How meter reading works in ISU to BI

Any one pls let me know how we will configure the meter reading in BI.How dows it going to work.What objects will be involved.
Pls give me links on meter reading master data configuration.
Many thanks

You will find answers to this in the site.  Look under Netweaver and BI where the Utilities Industry content and other BI functions are explained.

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    HI timothy
    you can tell me how do you solved this issue?
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  • Billing view in SAP ISU CRM - Meter reading not visible

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      Your requirement is not clear.
    As per my understanding,u mentioned as multiple meter reading and multiple line items.
    This is due to Price may be block price, check the price key.
    Check the rate steps  line item type and also schema steps

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      Your requirement is not clear.
    As per my understanding,u mentioned as multiple meter reading and multiple line items.
    This is due to Price may be block price, check the price key.
    Check the rate steps  line item type and also schema steps

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    Hello Carol,
    could you maybe try to use the [ IETab] add-on?
    Kind regards,
    Firefox Support Volunteer

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    Then there's something going on with Safari on your Mac.
    Try troubleshooting Safari extensions and third party plugins.
    From the Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Extensions tab. Turn that OFF, quit and relaunch Safari to test. If that helped, turn one extension on then quit and relaunch Safari to test until you find the incompatible extension then click uninstall.
    If it's not an extensions issue, try troubleshooting third party plug-ins.
    Back to Safari > Preferences. This time select the Security tab. Deselect:  Allow all other plug-ins. Quit and relaunch Safari to test.
    If that made a difference, instructions for troubleshooting plugins here.

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    Hi Pradeep,
        you can get the workitems which is sitting in SAP users workflow Inbox through the following function module.
        ACT_OTYPE          = 'US'
        ACT_OBJID          = usr_list_rs-usrid   " This variable should contain user id of *                                                                            the user
        SEARCH_WEGID       = 'US_TASKS'
      SEARCH_DATE        = SY-DATUM
        WI_LIST            = wi_list_temp .
       For ur 2nd query, take all users id from user master table & put it in Iternal table.
    Next, Put the above FM inside the loop of this iternal table. For ur convenience, Pls see the below code, definitely you will get clear picture.
    data: wi_list_cons like HRWFWI_L occurs 0 with header line.
    data: wi_list_temp like wi_list_cons occurs 0 with header line.
    loop at usr_list_rs.
        ACT_OTYPE          = 'US'
        ACT_OBJID          = usr_list_rs-usrid
        SEARCH_WEGID       = 'US_TASKS'
      SEARCH_DATE        = SY-DATUM
        WI_LIST            = wi_list_temp .
    if wi_list_temp[] is NOT initial.
    loop at wi_list_temp.
       wi_list_cons = wi_list_temp.
       wi_list_cons-OBJID = usr_list_rs-usrid.
       append: wi_list_cons.
       clear: wi_list_cons.
    clear: wi_list_temp.
    refresh: wi_list_temp[].
    endif.  "if wi_list_temp[] is NOT initial.
    sort wi_list_cons by wi_id.
        Now iternal table wi_list_cons will contain both workitem Id & user Id. Now you can easily find out that which workitem is sitting in which users SAP workflow inbox.
        Please let me know if you need any further assistance regarding this.
          Please don't forget to reward points.
    Thanks & Regards,
    S. Manikanda.

  • Automatic creation of meter reading order with RR 01 after move in

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    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your reply but I have cheked SPRO setting the suggested check box is already uncheked.
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    you can try with user exit
    Transaction Code - EL31                     Manual Monitoring
    Exit Name           Description
    EDMASSES            IS-U: User-Defined Validation for Overestimation
    EDMEL231            IS-U: Meter Reading Result - Incorporation of Subscreen
    EDMFOLUP            IS-U: Determine follow-up actions during MR result entry
    EDMLELAE            IS-U: User Exit Too Static. Evaluation of Evaluated Data.
    EDMLELDE            IS-U: Dependent validations based on user exit
    EDMLELSV            IS_U: User Exit After Saving Meter Reading Results
    EDMMR002            IS-U: Change to Gas Date During Meter Reading Result Entry
    EDMMRRES            IS-U: Change readings during upload (before validation)
    EDMMRSTR            IS-U, Display Additional Fields for Street Route Maintenance
    EDMSUPBI            IS-U: Automatic Suppression of Billing/Deac. Meter Readings
    No of Exits:         10
    Rewards if useful.......................

  • Iphont battery meter not working/ push notifications not working/restarting over and over again.

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    I wanted imessage back, so I restored my phone as new once again. This time, imessage, push notification, snapchat, ect. started working again. But, it has gone back to not knowing how much battery life it has and restarting over and over again after being turned on from a dead state. WHAT DO I DO?! I don't want to have either of these problems. It's kind of like my phone has a virus.
    note: the first time i turned it on after coming back from vacation, it said "no sim card" for a few minutes.

    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In Library Manager it's the FIle -> Rebuild command)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. 

  • How do I work with FK in a data profile?

    Hello People:
    I am new in OWB tools and I have many doubts. Therefore, I would like to know if anyone can guide me a bit with the theme of FK and profiles.
    How do I work with FK in a data profile?
    If I have a table that has a FK to most of the tables, because it is like a parent table. What should I do to have that FK in the profile?
    - Table 1 FK Table 2
    - Table 1 FK Table 3
    - Table 1 FK Table 4
    - Table 1 FK Table 5
    - Table 1 FK Table 6
    - Table 2 FK Table 7
    - Table 2 FK Table 8
    - Table 8 FK Table 9
    You should have a data profile with each table or a data profile for all related tables?
    If I am all in a single profile, that it would have no problem but I would only slow every time that I have to add a new table, but if I got separated, I can not use the FK? What is the solution that will give this problem?
    - Table 1
    - Table 2
    - Table 3
    - Table 4
    - Table 5
    - Table 6
    - Table 7
    - Table 8
    - Table 9
    PROFILE 1 -> - Table 1
    PROFILE 2 -> - Table 2
    PROFILE 3 -> - Table 3
    PROFILE 4 -> - Table 4
    PROFILE 5 -> - Table 5
    PROFILE 6 -> - Table 6
    PROFILE 7 -> - Table 7
    PROFILE 8 -> - Table 8
    PROFILE 9 -> - Table 9
    PROFILE R -> Table 1 / Table 2
    PROFILE S -> Table 1 / Table 3
    PROFILE T -> Table 1 / Table 4
    PROFILE U -> Table 1 / Table 5
    PROFILE V -> Table 1 / Table 6
    PROFILE W -> Table 2 / Table 7
    PROFILE X -> Table 2 / Table 8
    PROFILE Z -> Table 8 / Table 9
    Thank you very much for your help!
    Best regard!

    Any idea, please?

  • How does this work?

    This is not a complaint, but a confused sigh of admiration. I've got an email account at the university where I teach. When I got my iBook, it took me a while, and a few conversations with IT at the school, to get this account working in the Mail application. (Since I have a Verizon DSL at home, I had to include that SMTP as the outgoing server.) Anyway, I synched this mail account (along with my AOL and .Mac accounts) onto the iPhone, and it works perfectly, both incoming and outgoing. I didn't have to change any of the settings. I thought I was computer savvy, but I can't wrap my mind around this. It seems like magic. How does it work?

    The sync process with iTunes transfers the email account settings (for your chosen accounts via your iPhone sync preferences) from the Mail application on your Mac to the iPhone's email application.
    The iPhone is running OS X and the iPhone's email client can be considered a mobile version of the Mail application.

  • How to read device report for HP Deskjet 1510

    Hi HP,
    I can see from the software provided with this printer there is this option to print the device reports.
    Please assist on how to read this report because it consist of unknown coding and stuff. 
    I would appreciate if your side can help me on this coz I assume that we can track our usage through this report.
    If this is not the purpose, perhaps you may suggest any other way to get an understandable usage reports? 
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello Nadiya,
    Welcome to the forums
    I understand you are looking for a usage report. The printer will print a test page and you can see the page count on that page, along with the printer information, such as your serial number, etc. If there is anything else you may mean by "usage" please let me know and I will do my best to help.
    Click this link: Fixing Ink Streaks, Faded Prints, and Other Common Print Quality Problems
    In the guide, look under "Solution six: Print and evaluate a test page and troubleshoot defects" and print a test page.
    Take care,
    R a i n b o w 7000I work on behalf of HP
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say
    “Thanks” for helping!
    Click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution!

  • How to read Excel file in flex

         I am new to Adobe flex and i dont know how to read Excel in flex and i need coding for that. So anybody help me...
    thanks in advance...

    You can read and parse XLS files (only works with xls-files) with urlloader and a ZIP-lib that can read zip-files.
    public function loadXLS(url:String):void
                var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                urlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
                urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);
                urlLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));
            private function onLoadComplete(even:Event):void
                urlLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);
                model.sheetsDict = new Dictionary();
                var zipFile:ZipFile = new ZipFile(;
                for(var i:int = 0; i < zipFile.entries.length; i++)
                    var entry:ZipEntry = zipFile.entries[i];
                    var data:ByteArray = zipFile.getInput(entry);
                    if(useFile(, "/sheet([^$]+)"))
                        model.sheetsDict["xl/")[1]] = new XML(data.toString());
                    else if( useFile(, "/sharedStrings.xml") )
                        model.sharedStrings = new XML(data.toString());
                    else if( useFile(, "/workbook.xml$") )
                        model.workbook = new XML(data.toString());
                    else if( useFile(, "/workbook.xml.rels") )
                        model.rels = new XML(data.toString());
    to read the xml properly you have to use namespaces in the reader-class
    namespace ns1 = "";
            use namespace ns1;
            namespace ns2 = "";
            use namespace ns2;
            namespace ns3 = "";
            use namespace ns3;
            namespace ns4 = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mac:vml";
            use namespace ns4;
            namespace ns5 = "";
            use namespace ns5;

  • My iPhone was stolen and I have contacted the police who are using the meid number to locate.  How does this work and what are my chances of getting the phone back?

    My iPhone was stolen.  I used Find My iPhone app to lock it and display a message.  The phone has not connected to the internet to locate it.  I contacted the police and they have taken my meid number.  How does this work and what are my chances of getting the phone back?  Are there other ways the theif can use it.  I was told once they put in a new sim card and use it, whatever software the police have, it will show up.

    Honestly? In the US (I can't speak to other countries, though I doubt it works much differently in a lot of the world) The police took your report and filed it either in their computers or, on paper. They will now not think of this again. The only time it will cross anyones mind is if, in the course of entering information into evidence about items recovered or seized at a crime scene, the serial number of an iPhone that was found/seized happens to match yours, in which case you will be contacted.
    The police in the US can and will do nothing to 'blok' the phone and it's not worth their time to try and locate it unless you know for a fact that it was stolen by a big time drug lord, master criminal, or some other such prime target and they can get a court order to track the location of the phone in order to locate this individual for your own purposes.  If they do that, they'll probably keep him under surveilance for a year or so before they act.
    Basically, the police don't care about your phone. If they find it, they will give it back to you. They are not, however, going to go looking for it. They have better things to do.
    I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.

Maybe you are looking for