How long should it take to download OS Mavericks upgrade?

I clicked on the Download button in the App Store to download OS X Mavericks.  Nothing appears to be happening, other than the Download button changed to "Downloading".

You're welcome.

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    It depends on what bottlenecks you have interposed.
    If you have a fast Ethernet connection, not cable Internet, that is not throttled by your ISP, and are using fast Ethernet on your local network, you should be able to download in about an hour.
    If you are transmitting it over your wireless connection, it may take substantially longer.



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    moonbaza wrote:
    I did the speed test.
    Download speed was:  .87 Mbps
    Upload was:  .32 Mbps
    Ping: 58
    So how many Mbps are there in 4gb?  That's how I figure that out right?
    You are on the low end to say the least.  Maybe 10 hours at your speed?
    Comcast by comparison:

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    Hi anobles,
    Download times for purchases & rentals from the iTunes Store will vary depending on the speed of your internet connection. The Apple TV will regularly recalculate your estimated time to download based on the current download speed that it is seeing. You may find the following article useful:
    iTunes Store: Download times will vary
    - Brenden

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    Hi e_doug,
    The download and installation of Indesign should not take more than a few minutes and it also depends on the network speed as well as the computer specs.
    If the Creative Cloud Desktop App shows the apps as installed then please check your system, under Start > Programs, if you are able to find the application or not.
    If not then please follow solution 2 and 3 of the KB :

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    How are you downloading, wireless or wired via iTunes?  The two are very different file sizes.  Wired is more than 1 GB and wireless is something like 100 MB.  Mine took less than 10 min start to finish on wireless with a high speed Verizon FiOS line.
    If it has started, ride it out.

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    Here are the specs for Mavericks:
    Depending on your internet connection, it may take a while. Mine usually takes at least 2.5 - 3 hours, but I've heard of people with a slow DSL connection that it can take several hours/overnight. And, the servers may be overloaded, so it'll be slow coming down the pipe.

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    What happens is that the weaker the battery, the less time it takes it to charge (and run down) because it doesn't take long to reach its lowered maximum capacity.
    Although I never worry about my battery and leave my portables plugged in most of the time, that isn't necessarily the best thing for the battery.
    Check out Apple's suggestions maintaining battery life and lifespan:
    Information on battery technology:
    Calibrating the battery for best performance:

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    vazandrew lists the necessary requirement for  near instant streaming.
    The reason is that itunes store content has a fixed size for an individual movie and does not degrade quality by using lower bitrates for slower connections.
    HD content usually weighs in at up to 5Mbps from itunes store, so a 6 Mbps connection can keep up with the video stream without stopping/starting.
    Any slower and AppleTV has to download part of the movie first - it calculates how much it needs to prebuffer in this way to allow the rest of the movie to load in the background as you watch - the calculation is based on the requirement to play without interruption given a particular sustained connection rate.
    For example on my 4 Mbps it may take 40 mins for an HD film to be ready.  SD will play almost immediately.
    As AppleTV has limited storage, using other features while waiting for a movie to be ready can inadvertently flush the part already downloaded necessitating it to start from scratch - there is no warning and I believe this is poor design when the connection is slow.
    You can alter HD/SD in Settings but it applies to the next rental made.  Oddly you may find more SD content as much available in SD is not yet available in HD.  AppleTV1 was mor sensible and listed all content SD or HD and if a title was available in both you had the option to rent either very simply without changing Settings.  This also explains why some movies cannot be found if you just look for HD because of the setting.

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    The calculation is based on your Internet access data rate.  Do you know what it is?

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