How's Your New Intel iMac?

I've had my Intel iMac for a mere 12 days (upgraded from a 700 MHz G3 iBook). I bought the original "bondi blue" iMac when it debuted in 1998. My new iMac screams with speed, and the display is big, bright and beautiful.
Is anyone else having the same perfectly blissful iMac experience?

Glad to see there's a sizable crew pleased w/ their
Ditto! I just thought I'd put it "out there." Seems like all I read in Discussions are problems I've never experienced with any of my Apple products. I'm on my 7th Mac and have two iPods. Not a single problem.
I'm loving my Intel iMac. I may have sold a couple of PC friends on Apple. They both asked where the hard drive is and couldn't believe it was inside the slim iMac display.
iMac is the quietest machine I've ever used and stays relatively cool compared to other Macs I've had. I haven't yet gotten into Front Row, but what I've seen so far looks pretty awesome. My Office 2001 runs really fast under Rosetta, and Safari, iTunes are snappier than ever.
Great machine! Thanks, everyone, for your input.
iMac 2 GHz Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   20" Display

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    i think this should work:
    1) boot from the image.
    2) use these tips to move the library from the image to another external HD. from the iMac, use the +choose library+ operation below.
    3) if you have a suitably sized iPod, click here.
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    Your problems may well be down to the way you connect your camera and in which order you establish a connection. If all else fails voltaic will get the files from your camera in AIC which will readily be imported into im08 for editing.

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    Powebook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   Happy with Mac...don't want to lose the ease!

    well, same situation here, I was about to order a Macbook Pro but then decided to saty with our beloved G platform. the reason is that it will take some time for our Pro Apps to become fully /natively compatible with Intel and I just can't wait that much.
    as for your question about using an iMac with FCP, the answer would be a;
    "Yes" if you're going to work with DV only footage (using an external HD for your captured media is a must). and a
    "No" if you plan to work with HD material in the future. there you've got no choice but a PowerMac G5 with a fast Graphic Card and a special SD/HD card or box to capture the footage.
    résumé: if you're a serious FCP user, go for something expandible, go for a Powermac.

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    iMacG5 20 Rev. A, 2 GB Ram, 250 GB HD, BT   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   250 GB Ext. HD, 30 GB 3rd Gen. and 6 GB iPod mini

    Surprise! both the Epson and the HP 970cse are on the list as having new universal binary drivers already installed inside the Tiger OS that will arrive on your iMac Intel.

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    Macworld Daily News
    Thursday - February 09, 2006
    Apple investigates Intel iMac Front Row problems
    By Macworld staff
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    "Sure, I'd be more understanding had it been an issue that required a very special set of conditions to trigger"
    Apparently it does as this issue is not affecting all users.
    "As I was told, affected owners would not be proactively notified"
    Where you you prefer them to use their limited resources, trying to figure out who MAY be affected and sending them some sort of detailed action plan, or spending the resources determining the cause of the issue and developing a solution that can be distributed to the ones who need it not only now, but those that may discover the issue next week?
    I can understand that you are frustrated, and don't blame you for feeling that way, but this is an all new piece of technology and bugs are going to come up that were missed in testing. No company can afford to test at a 100% level. To do so would drive the costs so high as to make it impossible to sell the product, especially to the market the iMac is aimed at. Apple has a pretty darned good track record of resolving issues quickly when they appear. Until they do you only have a few choices. Use the workaround until the solution appears, waste time complaining about it, or sell the iMac and purchase a different product. That's really about all you can do!
    It was good of you to spend your valuable time, and yes it is valuable, trying to help the engineers or service reps solve the issue. That they spent that much time with you should show their commitment to solving this issue.
    Be patient, give them a chance, they have not had long to try and figure this out.

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    Before those concerns are completely alleviated, go over to the iMac hardware forum and do a search for firewire issues. Like actual physical problems with the jacks on the 20" iMac and having drives just completely "disappear".
    the reason you will find issues including firewire ones on the imac forum is because it is a forum for people with issues. it may or may not be the case that there is a subsantial issue with FW on the intel imacs, but obviously people who are having issues are going to pop up there making it seem like everyone is having an issue.
    for certain types of music production, an imac would be completely unsuitable. but for others it will be ideal.
    there drawback of having 800 and 400 FW bus shared is that if you have a 400 device it will slow down 800 devices to 400. that means it would be ideal for impiro to have either both FW drive and interface as 800's or not go to any further expense of getting an 800 hard drive to use for audio since he would not beneift from the speed.
    not a great big deal IMO.
    iMac DOES lack expandibility, but it doesn't lack horses. actually i would say (and have said) that impiro would do better with an older tower to allow for expandability because he doesn't need that many horses to do what he needs to do. and i certainly feel that it is unnecessary to spend money on a computer that would be better spent on other things relating to the move to computer based music mixing.
    never-the-less, the kind of live musician-audio-based music impiro is going to be making is childs play for modern computers. he will be able to run loads of tracks and plug-ins before a new imac will even break a sweat. even with an interface and a FW drive on 1 bus running at 400. he just won't be able to run loads and loads.
    and man....even if he decides to get more heavily into it and start buying third party cards and this that and the next thing he can look at the next computer being a tower. personally, i am changing my computer every 3 years or less - it'll take him at least that long to find the ceiling on a new imac.

  • Issues with iMovie '06 on new Intel iMac

    Hi All,
    Hi have just got a brand new Intel iMac 2.0GHz 20" Core 2 Duo with the new shiny screen!! Looks very snazzy and speed is pretty good.
    Due to the limitations of iMovie '08 and the fact that PPC machines can't run it, I have uninstalled the iLife '08 that shipped with it and installed iLife '06 so that the machines onsite are all running the same apps.
    When I open iMovie, I get the following error message:
    "Your computer contains a graphics card which may not support iMovie.
    iMovie requires a "Quartz Extreme Compatible" graphics card. Certain iMovie features such as Themes, Ken Burns Photos, and Video FX may not work properly with your graphics card."
    This is a bit concerning on a new iMac that won't even run Apple's own application! The graphics card as reported by System Profiler is:
    Chipset Model: ATI,RadeonHD2600
    Type: Display
    Bus: PCIe
    VRAM (Total): 256 MB
    Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
    Device ID: 0x9583
    Revision ID: 0x0000
    ROM Revision: 113-B2250F-212
    EFI Driver Version: 01.00.212
    When I go into iMovie and try dragging a JPEG file into the clips pane, I receive the following error message:
    "Error during import
    The file could not be imported: -[QCView_finishInitialization]: Object creation failed"
    Does anyone know if iMovie '06 is able to run under the new iMacs?

    Just as an update...
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    Hello m:
    You indicate your system is new. Your best course of action would be to contact Applecare (or take it to an Apple store) for diagnosis and/or repair (under warranty).

  • Sound on new Intel Imac died

    Yesterday I set up a brand new Intel iMac for a client. Everything was working perfectly. Less than an hour later she calls to tell me that the sound has died. Sure enough, you can barely hear any sound from the internal speakers. Setting the volume to max does nothing. Even the start up chime is severely muted.
    Before I left the client the sound was fine. I had restarted the machine and got a loud healthy startup chime. We sent some messages from and the jet whooshing sound was also clear.
    After I had left, the client called complaining that a game she was running (Freeverse's 3D Bridge, PowerPC only) had frozen the machine. After force quitting the program, she called back and reported the sound had died.
    The Mac in question is an Intel iMac that was purchased last week. It has only the stock RAM (512 MB) and had beedn updated to 10.4.6. I took the following troubleshooting steps:
    1. Rebuilt permssions
    2. Trashed all sound prefs.
    3. Rest PRAM
    4. Launched the Audio Midi setup and tried re-setting those prefs.
    5. Attached a different keyboard and external speakers.
    6. Ran the Hardware test (came up clean)
    7. Erased and re-installed 10.4.4
    Nothing in the list above has helped. I'm going to attempt to update to 10.4.6 letter tonight. I've done a quick search of the forums, but none of the suggested solutons have helped.
    Any, ANY help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
    G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Do the best thing you can do to a brand new machine
    with problems---take it back.
    Losing system sounds is one thing (and easy enough to
    troubleshoot on your own), but losing your startup
    chime is a bit worrisome as this in itself is a
    diagnostic signal that tells you everything is ok
    with the system. Losing it may be a symptom of a
    deeper problem.
    You have a 14 day return policy and a full warranty
    on the machine so bring it back and let them handle
    No sense "troubleshooting" this much on a brand new
    machine, if you ask me...
    My thanks to everyone who responded. This has been an extremely frustrating experience all around.
    Thanks for the tip; I'd never even heard of the SMC before. Unfortunately it didn't work. The problem shows up in any other account.
    I agree with you. The iMac is a lemon and will have to go back. The irritating thing is that the stupid machine was working when I left the client's. Oh, well.
    Again, thanks to everyone for the help.
    G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)

  • Printing problems with HP laserJet 1320 and new Intel iMac

    My new Intel iMac won't print to my HP 1320 from Eudora or from web browsers. The applications "quit unexpectedly". From Safari, nothing happens.
    I can print PDF documents and Office documents with no problems. The Intel is connected to a router via Airport. The printer is connected to the router via Ethernet. My old G4 iMac prints fine (connected to router via Ethernet) as does my G4 laptop (connected via Airport).

    A post from another threat that might help.
    From Payson
    Just spent 90 minutes with some nice folks in level 1 and level 2 support.
    Problem seems to be that I used migration utility to import the soul of my old machine into the new machine. When you do that, you bring along the old print system (PPC vs Intel).
    I had upgraded to 10.4.5 after the migration and assumed that it would correct any problem like that, but it had not.
    After a great deal of trial and error, the solution was to go to move disk/library/printers to the desktop and restart the system
    Then use the the install disk 1 that came with the iMac and use the OPTIONAL INSTALLS package to reinstall the printer drivers.
    Worked like a champ.
    Suspect similar problem might happen for any of you with I/O drivers.

  • Clarification on migration from iMac G5 running 10.4.11 to new intel iMac

    Although a lot of you have already posted on this subject, I just wanted to get a clarification, please. I just got a new intel iMac and I would like to transfer all my files from my iMac G5 (10.4.11). Should I just use the Migration Assistant and that's it? Will the two OS conflict with each other? And also, is it possible to continue to use 10.4.11 on my new iMac?
    Thank you very much! I hope Ms. Miriam reads this one. She seems to be very knowledgeable!

    Not Miriam, but...
    You can use Migration Assistant to go from a Tiger Mac to a Leopard Mac. You will be running the Migration Assistant utility on the new iMac. You might employ FireWire Target Disk Mode (on the old iMac) as part of the process, to connect the two Macs.
    A new iMac has one FireWire 800 port and no FireWire 400 port (which is the type on the iMac G5). So you will need to get a 9-pin (800) to 6-pin (400) adapter, or a cable that has an 800 end and a 400 end (if you want to use the FireWire method for connection). They are available here
    You can also use a wired or wireless network connection between the two Macs, to do the data transfer.
    And also, is it possible to continue to use 10.4.11 on my new iMac?
    No. Macs can generally run the OS that came with it, or LATER (up to hardware limitations), but not earlier. So if the new iMac had 10.5.6 pre-installed, it cannot run any earlier version of Mac OS X.

  • Transfer content from old power imac to new intel imac

    What are the dos and do nots when transferring the content from my 6 year old power imac to a new intel imac top of the range?
    Thanks, Tom

    There are caveats migrating from PPC to Intel, I had no problems, but see Kappy's fine/detailed "A Basic Guide for Migrating to Intel-Macs"...

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    I understand using the migrate feature may not be a good idea.
    Problem is, I have the CS3 upgrade disc. I do have my original CS full version.
    Will the CS version install on an Intel Mac? I was planning on installing CS
    and then upgrading with my CS3 disk. Will this work? If not please suggest another method.
    I have PS7 and CS full install disks and CS2 and CS3 update disks.

    You should only need the serial number from the version you upgraded from. If you went from CS to CS3 then have the CS serial and disk handy.
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