How to Appove items in Workflow

I have some 1,000 items in workflow, is there any possible way so that i can approve all the items at time??

'Approve' does release items to server BUT there is a difference from an audit perspective between someone approving an item (and it becoming released) or disabling a workflow (anbd it becoming released). The end result is the same though.
Disabling / Enabling a workflow is a simple configuration performed via the Workflow Admin Applet.
If you have no intention of checking the content items and just want them out of the workflow this is the easiest way by far!!!
You can reenable the worflow immediately. The only downsides are
1) The fact that the items have not been checked or approved
2)ALL items are released from the workflow.

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    Workitem-ID 000000714642
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    Statustext Waiting
    Date 13.06.2008
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    Thx for that. I need to trigger the Approval workflow to go the the approval manager.
    Can u give me the document on this? thx,  kerry.liu [at]
    Thx very much

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    Thank You Suresh,
    You are refering to the emails in the inbox ( SBWP ) where I can delete my emails with the help of a delete button. But I am referring to the workflow items that are present under INBOX -> WORKFLOW. There is no delete button on these workflow items. If we execute these workflow items then they will be deleted automatically. I am looking for a solution by which I can delete (clean up) all the workflow items that are not executed from last year so that we can be ready for our compensation for this year.

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    How can i execute a workflow using a bapi/wapi??
    pls advice

    Hi Hrus,
    it's not as simple as a single BAPI to approve a workflow.
    Workflow comes with a Workflow API (WAPI) that you can use to programmatically interact with the workflow system. The WAPI is implemented as a group of RFC-enabled function modules that are prefixed with "SAP_WAPI_".
    Approving a workflow is simply taking a decision path for a workflow item. It is logically no different to rejecting the same workflow item or any other workflow decision.
    As part of NetWeaver workflow is tightly coupled to the WAS platform you are running on so you may need to perform WAPI operations slightly differently on older releases.
    Some of the WAPI calls you might need to use include: -
      SAP_WAPI_GET_HEADER to get the workitem header
      SAP_WAPI_READ_CONTAINER to get the workitem container
      SAP_WAPI_GET_OBJECTS to get the attached objects
      SAP_WAPI_DECISION_READ to get a list of possible decisions
      SAP_WAPI_SET_WORKITEM_STATUS to set the workitem status
      SAP_WAPI_WRITE_CONTAINER to write to the workitem container
      SAP_WAPI_EXECUTE_WORKITEM to execute the workitem
    I usually do what you are trying to do by adding the decision to the workflow container and then executing the workflow.
    Be warned, you can really stuff things up if you get this wrong! Make sure you know what you are doing.
    Quoting from Practical Workflow for SAP by Alan Rickayzen, et al from SAP Press...
    Writing directly to the workflow container is dangerous because it can compromise the integrity of the process. careful that you do not waste time duplicating existing ad hoc features of SAP's Workflow Engine.
    For example you can use events (combined with wait steps), instead of container modifications to force the workflow to restart.
    Graham Robbo

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    What do you want to know?
    Tokens are variables that eventually map to either individual user names or aliases (groups of users).
    The token is defined and then included in the workflow step in addition to or in place of a user or alias.
    A token is a piece of idoc script that ends like this <$wfAddUser("Name", "type")$>. Name, like i mentioned above, is a user name or an alias name. Type is a string identifier; either "user" or "alias".
    Because it's Idoc Script, the token can evaluate anything available in the databinder as well as execute other functions.
    A very easy way of using tokens is to map a metadata field that you know will contain a user name to the "Name" parameter. The dDocAuthor field will always contain a user name. So the token might look like this: <$wfAddUser(dDocAuthor, "user")$>. When set as a workflow user, this token will route the item to the person listed as the author.
    Because tokens are evaluated in workflow after the entry event (read the docco if you don't know what step events are), you can do some complex caluclations in the entry event and then pull the results into the token. For example, you might want to auto-escalate workflow content to my manger. If we presume that my manager's user name is part of my user profile, (say in a user metadata field called uManager), we can figure out who my manager is in the entry event, set my managers name into the companion file (read the docco if you don't know what this is), then pull it out in the token when the token is evaluated.
    this might look something like:
    --- ENTRY EVENT CODE ---
    <$me=dUser$> <!-- this sets the current user to the idoc variable "me"-->
    <$myManager=getValueForSpecifiedUser(me,'uManager')$> <!--this grabs the value of the uManager field for me-->
    <$wfSet("manager", myManager)$><!--this creates a variable in the companion file called "manager" and sets its value to the value of the myManager variable-->
    ----Token Code---
    <$wfAddUser(wfGet("manager"),"user")$> <!--this pulls the value of the "manager" variable out of the companion file and sets it as the token user.-->
    This is only the tip of the iceberg. One token can have multiple <$wfAddUser...$> declarations. They can be conditional: <$if ..some condition$><$wfAddUser...$><$else$><$wfAddUser...$><$endif$>
    Check out the workflow reference guide that is in the documentation library for more ideas.

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    ContentIterator as defined here:,
    but that still throws the query throttle exception. I tried specifying the RowLimit parameter in the ProcessListItems functions, as suggested by the first comment here:,
    but it still throws the query throttle exception. I tried using GetDataTable instead, still throws query throttle exception. I can't run this as admin, I can't raise the threshold limit, I can't raise the threshold limit temporarily, I can't override the lists
    throttling(i.e. list.EnableThrottling = false;), and I can't override the SPQuery(query.QueryThrottleMode = SPQueryThrottleOption.Override;). Does anyone know how to get items back in this situation or has anyone succesfully beaten the query throttle exception?
    My Query:
        <FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='TRUE' />
        <Geq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Counter'>0</Value></Geq>
    My ViewXml:
            <OrderBy><FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='TRUE' /></OrderBy>
                <Geq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Counter'>0</Value></Geq>
    Thanks again.

    I was using code below to work with 700000+ items in the list.
    SPWeb oWebsite = SPContext.Current.Web;
    SPList oList = oWebsite.Lists["MyList"];
    SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
    oQuery.RowLimit = 2000;
    int intIndex = 1;
    SPListItemCollection collListItems = oList.GetItems(oQuery);
    foreach (SPListItem oListItem in collListItems)
    //do something oListItem["Title"].ToString()
    oQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = collListItems.ListItemCollectionPosition;
    } while (oQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition != null);
    Hi Oleg, thanks for replying.
    The problem with the code you have is that your SPQuery object's QueryThrottleMode is set to default. If you run that code as a local admin no throttle limits will be applied, but if you're not admin you will still have the normal throttle limits. In my
    situation it won't be run as a local admin so the code you provided won't work. You can simulate my dilemma by setting the QuerryThrottleMode  property to SPQueryThrottleOption.Strict, and I'm sure you'll start to get SPQueryThrottledException's
    as well on that list of 700000+ items.
    Thanks anyway though

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    Changing the Item Attribute control to Org Level for Item Status
    Log on to Organization Items and Selecting the Item Status as Inactive.
    Can any one please let me know what are the pre requisits before Inactivating an Items and The procedure I am following is correct.
    Srinivasa Garikipati

    Please check serial attribute and org attribute problems with item master and see its helpful
    Also you can check: part
    1. Once an item is assigned to an organization, is it possible to remove this association at a later time?
    2. How do I inactivate an item?

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    Hi all,
    1. Purchase requisition Line items  (How many line items can we use?), is there any restrictions.
    2. While creating PO with only one tax code for the related PR to input Tax code (without selecting  line Items).

    There is no limitation for number of items in PR.
    Tax code is always applicable for individual item only.It cannot be selected form the whole PO.

  • WD(ABAP) - how to populate items in itemlistbox

    Is there any reference about how to populate items in Itemlistbox? I have tried to bind a context node with cardinality 1..n and Selection 0..n to the datasource of a itemlistbox element. The node contains two attributes jy and jy_text representing value and text repectively. I assign some sets of data to the attributes and finally bind the table to the node. But it doesn't display anything in the itemlistbox at runtime. Does anyone have idea?
    My code is like this:
        NODE_HEAD                           TYPE REF TO IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE,
        NODE_JY_LIST                        TYPE REF TO IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE,
        ELEM_JY_LIST                        TYPE REF TO IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT,
        STRU_JY_LIST                        TYPE IF_MAIN=>ELEMENT_JY_LIST,
        tb_jy_list                          like table of STRU_JY_LIST,
        tb_is                               type table of v_tb038a_std,
        st_is                               type v_tb038a_std.
    * navigate from <CONTEXT> to <HEAD> via lead selection
    * navigate from <HEAD> to <JY_LIST> via lead selection
    select ind_sector text into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE tb_is from V_TB038A_STD where SPRAS = '1'.
    LOOP AT tb_is into st_is.
      STRU_JY_LIST-jy = st_is-ind_sector.
      STRU_JY_LIST-jy_text = st_is-text.
    insert STRU_JY_LIST into TABLE tb_jy_list.
    NODE_JY_LIST->bind_table( tb_jy_list ).
    Message was edited by: Fred Zhou

    Hi Fred,
    You should check the following:
    The text property of the listbox should bind to the text attribute of your context node.

  • How to hide items on Windows 8 File Explorer Ribbon

    This article describes how to hide items on the file explorer ribbon in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
    We can implement it via customizing the permission of the related registry keys.
    Note: Before you make changes to a registry key or subkey, we recommend that you export, or make a backup copy, of the key or subkey.
    Before you make changes to a registry key or subkey, we recommend that you
    export, or make a backup copy, of the key or subkey.
    Step 1:
    Registry Editor and locate to following registry key under which you can find the corresponding keys of the items on the File Explorer Ribbon.
    In the following figure, it shows the Add a network location item on the file explorer ribbon, and the corresponding
    registry key in Registry Editor.
    Step 2:
    Take ownership of the registry key
    Note: You can take ownership
    of a registry key if you are logged on as an administrator or if you have been specifically assigned the permission to take ownership of the registry key by the current owner.
    Right-click on the registry key which you want to take ownership of,
    and then select
    Permissions... option.
    Click on
    Advanced button to grant special permissions in the key.
    At the top to the right of the current
    Owner, click on the Change link.
    Administrator in the Enter the object name to select
    box, and then click on Check Names.
    Click on
    OK twice to apply.
    Step 3:
    Change the permission of the registry key.
    Permissions for the key name display dialog, click
    Administrators in the Group or user names window, and then select the
    Allow check box for
    Full Control
    Users in the Group or user names window, and then select the
    check box for
    Full Control
    Step 4:
    Click on
    Apply and OK to save the changes and the following figure shows the modified permissions and owner.
    Step 5:
    When you open File Explorer, the item you would like to hide disappears. For your information, the following is an example:
    Item: Add a network location
    Corresponding Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\Windows.AddNetworkLocation
    For advanced users
    You can also deploy script with Set-Acl which is a PowerShell command to take ownership and change permissions
    of the keys. For your information, please refer to the following articles to learn more about this command:
    SET-ACL on registry key
    Apply to
    Windows 8
    Windows 8.1
    Welcome to your feedbacks.
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    The reason they gave was it is possible for the file to stay open when done with the file. (not properly closing) As the driver would be accessing the file to retrieve the thumbnail.
    The thing is a driver is nothing more than a program it self. Therefore it is capable of opening and closing a file and placing the thumbnail into the database for that folder. It then would be capable to verify if the thumbnail exists in that database. Since the driver only has to run when explorer is open in that folder's view, it really is not running that often.
    The catch I can see it when both Illustrator and explorer are running at the same time. Which one should close the file? The solution would be a small app that verifies that both programs are running and has control of clean up when both have closed. The driver and Illustrator could also in theory check and see if the other is running, if it is do nothing if not then close the file.
    So it really boils down to having the driver and Illustrator talking to each other.

  • How to Create material master workflow

    Hi All,
    Can anybody tell me how to create material master workflow?
    i need to customize the workitem  for creating data in different views in MM01 transaction with restriction to particular user.

    This link is to  display a material.My requirement is to create a workflow which will allow a responsible person to enter data for specific department data e.g Purchase,Accounting etc.Initially anyone can create data using basic data1 and basic data2 views.After this my workflow will be triggered and it will go to next person who is responsible to enter Purchase data and then Accounting data.
    Plz help me to create different views with respect to person.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Need FM/BAPI to get how many line items per given FI document...

    Hello Experts,
    IS there an available FM or BAPI to get how many line items there is for a given
    FI document? We are avoinding BSEG because of the performance.
    Hope you can help me guys. Thank you and take care!

    Not sure if there is a specific FMs or BAPIs whose specific purpose is to just count FI document lines. But you can use a number of FMs to read an FI document.
    i.e. FI_DOCUMENT_READ - pass the document keys (BUKRS, BELNR, GJAHR) and retrieve the T_BSEG table to get the document lines. Then you can just use DESCRIBE statement to get the number of lines in T_BSEG.
    Also, based on experience, I never had any problems with BSEG as long as I am providing the complete keys for an FI document (BUKRS, BELNR, GJAHR). But if you are trying to avoid BSEG, you can use the secondary index tables like BSIS , BSAS, BSAD, BSID, BSIK, BSAK to improve performance.
    Oscean Tortona

  • Object array - how to add items?

    I have little problem, how to add item to array, to get something like this:
    Object[][] someObject = {
    {"1", "2"},
    };From this:
    Object[][] someObject = {
    {"1", "2"}
    };? Thanks in advance!

    Once you allocate an array like that, you can't
    resize it.
    Object[][] someObject = {
    {"1", "2"}
    };creates an array with size [1][2]. You can't makeit
    any larger. You can create a new Object[][]
    with the new size, copy the elements into the new
    array, then add your new objects in the newposition.
    or even better use arraylistExcept that he's using this for a JTable, so the best he could do is a Vector. Yuck. :)

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    How to get ProcessInstanceId after Workflow KickOff. Am able to get the InvocationId.
    This is the Snippet :
    InvocationResponse response = myServiceClient.invoke(request);
    invocationId = response.getInvocationId();
    JobManager jobManager = new JobManager(myFactory);
    JobStatus jobStatus = null;
    JobId myJobId = new JobId(invocationId);
    jobStatus = jobManager.getStatus(myJobId);
    System.out.println("Job Status: " + jobStatus.getStatusCode());
    if (jobStatus.getStatusCode()==JobStatus.JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED)
    InvocationResponse jobResponse = jobManager.getResponse(myJobId);
    Process id need to be fetched after Workflow Kickoff
    Can anyone please help me..?

    There are 5 process level variables that get populated when you invoke a process. They are
    Within the xPath builder you can differentiate them from other process variable because they are italicized.
    Now you can create your own process variable - let's say called pid - and have it contain the process id which is stored in /process_data/id.
    The xPath would look something like
    /process_data/@pid = /process_data/@id
    If the pid variable is marked as an 'output' variable, then it will be returned as part of the InvocationResponse.

Maybe you are looking for

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