How many ways to we have realignment CVC's??

helo sapients
helo sir
What are the ways do we have to re-align the characteristics??What are they?

Hi Dallyanusha,
Generally, for the two ways realignment will be executed.
1) The system generates new characteristic value combinations.
If required, it later deletes the old combinations.
2) The system copies the planning data to the new combinations.
R. Senthil Mareeswaran.

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    Hi kavali1985,
    According to your description, you want to build relationship between two fact tables without common dimension. Right?
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    I am working out of the office this week - please send your response to [email protected] as well as my normal email [email protected].
    I am designing a new test platform that will run on C# (because we like object oriented text based programming and because the IDE is free).  For hardware we'll use your PXI modules (because your hardware is ultra-reliable).  I'm starting with the following PXI modules 6259, 4072, 6509, 2575, and 2569, but we made add other modules later as future requirements demand.  I am doing the system software architecture now.  I've done some dabbling with Ni_daqmx, and I loathe "tasks" and "channels", but am determined to make them work.
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    Golly I hate tasks.  Please help.
    I am working out of the office this week - please send your response to [email protected] as well as my normal email [email protected].

    Thanks for posting to the NI Forums.
    For the good of the community we like to keep conversations that start of the forums on the forums rather than moving to email.  If you want to move to email support I recommend contacting NI through the email route.
    I will answer your questions here.  If you need more direct contact please feel free to contact us through [email protected].
    For some the concept of tasks may seem daunting, however, for many applications it makes life a lot more simple.  A task at a very fundamental level is simply a collection of channels with a single type (AI, DI, DO, etc.)  and a single timing configuration (sampling rate, continuous vs. finite, etc.).  It is a way to organize configuration data.  
    The concept of a task is an abstraction like OO programming.  Like OO programming it may take some time to understand but can be a time saver in the end.  Also like OO programming it does add some initial programming overhead.  It is much more simple to simply type a printf statement in C than to have to create a bunch of classes just to output text to the screen. You can accomplish the same thing not using OO programming, but in the end OO programming is extremely useful, because it groups useful information and methods together in one place.
    With very simple applications OO programming sometimes does not make sense.  But as a program gets more and more complex OO programming becomes more and more useful.  It takes some learning but it is worth it.
    I believe the concept of a task does the same thing.  It does not change the actual functionality of the device or add excessive overhead.  It is just an abstraction that pulls configuration data about a specific "task" and methods the task can perform into a single logical place.
    Unlike the entirely abstract concept of an Object, a Task is run on a physical device and therefore has physical limitations.  You can create multiple tasks of the same type, but you can only run a one timed task of each type on a single board at a time.  In other words you can have multiple AI tasks running at the same time but they need to run on different boards or only one can be timed (have a rate).  You can also have multiple timed AI tasks configured for a single board but only one can actually be running at a time.
    The reason you can only have a single timed task running at a time is because the M-Series boards (and many other boards as well) have a single timing engine for each type of acquisition or generation.  There is a single timing engine for AI, one for AO, and so forth.  You cannot have channel 1 running at 1 MS/s and another running at 50 kS/s.
    However, tasks can exist even when they are not being actively run.  You can create all the tasks you need at the beginning of your program and simply start and stop them as you need.  After the task is stopped you do not need to clear the task until the end of your program.  You can further increase performance by moving the Task into the latest state possible without actually starting the task.  This can be done by calling myTask.Control(TaskAction.Action).  The Task states are further explained in the NI-DAQmx Help Manual.
    The concept of a  task will need to be used with any device that is being programmed using NI-DAQmx.  The 6259 and 6509 will need to be programmed using DAQmx.  With the 2575 and 2569 you have the choice of either using the NI-DAQmx API or the NI-SWITCH API.  The SWITCH API does not use the concept of tasks.  For the 4072 you will need to use the NI-DMM API.  This API also does not use the concept of tasks.
    Hopefully this information is helpful.  Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
    Neil S.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    gussie88 wrote:
    Was she satisfied eventually!!! haha If you export and import photos to a new library, do faces -places etc transfer too? Thanks
    Yes, I believe they do.  The places data is associated with GPS coordinates tagged on each photo.  I think the faces data works the same way -- it is associated with each photo regardless of what album it is in.

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    Hi Joe,
    There is no "upper limit" on the number of tasks that you can have in a plan. Having said that, the complexity of a plan -- including conditions and the use of external tasks -- can certainly be a factor in response times.
    Having said this, 30 seconds seems like a long time and I strongly suggest that you open a case with customer care on this item.
    We have alerted them to be looking for a case from you.

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    M Fazal Ur Rehman

    First, you need to be able to boot from the Recovery HD:
    Boot Using Command+R keys:
      1. Restart the computer.
      2. Immediately after the chime press and hold down the
          "COMMAND" and the "R" keys together.
      3. Release the keys when the Utilities Menu appears.
    Once at the Utilities Menu select Terminal from the Utilities menu in the screen's menubar. Now, you need to know where these new files are located. You move to any location using the 'cd' command such as cd /Users/user_name/Documents, then press RETURN. Replace user_name with your actual username. Next you need to do a directory listing to see if your files are in that location, Documents. Use ls -al to do a directory listing of the files and folders in Documents. If you find your new files there, then connect an external drive or flash drive. You will need to know the name you have assigned to this drive. It needs to be already formatted. Copy your files using cp /Documents/filename /Volumes/volname/filename. Replace volname and filename with those that apply. Press RETURN.
    Or take it to your local Apple Store and see if they can do the chore for you.

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    Hello everyone, 
    I'm new in the video conference and telepresence field. 
    I'd like to know how many ways there are to connect different company to make a telepresence session.
    Currently I'm managing a telepresence infrastructure in which all the different location are 30 Km distant and are all part of the same intranet.
    Obviously we have a VCSc and VCSe and a MCU.
    If I don't have an intranet and I'd like to connect different location, how could I do? VPN? Is it possible to use just the public internet?
    for example, if I have 3 location (200 km distant) and every location has an SSDL connection (down 4 Mb/s up 4 Mb/s), can I connect them?
    I was thinking to use for example a VCS Espress starter pack in one location and 3 codec SX20.
    Is it possible to have a 720p call considering the distances?

    Yes, you can, but it does become a trial and error scenario.
    We've been doing that for years to some very remote sites (+800kms), however, we've had to keep the b/w to 384kbps, and we do see some packet loss at times, but this mainly involves older endpoints such as MXPs, whereas the C-series and the SX endpoints handles it much better.
    We're now in the process of moving these sites on to a managed 10/10Mbps connection which will allow us to implement QoS.
    We also have another very remote island site where we only have a 2/2Mbps connection, and we restrict b/w to a max 512kbps to/from this site, and we haven't had any issues at all.
    And these links are not used exclusively for video, but these remote sites use them for all their internet traffic.
    Just on a side note, I run HD videconferences from home, but then I have a 100/40Mbps fibre connection, but it still goes across the public internet - and I haven't had any issues yet. :)
    As I said at the top, it's trial and error; stress test the link at various times without VPN first, then move to VPN if needed. It's not as simple as a "yes" or a "no".
    Please rater replies and mark question(s) as "answered" if applicable.

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    Message was edited by: heytheredude878
    Message was edited by: heytheredude878

    You need to upgrade to Snow Leopard first. Contact Apple to buy a Snow Leopard installation DVD.
    Make sure your system meets Snow Leopard's requirements:
    Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard system requirements
    To install Snow Leopard for the first time, you must have a Mac with:
    An Intel processor
    An internal or external DVD drive, or DVD or CD Sharing
    At least 1 GB of RAM (additional RAM is recommended)
    A built-in display or a display connected to an Apple-supplied video card supported by your computer
    At least 5 GB of disk space available, or 7 GB of disk space if you install the developer tools
    Once you have Snow Leopard, you can upgrade to whatever your MacBook will support.
    There is no need for sequential upgrades. The reason Snow Leopard is a prerequisite for further upgrades is that it includes the App Store. All OS versions subsequent to Snow Leopard are distributed that way.

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    I upgraded to IOS 6, I am unable to get into my Yahoo mail.  It accepts pw, and pops up and tells me how many e-mails I have and then goes right back to the sign on screen. verified that I can get in from laptop & wireless is functioning.any suggestions?

    Purplehiddledog wrote:
    I do backup with iCloud.  I can't wait until the new iMac is available so that I can once again have my files in more than 1 location without needing to rely solely on the cloud. 
    I also rely on iTunes and my MacBook and Time Machine as well as backing up to iCloud. I know many users know have gone totally PC free, but I chose to use iCloud merely as my third backup.
    I assume that the restore would result in my ability to open Pages and Numbers and fix the problem with deleting apps, but this would also mean that if my Numbers documents still exist solely within the app and are just not on iCloud for some reason that they would be gone forever.  Is that right?
    In a word, yes. In a little more detail.... When you restore from an iCloud backup, you must erase the device and start all over again. There is no other way to access the backup in iCloud without erasing the device. Consequently, you are starting all over again. Therefore, it would also be my assumption that Pages and Numbers will work again and that the deleting apps issues would be fixed as well.
    If the documents are not in the backup, and you do not have a backup elsewhere, the documents could be gone forever.

  • How many ways you can invoke JSP from OBPM

    Hi All,
    I just wanted to know how many ways we can invoke JSP Page from BPM.
    1. BPM Interactive component call
    2. ?.

    When you are using a jsp, its for user interaction only. and in any case, you require interactive component call.
    this is the only way you can use a jsp in OBPM.
    However, in a bpm interactive activity - you can also choose external as implementation type.
    For this, you need to have your jsp source code reference added as an external resource in the project and the external resource is to be specified at configuration while setting implementation type.

  • How many times do I have to download and install Firefox 34.0 Beta 7? Software update asks me to do this (and I do) at least once a day. Yes, I have restarted.

    Using MacBook Pro, 15", early 2008, 2.4G Intel core 2 duo, 4G ram. Software update asks to update Firefox 34.0 beta7 every day. If I update, it just asks me to do it again. It has done this through the last several Beta updates. It's a bit disconcerting, since the updates are supposedly for security and stability. Let me put the question in another way: how many times do I have to ignore the update request before it quits asking? This is all causing me to regret making Firefox my default browser, especially since Safari has been improved so much.

    Even so there is only a average of nine Beta test builds for each version in six weeks, so not that often.
    Sound like you the update is not installing perhaps due to read/write permission issues.
    Try downloading the 34.0b7 dmg from

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    Hmm, that would be a new one on me, but I see new things all the time and try to always keep an open mind.
    Okay, so one way past this might be to do the following.
    Create a snippet. Copy the content of the desired page and paste into the snippet.
    Create 30 different versions of the same topic by simply placing the Snippet into each topic. Then insert the different topics into the TOC.
    You should still be able to modify the content of the topic in the single place (the snippet) and by having discrete points from the TOC, there should be no issue and synchronization should work beautifully.
    Cheers... Rick

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