How may I view the specs on a past order?

I bought a laptop a little less than a year ago and I can locate it  and the "details" in my order history , however, I cannot find the exact and specifications of the computer. Unlike when you're buying a new computer I can't pull up the exact details of the system and hardware on this website, only the general make and order number and such. Is there a way I can find more detailed specifications on what I ordered in the past?

* At the top of this Customer Care board, click the Customer Care - Wiki tab
* On the right, open, "What components shipped on my Dell computer?"

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    When posting in Apple Communties/Forums/Message Boards.......It would help us to know which iMac model you have, which OS & version you're using, how much RAM, etc. You can have this info displayed on the bottom of every post by completing your system profile and filling in the information asked for.
    CLICKY CLICK-----> Help us to help you on these forums

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