How to add 3 legends for a single series barchart?? JAVAFX

Here is my code to generate 10 bars of different colors. I want to add legend respectively but it only one shows yellow legend
1. I think it shows only 1 color because there is only 1 series. Is it possible to add more than 1 legend for a single series?
2. or can i display another image for legend in barchart??
output :
file i want to display in barchart:
public class DynamicallyColoredBarChart extends Application {
    public void start(Stage stage) {
        final CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis();
        final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
        final BarChart<String, Number> bc = new BarChart<>(xAxis, yAxis);
        XYChart.Series series1 = new XYChart.Series();
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            // change color of bar if value of i is >5 than red if i>8 than blue
            final XYChart.Data<String, Number> data = new XYChart.Data("Value " + i, i);
            data.nodeProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Node>() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Node> ov, Node oldNode, Node newNode) {
                    if (newNode != null) {
                        if (data.getYValue().intValue() > 8) {
                            newNode.setStyle("-fx-bar-fill: navy;");
                        } else if (data.getYValue().intValue() > 5) {
                            newNode.setStyle("-fx-bar-fill: red;");
        stage.setScene(new Scene(bc));;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
...Edited by: 993431 on Mar 12, 2013 1:42 PM

1. Use a chart which displays multiple series, then you can allow the built-in legend to show OR
2. Use a single dynamically colored series have you have done and create your own custom legend.
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.chart.*;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class ThreeSeriesBarChart extends Application {
  @Override public void start(Stage stage) {
    final CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis();
    final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
    final BarChart<String, Number> bc = new BarChart<>(xAxis, yAxis);
    XYChart.Series lowSeries = new XYChart.Series();
    lowSeries.setName("Not Achieved");
    XYChart.Series medSeries = new XYChart.Series();
    XYChart.Series hiSeries  = new XYChart.Series();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      final XYChart.Data<String, Number> data = new XYChart.Data("Value " + i, i);
      if (data.getYValue().intValue() > 8) {
      } else if (data.getYValue().intValue() > 5) {
      } else {
    bc.getData().setAll(lowSeries, medSeries, hiSeries);
    stage.setScene(new Scene(bc));;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.value.*;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.chart.*;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.layout.*;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.*;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class DynamicallyColoredBarChart extends Application {
  @Override public void start(Stage stage) {
    final CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis();
    final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
    final BarChart<String, Number> bc = new BarChart<>(xAxis, yAxis);
    XYChart.Series series1 = new XYChart.Series();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      // change color of bar if value of i is >5 than red if i>8 than blue
      final XYChart.Data<String, Number> data = new XYChart.Data("Value " + i, i);
      data.nodeProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Node>() {
        public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Node> ov, Node oldNode, Node newNode) {
          if (newNode != null) {
            if (data.getYValue().intValue() > 8) {
              newNode.setStyle("-fx-bar-fill: -fx-exceeded;");
            } else if (data.getYValue().intValue() > 5) {
              newNode.setStyle("-fx-bar-fill: -fx-achieved;");
            } else {
              newNode.setStyle("-fx-bar-fill: -fx-not-achieved;");
    LevelLegend legend = new LevelLegend();
    VBox chartWithLegend = new VBox();
    chartWithLegend.getChildren().setAll(bc, legend);
    stage.setScene(new Scene(chartWithLegend));;
  class LevelLegend extends GridPane {
    LevelLegend() {
      addRow(0, createSymbol("-fx-exceeded"),     new Label("Exceeded"));
      addRow(1, createSymbol("-fx-achieved"),     new Label("Achieved"));
      addRow(2, createSymbol("-fx-not-achieved"), new Label("Not Achieved"));
    private Node createSymbol(String fillStyle) {
      Shape symbol = new Ellipse(10, 5, 10, 5);
      symbol.setStyle("-fx-fill: " + fillStyle);
      return symbol;
  public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }
/** colored-chart.css: place in same directory as other bar chart application files and setup your build system to copy it to the output directory */
.root {
  -fx-not-achieved: red;
  -fx-achieved:     green;
  -fx-exceeded:     blue;
.default-color0.chart-bar { -fx-bar-fill: -fx-not-achieved; }
.default-color1.chart-bar { -fx-bar-fill: -fx-achieved; }
.default-color2.chart-bar { -fx-bar-fill: -fx-exceeded; }
.level-legend {
  -fx-padding: 10;
  -fx-border-width: 2;
  -fx-background-color: rgba(211, 211, 211, 0.5);
  -fx-border-color: derive(rgba(211, 211, 211, 0.7), 10%);

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    what do you mean by connecting 2 databases? can you explain further?
    using entityframework you can connect to different databases
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    public ReportContext()
    : base("DefaultConnection")
    public DbSet<Customers> Customers { get; set; }
    and your connectionstring (config file)
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    Please find below my code. Everything is hardcoded. So it may look messy. Please excuse.
    // Imports
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
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    import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
    class SimpleTableExample extends JFrame {
    // Instance attributes used in this example
    private JPanel topPanel;
    private JTable table;
    private JScrollPane scrollPane;
    String data1 = "";
    String data2 = "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVQWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaquickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog";
    int size = data2.length();
    // Constructor of main frame
    public SimpleTableExample() {
         // Set the frame characteristics
         setTitle("Simple Table Application");
         setSize(400, 200);
         // Create a panel to hold all other components
         topPanel = new JPanel();
         topPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         // Create columns names
         String columnNames[] = { "SEL", "DESIGN DATA", "PART NUMBER" };
         // Create some data
         String dataValues[][] = { { data1, data2, "67", "77" },
              { "", "43", "853" }, { "", "89.2", "109" },
              { "", "9033", "3092" } };
         DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(dataValues, columnNames);
         model.addColumn("PART TITLE");
         model.addColumn("SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS");
         table = new JTable(model) {
         public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
              return false;
         // set specific row height
         int colInd = 0;
         TableColumn col = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(colInd);
         int width = 50;
         int colInd2 = 1;
         TableColumn col2 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(colInd2);
         int width2 = 100;
         int colInd3 = 2;
         TableColumn col3 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(colInd3);
         int width3 = 10;
         int colInd4 = 3;
         TableColumn col4 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(colInd4);
         int width4 = 10;
         int colInd5 = 4;
         TableColumn col5 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(colInd5);
         int width5 = 10;
         table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
              if (e.getClickCount() == 2) {
              JTable target = (JTable) e.getSource();
              int row = target.getSelectedRow();
              int column = target.getSelectedColumn();
              TableColumn col1 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
              TableColumn col2 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
                   new TableCellLongTextRenderer());
              TableColumn col5 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(4);
         // Create a new table instance
         // table = new JTable(dataValues, columnNames);
         // Add the table to a scrolling pane
         scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
         topPanel.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    // Main entry point for this example
    public static void main(String args[]) {
         // Create an instance of the test application
         SimpleTableExample mainFrame = new SimpleTableExample();
    class TableCellLongTextRenderer extends JTextArea implements TableCellRenderer {
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
         boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
         this.setText((String) value);
         // set the JTextArea to the width of the table column
         if (table.getRowHeight(row) != getPreferredSize().height) {
         // set the height of the table row to the calculated height of the
         // JTextArea
         table.setRowHeight(row, getPreferredSize().height);
         return this;
    Edited by: 915175 on Aug 3, 2012 4:24 AM

    Try below code. Hope this will help
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
    import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
    public class SimpleTableExample extends JFrame {
    private JPanel topPanel;
    private JTable table;
    private JScrollPane scrollPane;
    String data1 = "";
    String data2 = "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVQWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaquickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog";
    int size = data2.length();
    // Constructor of main frame
    public SimpleTableExample() {
    // Set the frame characteristics
    setTitle("Simple Table Application");
    setSize(400, 200);
    // Create a panel to hold all other components
    topPanel = new JPanel();
    topPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    // Create columns names
    String columnNames[] = { "SEL", "DESIGN DATA", "PART NUMBER" };
    // Create some data
    String dataValues[][] = { { data1, data2, "67", "77" },
    { "", "43", "853" }, { "", "89.2", "109" },
    { "", "9033", "3092" } };
    DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(dataValues, columnNames);
    model.addColumn("PART TITLE");
    model.addColumn("SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS");
    table = new JTable(model) {
    public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
    return false;
    // set specific row height
    int colInd = 0;
    TableColumn col = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(colInd);
    int width = 50;
    int colInd2 = 1;
    TableColumn col2 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(colInd2);
    int width2 = 100;
    int colInd3 = 2;
    TableColumn col3 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(colInd3);
    int width3 = 10;
    int colInd4 = 3;
    TableColumn col4 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(colInd4);
    int width4 = 10;
    int colInd5 = 4;
    TableColumn col5 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(colInd5);
    int width5 = 10;
    // Cell Render should apply on each column -- add by Rupali
    for(int i=0; i< table.getColumnModel().getColumnCount(); i++){
    table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i).setCellRenderer( new TableCellLongTextRenderer());
    table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    if (e.getClickCount() == 2) {
    JTable target = (JTable) e.getSource();
    int row = target.getSelectedRow();
    int column = target.getSelectedColumn();
    setTableCellHeight(table,row,column); //Added by Rupali
    TableColumn col1 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
    TableColumn col2 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
    TableColumn col5 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(4);
    // Create a new table instance
    // table = new JTable(dataValues, columnNames);
    // Add the table to a scrolling pane
    scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
    topPanel.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    * Created By Rupali
    * This will set cell's height and column's width
    * @param table
    * @param row
    * @param column
    public void setTableCellHeight(JTable table, int row, int column) {
    // set the JTextArea to the width of the table column
    if (table.getRowHeight(row) != getPreferredSize().height) {
    // set the height of the table row to the calculated height of the
    // JTextArea
    table.setRowHeight(row, getPreferredSize().height);
    // Main entry point for this example
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    // Create an instance of the test application
    SimpleTableExample mainFrame = new SimpleTableExample();
    class TableCellLongTextRenderer extends JTextArea implements TableCellRenderer {
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
    boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
    this.setText((String) value);
    return this;

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    Dear All,
    We have to sent back some stock to vendor through MBRL.This stock consist of two batches.But during MBRL i could able to enter only one batch.How can i give more batches in this screen.
    Please give the inputs.
    Thanks and regards,

    If you are doing it with MBRL, then you have to specify a material document number.
    So the posting can only have the same info as SAP could adopt from this material document.
    You probably have to execute MBRL several times

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    pls help !!!!

    1.I want to validate if the value entered is pure integer
    Option 1-
    select the component and in the Property Inspector, in the "Core" category select a "Converter" format, select javax.faces.Number, if the user put a string, adf show a dialog error or message error...
    Option 2-
    or use the Regular expression:-
    Also check this:-
    Option 3-
    Frank in his great book 'Oracle Fusion Developer Guide' shows a example using a javascript for input which is allowed only for numbers. You can manipulate for your requirement.
    Here is the code:
    function filterForNumbers(evt) {
        //get ADF Faces event source, InputText.js
        var inputField = evt.getSource();
        var oldValue = inputField.getValue();
        var ignoredControlKeys = new Array(AdfKeyStroke.BACKSPACE_KEY, AdfKeyStroke.TAB_KEY, AdfKeyStroke.ARROWLEFT_KEY, AdfKeyStroke.ARROWRIGHT_KEY, AdfKeyStroke.ESC_KEY, AdfKeyStroke.ENTER_KEY, AdfKeyStroke.DELETE_KEY);
        //define the key range to exclude from field input
        var minNumberKeyCode = 48;
        var maxNumberKeyCode = 57;
        var minNumberPadKeyCode = 96;
        var maxNumberPadKeyCode = 105;
        //key pressed by the user
        var keyCodePressed = evt.getKeyCode();
        //if it is a control key, don't suppress it
        var ignoreKey = false;
        for (keyPos in ignoredControlKeys) {
            if (keyCodePressed == ignoredControlKeys[keyPos]) {
                ignoreKey = true;
        //return if key should be ignored
        if (ignoreKey == true) {
            return true;
        //filter keyboard input
        if (keyCodePressed < minNumberKeyCode || keyCodePressed > maxNumberPadKeyCode) {
            //set value back to previous value
            //no need for the event to propagate to the server, so cancel
            return true;
        if (keyCodePressed > maxNumberKeyCode && keyCodePressed < minNumberPadKeyCode) {
            //set value back to previous value
            return true;
    2.I want to check if the value exists in my respective DB You must be having EO or VO if you want to validate with database in that case use the solution suggested by Timo.

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    I am having problem with getting ie10 to set ie9 compatibility for a single site (
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    The only thing the three website share is the URL contains ''.
    Marking '' to run in compatibility mode affects the other 2 websites - mainly which will not work now since it only runs in pure ie10 mode. 
    Should you be able to add an individual site to the compatibility list instead of all sites that have in the URL? Am I missing a simple setting in the ie10?
    As a workaround I am using the F12 Developer Tools to set the Browser Mode which temporary sets the compatibility mode. However this is not a nice solution to the end users at our organisation. 

    problem is not solved for non corporate environments...
    You could start your own thread.  Then if you got that answer and it was marked Answered you would have the ability to unmark it.  The OP of this one seems satisfied.  Also note that this is TechNet.  Consumers can get help on Answers
    Robert Aldwinckle
    Oh! I wrote it wrong: I should have said: This is not solved for NON-AD environments. No demands what so ever to use Window 7/8 professional in a small corporation or on a big corporation with Island of smaller departments for example offshore.
    The problem is that the thread is not "Answered" by the OP, its is marked answered by a moderator (and same moderator that did the answer) so no way of telling if the OP is satisfied.
    But you are right in the fact that I am almost kidnapping the thread. But a complete answer would benefit all in this case I would presume.

  • How to create a Platinum,Gold and Silver Customer and how to set different price for a single material based on customer?

    Hi All,
    How to create a Platinum,Gold and Silver Customer and how to set different price for a single material based on customer?
    Assume Material is Pen.
    While creating Sales Order in VA01 how to bring different price for the same material for Platinum,Gold and Silver Customers.
    Kindly help me out.
    Renjith Jose

    A good place to start is
    Also, do a search in this forum on HttpURLConnection. That class allows you to use POST method to send form data to a web server.
    "Hidden" variables are only hidden in HTML. The HTTP that gets POSTed to the web server doesn't distinguish between hidden and not hidden. That is, the content you would write to the HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream() would be something like:
    hidden=1&submit=ok(Of course, the variable names would depend on what the web server was expecting from the form.)
    Also, be sure to set the Content-Type request parameter to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

  • HOW TO: Add /manipulate columns for a GridControl

    HOW TO: Add /manipulate columns for a GridControl when the columns (attributes) are from different entity objects.
    This HOWTO describes the basic steps of using attributes from different entity objects for a GridControl.
    One way you can create a GridControl which contain attributes from different entity objects is to create a view object and base it on the entity objects which contain
    the desired attributes.
    Here are the basic steps:
    1.Create a new view object (or use an existing view object) by selecting File>New from the menu, clicking the Business Components tab and double-clicking
    on the View Object icon.
    2.In the View Object wizard change the name to something meaningful.
    3.Select the entity objects you will base your view object on.
    4.Nivigate to the attribute screen and select the attributes you would like to include in your view object from each entity object. At this point you can also create
    a new attribute by clicking the "New" button. The new attribute can be a concatenation of other attributes, derived from a calculation etc.
    5.In the query panel of the View Object wizard, click "Expert mode" and enter a query statement. You write complex queries such as decoding a set of attribute
    6.Add your newly to your newly created view object to the application module by double-clicking on the application module in the navigation pane and selecting
    your view object from the list.
    7.Create a new row set.
    8.Bind row set to a query by editing their queryinfo property and selecting your view object and its attributes from the queryInfo pane.
    9.Create a GridControl and bind it to the row set by editing the dataItemName property of the GridControl. Since the GridControl is bound at the row set level
    all of the related attributes are automatically added.

    Are you intending this as a commercial solution or a work around?
    To take an existing equivalent, one would build a view in the database tailored for each grid in an Oracle Forms application. Or a separate query layered over tables for each form/grid in a Delphi or Access application? Even if it is ninety nine percent the same over half a dozen forms/grids?
    And now you've added a whole slew of "slightly different" rowSetInfos to maintain.
    So if you wanted to add a column that needs to appear everywhere... you've just increased the workload multi-fold?
    That would be a management nightmare, wouldn't it? Not to mention yet more performance cost and a slower system?
    Hmmmm..... I'm not sure I like where this is headed... someone needs to do some convincing...

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    how to add new payscale for an employee  in sap hr-abap,its urgent.
    Message was edited by:
            bharat kumar
    Message was edited by:
            bharat kumar

    If that field which you wants to add is available in one of the structures like EKKO,EKPO then you can add that field just beside the other fields
    If that field is not there in the any of the structures then you can define a variable using define command
    /: DEFINE  &VAR&
    / &VAR&  = <some value>
    or you can write subroutines to fetch the data from outside tables and can use those fields data in the script
    <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

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    Border's are a Swing feature, you will have to draw one by yourself (extend Panel and override paint()).

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    Maybe you would be better off posting this in the iPhoto or iDVD categories of the forums.
    The answer to your question depends on what you ant to do with the DVD.
    Do you want a DVD menu, slide show etc.
    iPhoto will allow you to burn straight to a DVD. Just select the album you want to burn then go to share in the tool bar and select Burn.

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         Based on demand,I need to extend a new field(Company) in Master Agreement.
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    Hello Jacky,
    To combine all the answers above and have a topic-based reply please go through the below steps:
    #1. Inactivate the current extension field Company (I see it is actually a String value and this is not what you want to have)
    #2. Go to Setup -> System Setup -> Extension Reference Types
    Check if you already have a Company reference type
    If not, create a new Extension Reference Type for Class Company. Fill in all required information.
    #3. Create a new Extension Attribute
    Select Data Type: Object Reference
    Now you can add the Company type as reference
    Bogdan Toma

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    Hi All,
    When we execute a program, the output is displayed using ALV grid.
    on the ALV grid, if we press F1 on a field, it should popup the help document.
    How to add F1 help for a field on ALV grid.
    Thank you all in advance.

    fill field LVC_S_FCAT-ROLLNAME of your fieldcatalog in method SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY

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    Hi friends,
    How to add search help for standard field LIKP-TRAID ,
    refer screen
    Program Name       SAPMV50A  
    Screen Number      2108      
    TrnsIDCode ( LIKP-TRAID ) ..
    I need to add a search help, so that i can retrieve data from Ztable.

    Hi Abhi,
    Try using any one option:
    Create a Search Help in SE11.
    Now Goto SE11 -> Enter Ztable -> Select that field -> Click Search Help and try to assign the created Search help to that field in your Ztable explicitly
    Create a Zdata element in SE11.
    In Data Element, under Further Characteristics tab, enter Name  Parameters of Search Help.
    Assign this data element to that field in ur Ztable.
    Create a Zdomain and maintain a Value Table or Fixed Values for it.
    Assign this domain to that field in ur Ztable.

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    I has buy a IP cam, but I don't know how to add a port for a IP cam in the airport extreme setting? (I can see the IP cam in local, but not the internet.) Many Thanks!

    atwoodjordan, Welcome to the discussion area!
    See Steve Newstrum's user tip "How do I use Port Mapping (Part I)". When it talks about giving your Mac a static IP address just substitute camera instead.

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