How to adjust the memory size of partition?

I have the mac os partition and bootcamp partition in my air now. And I installed win7 into the bootcamp for 190G. So I want to adjust the size of bootcamp and enlarge the mac os partition, and create a new partition for using time machine. Can I make it without losing any data?

Keeping no backups is a disaster waiting to happen so it is good that you are planning to use TimeMachine, but putting your backup on a partition of the drive you are backing up is almost like having no backup plan. There are lots of reasons you'd need to restore from a backup and many (if not most) would also leave your TM backup unusable. If your hard drive dies you'd have no TM backup. If your partition table is damaged you'd have no backup. If your computer were stolen you'd have no backup. If fire or flood destroyed your computer you'd have no backup. Buy an external hard drive and use that for TM backups and you can leave your computer's hard drive alone.

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       LOOP AT it_xmltab INTO wa_xmltab.
           TRANSFER wa_xmltab TO FNAME.
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    DATA : filename TYPE rlgrap-filename.
    DATA : doc_name TYPE char30.
    DATA : bin_size TYPE i.
    SELECT matnr matkl meins
           FROM mara INTO TABLE it_mara
           UP TO 10 ROWS.
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        i_xml_doc_name       = doc_name
        pe_bin_filesize      = bin_size
        i_tab_sap_data       = it_mara         "  contains  10 Records
        i_tab_converted_data = it_xmltab.
    placing XML File in Appl. Server
    DATA : FNAME(60) VALUE 'xyz_File'.
    DATA : num TYPE i.
    DATA : xmldata(256) TYPE x.
      For Writing The data in Application Server
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      LOOP AT it_xmltab INTO wa_xmltab.
        TRANSFER wa_xmltab TO FNAME.
      MESSAGE e004(zmsg5) WITH 'File FNAME not opened'.
      For Reading The data in Application Server
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        READ DATASET fname INTO xmldata.
        WRITE :/ xmldata.
        Clear xmldata.
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    <?xml version="1.0"?><TY_MARA><TY_MARA><MATNR Datatype="C" Length="36">0-BUY1</MATNR><MATKL Datatype="C" Length="18">012</MATKL><MEINS Datatype="C" Length="6">PC
    </TY_MARA><TY_MARA><MATNR Datatype="C" Length="36">0-BUY2</MATNR><MATKL Datatype="C" Length="18">012</MATKL><MEINS Datatype="C" Length="6">
    PC </MEINS>
    </TY_MARA><TY_MARA><MATNR Datatype="C" Length="36">000000000000000001</MATNR><MEINS Datatype="C" Length="6">EA</MEINS>
    </TY_MARA><TY_MARA><MATNR Datatype="C" Length="36">000000000000000002</MATNR

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
    import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder;
    import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
    public class MemoryMonitor extends JPanel {
        static JCheckBox dateStampCB = new JCheckBox("Output Date Stamp");
        public Surface surf;
        JPanel controls;
        boolean doControls;
        JTextField tf;
        public MemoryMonitor() {
            setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            setBorder(new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(), "Memory Monitor"));
            add(surf = new Surface());
            controls = new JPanel();
            controls.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(135,80));
            Font font = new Font("serif", Font.PLAIN, 10);
            JLabel label = new JLabel("Sample Rate");
            tf = new JTextField("1000");
            tf.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(45,20));
            controls.add(label = new JLabel("ms"));
            addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
                public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
                   if ((doControls = !doControls)) {
                   } else {
                       try {
                           surf.sleepAmount = Long.parseLong(tf.getText().trim());
                       } catch (Exception ex) {note.alert(ex);}
        public void start() {
        public class Surface extends JPanel implements Runnable {
            public Thread thread;
            public long sleepAmount = 1000;
            private int w, h;
            private BufferedImage bimg;
            private Graphics2D big;
            private Font font = new Font("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN, 11);
            private Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
            private int columnInc;
            private int pts[];
            private int ptNum;
            private int ascent, descent;
            private float freeMemory, totalMemory;
            private Rectangle graphOutlineRect = new Rectangle();
            private Rectangle2D mfRect = new Rectangle2D.Float();
            private Rectangle2D muRect = new Rectangle2D.Float();
            private Line2D graphLine = new Line2D.Float();
            private Color graphColor = new Color(46, 139, 87);
            private Color mfColor = new Color(0, 100, 0);
            private String usedStr;
            public Surface() {
                addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
                    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
                        if (thread == null) start(); else stop();
            public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
                return getPreferredSize();
            public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
                return getPreferredSize();
            public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
                return new Dimension(135,80);
            public void paint(Graphics g) {
                if (big == null) {
                float freeMemory = (float) r.freeMemory();
                float totalMemory = (float) r.totalMemory();
                // .. Draw allocated and used strings ..
                big.drawString(String.valueOf((int) totalMemory/1024) + "K allocated",  4.0f, (float) ascent+0.5f);
                usedStr = String.valueOf(((int) (totalMemory - freeMemory))/1024)
                    + "K used";
                big.drawString(usedStr, 4, h-descent);
                // Calculate remaining size
                float ssH = ascent + descent;
                float remainingHeight = (float) (h - (ssH*2) - 0.5f);
                float blockHeight = remainingHeight/10;
                float blockWidth = 20.0f;
                float remainingWidth = (float) (w - blockWidth - 10);
                // .. Memory Free ..
                int MemUsage = (int) ((freeMemory / totalMemory) * 10);
                int i = 0;
                for ( ; i < MemUsage ; i++) {
                    mfRect.setRect(5,(float) ssH+i*blockHeight,
                                    blockWidth,(float) blockHeight-1);
                // .. Memory Used ..
                for ( ; i < 10; i++)  {
                    muRect.setRect(5,(float) ssH+i*blockHeight,
                                    blockWidth,(float) blockHeight-1);
                // .. Draw History Graph ..
                int graphX = 30;
                int graphY = (int) ssH;
                int graphW = w - graphX - 5;
                int graphH = (int) remainingHeight;
                graphOutlineRect.setRect(graphX, graphY, graphW, graphH);
                int graphRow = graphH/10;
                // .. Draw row ..
                for (int j = graphY; j <= graphH+graphY; j += graphRow) {
                // .. Draw animated column movement ..
                int graphColumn = graphW/15;
                if (columnInc == 0) {
                    columnInc = graphColumn;
                for (int j = graphX+columnInc; j < graphW+graphX; j+=graphColumn) {
                if (pts == null) {
                    pts = new int[graphW];
                    ptNum = 0;
                } else if (pts.length != graphW) {
                    int tmp[] = null;
                    if (ptNum < graphW) {    
                        tmp = new int[ptNum];
                        System.arraycopy(pts, 0, tmp, 0, tmp.length);
                    } else {       
                        tmp = new int[graphW];
                        System.arraycopy(pts, pts.length-tmp.length, tmp, 0, tmp.length);
                        ptNum = tmp.length - 2;
                    pts = new int[graphW];
                    System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, pts, 0, tmp.length);
                } else {
                    pts[ptNum] = (int)(graphY+graphH*(freeMemory/totalMemory));
                    for (int j=graphX+graphW-ptNum, k=0;k < ptNum; k++, j++) {
                        if (k != 0) {
                            if (pts[k] != pts[k-1]) {
                                big.drawLine(j-1, pts[k-1], j, pts[k]);
                            } else {
                                big.fillRect(j, pts[k], 1, 1);
                    if (ptNum+2 == pts.length) {
                        // throw out oldest point
                        for (int j = 1;j < ptNum; j++) {
                            pts[j-1] = pts[j];
                    } else {
                g.drawImage(bimg, 0, 0, this);
            public void start() {
                thread = new Thread(this);
            public synchronized void stop() {
                thread = null;
            public void run() {
                Thread me = Thread.currentThread();
                while (thread == me && !isShowing() || getSize().width == 0) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; }
                while (thread == me && isShowing()) {
                    Dimension d = getSize();
                    if (d.width != w || d.height != h) {
                        w = d.width;
                        h = d.height;
                        bimg = (BufferedImage) createImage(w, h);
                        big = bimg.createGraphics();
                        FontMetrics fm = big.getFontMetrics(font);
                        ascent = (int) fm.getAscent();
                        descent = (int) fm.getDescent();
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) { break; }
                    if (MemoryMonitor.dateStampCB.isSelected()) {
                         System.out.println(new Date().toString() + " " + usedStr);
                thread = null;
    public static void main(String s[]) {
            final MemoryMonitor demo = new MemoryMonitor();
            WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}
                public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {; }
                public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {; }
            JFrame f = new JFrame("Java2D Demo - MemoryMonitor");
            f.getContentPane().add("Center", demo);
            f.setSize(new Dimension(200,200));

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    If you change the window size of the script in the original language, it should reflect in the other languages.
    Please activate the script in english once again and see the spanish form again.
    As far as chaniging window size is concerned, Please edit your script in ES and then change it.Or login in ES and then edit the script.
    This is not possible, because the original script is in english.

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    Is there a way to preset the size of the area the player uses to display the content or another solution?
    Kind regards
    I'm using Presenter 8, MSOffice 2010, everything is up-to-date

    Try selecting the pages you would like to display at 85% in the Page Thumbnail navigation pane. Right-click and select Page Properties. Click on the Actions tab and choose Go to a Page view from the dropdown.
    Next, change the magnification of those same pages and click Set Link.
    Each time someone navigates to those pages the magnification will change to 85%.

  • How to adjust the column size

    Hi All,
    I have a table UI element and due to length of header my column is expanded in width.  Kindly assist how I can adjust the column length so the look and feel is good.  I am using NWDS 7.0 sp 05.
    Thank you
    Jaspreet Kaur Grewal

    Hi Jaspreet ,
    Try to use less letter in header for table.
    Refer to
    Hope it migh helps

  • How to adjust the page size

    I have an indd file with a magazine, 44 pages, format 210 mm. x 275 mm.
    My problem is that from the beginning I made it in A4 format. This is not a problem for the printing workshop, but it is a problem when I make a pdf file, because it comes out with 22 "empty" millimeters in the bottom. I tried to use File --> Document setup and change the height from 297 mm. to 275 mm., but this cuts only 11 mm. in the bottom - and the other 11 mm. in the top.
    How can I do it right?

    MySpecialSceenName wrote:
    I don't understand
    Nor do I.
    I think it's normal for the page to shrink evenly top and bottom. is the content at the top of your page now cut off?
    You might want to try again after enabling Layout Adjustment (Layout > Layout Adjustment). If the frames are touching guides they should move withthe guides.

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    Thank you for your answers...

    I have trued to clean my hard disk --- but this is not the problem!!
    "IPhoto nn può imporate le foto perchè nn c'è abbastanza spazio libero sul VOLUME che contiene la libreria di Iphoto"
    this is the messege how is coming out....
    it means...
    Iphoto can not import the fotos, because there is not enough free space of VOLUME that containse the library of Iphoto
    do you now that could it be???

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    Actually I have been playing around with this stuff today, here is what you do:
    After you create the flash file with your index.html and swf and ect you can go into the HTML file and change the setting from 640x40 to 320x240. You can also create skins and stuff in there too using your HTML editor or manually playing with it yourself in Notepad like I do.

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    The stack size is set as public const gstackSize in the alchemy generated code.  You can see this if you build with ACHACKS_TMPS set.  The default is one megabyte.
    One way to change the stack size is to use llvm-dis to disassemble avm2-libc/lib/avm2-libc.l.bc, generating avm2-libc.l.ll, modify the constant, and then use llvm-as to recompile your modified library and overwrite the old one.  These utilities should be in your path if alchemy is set up.

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  • How can I adjust the font size in iTunes 11?

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    How to change fontsize in iTunes
    Take an XML-Editor and open:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.Resources\de.lproj\TextStyles.plist"
    For other languages change your country code (de, en, fr, pl ...).
    Example for english:  "\en.lproj\TextStyles.plist".
    Backup this File !!!
    To change the Text-Size, change the integer value of the following item:
    This means Text-Size 8
    This means Text-Size 12
    To change the font, change the integer value of the following item:
    This means the font changes to Arial
    This also works:
    Example of common Text Properties:
    <!-- Artist View, Text Size In Artist List , Unselected -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item table cell 3</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
      <!-- Artist View, Text Size In Artist List, Selected -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item table cell 3 (bold)</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Album View Text Size, Titles Of Track List, After Click On Album -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item track list 1</string>
            <string>Segoe UI Semibold</string>
      <!-- Artist View Text Size, Titels Of Track List -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item track list 2</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
      <!-- Track Number Size, In Album And Artist View -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item track list 3</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
      <!-- Artist Text Size, In Album And Artist View -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item track list 4</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Album View Text Size, Title Of Album Under The Cover -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item grid 1</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
      <!-- Album View Text Size, Artist Under The Cover -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item grid 2</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Titleview Textsize In Table -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>List Contents (Small)</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Title View Text Size, Title Of Album Next To Cover -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>List Contents (Small Bold)</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Textsize Playlist Sidebar Left Selected -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>playlists outline small font (selected)</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Textsize Playlist Sidebar Left Unselected -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>playlists outline small font</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    Hope this helps.

  • How do you adjust the font size for the tabs and icons around the screen?

    How do  you adjust the font size of tabs and and icons to ake them larger?

    Click on the text in the menu so that you see the bounding box around it. Look to the right of the Movie Menu customization workspace, Adjustments Palette, Text and edit your text font style and size.
    In this screenshot, "Glass Flowers" text in the main menu is selected and its Adjustments Palette Text editing opportunities are shown. To do comparable editing in the scene menu, click on the scene menu in the bin to bring its image up to the screen.
    Please let us know if you are OK with the details.
    Please also review the following Adobe document on disc menus which applies to both version 11 and 12.
    Adobe Premiere Elements 11 * Creating disc menus
    By the way, what computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12 running on?

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    Checkout an interesting article called " Oracle9iAS Portal Best Practices: Regions" to understand resizing region.

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