaskType() {
            return taskType;
    }I am wondering If i can use setCurrentRow on the iterator that i create and use it for displaying on the popup instead of binding startLocation and stopLocation to the bean and if there is any benefit of that at all...
    Edited by: 897833 on Nov 24, 2011 11:37 AM

    To use tooltipkeys and tooltiplabel in gantt, you can add following code in managed bean
    public String[] getTooltipKeys()
    return new String[]{"columnA", "columnB", "StartDate", "EndDate"};
    public String[] getTooltipLabels()
    return new String[]{"A", "B", "Start Date", "End Date"};
    where , the string array in the ToolTipKeys represents the columns, of the table you have in the gantt component , and the string array in TooltipLabels displays the label you want to display for the table columns.
    In the jsff, you could call the bean methods as follows:

  • How do I start with a circular blank space to be filled with text/pic?

    How do I start with a circular blank space to be filled with text/pic? All info I can find relates to rectangular shapes.Max

    Many thanks
    Max Emmons
    Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2013 09:30:22 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: How do I start with a circular blank space to be filled with text/pic?
        Re: How do I start with a circular blank space to be filled with text/pic?
        created by hatstead in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
    Open your picture fileAccess the cookie cutter tool in the toolbox. On the tool's option bar, click on the fly-out for the crop shapes. Select the circular shape (it's all black). Hold down the shift key on the keyboard and drag out the circle to embrace what you wish to retain. You can drag the circle to adjust further, then crop.
    To add text, get the type tool and type the text. This will be on a separate layer. Note that there are areas of transparency (checkerboard pattern) outside the circlular area.
    Use the Paintbucket tool to fill these areas. The tool uses the foreground color.
    Another option would be to place a layer below the circle layer and fill it with a pattern or whatever you want.
    Feel free to repost if this is not clear.
         Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Photoshop Elements by email or at Adobe Community
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  • Need an example how to use SCAN_Start with a callback function

    I would appreciate if someone helps me with a working example of how to use SCAN_Start with a callback function. I need just a basic functionality: to specify a channel list (with gains probably), to start a data acquisition task and to receive data buffers utilizing a callback function. t this time whatever I was trying to do caused computer hangups, though it is supposed to be one of the most regular tasks to perform.
    Thank you in advance,

    Hello Mike,
    Thank you for contacting National Instruments.
    Attached is an example project which uses a callback function to begin analog acquisition (AI) by calling SCAN_Start. This project acquires from the first 2 channels on your DAQ device. Make sure to modify the device number in the code to match the number of your card.
    Let me know if you have any further questions...
    Sean C.
    Applcications Engineer
    National Instruments
    Attachments: ‏11 KB

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